Why would the FBI intentionally mislead the FISA Court if not for bias?



The DOJ Inspector General’s report disclosed a multitude of FISA violations by the FBI. As noted by John Solomon, there were 51 Woods violations and nine false statements made to the FISA Court.

To understand just how shoddy the FBI’s work was in securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, you only need to read an obscure attachment to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report.

Appendix 1 identifies the total violations by the FBI of the so-called Woods Procedures, the process by which the bureau verifies information and assures the FISA court its evidence is true.

The Appendix identifies a total of 51 Woods procedure violations from the FISA application the FBI submitted to the court authorizing surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page starting in October 2016.

A whopping nine of those violations fell into the category called: “Supporting document shows that the factual assertion is

For those who don’t speak IG parlance, it means the FBI made nine false assertions to the FISA court. In short, what the bureau said was contradicted by the evidence in its official file.

More at the link.

Horowitz also identified 17 “significant errors or omissions” in the FISA application. Among them:

1. Omitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an “operational contact” for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;

2. Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steele’s prior reporting had been “corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,” which overstated the significance of Steele’s past reporting and was not approved by Steele’s handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;

3. Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) INFORMATION REDACTED

4. Asserted that the FBI had assessed that Steele did not directly provide to the press information in the September 23 Yahoo News article based on the premise that Steele had told the FBI that he only shared his election-related research with the FBI and Fusion GPS, his client; this premise was incorrect and contradicted by documentation in the Woods File- Steele had told the FBI that he also gave his information to the State Department;

5. Omitted Papadopoulos’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like Wikileaks in the release of emails;

6. Omitted Page’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in August 2016 that Page had “literally never met” or “said one word to” Paul Manafort and that Manafort had not responded to any of Page’s emails; if true, those statements were in tension with claims in Report 95 that Page was participating in a conspiracy with Russia by acting as an intermediary for Manafort on behalf of the Trump campaign; and

7. Included Page’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in October 2016 that the FBI believed supported its theory that Page was an agent of Russia but omitted other statements Page made that were inconsistent with its theory, including denying having met with Sechin and Divyekin, or even knowing who Divyekin was; if true, those statements contradicted the claims in Report 94 that Page had met secretly with Sechin and Divyekin about future cooperation with Russia and shared derogatory information about candidate Clinton.

Do read the rest. 17 major “mistakes” and not one of them goes Trump’s way.

The FBI knew that the dossier was nearly 100% without substance, but acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe demanded it be used in the ICA. The CIA was reluctant.

The [FBI] Supervisory Intel Analyst explained that the CIA believed that the Steele election reporting was not completely vetted and did not merit inclusion in the body of the report. The Intel Section Chief stated that the CIA viewed it as ‘internet rumor,’” and wanted to include the reporting in an appendix, not the body.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said the moment the FBI used a dossier they knew to be essentially merit less to obtain a FISA warrant it became a crime.  Actually, it became a conspiracy.

And that’s where Horowitz loses me. This is directly from the report:

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Errors and omissions. Case agents provided wrong or incomplete information. Then he writes that there is no evidence of intentional misconduct and even went so far as to say they found no political bias.

Excuse me? He writes that they did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors and problems.

Bias would explain it perfectly. Why would seasoned FBI agents use a unsubstantiated dossier of lurid gossip, omit exculpatory evidence and frame a former IC asset who actually helped nab a real Russian spy (Page) if not for bias?

Doesn’t make any sense. It’s either bias or complete incompetence. Wray was supposed to have fixed these problems already and he’s done nothing. People need to be charged and tried or the entire system of Justice- which is already teetering thanks to James Comey– is over. We could never have faith in it again.

The FBI has been made into a political weapon and that is frightening. Frankly, it should be burned to the ground and the FISA Court scuttled entirely. If the IC can do this to a President-elect and an IC asset, they can deprive all of us of our rights.

This has to end.


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Just nab a couple of low level foot soldiers, use them as examples. What wray does to keep politics out of the FBI and DOJ is what we need to pay close attention to.
Obama gave $350 million Common Core contract to publisher, got $65-million book deal in return?
Then another sweet deal with Netflix, yup a 12 million dollar mansion in Marthas Vinyard, not that any of it is illegal.
The tools of the government are powerful we just need to know how they will stop them in the future of being turned on itself and the American people.

