No, Trump is not a racist and he is right about the Hate America Squad



Over the weekend Donald Trump tweeted some criticism of the Hate America “Squad.” It was immediately and deliberately delivered as fake news, even by Drudge

Get out of USA, Trump tells congresswomen!

The AP began the reported this way:

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

A ways down the actual words came out:

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” he tweeted.

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”

He added: “These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”

There is nothing racist about these words. As they always do, leftists use the accusation of racism as a bludgeon whenever it suits their needs. Pretty much every liberal media #fakenews outlet reported it falsely.

Those four women are despicable.

Omar is an anti-Semitic cancer in the House who likely married her brother and filed false tax returns and then lectures Americans about values.

Pressley thinks all blacks should be militant.

During a panel discussion at the Netroots Nation convention in Philadelphia, Rep. Ayanna Pressley took a shot at the CBC. “I don’t want to bring a chair to an old table. This is the time to shake the table. This is the time to redefine that table. Because if you’re going to come to this table, all of you who have aspirations of running for office,” the Massachusetts Democrat said on Saturday. “If you’re not prepared to come to that table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.”

Upon winning her election, Tlaib wrapped herself in a Palestinian flag

AOC is an idiot punching far above her weight class.

Lindsey Graham is right when he calls them Communists.

“We all know AOC and this crowd are a bunch of communists they hate Israel, they hate our own country. Calling guards along our border, Border Patrol agent concentration camp guards,”  Graham said.

Graham also called the agenda of Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrats “disgusting,” but said Trump should focus on the group’s unpopular policy ideas.

“I think they’re American citizens duly-elected running on an agenda that is disgusting, that the American people will reject,” Graham said. “Make them the face of the future of the Democratic Party.”

“You will destroy the Democratic Party,” the senator concluded.

All of their proposed policies, i.e. open borders, decriminalizing illegal entry, abolishing ICE, are meant to destroy this country as it is today. Sounds a lot like 1917. If you close your eyes, you can hear Vladimir Lenin.

Donald Trump is no racist. Trump nominated the first black female Marine Brigadier General. Trump renominated a lesbian activist to an anti-discrimination job. Trump nominated two openly gay men to be Ambassadors; one to Germany, the other to Nepal. Black and Hispanic unemployment have fallen under Trump, with Hispanic unemployment at a new low.

Trump was given the Ellis Island Award in 1986

The ELLIS ISLAND MEDALS OF HONOR are awarded annually to a group of distinguished American citizens who exemplify a life dedicated to community service. These are individuals who preserve and celebrate the history, traditions and values of their ancestry while exemplifying the values of the American way of life, and who are dedicated to creating a better world for us all.

Donald Trump is no racist and he is on target about those four America hating women.




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@Richard Wheeler: Does it matter where they want her to go? Just somewhere where she can do no more damage to the country, but you want her to do more damage right!

@Randy: Unlike you, I believe in The Constitution –you gotta vote her out–deal with it— gonna do our best to make Trump’s 4 years a bad memory.
That’s the way it works in our Democracy.

That being said they are chanting for her to go back to one of those “shit hole” countries the Prez rags on..
The squad really get’s under Repub skins–takes some pressure off Pelosi and the nom.

@Richard Wheeler: @Richard Wheeler: Actually Rich, you do not believe in the Constitution. Actually, the “squad” is rapidly becoming a poison pill for the Dems. Ignorant people like you keep accusing Trump of racism when there is none. That is causing real Americans who served in the military and continue to live up to their vows to support the president. Most of Americans believe in fairness. They do not like what the Dems have become and what they continue to espouse. They know that open borders are wrong. They know that Obama not trump created the border crisis. Only those who are blinded by their ideology like you can not see what is really happening. You are still supporting those who support ANTIFA and AL Qeada. I suppose that is your definition of defending the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic? You have not gotten off of your ass in years to defend any thing good for this country.

