The Week in Radical Leftism, 08/16/2019


Welcome back, everybody! The end of summer gets closer and our Lefty pals just keep getting crazier! First, a trip in the Wayback Machine:

6/22 – CRC Exposes the Fallacy of Independent Redistricting

Whenever you hear the words “bipartisan” or “Independent” from Democrats, it almost always means they’re after your wallet, your freedom, or both. The fact that this idea’s main champion comes from Don Beyer, the local Left Wing Hack representing my district was the first thing that set off my bull (snot) detectors.

8/7 – How Can Democrats Reach Out to Rural Voters When They Hate What We Do for a Living?

Simpler headline, “How can Democrats reach out to half of America when they hate us?

8/9 – Man Who Asks Walmart Clerk For Gun To ‘Kill 200 People With’ Is Anti-Gun Activist

No surprise, and this is related to my link from the archives at the end of this post – it’s time for some sensible gun control!

8/10 – #ClintonBodyCount versus #TrumpBodyCount

And interesting angle from an otherwise over-reported story – this one covers Twitter’s Idea Suppression

8/10 – Engineering a Generation of Disoriented Degenerates

I look forward to a day when we see schools dedicated to creating spaces for kids to actually learn something useful. Like maybe, reading, writing, math, science, history, etc?

8/10 – Biden’s gaffe is the left’s truth

A great dissection of what may be Biden’s biggest gaffe yet – no small order!

8/11 – Health care as abuse

The lesson from UK’s NHS that is lost on no Democrat here – state run health care is lousy at health care, but outstanding for controlling the peasants

8/11 – How to beat Biden: quote him

Good roundup of Biden’s may gaffes over the years, and a few gems even I hadn’t heard before. Bookmark this one for reference!

8/12 – Thank You, Tommy Lee

If that name sounds unfamiliar to you, Tommy Lee was the drummer for the legendary 80s glam metal band Motley Crue. The article looks at how comfortable Leftists have become in publicly acknowledging how much they hate half of this country. It’s hard to believe he used to do cool stuff like this.

8/12 – Sarah Silverman Blasts ‘Cancel Culture’: ‘They Fired Me’ Over a Blackface Photo

Some Conservatives feel badly for Sarah Silverman. I don’t. Let The Radical Left live by their own idiotic new rules. One other point of interest – Somebody whose name I can’t recall noted that SS lost her job, while Ralph Northam is still Governor of Virginia. Great observation! It’s scary that we’ve reached a point where Hollywood has a better moral compass than Virginia Democrats!

8/13 – MSNBC Guest: Democrats Must ‘Destroy’ White People Who Voted for Trump

As Kurt Schlichter likes to point out, just think of how kindly Leftists will treat us once we’re completely disarmed!

8/14 – Soy vs. Soy: Max Boot and His Leftwing and Neocon Allies Declare War on a Newly-Discovered White Supremacist Organization: The National Review

And the Vichy Conservatives are now eating their own. Good – let them antagonize each other, since they’re more interested in attacking Conservatives than fighting The Radical Left. Maybe next week’s National Review will have a clever take on The Conservative Argument for Abolishing the White Supremacist Rag known as National Review.

8/15 – Google blacklists American Thinker

Remember the good old days when The Radical Left pretended to be against election interference? Yeah, I feel old.

8/16 – Helpless Millennial Women Blame Trump for Disruption of CVS Mail-Order Birth Control Service

I noticed this trending on Twitter on Thursday night but didn’t bother to look until this post caught my eye. Like everything else with the Leftist outrage mob, it’s not even close the existential crisis they claim that it is

From the archives, with all of the talk of proposed gun control, we go back to last year where I offered A Simple Piece of Common Sense Gun Legislation the Will Actually End Mass Shootings

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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6/22 – CRC Exposes the Fallacy of Independent Redistricting

More and more, day after day, Democrats fear the fair election.

8/7 – How Can Democrats Reach Out to Rural Voters When They Hate What We Do for a Living?

Democrats have no use for any person except for their vote. Illegal immigrants will find this out the hard way, the same as many blacks have.

8/9 – Man Who Asks Walmart Clerk For Gun To ‘Kill 200 People With’ Is Anti-Gun Activist

When Democrats talk about “sensible gun control” they mean laws like NY is proposing where even people with CHL would have to keep their weapons locked up at home and even when they are traveling to an “approved” gun range, the weapon must be unloaded and locked away. Now, what doesn’t make sense about that?

8/10 – #ClintonBodyCount versus #TrumpBodyCount

As with everything else, when you want to know what Democrats are up to, observe what they accuse others of. Greg Gutfeld, though, said it best; “Epstein died of hanging… hanging around the Clinton’s.”

8/10 – Engineering a Generation of Disoriented Degenerates

Liberals: pushing stupidity in schools since they first got the opportunity. Who can forget THIS repulsiveness?

8/11 – Health care as abuse

That’s what we have to look forward to with single payer government run health care. Vote carefully.

8/11 – How to beat Biden: quote him

Well, don’t expect many more. His campaign has dusted off the Obama administration strategy that reduced the number of embarrassing gaffes he blurted: keep him away from the public. Truly, it is too much to hope for that he would be the candidate.