Big point:
“We did not find Documentary or Testimonial evidence ……”
All that means is that FBI agents know how to not leave tracks.
And they circle the wagons so as not to out one another.
It does NOT mean there was NO wrongdoing.

John Solomon article is very revealing
Omitted Papadopoulos’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like Wikileaks in the release of emails;

consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS

The CHS (spy) argreed to allow himself to be taped by himself, but the exculpatory statement withheld from the court.
CHS is explained:
TThe FBI sometimes uses an individual classified as a Confidential Human Source [CHS] to gather information, formerly categorized as a Cooperating Witness and Confidential Informant —all for the purposes of collecting intelligence. The FBI now refers to these resources as a Confidential Human Source.

Dr John, you’ve past the point of not only exposing your cognitive dissonance but you’re playing into the Trump/GOP stratagem that you must promote outright dishonesty in order to protect the only fiber that holds today’s so-called conservative party together- blatant mendacity.

How many times could the I.G. possibly stated that there was no political bias in the FBI’s investigation or their decision to do so? There was no “deep state” out to take Trump down.

Like other Trump enabling right wing conspiracy hacks, you follow suit. Here are a few others that went straight to work with bullcrap which I lifted from Paul Waldman

“The IG report proves Obama officials abused their FISA power to trigger an investigation into @realDonaldTrump’s campaign,” tweeted House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.). This is false: The FISA warrant didn’t “trigger” the investigation because it was issued months after the investigation began.
“The real interpretation is these were hardcore political partisans that hated Donald Trump and they were willing and complicit to abuse the power of law enforcement and intelligence and spy on a political opponent,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). That is the exact opposite of the truth; the report emphasizes again and again that they found no political bias at work.

“Everything we said, everything we reported, everything we told you was dead-on center accurate,” said Sean Hannity, when in fact the report debunked the conspiracy theories Hannity has spread for years.

RNC chair Ronna McDaniel tweeted that “Comey’s FBI repeatedly misled the FISA court and omitted key facts about the phony Steele Dossier, which launched the 2-year, $35M Russia investigation.” In fact, the report notes that the FBI didn’t even become aware of the Steele dossier until after the investigation had begun, and “we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role” in launching the investigation.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said the report showed that “This was a government trying to overthrow a president by falsifying documents and by lying and by ruining the lives of many, many people.” The report said nothing of the sort.

You must follow the make-up-anything-regardless-of merit playbook because that is all you and the party of Trump has. You cannot change because you are in too deep. The GOP must back up the lies of Trump as otherwise they have nothing. Fox and Breitbart have to defend the lies as otherwise they prove they’ve been conspiracy enablers all along. And you are right there with them

It doesn’t matter what does or does not come out in any report because if your narrative isn’t supported in the report, you must distort. And I told you long ago that you would come to this.

@Ronald J. Ward: Tell us expert on all the facts who are Sechin and Divyekin
I bet you dont know enough of the facts to tell us who Mifsud is and why he is hiding. What former Russian top spook was Halper working with at university?
The Spying and Mueller investigation were 2 different events.


“We did not find Documentary or Testimonial evidence ……”

Where is Comrade Greggie pointing out that while Horowitz states he did not find any “documentary or testimonial” evidence, he could not “exonerate” the agents and leadership of the FBI?

Isn’t that what he has been preaching since Mueller testified that Mueller could not “exonerate” the President from wrong doing?

Sauce for the goose but not the gander, eh, Comrade Greggie?

Also, stating that the errors were not “intentional” is the very same crap that James Comey gave regarding Hillary Clinton. Intent has never been a legal predicate.

@retire05: Its far from the white wash some are screeching about, its full of juicy delicious nuggets, the IG does not have the power nor authority to even peek at what the CIAs roll was in this police state coup attempt. As Comey didnt request to keep his security clearance he couldnt be questioned. The limits that the IG had to abide by is a good reason not to bash on him, there were no confessions of bias so he refused to point fingers the report is out there so we can make up our own minds.

