I’ve had a long day and I am tired but I thought I would try to put out some information that I have been finding throughout the evening.
Alexander Vindman testifies tomorrow and this information raises some serious questions about him, uniform notwithstanding.
Some on the NSC did not trust Vindman
Testimony of #TimMorrison was released yesterday & it's obvious why #Schiff didn't want it outhttps://t.co/PT7M1NYTLi
It shows NSC staff didn't trust the judgment of Alexander Vindman & worried he was improperly accessing documents
That included his former boss Fiona Hill pic.twitter.com/stfWrIJUvu
— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) November 17, 2019
Vindman was a known problem
BREAKING: Several White House NSC officials, including some who have testified as impeachment witnesses, viewed Schiff's star witness Alex Vindman not only as a "loose cannon" but as a "security concern" inside the White House pic.twitter.com/hLFz8OBCBw
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 17, 2019
He had a rep as a leaker
BREAKING: NSC officials restricted access to foreign call records out of concern they could be leaked by Vindman, who opposed Trump's foreign policy and who had been accused of leaking in prior instances
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 18, 2019
BREAKING: Suspicions grow on Hill that Vindman was the source of leak of suspension of US aid story to https://t.co/Pff04kEmkJ, whose national security beat is now controlled by Intelligence Community embed Natasha Bertrand, who has links to radical globalist organizations
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 18, 2019
He leaked intel to someone not qualified to receive it
BREAKING: NSC official Morrison learned of the whistleblower after discussions w Vindman about contacts Vindman made outside his chain of command regarding the July 25 call, the contents of which were leaked to the whistleblower, who was w another agency & not privy to the info
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 18, 2019
It may have been Vindman who slow-rolled the meeting with Zelensky
Steve Bannon wanted Vindman out
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in a Friday interview that in 2017, he was involved in an effort to remove alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella from the National Security Council over concerns about leaks.
“When I was in the White House there was a number of people in the National Security Council — the named individual eventually got let go, I believe because people were suspicious, not me, but other people around him were suspicious about his leaking, and that’s why he was let go,” Bannon told VICE in an interview which published Friday.
Mike Cernovich pegged Vindman as the leaker in 2017:
The whistleblower, who is reported to be a CIA analyst, filed a complaint on Aug. 12 accusing President Donald Trump of abusing his office in his dealings with Ukraine.
Bannon said he does not believe that the whistleblower needs to be identified publicly, but he did confirm his involvement in efforts to remove an individual now rumored to be the whistleblower from the NSC.
“I don’t think the individual naming of the whistleblower is important, although there was a story in The Washington Times … that tied me to the efforts to get, at least, the gentleman who was named out of the National Security Council,” said Bannon, who left the White House on Aug. 18, 2017.
“Is that true?” a VICE reporter asked Bannon.
“The individual that was named, absolutely true,” he replied. –Daily Caller
Sen. Ron Johnson wrote a very important and formal letter about this to Devin Nunes and it can be read here.
Over at The Last Refuge Sundance has a great piece and every word of it should be read but here’s his bottom line:
The United States Military appears to be collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office.
Vindman clearly believed that Ukraine foreign policy was his and not that of his boss- the President. This is seditious behavior and I hope he gets what he deserves. I also hope the GOP has all of this information.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
This is called treason.
18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States…”
Treason has ever been deemed the highest crime which can be committed in civil society; since its aim is an overthrow of the Government and a public resistance by force of its just powers, its tendency is to create universal danger and alarm, and on this account, it has often been visited with the deepest public resentment.
Attempting to overthrow a sitting President is considered overthrowing the government
I hope the Republicans press hard to get Vindman’s treachery, and that of anyone associated with him and his part of the coup, exposed and documented. If he starts crying, like Yovanovich tried, Republicans should continue to press their questions. Perhaps NOW charges can begin getting filed and, eventually, people will begin to spill their guts.
Thankfully, Epstein’s guards are going to be too busy defending themselves against charges to be tapped to watch over any prisoners generated from these forthcoming investigations.