8/12 – Thank You, Tommy Lee

I guess that’s it for his career, right? Because liberals all want civility and and end to hate? Or something?

8/12 – Sarah Silverman Blasts ‘Cancel Culture’: ‘They Fired Me’ Over a Blackface Photo

Kathy Griffin is saving her a place in the unemployment line.

8/13 – MSNBC Guest: Democrats Must ‘Destroy’ White People Who Voted for Trump

But in a nice, less hateful, loving way.

8/14 – Soy vs. Soy: Max Boot and His Leftwing and Neocon Allies Declare War on a Newly-Discovered White Supremacist Organization: The National Review

Unfortunately, as they eat their own, there is no chance of them choking on an obstructive bone; jellyfish don’t have bones.

8/15 – Google blacklists American Thinker

Hopefully, they are finally drawing enough attention to themselves to demand action.

8/16 – Helpless Millennial Women Blame Trump for Disruption of CVS Mail-Order Birth Control Service

No, really… this is like the “blond joke” where the girl locked her keys in her car… a convertible. Right?

Hey, Lance… maybe Pence wasn’t juiced.

Fearlessly, the lunatics who are evidently controlling the Democrat talking points, corrupt young minds with this kind of insanity:

Professor says we don’t need the wealthy, just their wealth

French avers that “the very existence of capitalists” creates the problems of poverty, disease, and “other social ills.” . . . . “We don’t need the wealthy, just their wealth.”

And this clown gets paid to give this course.

@James Raider:

Professor says we don’t need the wealthy, just their wealth

And they would burn through that in less than a year and then… what? Liberals make such great long distance thinkers.

If the Democrats spent as much time to punish crinimal’s as they do disarming their victims then maybe more would be elected

Donald Trump@realDonaldTrump

Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!

7:04 AM – 17 Aug 2019

If the anti-fascists are terrorists, what are the white nationalists they’re protesting against supposed to be? Why are the Three Percenters and Proud Boys gathering for a rally in Portland, where they know perfectly well their extremist views are not appreciated?

It’s a deliberate provocation, like Nazis marching through a Jewish neighborhood.

@Greg: ANTIFA violence in Portland… again.

This is just TOO easy.

@Deplorable Me, #8:

This is just TOO easy.

Only if you have surrendered your brain to the likes of Donald Trump and Alex Jones.


You take issue with the “extremist” views of the 3percenter and the Proud Boys
yet not one word about the violence committed by AntiFa. Obviously, like the Dayton shooter, you are a fan of AntiFa.

I’m sure you cheered when the AntiFa goons beat the hell out of a Asian gay reporter.

@Greg: Well, check me out and if ANTIFA did not do their racist ANTIFA thing, you let me know. THEN you can slam Jones.


UPDATED: Portland Protest Turns Violent, Antifa Thugs Target Young Girl, Knock Man Unconscious, Hurl Racist Taunt At Black Cop

Antifa Protester Fights Bus, Bus Wins


Why are the Three Percenters and Proud Boys gathering for a rally in Portland, where they know perfectly well their extremist views are not appreciated?

Because they have the right to voice their views, ignorant and wrong as they are.

Did they hit anyone with a bike lock or assault a gay Asian reporter?

Leftist violence is so prolific, so verifiable, that it’s a gas to hear you pretend theirs some kind of equality, reciprocity going on.

You and your party are in denial. You became what you were fighting against, what you hated.

What “Juden” written on a jacket of someone in the 30s Germany meant is know mirrored by the Left in America by labeling someone “Racist”.

It’s insane.

AntiFA = Anti First Amendment Facists

Folks, you need to lay off of Greg since he is on the ropes and is suffering from a standing knock out! He has no legs, his eyes are rolled up in his head and he is seeing chirping birdies.

@Randy: More of what Greg defends and supports.

ANTIFA calls black Portland police officers “Uncle Tom”, “race traitors” and “coons”–FgJCnkocMFSIaHQ-BNqMdhibhpuvLWwGKePkl9x9bVXVsZbDls

@Deplorable Me: But poor Gregie is not smart enough to understand what he is doing.

@Brother Bob:

Let the troll starve!


My contribution for the next installment. Scum sucking leftist supporter of the dems.

Hasan Piker of The Young Turks Declares That ‘America Deserved 9-11,’ Praises ‘Brave Soldier’ Who Took Rep. Crenshaw’s Eye

@Nathan Blue: With all due respect submariner white supremacists have racked up a substantial body count in N.Z., El Paso, Pittsburg, Poway, Sutherland Springs, Charleston—–

@another vet: Yes, that is who Greg, supports!


Yes, that is who Greg, supports!

Along with Bowe Bergahl, Cindy Sheehan, and past wonders such as Fidel Castro, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (aka Vladimir Lenin), and the guy who started it all- Karl Marx. In the past he practically quoted them verbatim. I don’t read his unhinged garbage any more but I’m sure he hasn’t stopped pushing their philosophy.

@another vet: Their motto is “The enemy of my country is my friend.”

@Richard Wheeler: actually, they are progressives just like you Rich.

@Randy: Wanna expand on that Colonel.


@Randy: Typical non answer. Would expect more from an Army Officer.

Navy men being more intelligent I ask Nathan if he understands and/ or agrees with your bizarre assertion.