TRUMP 2020


You are correct that I don’t know how to respond to “Tell us expert on all the facts who are Sechin and Divyekin” because your abuse of writing and sentence structure is problematic. I do understand that Page denied ever meeting Sechin or Divyekin and said the allegations were “totally false”. So can we take this as factual? Anymore than Sean Hannity or Breitbart or Floppingaces?

Using your own premise, the point is that you are never to believe the cracks in Barr’s conspiracy theory of Mifsud even though you can see through them. And it doesn’t matter how exposed your arguments are to fraudulence, you are in too deep of water to abandon ship.

Consider retire05 the other day. He could not admit that Russia hacked the DNC. He just could not do it even though it’s an absolute indisputable fact and acknowledged by both sides of the political aisle and confirmed by every credible agency in existent. Why? Because even though Trump has admitted to it himself, it is also something Trump has tried to distort and muddy the water and throw sand in the air with radical Tweets, distancing himself and distorting that reality. Fox News has followed with distortions and non sequiturs to change that narrative. And the right wing lapdog sites have to do all they can to abet and protect the liar in chief. The fact that Russia hack an American political party in order to alter our electoral process is just not a good thing to be known, particularly when Trum and McConnell are doing absolutely nothing, actually obstructing, to insure that it doesn’t happen again.

And reaching into non-Russian areas, this is why you must spin and help sell a narrative that climate change is a hoax, it ain’t happening. It’s why under GWB the right wing spin machine had to protect the concept that Iraq attacked us. It’s why the GOP’s Voter ID snake-oil was a nonexistent problem while they gerrymandered from hell and took voter suppression to an entirely new level in their favor. It’s how they sold that giving tax breaks to billionaires would bring them all a bigger piece of the pie.

Republicans and Democrats have always lied to some extent. But you are allowing the biggest serial liar and professional con man in history to force you to help sell his lies.

Tell us expert on all the facts who are Sechin and Divyekin

Even if I knew what you were saying, nothing I told you would matter.

@Ronald J. Ward:

What a liar you are. I said that Russia probably interfered in our elections. Probably, to anyone with a couple of grey cells bumping together means “I think they did.”

Can you admit that Ukrainians interfered in our election to help Hillary Clinton?

Can you do anything but pimp for the DNC?

@Ronald J. Ward:

I do understand that Page denied ever meeting Sechin or Divyekin and said the allegations were “totally false”. So can we take this as factual?

That isnt even the question and not the main allegation that the first FISA was based upon, you see you are a know nothing and should restrict your comments to the kiddie table, MSLSD comment section.

Was this shoddy work or intentionally misleading to achieve a specific goal? No matter what one thinks of the FBI, they are not incompetent; this is the work of a small group of people that wanted to control the destiny of the United States, elections be damned.

Errors and omissions. Case agents provided wrong or incomplete information. Then he writes that there is no evidence of intentional misconduct and even went so far as to say they found no political bias.

Remember, though Hillary intentionally set up a secret, private, unsecured server in her HOME through which she funneled ALL State Department emails, regardless of classification level, she apparently didn’t INTEND to do that, every bit of which was illegal. The same people that show such leeway and give intent such a wide berth can also somehow make the determination that since Trump won an election and there is also a guy named Putin on the same planet, they colluded and it must be investigated with the predetermined judgement that Trump is guilty. But… no bias is apparent.

People need to be charged and tried or the entire system of Justice- which is already teetering thanks to James Comey– is over. We could never have faith in it again.

Thanks to Obama; he demanded it. Thanks to our worthless, liberal biased media; none of this would be possible with responsible reporting.

The FBI has been made into a political weapon and that is frightening. Frankly, it should be burned to the ground and the FISA Court scuttled entirely. If the IC can do this to a President-elect and an IC asset, they can deprive all of us of our rights.

These impeachment zealots claim that Trump is a threat to national security. THEY are the threat. FISA, used responsibly, is absolutely necessary to the security of the country. Those who have abused it and those who cheer the abuse as a means to their desired end are the threat to national security. Yes, they can do this to anyone; their impeachment circus showed they have the will and this abuse shows they have the tools.

@kitt: Obviously, the corrupt deep state within the FBI could lie, use severely flawed evidence and withhold exculpatory evidence that ruins their motives for spying on a Presidential candidate and AJ would still defend them.


