Yes, Cummings’ district is a sh*thole- and here’s the proof. Now 6 updates- lots of new stuff added

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After taking a non-stop pounding from Elijah Cummings about how “immigrants” are being treated, Donald Trump ripped into him


Naturally, Nancy Pelosi immediately asserted that this was a racist attack.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) denounced President Trump‘s early morning criticism of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on Saturday, labeling the president’s remarks “racist” and hailing the longtime congressman as a “champion” and “beloved leader.”

.@RepCummings is a champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice, a beloved leader in Baltimore, and deeply valued colleague,” Pelosi tweeted. “We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership.”

It was anything but racist. Kimberly Klacik is a member of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee and described by Fox News as a GOP strategist. She’s posted several videos on Twitter to make very clear that Trump has again hit the nail on the head. The stories are Klacik’s and of the people who actually live there:

Check out the comments

The people who live there have something to say

Back in 2015 Bernie Sanders likened West Baltimore to a third world country

The scene provided dramatic visuals of the economic inequality Sanders has made the center of his campaign, offering a new backdrop from which to argue for a higher minimum wage, tuition-free public college and tougher federal regulations of the nation’s banking sector.

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders told reporters later at the Freddie Gray Empowerment Center in Bolton Hill. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

Pelosi did not call Sanders a racist. Neither did anyone else. So anyone and everyone who did not call Sanders a racist and now hurls the racist epithet at Trump now is just full of sh*t.

Cummings presides over a sh*thole and his constituents are actually worse off than those being detained at the border.

And where is that dumbass Alyssa Milano?



Kim Klacik is under attack from the left



This is why nothing can get better in Baltimore

Just Google “world’s most dangerous cities,” and Baltimore comes in at number 21. For context, #20 is Juarez, Mexico, and there is a narco war happening there. In terms of violent crime, Baltimore is more violent than most 3rd world crap places. Baltimore has not elected a Republican as mayor since 1963. The people of Baltimore have been electing incompetent, corrupt, and downright stupid Democrats (that’s not to say all Dems are stupid) for at least half a century, with predictable results.

The sorry state of so many of our once-great one-party Democrat-run cities is an absolute disgrace and total embarrassment.


Where was the outrage?

Baltimore’s perpetual trash problem


Why can’t we have a clean city? It’s a problem that has perplexed generations of mayors in Baltimore. Call it the perpetual trash nemesis.

Decades of tactics have been tried to beat it. William Donald Schaefer’s Trashball campaign urged people to ball up their debris and toss it into a receptacle like a two-point shot. Kurt L. Schmoke banked on people idolizing Cal Ripken Jr. enough to convince them to pick up after themselves as part of his “It’s Your Baltimore. Don’t Trash It!” initiative, while Sheila Dixon tried to disgust people into doing better with photos of rats. Her “Cleaner, Greener Baltimore Initiative”also included adding hundreds of trash cans around the city and reducing trash pickup to focus more on recycling. Then there was Martin O’Malley, who made a big splash showing up to neighborhoods like a rock star clad in a jumpsuit and hanging from the back of a trash truck as part of an eight-day clean-up tour early in his administration.

Yet, here we are again in a mess of a city. Food containers, balled up clothes, paper, banana peels, plastic bags and tons of other pieces of litter line the shoulders of roads, pile up in alleys and are strewn across fields and yards. Not only is it unsightly and contributes to a rodent problem, but it can create a glum and gloomy feel in a time when the city is already facing self-esteem issues because of high crime and the scandal surrounding the University Maryland Medical System and Mayor Catherine Pugh, who’s now on an indefinite leave, and her Healthy Holly books. If anything, the city needs a major scrubbing to help restore some of its faith and image.


A year later, did extermination campaign solve rat problem at Baltimore’s public housing complexes?


The Housing Authority of Baltimore City says after a year of aggressively going after vermin in its public housing complexes, the rat population is down 82 percent and hundreds of citations have been issued in the surrounding neighborhoods to help combat the pests.

At the Perkins Homes complex in East Baltimore, however, residents Tonya Jackson and James Morton scoffed at the reported success.

“We have very bad problems,” said Jackson, 47, who has lived at Perkins for 12 years. “They reduced nothing.”

Morton, 55, a resident of six years, added, “Mice in the homes, rats outside.”




Trump Was Right: Orkin Lists Baltimore as One of Most Rat-Infested US Cities


Charm City is once again among America’s “Rattiest Cities,” according to a new report from pest control company Orkin, although it has shown progress in each of the past two years. Baltimore comes in at No. 9 on the company’s 2018 rankings released Monday.

