Schiff plotted with the whistleblower to overthrow Trump

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Adam Schiff is a scumbag.

That’s it. There’s no other way to describe him. He is the worst low life dirtbag I can remember since Teddy Kennedy drowning a woman.

It was disclosed today that Schiff knew all about the whistleblower from day one.

WASHINGTON — The Democratic head of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, learned about the outlines of a C.I.A. officer’s concerns that President Trump had abused his power days before the officer filed whistle-blower complaint, according to a spokesman and current and former American officials.

The early account by the future whistle-blower shows how determined he was to make known his allegations that Mr. Trump asked Ukraine’s government to interfere on his behalf in the 2020 election. It also explains how Mr. Schiff knew to press for the complaint when the Trump administration initially blocked lawmakers from seeing it.

The C.I.A. officer approached a House Intelligence Committee aide with his concerns about Mr. Trump only after he had had a colleague first convey them to the C.I.A.’s top lawyer. Concerned about how that initial avenue for airing his allegations through the C.I.A. was unfolding, the officer then approached the House aide. In both cases, the original accusation was vague.

Schiff says he knew nothing of it in advance

Mr. Schiff never saw any part of the complaint or knew precisely what the whistle-blower would deliver, Mr. Boland said.

I do not believe that lying dog for one second. “Precisely” being the key word. There is no question that Schiff was a participant from beginning. Further, I believe that Schiff knew about this CIA plant and that John Brennan had a hand in this as well.

There is grave concern and doubt that Schiff followed the WB guidelines

Let’s examine what that schiffhead’s spokesman said

“At no point did the committee review or receive the complaint in advance,” he said. He said the committee received the complaint the night before releasing it publicly last week and noted that came three weeks after the administration was legally mandated to turn it over to Congress. The director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, acting on the advice of his top lawyer and the Justice Department, had blocked Mr. Atkinson from turning over the complaint sooner.

“At no point did the committee receive the complaint in advance” 

Schiff is not the committee. This is an important canard. It clearly admits that Schiff knew in advance. I will bet that Schiff knew well in advance about the whistleblower and that he worked hand in hand with the whistleblower to fabricate this bullsh*t story. It is one more effort to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States.

There’s more

The whistleblower at the center of the House’s impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump first contacted the staff of the House Intelligence Committee for guidance before sending the complaint to the Trump administration, according to a spokesman and a new report.

The panel’s staff advised the whistleblower to contact the intelligence community inspector general and seek legal counsel but did not receive the complaint in advance, wrote Patrick Boland, a spokesman for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, in a statement released on Wednesday.

Schiff “learned about the outlines” of the whistleblower’s concerns before the whistleblower filed the complaint, The New York Times first reported. The whistleblower reportedly turned to the House panel only after a colleague brought vague concerns to the CIA’s top lawyer, and became unsatisfied with that path.

This is completely false. The WB did NOT contact the staff of the HCI. He or she contacted Schiff.

Did I mention that Schiff is also a lying POS?

The New York Times reported on Thursday that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) had advance knowledge of the outline of the whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump before the complaint was filed, and that Schiff’s office advised the whistleblower on how to effectively create the complaint.

However, in a September 17, 2019 interview with MSNBC, Rep. Schiff said his office had not spoken “directly” with the whistleblower and that the whistleblower had not been advised “by the inspector general or the director of national intelligence (DNI)” on how to communicate with Congress:

“We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to. But, I’m sure the whistleblower has concerns that he has not been advised by as the law requires by the inspector general or the director of national intelligence (DNI) just as to how he is to communicate with Congress.

Not to mention the bald face lies Schiff spewed in the hearing:

“We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here,” Schiff said in interpreting Trump’s remarks.

“I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though, and I’m gonna say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it — on this and on that.

I am going out on a limb and suggest that it was John Brennan who tasked the CIA agent to the White House.

This is treason.

I don’t know who ratted Schiff out, but whoever did it deserves a medal.

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I am amazed that this was in The NY Slimes. Are they going to actually start reporting the news?

@Bookdoc: Not intentionally

The Clintons and Obama are behind all of this.


agree and so is george. but as Napoleon Bonaparte once said, never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake. schiff should be arrested for acts of treason as outlined in the Constitution. this piece of dog shit is making up a fictitious conversation about Trump before an open congressional committee

Schiff “learned about the outlines” of the whistleblower’s concerns before the whistleblower filed the complaint, The New York Times first reported.

“the outlines” is all there is to the entire complaint. It contains no first-hand or verified accusations or information. So, Schiff had the entire product long before it was even submitted to the ICIG, thus exposing the whistle blower to whatever prosecution is appropriate.

Did I mention that Schiff is also a lying POS?

You did and he is. In fact, anyone pursuing impeachment based on what they have now are lying POS. That would also include those who BELIEVE impeachment is warranted, except of course for the ignorant morons that merely parrot what supports their prejudices.

I don’t know who ratted Schiff out, but whoever did it deserves a medal.

You misinterpret how this will be received. Any Democrat involved in trying to tear down Trump, by ANY means, will be regarded as a hero by the whiny crybaby sore loser constituency. The lower a Democrat can go in wrecking this country, the higher their level of prestige they gain in the eyes of their followers. This is how garbage like Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Omar, Tlaib, AOC and many, many more get elected and stay in office. The trashier, the better.

The Intelligence Community IG made the statement that the “whistle blower,” or gossip monger had MULTIPLE indications that he/she was biased against President Trump.
1st we learned this person is a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT.
2nd we found out this person was also closely involved with one of the DEMOCRAT presidential candidates.
Now, this AM, according to the NYTimes, we learn that at least one of the totally redacted points in the person’t complaint against the President calling the head of Ukraine is redacted because of the political bias rather than because it is “sensitive” in any other way.

@Nan G: Un-named witnesses, rules changed to allow hearsay, secret testimony, withheld transcripts… boy, it sure sounds like these Democrats are being open and honest with the American people, doesn’t it?

A clearer example of trampling the Constitution to support a coup against the President of the United States could not be found.