What a liar you are. I said that Russia probably interfered in our elections. Probably, to anyone with a couple of grey cells bumping together means “I think they did.”

Well, no, that isn’t what you said. You actually said in comment # 15:

Did Russia try to interfere with our elections? Probably.

You answered your own question of if Russia TRIED to interfere which you answered yes, they did TRY.

You also stated in comment # 7:

Now, do I think the Russians would meddle in our elections? Sure, they have been trying to do that for decades.

So you never said “Russia probably interfered in our elections” you said “Russia probably TRIED TO interfered in our elections.

And after you were called out on it, you avoided it. So in reality you are the liar. Unless of course you were to say something to the effect of: Okay AJ, I miss-keyed or such and yes, Russia did in fact hack the DNC in order to compromise our electoral process”. And while you’re at it, you could add something the the effect that while the J in Donald J. Trump stands for Jesus, it would be a good thing for him to pick up the phone and ask McConnell to put the bill on the floor or help do something to prevent it happening again.

But again (and granted, that last part of expecting you to advocate Trump and McConnell to honor their constitution obligations was a bit of a stretch) , I understand you’re forbidden to buck the system in that manner.

@Ronald J. Ward:

So once again, you conflate what I said by wordsmithing. No surprise. It doesn’t take much to get a junk yard dog to bite.

How about answering my questions?

Can you admit that Ukrainians interfered in our election to help Hillary Clinton?
Can you do anything but pimp for the DNC?

@retire05: As you can see here, AJ is a liar that defends liars.

@Deplorable Me: I wait to hear from the kiddie table the cracks in the Misfud theory, I havent heard what Bars theory on Misfud is.
Fact Italy launched an investigation into it’s intelligence agencies and US election interference.
Fact Barr has 2 cellphones with UK SIM IDs obtained in Italy.
Fact Barr has visited Italy and requested a secure room for interviews.
Barr could be investigating Poppa Ds allegations or something quite different, he found enough there to take along Durham, that makes the MSM very nervous lots of unamed sources and rumors that could very well be disinformation fed into the news as to why they went for a nice authentic Italian meal.


The words I quoted were verbatim from the the very link you spoke on, word for word, your words, not mine.

Even your “Russia probably interfered” leaves open the possibility they didn’t but your “Russia probably tried to interfere” (which is actually what you said) suggest they tried but but failed, which is not the case.

Why is it you are so reluctant to admit they succeeded and did in fact hack the DNC?

Well, I guess I’ve already answered that.

@kitt: Another fact: knowing what he and Durham have uncovered, he and Durham have both roundly criticized the conclusions (the supporting facts are damning) of Horowitz’s report. That should be VERY concerning for the members of the coup. It takes a real idiot to look past the horrific violations spelled out in the report and embrace the “no bias” smoke screen. A REAL idiot.

@Ronald J. Ward: So, why don’t you provide the successful result of what the Russians did? Because, if you don’t, then “tried” and “probably” is the best you can do.

@Deplorable Me: On a thread as short as 18 comments he cant keep the players sorted out., not that it will throw 05 off the game. He hasnt a clue who the men Page denied meeting are or why it matters.
There is no solid evidence of any hacking of the DNC as the servers were never in FBI custody. another Fact. The full report by Hillarys Crowdstrike was not provided to Roger Stones defense team. A redacted copy is all that was provided cause its all they had.
The reports of it being an inside job again come from an anon source another unreliable dead end.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Can you admit that Ukrainians interfered in our election to help Hillary Clinton?

Can you do anything but pimp for the DNC?


Can you do anything but pimp for the DNC?

He works for a Leftist troll mill…pretty sure, at this point. He attacks the article writers, rather than offering anything of substance, and just beats on the “you Trump supporters will support anything he does” nonsense.

Little dog, indeed.


Can you admit that Ukrainians interfered in our election to help Hillary Clinton?

Can you do anything but pimp for the DNC?

Just like how many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
How the Democrats can get away with breaking all the rules during hearings
Why the Pravda media only reports Horowitz’s “opinion” and not any of the meat of the report.
Why Pelosi blamed Trump for delay in finalizing new trade deal with Canada and Mexico Hours after the president said the trade deal was ‘sitting on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, at least since march when Politico reported it as another Win for Trump.