This is the fourth year that Orkin has compiled the rankings, which are based on the number of rodent treatments the company performed from Sept. 15, 2017 to Sept. 15, 2018. It includes both residential and commercial treatments.

Baltimore dropped one slot from last year, when it was ranked eighth; two years ago it was No. 6 on the Orkin list. The city has undertaken several rat control measures, including the issuance of municipal garbage cans to contain waste.



This is hysterical

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@DrJohn: If Trump had a small percentage of the class you display he wouldn’t continue to poll at 45% approval.
The FA squad continues to blast Greg PERSONALLY.rather than debate policies—same as Trump. This behavior though obviously self satisfying for them –and Trump—will make this election much closer than it need be,
Incumbancy, strong economy,nation at peace–he should be polling at 60%—but he’s not because the majority of Americans strongly dislike him Personally.
Thanks DJ What say you.
Tulsi 2020 A Vet who could unite this country rather than further divide it like Trump has done–This guy will never come close to winning the popular vote—Dems won’t take Pa and Mi for granted like they did in 2012–Expect they’ll win there as well as Wi and take back WH

@DrJohn: Dr John, Many of us here also are veterans. We like all veterans took a life time oath “to defend our country and the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.”. When Richard and Greg fail to live up to that oath, they have lost our respect. They are actually part of the resistance that prevents our country to be the best.

@Richard Wheeler: Blast Greg personally? We know little about Greg, is he fat, thin, a vet or stolen valor, 20 or 75 years old. He faithfully repeats the Democrat MSM line. I seriously doubt we make him cry himself to sleep in his pillow. If anyone is truly hurt by a strangers words on the internet they have to unplug.
Trump was right.

@DrJohn: Civility?–gone–seems to be viewed as a weakness


If I might ask for a favor, I would appreciate it if we could be a little more civil to Greg and Rich. I butt heads with them all the time and think they are mostly wrong headed but they are veterans and I respect that.

1) Greggie Goebbels has repeatedly posted things that show he is probably unstable mentally due to his hatred for Trump. I have expressed my concern that he rants like someone who could go off the edge at any time, harming not only himself as well as someone else. He had admitted, on this blog, he owns firearms. His First Amendment rights have been protected here when most blog owners would have shut him down a long time ago. And you have no proof that he is a veteran.

2) Wheeler deserves no respect. He has, on multiple occasions, said disparaging things about women. Also, what kind of insecure twit sends his DD214 to a moderator of a blog that he does not know and has never met?

3) See post #52

4) Respect is earned, not owed. Neither one of them deserve anything but what they get, which is mocking rebuttal to their radicalism.

@Richard Wheeler:

Civility?–gone–seems to be viewed as a weakness

What would you know about civility, Wheeler? Were you, and your former moderator buddies, practicing civility when you outed my identity on this blog?

If you think that is civility, I suggest you purchase a dictionary.

Dr J Right on cue comes #55 and #56
And she calls Greg a Wacko Former moderators she refers to Mata and Aye Chi —-had her number–as you remember

Thanks anyway

@retire05, #55:

Seems to me—my impaired clarity of thought notwithstanding—that there may be a bit of inconsistency between points 1 and 2 regarding your demands for proof of military service. There seems to be a damned if you do/damned if you don’t element involved.

This is all just a digression from important issues, however.

@Richard Wheeler:

Thanks for proving what a jerk you are.

Well, to steer things back to the actual subject at hand, Cummings brought Trump’s attention upon himself when the grandstanded while attacks the Homeland Security chief over the CBP’s inability to fully handle a problem DEMOCRATS created, denied and refused funding for. Then, to try and direct attention away from yet another example of liberal failure, the left declared that pointing out that a city represented by a Democrat criticizing how CBP is run himself is responsible some of the worst conditions existing in this country.

There is no doubt that crime and poverty are outrageously high in Baltimore, which has been granted billions and billions of dollars to deal with the problems. Further, Obama and Sanders, to name just a couple, have made like criticisms of that city, as has the mayor. Yet, only when Trump points it out is it suddenly, magically racist.

The racists are those who deny the true racism and USE racism as a political weapon.

Pray for the fine folks of Baltimore, no one knew how bad things were in this area.

Sad to let things get in such shape.

@Latishia: Baltimore is not alone. Just do a search for cities run by Democrats and you will see the same thing.

@Latishia: And Democrats have decided in their wisdom to make Baltimore a sanctuary city, which only adds to the poverty, low wages and crime problems. Democrats go out of their way to make conditions worse.

