Yes, Omar DID marry her brother to enter this country illegally



Back in February I wrote a post entitled “A cancer in the House of Representatives.” It documented her anti-Semtism, her hatred of white kids and more. In it we explored the possibility that she had married her brother in order to enter the country illegally.

Now I am absolutely certain she did.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) quietly deleted a six-year-old Father’s Day message from her social media profiles Tuesday morning, tacitly acknowledging critics who highlighted it Monday night to question her marital history.

Mohamad Tawhidi, an Islamic reformer who refers to himself as the “Imam of Peace,” revealed a 2013 post on Omar’s Twitter and Instagram profiles which named her father, “Nur Said.” Tawhidi then argued that, in keeping with Muslim culture, any children of this man would bear the surname “Nur Said” — which he said proved the ongoing speculation that when Omar married U.K. citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, she married her brother.

It was initially caught by someone named the Imam of Peace

And here is that tweet

But hold on, says Omar.

However, later Tuesday, New York Post reporter Jonathan Levin tweeted a statement from Omar’s spokesperson saying that she had not deleted the Father’s Day tweet for the “disturbing and hateful reasons that are being implied by conspiracy theorists.” Rather, the unnamed spokesperson claimed that the tweet had to be taken down because it attracted too many “vile” replies.

The spokesperson also said that Nur Said is not the name of Omar’s father but rather a nickname he has had since childhood. No mention was made of what Omar’s father’s real name is if not Nur Said.

But then Andy Ngo weighs in


Glenn Beck offers a timeline

She frequently claims being the victim after 9-11- that “we” all began to lose our freedoms. In a way she has a point. We all were treated as though we were radical Islamic terrorists instead of just those who were most likely to be radical Islamic terrorists.

In light of her anti-semitism and general arrogance and hubris Omar’s past demands an FBI investigation into her wrongdoings. If she did, as I suspect, enter the country illegally she can and should be deported.

A palate cleanser


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Keeping with Muslim culture, any children of this man would bear the surname “Nur Said” Not only married her brother in order to get into the country illegally but was sleeping with him to produce inbreds?
Well behold the family stick, no branches.
She needs to be censured then then deported.

What gets me about this story is that Omar has a long habit of deleting social media posts and acting like that has erased History, and her local media lets her get away with this ruse.
It took YEARS before her local media even covered her crimes.
And, when they did, they took her side of the story (What social media post? See? It’s a made-up story by “racists!) without question.
Lately her district has been exposed as a place white men (in their primes) cannot safely sit outside an arena waiting for the game without huge gangs of her fellow Somalis beating the crap out of them then stealing anything they have of any value.
Fox News covered so many beatings like these that the chief of police, despite being a Muslim himself, was forced to arrest over 20 men, charging 18 of them with crimes that could (jury of peers, however) land them in prison for 20 years.
Crickets from Ms Omar.
She probably knows we wouldn’t understand that the “jizya” (tax for infidels to continue alive in Islamic areas) must be extracted from infidels while they are being debased and hurt. (Literally, their necks under the heel of the Muslim.)

Another day, another Omar scandal.
Now we learn that Ms Omar pressured the Minneapolis Councilwoman, Alondra Cano, who hired her husband (this one: Ahmed Hirsi) to fire his so she would have financial leverage over him in the divorce.
He’s the father of their 3 children (Not her bro) and had divorced her once before, but they got back together so she could get elected.
Now he’s got the children and no job thanks to Ms Omar!

Note the writer is David Steinberg.
He’s done all the heavy lifting in exposing Omar’s scandals.

Ellison needs to be held to accounts, but he won’t. It will probably be up to the IRS and they will only act if enough of those running the conservative targeting are gone. However, the bottom line is going to be some blood tests. Let’s look at some DNA.

Any more questions about why our borders should not be wide open and people claiming to be “family” should not be given a blank check, whether they be refugees running from Obama’s catastrophes or “asylum seekers” coming across our southern border. There are many motivations for immigrants to want to come here and destroying this country happens to be one of them.

But, don’t hold your breath expecting any ethically-concerned Democrats to press for resolution of any of these questions. Ethics is the LAST thing they are interested in.

Another day, yet another new Ilhan Omar scandal.
This time her thug brother who threatens to stab people who are threats of the political fortunes of his sister, Ilhan.

Guhaad Hashi was convicted of a stabbing shortly before becoming a key member of Omar’s campaign — during which he posted several threats, including a video, towards local Somalis who spoke up about Omar.

Preya Samsundar first reported on Hashi in the 2016 Alpha News article “A community forced into silence.”
Hashi entered the United States with Ilhan Omar as brother Guhaad Omar and reclaimed his name, Guhaad Hashi Said, when he became a citizen.
Sahra Noor is both Omars’ sister. We know that Leila Elmi is both Omars’ sister.
Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is both Omars’ brother and Nur Said Elmi is their father.

There are 7 siblings in Ilhan’s family sharing the one father.
Her thug-brother is one of them.