I wonder if AJ can explain the FBI using Page’s work with the CIA to identify Russian spies as “contact with Russians” to bolster their claims to need to spy on him? Would he even try?

No. The answer is no. No Democrat can or will even must the courage to consider the reason.


There’s no evidence Ukrainians interfered in our election to help Hillary Clinton.

There’s overwhelming evidence and proof that Russia interfered in our election to help Donald Trump by breaking into the Democratic National Committee’s electronic files.

You called me a liar while all along you were the liar (Propaganda 101 Rule # 2: accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of). You then follow up with the propaganda play book by demanding to change the subject.

You validate my argument in comment # 4, that you are obligated to obfuscation, outright mendacity, and to firmly stand behind the gross gaslighting that the Party of Trump has required you to be. This all laid out in Trump’s favorite book written by Adolf Hitler; Mein Kampf including the concept of telling a lie and keep repeating a lie. Trump has mastered this stratagem and the GOP, right wing media, and lipspitles like you have followed him down the conspiracy rabbit hole to the point you cannot back out.

When you can’t bring yourself to admit to the overwhelming fact that Russia interfered, then you cannot admit to any huge lies promoted by the party of Trump.

@Ronald J. Ward:

There’s no evidence Ukrainians interfered in our election to help Hillary Clinton.

Obama used Ciaramella to get dirt on Trump from Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Used Deep State Actors Like Suspected Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella as Early as January 2016 to Pressure Ukraine to Provide Dirt on Trump Campaign

Chalupa involved in DHS hacking of voting machines in numerous states

BREAKING: DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa Behind Trump-Russia Hoax – Is Linked to Obama DOJ Hacking Attacks on State’s Voting Systems in Nov. 2016

Leshchenko provided Fusion GPS Ukrainian help for Hillary in 2016

Ukraine helping Hillary’s campaign

After Trump won, Ukraine scrambles to make up for supporting Hillary

Obama gave Ukraine a list of “untouchables” and sought dirt on Trump

Hillary and the DNC colluding with Ukraine for help in 2016 election

Ukrainian admission they aided Hillary in the election

Email, Audio Evidence Shows DNC Colluded with Ukraine to Harm Trump

Ukrainian “anti corruption” director bragged about Ukraine helping Hillary in 2016

Biden angry at Ukrainian President because their efforts to interfere in 2016 election leaked

“You F*cked Up!” – EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Joe Biden Blasted Ukrainian President After Politico Report – Reveals Biden’s Role in 2016 DNC Election Interference

Former Ukrainian intelligence officer says Ukraine funded support for Hillary with stolen IMF funds

Hillary, Comey, Ukraine and interference in the 2016 election

Horowitz live now before he senate

@Deplorable Me:

I have no idea why you would think I’d follow that list of gatewaypundit, The federalist (Jesus!!!!), and for literally laughing at loud, American-nonThinker? Didn’t you forget a few Sean Hannity or Carson Tucker zingers or mayby a few Trump and Fox & Friends tapes. How about “because Trump says so?”

Or for that matter, why would I even respond or try to engage with such a repulsive, hate infested, and Trump bowel dweller as you? That cannot happen.

Hell, you are not even convinced and in denial that Russia did in fact hack the DNC in order to compromise our electoral process. So if you are going to to ignore the millions of sites concluding this (even if it were physically possible to link them all but even if I linked 5 or 25 or 125), Muller’s actual congressional testimony, it coming out of Trump’s own mouth and that of his entire circle as well as of every associating government agency- if you are going to refuse to acknowledge any and all of this- why would I consider entertaining your conspiracy theory links?

You are simply part of the Trump Brownshirt conspiracy theory team.

As well of course as an obsessive stalker. And as we sometimes say around here of such things, but you’re my obsessive stalker.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I have no idea why you would think I’d follow that list of gatewaypundit, The federalist (Jesus!!!!), and for literally laughing at loud, American-nonThinker?

Oh, make no mistake; I don’t. You make it a point to show how much you fear facts, truth and logic. Your statement that, despite the evidence, there is no evidence the DNC worked with Ukraine to help Hillary is clarifying; you prefer your stupidity to any illuminating information whatsoever.