@Deplorable Me: This is treason!
For Vindman to counter the President’s foreign policy by advising his “counterparts” to ignore the President’s requests and stay out of U.S. politics (policies) is absolutely treason. His (Vindman) position was to carry our the President’s foreign policy, not countermand it. He testified that he was afraid Ukraine would lose “political” support, i.e. support of Democrats would reverse their support of Ukraine (for no other reason that their disdain for President Trump.)
There is no doubt Vindman is the nexus for the WB’s complaint. That is why Schitt-for-brains is using him as such a high level fact witness against the President. Schitt-for-brains knows who leaked the phone call to Ciaramella. One Col. Vindman.
@retire05: Vindman was just whining that Trump did not follow the talking points he says he provided him for the phone call. Seems he disagreed with Trump formulating his own questions and pursuing his own foreign policy without begging Vindman’s permission.
It is unbelievable that the Democrats would even be pursuing such a line of questioning exposing Vindman’s warped vision of what his job actually is, but they DO rely heavily upon the ignorance of their constituency.
the idiot does not realize that a formal court-martial awaits him. he will resign prior to any proceeding in order to avoid trial. so far his comments today are BS
@MOS # 8541:
Today, once again, Vindman is in uniform. At his last testimony, he was also in uniform escorted by four D.C. police officers to the hearing. Why is that? He is playing on his “military officers are beyond reproach” card.
Take a look at ALL pictures of Vindman since he joined the NSC. Members of the NSC do NOT wear their uniforms, only civilian dress. That is standard NSC protocol. But for theatrical purposes, Vindman is in uniform.
Vindman is the leaker, not Ciaramella. Ciaramella is simply the tool that supplied the WB statement. But Democrats are doing their best to prevent connecting the dots. And to prevent any UCMJ charges that might be brought against Vindman.
@retire05: Jordan did a great job pointing out that Schitt allows Vindman to name everyone he has talked with about the call BUT ONE. Beyond any doubt, Vindman leaked to the whistleblower and Schitt knows it and who the whistleblower is.
I see the impeachment comedy extravaganza is not being televised on the networks; my wife is pleased she can watch her stupid soap operas. I’ve been listening to it on Sirius, but I guess the networks have admitted there is no interest in it. Unfortunately, a person would HAVE to watch the proceedings themselves to get an honest view of it as the liberal media only reports on what serves the Democrats.
One of the Republicans (I don’t remember which) was remarking about how, though Pelosi and other Democrats have, at the behest of polling and focus group research, evolved to “bribery” as the most nastiest accusation they can make, NOWHERE in all the testimony is “bribery” mentioned, but for once to describe BIDEN’S activities. To which, Schitt responds that it is not their or the “witnesses” job to declare the crime but to collect the evidence. So, could it not be considered “influencing” or “intimidation” to keep harping on “bribery”, especially by the Speaker of the House? They all seem to be trying to steer the witnesses (all called by Schitt, of course) towards a particular and specific point of view.
Vindman was forced to throttle back a bit on his characterization of himself as “adviser to the President” (though he has never met Trump) and the most smartest, brilliantest and Ukrainianest member of the NSC, if not the government.
@Deplorable Me:
It is clear from all the testimonies that it is the State Department career operatives that think they, not the President, should make foreign policy. This, to any rational thinking person, is Deep State shite. We, the unelected bureaucrats, should ignore the U.S. Constitution and run the show.
Is the Ukraine important? Yes, against Russia. But let’s ignore that Russia is less important to our national security than is North Korea, Iran and China.
@MOS # 8541: Couldn’t Vindeman be recalled to active service despite the fact that he resigns his commission so that he could be court-martialed?
@retire05: It’s also clear the Democrats think it is important to put forth the false narrative that Trump or anyone else is trying to replace the Russian interference narrative with the Ukraine interference narrative. No one but them are making that suggestion, but the FACTS show that the DNC was actively trying to mine dirt on Trump or his associates in Ukraine. It is also clear the DNC got false dirt on Trump from Russia as well, via Steele.
