How effective was Elise Stefanik? This effective.

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Yesterday I put up a post describing the three main themes taken from the Yovanovitch testimony and noting the fabulous job done by Elise Stefanik (R-NY). She was terrific. So good, in fact, that the left tore into her and became flat out disgusting.

George Conway called her “trash”


I am trying to imagine how the left would react to someone calling Tulsi Gabbard trash.

Wait, that was a bad example- the left would call her trash.

I am trying to imagine how the left would react to someone calling Amy Klobuchar trash. Ever the supportive husband, George Conway says his had Kelly Anne’s marriage “needs work” but can be saved if she leaves the White House.

George Conway reportedly wants to make his marriage with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway last but has been telling those around him she will have to get out of the White House “cult” first.

Three sources close to George told Vanity Fair this week that he has begun to grow distant from Kellyanne since the start of the impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

“He tells people she’s in a cult,” one of the sources said, while a friend of his added, “He’s going through a tough time.”

“It’s not going to get better until she’s cast out of the cult,” another source said.

The sources alleged that he is still in love with his wife but said she needs quit working for the president before they “can make it work.”

Stefanik responded

Then there was Brian O’Malley


And what was that picture?


Some knew immediately that it was a fake and said so. O’Malley said that he was a photoshop pro and this was real.

An Act Blue stooge, Adam Parkhomenko, seized upon the image and Stefanik


Thing is, it was a fake. Here is Stefanik during the hearing


Notice the fingernails. As in, there is no nail polish.  This appears to be the true original image


That notable intellectual Chrissie Teigen, along with Joan Walsh, also jumped in with the “trash” label:


A few more fine examples from the left

I wait for feminists to come to Stefanik’s defense.


Which is why I will always assert that feminism is nothing but political manure.

Judging by the vituperative ad hominem and sheer from the left- all personal with no debate on substance, you’d have to say that Stefanik was brilliant.


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amazing that the photo is with a colored nail and the length of the digit does not match the rest of the hand. george conway is no different than any other communist. he must regret that his wife works for Trump. his misogamist insecurities are present and demonstrated every time he opens his mouth or places something on the internet. george conway needs psychiatric help badly. vovanovick’s testimony is worthless-but she cried on cue. the terrorist pres’ policy in the former eastern bloc countries is tragic.

Can we assume, then, that when kitt or retire05 or Nathan Blue call a Lefty names, it’s because they’re terrified by how effective the Lefty is?

The Conway marriage apparently does need some serious work, starting with some in-depth psychiatric counseling for fat ole George. That might take years for such an advanced case.

In the meantime, follow that with a gym membership to scrape off 50 years of slothful living.

And finish up by hiring a really vicious divorce lawyer for Kelly Ann.

spoken like a true member of the american commuist party

@MOS # 8541:

spoken like a true member of the american commuist party

Precisely what about my comment was communist?

Funny stuff DJ, even for your standards.

Being the only woman the GOP has on the Intelligence Committee, she does make for a good prop. And you know, how dare the likes of Schiff to try to “gaggle the young lady from New York” as Nunes decries to her defense?

But aside from what most deem as a nothingburger bump from Stefanik, what;s really going to tell the tale is how the moderate Stefanik now turned full blown and all in Trump boot licker will fare in the upcoming election. Th e overall polling and general consensus seems to elevate that question which yes, I know such statistics are only valid when they compliment your agenda.

@Ronald J. Ward:

So to you, a Republican Congresswoman is only a prop. I can just imagine your outrage if the former bartender, AOC, was called a prop.

And Schitt-for-brains was not “gaggling the young lady from New York” as you were inferring. He was refusing to allow the duly elected Congressional member from New York from exercising her legal right to ask questions of the witness.

Who are you, Ward? Comrade Greggie in drag?


My larger point was that a person considered to be of the most moderate of the GOP decided to go all in for Trump.

My other point was that it may very well be in vain.

Consider Stefanik’s 2018 opponent Tedra Cobb who lost by 14 points who is running against her again in 2020. Cobb’s brought in over $1 million after Stefanik’s performance (with previously only $656K her entire 2019 contributions). And less than a week ago, Cobb had less than 5K Twitter followers and now has aver 250K compared to Stefanik’s total of 213K.

And once a Trump boot licker, one just doesn’t go back.

Now take that in consideration with what we saw in KY and VA, both 2016 Trump country.

Get it?


Oh, and AOC means nothing to me one way or another other than a number. She’s from a different district in a different state from me. I know you guys have your Steve Kings and Louie Gohmerts to contend with.

I’m from KY so I don’t speak for her and she doesn’t speak for me.

@retire05: What the troll will not understand is the Representative understands that according to our constitution every person has the right to a fair hearing, hearsay is, under normal conditions, not allowed. Even if that person is the President that trolls and resistors hate without cause. There have been serious breeches in national security, the WB was not on the call so the classified information was provided. We are pretty sure it was the guy that wore his uniform that provided classified information why havent the Joint Chiefs of staff sent him for a court martial?
All the Trump haters are in their glory watching the banana republic antics. They get all their updates and opinions spoon fed to them by the billionaires that own the media and the CIA mockingbird coup mongers.
AJ Ward has to explain his point because we cant decipher the mindless nonsense he types.