Like the media today, which suppresses Graham’s comments in the Horowitz hearings. Graham laid out, bit by bit, all the incidents that PROVE beyond any possible doubt SOME SORT of bias was the driving force behind the investigations of Trump and his campaign and, based on the documentation, that bias was a PERSONAL bias. Now, what the factors that created that personal bias is remains unstated, but if it isn’t POLITICAL, I would entertain other options.

You, like the liberal media, filter out the truth and only parts of the truth you can remove all context from and utilize will you acknowledge. The media runs Feinstein’s remarks, where she lauds the “finding” that no political bias played a part in the initiation of the investigations or sustaining them as they blot out Graham’s remarks that makes believing that premise all but impossible by any intelligent being.

No, AJ, I was under no misconception that you would read any of the evidence I provided. It was provided solely to show ALL what a liar and an idiot you are. Then, YOU come along and prove YOU are the only person unaware of that fact.

I appreciate your assistance.

@Deplorable Me: from our sweet liberal ignoramus

So if you are going to to ignore the millions of sites concluding this

Now believing for a second anyone on those site could garner more information than the FBI surely makes them evidence sources and they should have been called to testify before the Jury in Roger Stones trial. @DrJohn:
Thats been floating around the alternate web since 1 day after her testimony. It takes a minute for the others to verify.
Drudge site is a dead stick.

@Ronald J. Ward: Just listened to Graham’s press conference. You Dems are so f*cked.

@DrJohn: And that wasn’t the only time poor, martyred, honest, honorable Yovanovich lied in her testimony.

Yovanovitch lied under oath about email

BOOM! Fired Anti-Trump Ambassador Yovanovitch LIED UNDER OATH During Impeachment Testimony About Contact with Dem Staffer (VIDEO)


Gee, I hope using links from Gateway Pundit and Fox doesn’t offend your sensibilities. See, I have a hard time finding honest, critical reporting by some of the “legacy” sources. Seems whenever there is information that runs contrary to the liberal narrative, the media simply ignores it. Poor little AJ did a lot of crying about that. I hope it didn’t make you sad, Doc.

@Nathan Blue: True, but if you expect anyone watching the liberal media to know that, you don’t understand their campaign of truth suppression.

@Nathan Blue:

Sen. Lindsey Graham is likely the perfect example of going from an avid Trump critic to full blown glazed over cognitive dissonance. He had to decide to remain in a moral and more truthful world or join his comrades and swan dive into the sea of conspiracy. He took the latter. Look at how many times he’s contradicting himself from his previous assertions of Trump. Look at the contradictions on grounds of impeachment for Trump vrs his unhinged assaults of Bill Clinton. He’s dived off the cliff and unable to return.

But yes, as the IG report pretty much blew up a large swath of Trump’s lies, his personal attorney William Barr (not to be confused with an attorney for America in which he is paid for) and of course with the assistance of puppet Lindsay, are out trying to sell another Trump lie that the real crime in 2016 wasn’t Russia’s sabotaging of our election but rather how and why law enforcement investigated it.

If it sticks to the wall and the big lie being repeated and repeated takes hold, as you seem to suggest, is yet to be seen.

But I doubt that the merits of it is something we could possibly discuss as the deep denial state of the Trump worshipers forbids them to even acknowledge the fact that Russia hacked the DNC in order to compromise our electoral process and the fact that Trump and friends are doing everything possible to prevent it from happening again.

The FISA court was given “fact” from an email between the CIA to the FBI saying Carter Page was a CIA asset (as Carter Page was saying publicly) and therefore NOT a “Russian spy.
But the FBI lawyer CHANGED the email to say the OPPOSITE.
That Carter Page was NOT a CIA asset.
This is NOT a “clerical error.”
This became the BASIS for the FISA warrant!
All this time we had been told that the “Steele Dossier” was based on many trusted sources.
Turns out this is a bit off.
The Steele Dossier was created from ONE SOURCE.
And the credibility of that one source was said to be good based, not on what was IN the Steele Dossier, no, but in his admission that his submission of all of those things he told Steele were MADE UP and UNTRUSTWORTHY!
He said they were just talk over beers, just making crap up.