Again, if the evidence is so clear, cut and dried that Trump is a villain… why lie?
If the Democrats want a bombshell, here it is:
Vindman testified today that he was asked by the Ukrainians THREE times to be THEIR Defense Minister.to THEIR nation of Ukraine When asked when that happened, he testified it was during his trip to Zelensky’s inauguration.
Here’s the questions:
who asked Vindman to be the Ukrainian Defense Minister?
was anyone from the U.S. delegation present when the request was made?
how was those requests transmitted? Text, email, phone, orally?
why would Ukraine, listed as one of the most corrupt nations on the face of the earth, want a high ranking NSC official, who is also a high ranking military officer that clearly is privy to U.S. national security top secret information, to be their Defense Minister?
Remember, Vindman testified that HE is the top expert on Ukraine. He also testified that Trump did not use his taking points when speaking with the Ukrainian president. This guy not only has a over inflated ego, he is butt hurt that he didn’t get to run the show.
They want to point to the Mayor, but not also that Barr that was mentioned in the call. Protection of the deep state operation is the priority, the end game is much closer to the democrat, CFR and UN objectives.
Not only that but it’s supposed to give everyone the impression that the military supports the coup thereby “justifying” it. Vindman’s peers are beginning to open up about him and the portrait they are painting is not very flattering.
@another vet:
Question of the day:
Why would the Ukrainians think that Lt. Col. Vindman, a high ranking NSC official and an officer in the United States Army, would even be remotely interested in becoming the Defense Minister for Ukraine, a really high ranking office, so much so that they asked him not once, but three times?
What was it about Vindman that would even give that impression to Ukraine?
Can anyone give me an example of another high ranking member of the United States government being asked to join the government of another nation, especially one so corrupt?
#sjspecialist http://www.intellectualconservative.com/another-day-of-the-impeachment-hoax/
Sent by author.
@john velisek: Vindman kept repeating that a “favor” asked by a superior in the military is equivalent to an “order”. This is how he justifies his contention that asking Zelensky to investigate corruption in his country involving US citizens was a DEMAND (which would not have even been an issue had Biden not extorted Ukraine to protect his son). However, Zelensky does not report to Trump. He may very well need Trump’s good graces, but asking a “favor” would still need to be made more clearly a demand to have the needed impact.
Weak. Very weak.
If we enjoyed having a true media, they would not allow the Democrats to get away with this and, thus, Vindman and his associates most certainly would be charged with numerous crimes. But, if we had the benefit of a true investigative media, we would never have arrived at this point.
@Patriot: I believe that the pompous ass needs a nice Cuban vacation. I understand that Guantanamo is lovely this time of year and he should be sent there right after his military trial for treason against a lawful President.
@Patriot, #1:
I’ve highlighted the part that people somehow managed to miss, in spite of the fact that it is the most important part:
Impeachment is the prescribed constitutional remedy allowing for the legal and orderly removal of elected or appointed officials who are found to be worse than useless, or are determined by Congress to be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
A lot of people could benefit from a refresher course in Citizenship, Civics, or American Government, assuming they ever attended such a class to begin with.
@Greg: You just described the actions of the so called whistle blowers and the effort of the House by only allowing certain testimony and collaborating with the witnesses prior to testimony.. You are so ignorant!
Just one small detail; you need an impeachable offense, not just a bad word you poll and focus group to accuse.
True. You could lead the way along with your Democrats. None of you seem to have any idea what the Constitution says or what justice looks like and is for.
@Randy: Greg is a paid operative of some Leftist organization, perhaps the DNC itself.
He doesn’t believe anything he writes, but just has to make sure he’s furthering the misinformation campaign currently waged by anti-democracy globalists.
@Nathan Blue: Best thing to do is to ignore him. He won’t go away but at the same time he’ll just be wasting his time, not ours.
@Bill H:
So… This was back in November. Has anything changed besides Vindman getting a lateral transfer?