@Richard Wheeler:

Tulsi 2020 A Vet who could unite this country rather than further divide it like Trump has done–This guy will never come close to winning the popular vote—Dems won’t take Pa and Mi for granted like they did in 2012–Expect they’ll win there as well as Wi and take back WH

Careful. You said he’d never win the primary or presidency, if I remember. 54% believe Trump will win, despite his popularity. That’s a better indicator than approval rating.

But Tulsi: she actually agrees with Trump on many things, though not directly. She told her fellow Dems to stop calling everyone racist, and she was actively blocked by Google to the detriment of her political aims, unto which she is now suing for 50 million. Her policies are closer to Trump’s than not, and she’s being marginalized by her own party and their corrupt operatives in industry and media.

But there’s just no one that can run against Trump, and they know it.

Trump wins the EC and popular vote in 2020. House flips back to Republican.

@Richard Wheeler:

The FA squad continues to blast Greg PERSONALLY.rather than debate policies

We routinely engage, and win, the “arguments” presented by Greg. The issue is the evasion and the almost irrational posts that suggest he isn’t what he claims to be. Not a personal attack, but a questioning of motives and character.

You and he have a very different feel: you are genuine, he seems like he’s reading a script. He sound’s like a millennial college professor, not a salty VN Vet, like you. That’s the issue. He never seems to have any real beliefs beyond propagating the latest thought worm provided by the Dem party and the media. It’s too contrived.

@Nathan Blue: Nobody in their right mind said he’d win the nom or The Presidency.–Michael Moore did–I rest my case.
Now 54% pick him to win? Can he win from the front? Maybe not
Dems will probably go with Biden /Amy.
If Trump wins that would be perfect for Tulsi’s 2024 run –deadfish Pence gets steam rolled by ALOHA.

Trump best POTUS in your lifetime? I had no idea you were such a young man.

Damn if you’re not the best FA’S got since Word and Aye Chi left town—–“Salty” Thanks–I think.

@Nathan Blue:

But Tulsi: she actually agrees with Trump on many things, though not directly.

She has joined all the others in LYING about what Trump is doing on the border. Anyone that promotes such lies that cause damage to the integrity and honor of this nation is OUT as far as I am concerned. It is simply too easy for a liberal to join in with the lies all the others are telling and only courage and character compels one to stand up to lying to be popular.

@Deplorable Me: As the Dem field narrows, I can see that many will say that they and their policies can accomplish everything Trump has accomplished but they will not cause as many conflicts. Then after the election, they do what they always do. Check our Governor in Colorado. He painted a rosy picture and won. Now, there is a recall effort to remove him.

@Randy: Sounds like what Milwaukee and Madison stuck us with, friggin Evers….Cage them kiddies in those failing public schools, while rewarding those schools with lots more taxpayer cash.
His famous quote,” Saying Abortionists “Execute Babies” Is “Blasphemy”
He vetos the born alive bill.
The GOP made a show of delivering the bill trying to shame him into a win for the babies.
The sneaky GOP under Walker put in voter ID so he wants to give illegals licences. He hit the ground at a full run breaking promises
Governor Tony Evers announced that he wanted to renegotiate the Foxconn contract, Trump had to step in and save that one.
Randy you have my empathy best of luck with those recall efforts.
Our GOP dominated assembly is trying to keep our pencil necked liar in line.

My Small town and our local Fair Grounds is never this messy becasue we put the trash where is belongs and our Fair Grounds has bins set up for recyling the soda cans and bottles and the Water Bottles as well

@Richard Wheeler, #66:

Trump best POTUS in your lifetime? I had no idea you were such a young man.

One would have to be under the age of three.

@Greg: the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront

Which sits right next to Johns Hopkins and is a block away from the Walden University even the blacks in the videos say their district’s garbage men keep looking great, and clean.

@Greg: Yeah, there’s a reason Obama used illegal surveillance and spying to try and make sure Hillary won. His legacy is one of absolute failure.

I don’t know if Trump is the “best”, but he is absolutely better than Obama by every possible metric.


One would have to be under the age of three.

Just proves conservative 3 year olds are smarter and more savvy than any democrat.

*In Colonel Kurtz’s dying voice* “The irony… The irony…”

July 31, 2019 – Those ‘rat infested’ places in Baltimore? They’re owned by Trump’s son-in-law

BALTIMORE — Davon Jones doesn’t have to look far to see the irony in President Donald Trump’s tweets that Baltimore is a “rat and rodent infested mess.” His apartment owned by the president’s son-in-law has been invaded by mice since he moved in a year ago.