Well, that might make sense if any of it made sense. Just like it might have pertained to my argument if any of it pertained to my argument.

I think why Rs are suddenly losing on the impeachment ordeal is because it’s becoming less complicated and hell, even less partisan. It boils down to this accusation of Trump:

1) Our president
2) called the Ukraine president
3) to demand he provide info on an electoral opponent in order for him to receive
Congressional appropriated funding
4) which is in violation of our Constitution and is an impeachable offense.

Ok so I think it’s safe to say #1, 2, and 4 are a given. There was a phone call and such and act is an impeachable offense. So that just leaves # 3 in question. It appears more and more that it did. So it seems that the GOP now must somehow dummy down #4 by somehow pretending #3 wasn’t all that bad.

And yes, staging Stefanik was simply that. And it appears redeeming her soul is going to be a tall order now that it’s been sold.

I donated $100. Everyone should donate as well. She is willing to fight back.

@Ronald J. Ward: Bwahhahaha lets put your logic together
Our president called the Ukraine president which is in violation of our Constitution and is an impeachable offense.
The President asked for cooperation in an ongoing investigation.
Where does it say in the constitution Ukraine is entitled to money given by congress if its corrupt? Did Biden know that before he bribed them to fire a prosecutor? Interesting what you libs can find in the constitution.

@Ronald J. Ward:

If seeking information on someone suspected of criminal wrong doing (as in the law that was violated by Biden Hunter’s father) is wrong because the person being investigated is a candidate for the Presidency, Robert Mueller needs to be locked up today in a cell next to Hillary Clinton who, through laundered money, hired a foreign agent to dig up dirt on her political opponent.

Seems you forget that ALL American aid given to Ukraine is predicated on an agreement signed by Bill Clinton that requires proof it is not being used for corrupt purposes as well as the agreement with Ukraine that it will cooperate in any investigations of corruption.

Or maybe you didn’t forget. Maybe you’re just that dumb.


The spin of crying of “but look over there” simply doesn’t apply or perhaps, isn’t being bought by folks back home-which is a bad thing for the Trump team.

The argument that Trump wasn’t withholding funds for his own political gain- which didn’t have much traction to begin with-is getting weaker and weaker. This somehow protecting us of Hunter Biden is just silly. Bringing up Bill or Hillary et al doesn’t build a case.

We all know what Trump wanted and that was an edge for his 2020 race. And the evidence is getting stronger each day.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Aid was given to Ukraine in 2017. Aid was given to Ukraine in 2018. And aid was given to Ukraine in 2019. The president of Ukraine said there was no quid pro quo. Are you calling the President of Ukraine a liar?

Why are you defending Joe Biden, who clearly knew that his son was on the dole of Burisma? Golly gee, AJ, everyone knows it is normal to be put on the board of a foreign company, paid $83,000.00 a month (according to court documents), never having to learn the language, not required to have any expertise in the company’s business and never even have to go to that country the whole time that person sits on the board. Yeah, that’s normal, right?

BTW, Hillary hired a foreign agent to dig up dirt on a political opponent. That is a violation of federal law. Do you want her prosecuted for that violation of election law? Do you want Joe Biden investigated for his quid pro quo?

How long before James Comey has a GoFundMe account for legal fees?


Do you want her (Hillary) prosecuted for that violation of election law? Do you want Joe Biden investigated for his quid pro quo?

You don’t get it do you? For starters, I never said I wanted Trump impeached. What I’ve been saying is that the evidence in front of us on Trump is clear as day. Each damning piece of evidence produced against Trump, the more you guys spin while condemning your opponents based on hearsay or rhetoric.

Another thing is that with all this gum-flapping from the right about “due process” for Trump, the impeachment inquiry is not a trial. That happens in the Senate.

So as I’ve argued many times, any evidence presented against Trump is dismissed by his supporters yet you want me to say I want Biden and Clinton prosecuted based on what your and Sean Hannity and Trump supporter’s say or because of how they spun it on The Federalist or AmericanTinker or

And then when the evidence is so overwhelming and even an admission from Trump’s own mouth, it’s then downplayed and pretended to be irrelevant. Yet, here we go again with the right with their torches and pitchforks after Biden and Clinton which they say did the same and haven’t even been tried.

So to prove my point-that regardless of anything or any proof presented or any admissions from Trump, regardless of any smoking guns found gripped in Trump’s hands, you and his supporters would still defend him while blaming democrats, consider Mithch McConnell’s recent statement:

“I can’t imagine a scenario under which President Trump would be removed from office with 67 votes in the Senate,

See? It doesn’t matter. There is no scenario. Trump could shoot down a bus load of preschoolers and his cult would still defend him, protect him, and exonerate him. Mitch validated what I’ve argued all along and what you guys confirm on a daily basis.