The Week in Radical Leftism, 09/13/2019


Ah, fall is here – the heat is breaking, the mosquitos are finally disappearing, football is back, and our Lefty pals remain bat (guano) crazy! First we jump into the wayback machine and drop a few stories we missed along the way:

8/23 – The tragic — and overlooked — fallout from the ’60s sexual revolution

An interesting take on how ideas that seem fine on the individual level can have bad & unintended consequences on the macro level.

8/24 – Public schools are ‘ripping parents off’ with classroom supplies scheme

Having just done this, I can relate. While I’m not worried about this kind of waste happening at Little Bob’s school, I’m fine with the extra trouble of buying everything ourselves & saving a few bucks.

9/3 – The Right Needs To Adopt This Revolutionary Higher Ed Reform Plan Now

A bit long, but it’s up to the usual level of quality you’d expect from The Federalist. Of course, I’m wondering if the article ripped off some of the brilliance I dropped on this topic seven years ago!

9/3 – AOC Fund-Raised For Antifa

In a sane world this would be enough to get Gulab Barbie run out of office


Two words: Rachel Maddow. This is the face of The Radical Left’s favorite “news” network. Basically, a female Keith Olbermann without a cool past.


In the words of the great Damien Sandow, “Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity is forever.” – Part I

9/6 – Drew Brees Goes From Saint To Martyr In Liberal Media Hit Job

The Radical Left continues to get more brazen with their anti-Christian bigotry

9/6 – The Dirty Extractive Underbelly of Clean Energy

This is another point I’ve been arguing for a while. Of course, this is a subset of my main argument with Global Warm-Mongers – if this is such a crisis, why has nobody come up with any kind of Project Plan? I’m just talking broad strokes – We consume X amount of energy. Here are the sources we get it from now. Here is what we want to get to. Here is where our new energy plants will go and how much resources are needed to build them. Of course, we all know why these plans don’t exist.

9/7 – The Progressive Cult – Explained

Insight into the religion for people who think that they’e too smart to have a religion

9/7 – ‘Housing is a right’ says Ocasio-Cortez, and this is why she’s a million percent WRONG

“Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity is forever.” – Part II

9/7 – South Jersey Uber driver kicks gay couple out of car over sexual orientation

If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard the story, note the color of the driver. I tune into Phillyvoice because it has the best Eagles analysis, but then found something worth reading beyond sports. Even though the site’s politics are irritatingly Leftist, the comments section is dominated by Conservatives – always a fun read!

9/8 – It’s Official: The Democrats Just Want You Dead

As much as I like Dr. Seb Gorka, his headline is a bit over the top and distracts from the otherwise good points that he makes.

9/8 – Beating the War Drums

Same day, same publication, but Pedro Gonzalez paints a more detailed & gloomier picture than the last link.

9/9 – Video: Jim Mattis Turns Andrea Mitchell Into Brave Sir Robin, “Run Away!

Sometimes a story gets linked here simply for having a great title. This is one of those times.

9/10 – One America News Network files $10 million defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, and corporate parents

The headline doesn’t tell the whole story – the bigger piece is parent company AT&T refusing to carry OANN on Comcast channels. This could have a massive ripple effect.

9/11 – NYT Suggests Planes, Not Terrorists, Were Responsible For 9/11 Attacks

“Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity is forever.” – Part III

9/11 – The Media Has A Problem Covering 9/11

Most of America: “Our opinion of the MSM can’t possibly get any lower!”
Private Pyle: “Hold my jelly doughnut.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter tweeted a segment by his colleague John Avlon, with the chyron reading, “America’s 9/11 Amnesia.”

Avlon attacked President Trump, before pivoting to what he calls, “another form of violent extremism: white nationalist terrorism.”

“Here’s a startling statistic,” he drones on. “Since 9/11 right wing terrorists have killed more people in the United States than jihadist terror. That’s according to New America.”

9/12 – For many journalists predictions have been more important than facts

For giggles I decided to look at the archives of the yahoo who is cited as the authoritative source. Here is one post from December of 2016 from this nonpartisan source, praising the Obama economic record!

9/13 – Is California professionalizing college sports?

American Thinker’s Don Griffin’s support of this idea is flawed, but certainly an idea worth discussing.

From the archives, since Wednesday was the anniversary of 9/11 let’s go to the great web site Project 2996 that commemorates all of the victims. I know, I should have posted this a week ago in case any of you wanted to participate, but jumping in is not time sensitive. Here’s my contribution from ten years ago.

