You could smell the desperation right through the TV.
It seems as though it was for the last day that democrats saved the most colossal stupidity.
Mazie Hirono let slip that democrats have no use for the Constitution
Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono who has a textbook case of Trump Derangement Syndrom on the White House case against impeachment: "I don't care what kind of nice, little, legal, constitutional defenses that they came up with" #StopTheMadness
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 31, 2020
“I don’t care what kind of nice, little, legal, constitutional defenses that they came up with”
Constitution be damned. I thought that if we waited long enough democrats would reveal themselves.
Hakeem Jeffries appeared to be a Trump plant. He argued that the Steele dossier wasn’t foreign interference because it was “purchased.”
Joe Biden drifted off into some distant ethereal world when he asserted that this impeachment wasn’t partisan:
Nadler wants us to treat Trump like a dog
Nadler is the guy the Framers warned us about. Dershowitz reminded us that Congress is not above the Presidency. I am also wondering how that would have gone over had a Republican said it about Obama.
Nancy Pelosi wants the Trump team disbarred because she’s getting her ass kicked.
Now for some facts.
In 1999 Joe Biden argued that there should be no witnesses in the Senate trial of Bill Clinton:
In a January 5, 1999 private memorandum to his fellow Democrat senators at the time, Biden wrote that the Senate should dismiss the articles of impeachment against Clinton without holding what he called a “‘full blown’ trial.”
“The Senate need not hold a ‘full blown’ trial” with witnesses and testimony, then-Sen. Biden wrote. “[T]he Senate may dismiss articles of impeachment without holding a full trial or taking any evidence.”
“Put another way, the Constitution does not impose on the Senate the duty to hold a trial,” he continued. “In fact the Senate need not hold a trial even though the House wishes to present evidence and hold a full trial[.]”
There was an ignorant media tweet which got a proper response
As Dep WH Counsel said Thursday:
✅House Democrats deposed 18 witnesses
✅House Democrats deposed 17 witnesses in public (Why no ICIG Rep Schiff?)
✅Senate heard 192 clips/testimony from 13 witnesses during trial
✅Senate received 28,578 pages of evidence— Marc Lotter – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@marc_lotter) January 31, 2020
There were lots of witnesses. The House simply chose not to pursue more. Nowhere in the US legal system is it stipulated that the defendant must produce witnesses for the prosecution. Any argument that this trial is not “fair” if the Trump defense team does not allow witnesses for the prosecution is plain stupid. Trial are supposed to “fair” to defendants, NOT to prosecutors.
Yes, Virginia, Ukraine DID interfere in the 2016 election.
Philbin has been magnificent.
Joel Pollak observes that the entire democrat impeachment case is built entirely on lies:
1. Ukraine call misquotes. The investigation of the president began with a “whistleblower” complaint that claimed “the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.” The complaint was inaccurate, but the “whistleblower,” at least, admitted he had not heard the call first-hand. After Trump released the transcript, Democrats were deflated, but House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had an answer: he just made up a better version, faking a mob movie dialogue as he opened the first public hearings in the impeachment inquiry.
2. Fake Trump quote. After a series of inaccurate leaks from closed-door meetings in Schiff’s “basement,” Democrats finally voted to authorize the inquiry and hold public hearings. Once the Intelligence Committee was done, the proceedings moved to the Judiciary Committee, where Democrats presented a misquote of the president, complete with deceptively-edited video, claiming “I can do whatever I want” under Article II of the Constitution. Trump was referring to his right to fire executive officials, not his power in general. But the misquote became central to Democrats’ argument that Trump risked becoming a “dictator” if not removed.
3. Fake Dershowitz quote. Once the House impeached the president, and the Senate began its trial, the White House had its first chance to defend itself. Liberal Democrat Alan Dershowitz, who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 but is passionate about the Constitution, presented the argument that a president could only be impeached for “criminal-like” conduct, but not for legal conduct that happened to be in his own political self-interest. Democrats, from Schiff on down, twisted that into the claim that Dershowitz though a president “cannot be impeached for a “quid pro quo,” and it “doesn’t matter how corrupt that quid pro quo is.”
4. Fake Philbin quote. The president’s most effective lawyer in the impeachment trial has been Deputy White House Counsel Patrick Philbin — who, naturally, became the next target. When he was asked if it would violate campaign finance law for the president to accept foreign information about a rival, Philbin answered, correctly, that it would not. Democrats then claimed the president and his lawyers thought it was “okay” to “seek or welcome foreign interference in our elections,” bolstering their case for Trump’s removal.
5. Fake Sondland/Mulvaney quotes. Finally, as moderate Republican Senators began to make up their minds about whether to vote for new witnesses, Schiff misled Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) about whether there was any evidence that Trump had directed anyone to withhold aid until Ukraine investigated the Bidens. He misquoted Sondland, claiming that Trump had told him, “Zelensky has to announce these investigations.” But Sondland told Schiff’s committee directly: “My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement of [investigations].” Schiff also claimed Mulvaney had told reporters that the president withheld aid to prompt an investigation — but Mulvaney never mentioned the Bidens.
THE biggest liar of them all is Adam Schiff and we’ll deal with that separately.
Pelosi and others are claiming that Trump won’t be acquitted if there aren’t witnesses. I have only one thing to say to that.
Here’s the simp rushing to the podium in a last gasp ridiculous effort as Schiff tries to rein him in.
“Jerry, Jerry, Jerry”
Here's the video of Jerry Nadler getting up to answer the final question of the two day Q & A session and Adam Schiff trying to stop him 😂😂😂
— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) January 31, 2020
The Trump team reacts
Have a nice Acquittal Day.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Hey Monkey Man why don you go and climb a mountain all the way to the top using tooth picks and wearing a tutu
I hope Romney isn’t going to use THAT as an excuse since he is perfectly capable of knowing the facts. I can’t imagine a Senator that didn’t watch and review the presentation in the House.
Does anyone need more explicit proof that all this was nothing but a vehicle for Democrats to promote themselves and try to damage Trump in the next election? These Democrats are idiots but they are not so stupid to actually believe they could remove a President from office for the first time in history with NO evidence of any crime, impeachable or otherwise.
Now, what I think was going on was someone put some fresh candy in the podium and Nadler spotted it.
Looks like they may have Nader locked away somewhere.
They couldnt with all the spying find something to blackmail the President with, so by impeachment bring him to heel?
“I don’t care what kind of nice, little, legal, constitutional defenses that they came up with” from a toady little man that makes laws for us, NY this guy took an oath to uphold the document he just demeaned.
@Deplorable Me: I wonder of the fresh supply of candy came from Colorado or has that been the candy the Dems have been snacking on during the whole impeachment process?
maybe the house and house managers did some “weed” during their fake trial and in the Senate. fat ass nadler beat out gay schiff with the fat man shuffle. what a bunch of pathetic losers. bar fly polosi’s political career is over.
Now that there will be no new witnesses, it’s time to put an end to the Soviet style Schittshow, although I kind of miss the idea of the Schittster testifying under oath. Can you imagine how many counts of perjury he would have committed?
Democrats will go right on to their next removal attempt. Bannon said so too. I wanted to ask him if he wore his Captain Obvious outfit when he said that.
When you know your ideas can’t win at the ballot box, courts and violence are all you have left.
@Meremortal: They are also losing the courts!