“I don’t know how they come in,” Jones says. “Every time I catch them, they come right back.”

Jared Kushner’s family real estate firm owns thousands of apartments and townhomes in the Baltimore area, and some have been criticized for the same kind of disrepair and neglect that the president has accused local leaders of failing to address. Residents have complained about mold, bedbugs, leaks and, yes, mice — plenty of mice. And they say management appears in no hurry to fix the problems.

“They don’t care,” says Dezmond James, who says he has spotted as many as three mice a week since he moved in to the Commons at White Marsh in suburban Middle River four years ago.

James says he sees a massive contradiction in Trump’s much-publicized tweets laying the blame for Baltimore’s poverty, crime and rodent problems on frequent antagonist Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings. Trump, he said, should look more at what he — and specifically Kushner — could do about it.

“His son-in-law owns all of this — then he can fix it. I’m pretty sure he has a lot of money,” says James, who is studying to be a medical assistant. “That’s kind of weird that you want to talk trash. … If you want to make improvements, you can make improvements.”

Conditions got so bad two years ago that the Baltimore County government issued a release showing the Kushner Cos. had violated housing codes more than 200 times in just 10 months and only moved to fix the problems after being threatened with fines.

“I had black mold in my cabinets. I called them, I called them, I called them. And they never did anything,” says Simone Ryer who moved out Whispering Woods in Middle River two years ago. “That was more than enough for me to leave.”

In a statement, the Kushner Cos. said it was proud of its Baltimore-area apartments and has worked to maintain a “high quality residential experience for our tenants” by investing “substantial amounts” in upkeep.

A website for the Commons at White Marsh boasts of “amenities that amaze,” but many of the 181 comments posted by residents at the review site complain of rats, mold, bedbugs, roaches and leaks. The reviews say management is generally unresponsive.

@Richard Wheeler:

Damn if you’re not the best FA’S got since Word and Aye Chi left town—–“Salty” Thanks–I think.

I’m a Navy Vet – Submarines – so “salty” is a good thing.


One would have to be under the age of three.

Glad I helped you find your niche with comments. Not much for you to offer beyond partisan tripe, I know. Clinton was president when you were born, so I’d hide that too.

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump best POTUS in your lifetime? I had no idea you were such a young man.

Yes, he’s the best in my lifetime, in my opinion. I’m 42.

But by all means, tell me who you thought was the best in your lifetime…both you and Greg (Greg won’t, because he was born in the 90s).

@Nathan Blue, #76:

Clinton was president when you were born, so I’d hide that too.

Harry Truman was president when I was born, Junior, though the first president I clearly remember was Dwight David Eisenhower. I recall Sir Winston Churchill as the current Prime Minister, and have a memory of watching a news report with extended film clips covering Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. So your guess is off by more than 4 decades.

@Nathan Blue: EASY—JFK—Dems looking for another—He said “ask not—-“– 20 months later I joined The Marines PLC Program

Submariner—Outstanding—-my dad was Navy JAG—
Was a bit surprised by my choice of Serrvice but totally respected it.

Enjoy the debate–Tulsi fired up and ready to go–hope she gets a better shot than Jim Webb got. Believe Webb would have beaten Trump and made a great POTUS..

@Greg: So Trump Jr. owns all of Baltimore? Weak and silly.

@Deplorable Me, #79:

Indeed, that would be silly. No single slum lord owns all of Baltimore’s troubled neighborhoods.

I’m not sure if the owners of the rats, mice, and cockroaches are the same as the owners of the properties that they infest, or if the vermin technically belong to the city. This is a fine point of the law that would need to be taken up by legal experts.

There might also be a constitutional issue involving the question of whether one rat can actually own another rat.

@Greg: But that’s what you tried hard to imply. No one else in Baltimore has issues but Trump Jr. Ever live in an apartment? No matter how clean you keep yours, if others live in filth, YOU will have roaches just the same as them. The same goes for filthy neighborhoods.

But, the fact remains that this is Cummings’ district. While he was busy LYING about CBP and blaming the head of Homeland Security for a job HE had partial responsibility for creating and sustaining, his district is a rat-infested trash heap. The CITY doesn’t pick up the trash. The CITY doesn’t control the rodents. Something besides help to the residents happens to the BILLIONS and BILLIONS of federal dollars sent to help. And, by all indication, Cummings is dipping his beak, along with his wife, into the money feeder. Lies, corruption and incompetence; liberal mainstays.


You are a retard.