@Ronald J. Ward: Does your employer blatantly tell you to just accuse others of what the Dem party has been caught doing?

The altered email is empirical and true: it’s not subjective interpretation and conjecture, like most of what your party is clinging to because the Obama years were a bust.

But I doubt that the merits of it is something we could possibly discuss as the deep denial state of the Trump worshipers forbids them to even acknowledge the fact that Russia hacked the DNC in order to compromise our electoral process and the fact that Trump and friends are doing everything possible to prevent it from happening again.

Russia election meddling cannot be allowed, and Trump/WH is doing much to prevent anything more to happen in 2024.

Did Trump win because Russia leaked stuff, or is it the “stuff”, such as Hillary having and hiding top secret materials in the bathroom server, that lost Clinton the election? You advocate that your party can break the law, as long as no one knows. Insanity.

The DNC paid for the dossier, which we now know was both false, politically constructed, and not something anyone but rabid anti-Trump morons, like you, Strzok, and Page would even consider if you weren’t rational and considered yourselves justified in overturning an election because you’ve been indoctrinated by Leftist idiocy. Oh, and the conspiracy theory that Russia “won” the election for Trump has been thoroughly debunked. Turns out she was just a shitty candidate who lost. The embedded Leftists in the FBI took matters in their own hands…and now you idiots are going to lose the next election, because you have shitty candidates and shitty ideas.

Yup. Have fun with all of this. Impeachment? Nothing legal to go on. The FBI abuse, that also leads back to the DNC and others? Plenty.

But I don’t care if it “sticks”, little dog. What has stuck is the 2016 election.

Suck it.

@Nan G: Yeah, and according to AJ, identifying the lies makes one a Trump sycophant. Watching the hearings, I hear the Republicans pointing out the gross violations of laws and civil rights committed by zealous political hacks pretending to be law enforcement officers while Democrats are only trying to defend all their past false accusations. In other words, Democrats are perfectly happy for the abuses to continue, as long as they can keep from being the target of them.

People (and I use the term loosely) like AJ cheers this on. One wonders why he bothers coming forth just to pronounce how happy he is to ignore facts. Maybe he is trying to publicly maintain his Soros-loyalty.

@DrJohn: At that time we were highly suspicious of Page as being the set up man, he wasnt working for the FBI it turns out but most likely a CIA asset. The IC he was an asset for informed the FBI of this information as you know, only for an attorney to alter an email from them to say he was not working for them.
Lee and Cruz are livid with the conclusions of Horowitz. The persons making these errors and ommissions should be fired and black balled, disbarred if appropriate
Vive la république .

@Ronald J. Ward: How can any one in the US Government (FBI/CIA, ETC) know if the Russians hacked the DNC computers? They never allowed an investigation. They hired a Ukrainian company to investigate! That should be a reliable source!


Lee and Cruz are livid with the conclusions of Horowitz. The persons making these errors and ommissions should be fired and black balled, disbarred if appropriate
Vive la république .

It is IMPOSSIBLE to credibly disclaim political bias. There IS no other explanation, but perhaps admitting to political bias directing the creation and direction of investigations makes the corrective action more difficult. I don’t know; but there are PLENTY of corrective actions to be implemented and purging political zealots is the first step to sending the message that such activity is unacceptable.

@Nathan Blue:

But I don’t care if it “sticks”, little dog. Suck it.

What is it that makes Trump supporters so consumed with condemnation and hatred?

Russia election meddling cannot be allowed, and Trump/WH is doing much to prevent anything more to happen in 2024.

But meddling in 2020 is just fine? Okay, I’ll grant you the benefit of the doubt you miss-keyed or such and meant 2020, or at least, hopefully.

You not only fail to admit meddling has been established but you fail to mention what safeguards are on the table. Mitch McConnell has refused to bring several bills to the senate floor for not only a vote, but for even consideration. He has also refused to offer any counter proposals. This is in large part why he’s been dubbed “Moscow Mitch” and why Trump is called”Moscow’s bitch”. They’ve done nothing. Just yesterday, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) blocked an attempt by Democrats to pass legislation meant to prevent Russia and other countries from interfering in elections. Where is the Trump push back? Where is any counter proposals? What proposals or bills have come from the R senate? None. What EO or recommendations have come from the White House? None.