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Another week at camp, The sounds of chainsaw in the morning and smell of burning green tree tops at night. A little more rainy and colder than it should be this time of year. The driveway is open a tangle of 5 more mature trees chunked & stacked to the unsplit designated area to cure for a year or so.
The radio signals there are weak so I heard little news bits and pieces of the Democrat debate so this weeks selection goes out to the Democrat candidates who spoke of free healthcare for all.

RIP Eddie who cashed in one of his tickets to paradise.

I wonder if Gorka had read about the Dems dream socialized medicine in Canada killing a 41-year old man with ALS after they pulled his 24-7 care that he needed.
At that point he was a dead man either way.
He could wait at home choking to death slowly waiting and hoping some healthcare giver might show up in time, or, he could have an assisted suicide which would probably be less painful.
He chose the assisted suicide.
Care is rationed under socialized medicine no matter what Dems say.
Ask, Sean Tagert.

Oh, you can’t because he’s dead.

8/23 – The tragic — and overlooked — fallout from the ’60s sexual revolution

Yet another liberal contribution to society.

8/23 – The tragic — and overlooked — fallout from the ’60s sexual revolution

Oh, look! ANOTHER liberal contribution!

9/3 – The Right Needs To Adopt This Revolutionary Higher Ed Reform Plan Now

It seems every Democrat program eventually comes around to control and indoctrination. How about this: make the economic viability of a major like collateral for a loan. If someone is looking to become a professional student or study “the arts”, let them do it on their own nickel.

9/3 – AOC Fund-Raised For Antifa

Supporting bail for fascist thugs: good. Trump offering to defend any supporter that defends themselves against Democrat-funded assailants: bad.


All that sustains the liberal media is the liberals LIKE to be lied to. The truth is far too painful.


And how do we do this? By allowing them to illegally cross our border and co-mingle with people who, unlike them, have been inoculated against such diseases? Evil, evil, evil.

9/6 – Drew Brees Goes From Saint To Martyr In Liberal Media Hit Job

Doesn’t he know you have to be on a knee during the National Anthem to practice free speech? Also, your opinions must be chosen from the approved liberal list.

9/6 – The Dirty Extractive Underbelly of Clean Energy

This just makes Steyer and other greedy liberals salivate. Not only is there no climate crisis to solve but achieving this level of wind and solar energy production is not the goal; GETTING RICH off the attempt is the goal.

9/7 – The Progressive Cult – Explained

In the midst of capitalism, human suffering must be manufactured for the leftist agenda to take hold. Don’t worry; they’re working on it.

9/7 – ‘Housing is a right’ says Ocasio-Cortez, and this is why she’s a million percent WRONG

Big, liberal-run cities become overrun with non-working homeless and illegal immigrants because they subsidize them with free goodies. This puts unbearable stress on resources, one of which is housing. Let’s see the first liberal offering their goods or services for below market value because having those things is a “right”.

9/7 – South Jersey Uber driver kicks gay couple out of car over sexual orientation

Of course, there is no video of the “kiss on the cheek.” Which “cheek”, I wonder?

9/8 – It’s Official: The Democrats Just Want You Dead

Yes, and they love to exploit fears of violence while they spread it and utilize it as a political tool.

9/8 – Beating the War Drums

And THIS is what is wrong with “red flag” laws.

9/9 – Video: Jim Mattis Turns Andrea Mitchell Into Brave Sir Robin, “Run Away!”

Well, THIS time, it’s “404: Not found”.

9/10 – One America News Network files $10 million defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, and corporate parents

You go, OAN. If you can bust them for lying perhaps it will reduce lies overall.

9/11 – NYT Suggests Planes, Not Terrorists, Were Responsible For 9/11 Attacks

And ink, not humans, is responsible for their stupidity?

9/11 – The Media Has A Problem Covering 9/11

Obviously, just as they redefine racism, the left feels they can redefine “white nationalism” as well, as long as it benefits their agenda.

9/13 – Is California professionalizing college sports?

They are just trying to create another tax revenue stream.

@kitt: Have you tried screaming at the sky until all the work is completed?

@Nan G: That’s all part of the liberal plan to address overpopulation. Remember Allen Grayson’s accusation against Republicans? “Die Quicker”? That’s what the left’s socialized medicine’s goal is.

@Brother Bob:

I’m amazed that The Babylon Bee hasn’t come up with a “Ink caused stupid 9/11 reporting to happen” story!

They are afraid of being fact checked on it.

I had a headline to describe the debate:
Texas Televises Ten Twits Twisting Truth

@Deplorable Me:

: Have you tried screaming at the sky until all the work is completed?

No I’ll just keep practicing white privilege.
I estimate 2 or 3 years I and sweetie will have it park like again. We are running into winter, a season I hibernate.

Dear Brother Bob
Most of your readers have never joined or quit Facebook and are annoyed by your request taking up screen space.