The real Russian asset unmasked

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Unmasking is all the rage among democrats so I thought I would join in on the fun.

If it weren’t so deleterious to the country, watching democrats flounder from one accusation against Trump to another would be wonderfully amusing. First it was Russian collusion, then obstruction, then quid pro quo and now bribery and they can’t make a salient and sober case for any of them. The latest fantasy- bribery-  involves Ukraine. There has been a lot of harrumphing about the danger Ukraine could have been in because of Trump’s alleged delays.

That’s complete bullsh*t. I am going to make an argument here. I would argue that the real Russian asset is Barack Obama.

Let’s see why.

1. Early in obama’s tenure one of his first foreign policy acts was to remove the missile shield in Poland to appease Putin.

2. 2012- obama vows to be more flexible for Putin

3. Russia annexes Crimea, obama does…nothing

Early in the Ukraine crisis, when the Europeans were working on bringing Ukraine into the EU system and Vladimir Putin was countering with threats and bribes, one British analyst lamented that “we went to a knife fight with a baguette.”

That was three months ago. Life overtakes parody. During the Ukrainian prime minister’s visit to Washington last week, his government urgently requested military assistance. The Pentagon refused. It offered instead military ration kits.

Putin mobilizes thousands of troops, artillery and attack helicopters on Ukraine’s borders and Washington counters with baguettes, American-style. One thing we can say for sure in these uncertain times: The invasion of Ukraine will be catered by the United States.

Why did we deny Ukraine weapons? Because in the Barack Obama-John Kerry worldview, arming the victim might be taken as a provocation. This kind of mind-bending illogic has marked the administration’s response to the whole Crimea affair.

4. Congress asks obama to send aid to Ukraine.

Resolutions asking President Obama to send lethal aid to Ukraine so that the country can defend its borders from Russian aggression have passed in both the House and Senate.

A resolution by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., asking Obama to send military aid to Ukraine and condemning the “deliberate targeting of civilians” by “Russian-backed rebels” passed with unanimous support in the Senate on Tuesday.

“It is absolutely necessary that President Obama prioritize and expedite the provision of defensive lethal and non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine in light of the January attacks by Russian-backed rebels on the civilian population in Mariupol. I am pleased that Ranking Member Shaheen and I could work together to bring about bipartisan agreement on this in the Senate. The administration should now respond, providing Ukraine with what they desperately need,” Johnson said in a statement.

5. obama sends….blankets

6. Russia tries to hack election. obama orders US cyber security to stand down

WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The comments by Michael Daniel, who served as White House “cyber security coordinator” between 2012 and January of last year, provided his first public confirmation of a much-discussed passage in the book, “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” co-written by this reporter and David Corn, that detailed his thwarted efforts to respond to the Russian attack.

Trump has sent lethal weapons. Ukraine is far better off under him than under obama.

It is axiomatic that democrats accuse others of crimes they commit. In this case, obama did Putin’s bidding from 2012 on to the end of his Presidency.

obama is the true Russian asset, not Trump.

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It would probably make a good graduate thesis to investigate whether Obama was working hand in hand with each adversary of the US or was he simply an incompetent, naïve idiot. Either way, the result was the same.

Trump has had a LOT of damage to repair.

Also Obama “gave” freed up more than $100 BILLION dollars for Iran to have.
Some, perhaps much of that ended up in exchange for Russian lethal “aid.”
We know, because Iran bragged it, that Iran spent $8 Billion dollars on Russian weapons in just one transaction afterward.
We also know that our own troops in Iraq/Afghanistan were being killed by weapons brought into their war via Iran, some from Russia.
So, besides his awful “rules of engagement,” that got our troops killed, Obama made US taxpayers cover the costs of the very weapons used to kill our own men!

This is all true and yet doesn’t matter at all. The media, the Democrats and some Republicans don’t care about the truth. Anything and everything they do, including treason, is a good thing if it hurts or removes Trump. Losing the House was a huge blow, allowing the impeachment stupidity to happen.

I get the feeling we haven’t seen the worst the Left has to offer.

First it was Russian collusion, then obstruction, then quid pro quo and now bribery and they can’t make a salient and sober case for any of them


@M.: So?

Petro met with Soros are we going to have another coup? A law enforcement source claims that the fifth president met in London with American billionaire George Soros, and the meeting with Gontareva was used as a “cover”. We don’t know what Poroshenko and Soros talked about, but after this visit Poroshenko from small strikes on Volodymyr Zelensky moved to the open organization of the new Maidan protests. Does this have any connection with the negotiations with Soros?
We know of his interest in investing 1 billion in Ukraine and his connections to the Ukraine embassy.
Zelensky would do well to follow Georges homeland and boot his NGOs and everything Soros from Ukraine.

@Deplorable Me:


One might ask the same of you, each time you offer an opinion on a topic.

@M.: One might. And some do. So?

@Deplorable Me:


Well, you got me with your finishing move.