So you again are assisting your leader in spreading nonsense. I think back in grade school we referred to such as “knob polishing”.

So once again, if you insist on running from the uncomfortable reality that Russia did in fact interfere with our electoral process while pulling kitchen sink lunacy out of your hat while resorting to elementary name calling and uncontrollable anger, being in complete denial of reality all at the same time, how can we possibly have a reasonable debate?

You are sounding dumber than a box full of Deplorables.

@Randy: Inspector General Horowitz Debunks Comey Suggesting Exoneration: ‘Activities We Found Here Don’t Vindicate Anybody Who Touched This FISA’.
No one working with the Trump campaign has been convicted for conspiring or colluding with the Russians.

@Ronald J. Ward:

What is it that makes Trump supporters so consumed with condemnation and hatred?

People like you.

@Deplorable Me:

I actually get that.

@Ronald J. Ward: Surrender accepted, little dog. You certainly take your cues from your Democrat masters and their bought propaganda outlets.

How’s that going for you? Have any identity yet, or is posting to a small conservative blog to hate on people who think differently than you the highlight of your day?

You are just one big cesspool of confirmation bias…and yet it won’t change the election in 2016, or 2020.

I already said Russia interfered. NO one ever said they didn’t. The meme that Trump only won because of it is the standard issue myth you keep repeating. Clinton’s actions are what cost her the election, not Russia. What you run from is the fact that if Hillary wasn’t doing suspicious or illegal things, there would be nothing to leak. She got caught.

My omission of 2020, indeed, is because the election in 2020 is already over…despite the amount of election meddling the Dem Party has already engaged in. Maybe if you keep posting here you’ll intimidate us not to vote Trump?? Is that your goal?

Every time I call you a name, I’ve noticed, you then write a longer and longer piece of nothing that reveals just how silly your beliefs are, and how angry you are that you have to find meaning in politics because your life is both disappointing and rather ineffectual.


I guess that makes you Schiff’s c*ck-sleeve. Good job promoting the Dem team. Now open up and stay still….

@Ronald J. Ward:

how can we possibly have a reasonable debate?

We can’t.

You’re not here to debate; you’re here to bring headlines you read and thoughts you were programmed to think and try to beat us all on the head with it. You’ve no actual ability to either converse or debate, that I’ve read, and quite the elevated belief in your special status as a “thinker”.

So yeah…we’re good, and you’re just here to be assh*le and score some kind of little victory for yourself.

That’s why we can’t have a reasonable debate. You’re not even here, whoever you are.

@Nathan Blue:

I already said Russia interfered. NO one ever said they didn’t. The meme that Trump only won because of it is the standard issue myth you keep repeating.

For starters, while you are somewhat correct in the statement that “NO one ever said they didn’t”, getting anyone to say they did has been an extremely tall order. In fact, most have alluded to that they didn’t.

Secondly, I have never, not once, verbally or in writing, say, suggest, imply or insinuate that “Trump only won because of it”. Never. If so, produce it.

Much like Ritire05 and deplorable, you lie. And you are of a din of liars. The entire Party of Trump has become a product of dishonesty, playing straight from the Hitler book he adores and instructs you to follow.

Prove it. Show me where I said Trump only won because of it (Russia hacking the DNC to alter our electoral outcome).

@Ronald J. Ward: True, you only spout hateful thing about Trumps base, you hate us for electing him blame the asshole that wouldnt drop out of the Republican Primaries when he had no chance. His game backfired Trump won. Having no other viable choice we voted against Stinky who stole the Democrat Primary from the voters.
You like the Democrat pols direct your hate to the citizens.
Have at it, we love the winning all the wonderful economic benefits that we are showered with.Your pathetic tears of rage are our delight.
Carry on


I suspect that when one loses a debate soundly and trips spectacularly over their own lies, creating a new sock-puppet to spew incoherent gibberish is an obvious choice?

@Ronald J. Ward: nice try but you missed, cry some more. I am in such a good mood with the huge win today. One of your FBI lying buds is going to have to pay for his lying.
They messed with the election so much more than your big scary Rooskies.