Welcome back! Let’s jump straight into the crazy:
1/14 – Hey Trump, Declassify The Secret Letters Obama Sent To Iran
An interesting proposal – which is why the Radical Leftists in office and the MSM will do all they can to bury it.
1/15 – The Duchess of Sussex Is a Nasty Whore, and Prince Harry Is a Hopeless Fool
I could actually care less about this, but RS McCain’s headline made it worth the link. And it is actually a good read.
1/17 – Remember truth is not a leftist value
If Leftists’ ideas are superior, why is there not a single issue that doesn’t involve them ignoring facts when they’re not simply outright lying?
1/18 – Babylon Bee CEO: “How funny is it that CNN is coming after us for spreading disinformation?”
In all fairness to CNN, technically The Babylon Bee came at them first for their spreading of disinformation.
1/19 – VA State Senator Issues an Unnerving Warning for Monday’s Gun Rally
Old news by the time you’re reading this, but a good look at how Virginia Democrats maneuvered into place their plans to turn Richmond into their Reichstag Fire. In the aftermath you could hear the disappointment in the voices of all of the Lefties in office and in the media.
1/20 – Government Schooling and Supermarkets
Cafe Hayek was my favorite Economics blog during the Obama years. For a while I’d been annoyed that the site’s become a mostly one trick pony, mainly grousing about President Trump’s tariffs. Then I realized this is really the only major topic worthy of an Econ professor to complain about under Trump (and no, I haven’t forgotten about the federal debt – that’s a topic foe another day). And while I agree that tariffs are bad in general, when they lead to historic trade deals, like the two that Trump signed last week, they are a means to an end.
1/21 – Denver Post Columnist Says He Was Fired Because of His ‘Insistence That There Are Only Two Sexes’
Tell me again how 15 years ago I was being paranoid for opposing gay marriage while supporting civil unions.
This post over at Ace covers three entertainment franchises that I haven’t covered yet that The Radical Left is destroying – DC Comics heroes, Dr. Who, and Star Trek.
1/23 – Man confronts Elizabeth Warren about her plan to wipe out student loans
If Fauxcahontas ends up on the Dems’ 2020 ticket (she probably won’t), expect this case of the mask ripping and Leftists showing their total contempt for anyone who exists outside their urban bubbles comes out.
1/24 – PM Boris Johnson has made good on his promise to the British people
Friendly advice, Democrats – observing and respecting the results of election actually goesover well with voters!
From the archives, we go back almost seven years to April of 2013 for me to point out that It’s Time for the President to Lead by Example. And it’s not who you think!
Have a great week!
The astrophysicist who landed a dishwasher on a moving comet thousands of miles away in space but was reduced to tears because he wore a shirt his female friend made him that was perceived to be sexist by Washington Post reporters.
Fuck yea science! https://t.co/nlw6p45GKR
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) January 15, 2020
The funniest thing about this is remembering Lena Dunham complaining in 2016 that he ignored her ass https://t.co/FuGaranGvf
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) January 16, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
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While exposing those letters and Obama and Kerry’s lying duplicity would be sweet and justified, it would still damage the confidence other nations have that correspondence with the United States has confidentiality. While Democrats never hesitate to violate that trust to further their agenda, they count on Republicans respecting it enough so they remain safe.
Actually, it is further proof that liberalism can ruin anything. I, too, don’t care (my wife, who dotes on anything Royal, could not possibly care less, either) but it shows how liberal influence on a weak mind can destroy any institution. She wants all the prestige, title and money but doesn’t want to do the “Royal” thing. How typically liberal can you get?
“A 30 round magazine was used to shoot this organization’s co-founder, Gabby Giffords, kill six people and injure 12 others in Tucson.” Actually, a PISTOL was used, but thanks for acknowledging that someone with evil intent USED something to harm someone else instead of the implement itself committing the crime. Oops… did they write that out loud?
The problem the Bee has is that no matter how sarcastic and satirist they are, their stories are still so closes to the truth that one has to carefully check them out to tell.
They follow up with THIS. “Ve have VAYS of forcing your compliance, komrad.”
Then there are those like my wife and I that have grown adult children and don’t NEED supermarkets anymore, but we still pay the same taxes… because SOMEONE has to pick up the tab for daycare for the millions of illegal immigrant children.
I guess because biology is no longer considered science? That’s what happens to an old-school liberal like those that used to DEFEND rights.
When you think something can’t be ruined or be made any worse, liberals will say, “Hold my latte.”
Liberals count on the premise that responsible people always “get over it”, but the crybabies they cater to don’t seem to.
Unlike liberals who just find a friendly judge when an election doesn’t go their way, Johnson is complying with the will of the people. England doesn’t need to sacrifice so irresponsible EU members can continue to be irresponsible and be flooded with Muslim immigrants.
Big news is China cant contain its outbreaks, this virus was came not from birds or pigs but snakes? If we are all going to die from a Pandemic it needs a cool name.
Confirmed case of the Kung flu in Seattle.
Wuhan coronavirus, pfft.
The rocket scientist couldnt figure out how to install the new dishwasher? Of course he got dissed she has to wash them by hand, cause he wouldnt call a plumber. See what happens when you call your friends to help.
@kitt: We should send all top Democrats to China to monitor the epidemic and not return until the threat is over.
@Deplorable Me: Feinstein will just call her driver. He can pick her up in a totally Chinese developed new J-31 fighter jet.
@Deplorable Me:
The radicals who’ve seized control of Virginia have a whole plate of toxicity dialed up. The 2nd Amendment assault provides good cover for everything else they intend to shove into their subjects
@kitt: #2: “Kung Flu” – winner!
@Brother Bob: Yes Grasshopper 😉