@Richard Wheeler:

Well, if AOC plus three are so damn smart, why don’t they go [back] to the nations of their heritage that blows through so many American tax dollars, fix those nations, then return to D.C. and tell President Trump how problems are solved. No, they would prefer we just keep throwing money at nations that, like Mexico, is more than happy to dump their problems on us. And why would that be? Because Central and South American nations still have basically what is [still] a caste system and the wealthy don’t want to take care of the less fortunate in their countries. (Not to dismiss that fact that after the fall of Hitler, former Nazis fled to the open arms of Argentina and Brazil). To paraphrase Carlos Slim, once the richest man in the world, when asked if he donated to the poor in Mexico, he responded with why should he? He is the same man who bailed out the NYTs.

As for Ilhan Omar, no one should be more supportive of America, and Americans, than she. What other nation in the world could she be given a chance to come to the U.S by U.S. Christian relief workers, her father given a federal job with all the security that goes with it and then elected to the House of Representatives? Yet she blames American soldiers for the strife that was in Somalia? Oh, and on September 11, 2001 “some people did something?” Yeah, some people of the same religious bent as her murdered almost 3,000 Americans but to Omar, it was more serious that Americans became apprehensive about Muslims than those 3,000 deaths.

So while you are slamming the chanters (who, by the way, are footing the bill for not only AOC plus three’s salaries, but the illegals as well), remind us again how you slammed the protests by illegals in your own state that were demanding rights they are not even entitled to. We will be waiting.

@retire05: Do not ask Rich to answer complicated questions. It confuses him when the answers may conflict with his far left wing ideology. He is much more comfortable just pointing and mumbling.

Rant on They were elected to serve by their constituents and it will be up to them to vote em out KISS

That’s the way it works in America—-I gotta feeling they like it here and don’t plan to go anywhere.
They are under your skin just like Trump gets under Dem’s skin with his outrageous shtick.

@Richard Wheeler: No, they like you provide me and many others many hours of laughter with your ignorance..


I would have thought you did, since social media manipulation on Facebook by Putin’s St Petersburg troll farm helped put your favorite incompetent jackass in the White House.

That’s partisan rhetoric that you and your party repeat instead of building an actual political platform to run on. Doubling down on the usual lies is all the Democrat party has left: Rape, Racism, and Russia.

Illegal immigration increased enormously after Trump was elected. As with Iran, he’s now pretending to find a solution for a problem his own idiotic policies have made much worse.

That is very curious. Seems those people came for the economy he helped to build. Dems don’t care about “illegals”. They only care about building their voting base by exploiting the young, the poor, the over-educated and under-worked. You’re one of these, by the way.

And saying his policies “made it worse” is partisan rhetoric with no proof or basis.

@Richard Wheeler:

you gotta vote her out–deal with it— gonna do our best to make Trump’s 4 years a bad memory.
That’s the way it works in our Democracy.

That’s actually what Conservatives believe and Democrats don’t. To Dems, you have to “scandal” someone out of office.. No party has mastered the art of character assassination by simply accusing someone of rape, racism, or russian collusion with little to no evidence. Obama’s team had his records sealed to prevent others from using their own shady tactics against them. Creepy.

And are they talking about beating Trump in the election, or still looking for Russia/Rape/Racist solutions for Impeachment?

Gotta vote him out. Deal with it. That’s the way democracy works. Meanwhile, the Democratic candidates are looking…uh…*cringes*…pretty bad.

Like 05 says VOTE for Ms Murray—I expect she’ll get about 20% against AOC in The Bronx

Jut remember, Pelosi said “a glass of water” could win the election in AOC’s district, which was to say AOC isn’t someone with real clout or experience….yet….

I believe AOC could be a good politician, with time and patience. The new college freshman style of making activists instead of thinkers is somewhat alarming, and I feel the “squad”, who’s party doesn’t even support them outside of them doing their job for their districts, isn’t up to the task of trying to fundamentally transform a nation that is indeed better than where they “came” from.

Why I like Trumps comments is because he could say anything and they’d spin it to be racist. When he welcomes prominent blacks to the White House, there’s always some spin on why it’s not legit. Might as well say some questionable things to get the Dems to eat each other.

A good point I’ve seen in the media, however: the comments don’t change anyone’s opinions. If you already believed he was racist, as the Dem propaganda machine wants, you’re going to say “Look, look! See what I mean!! He’s racist!”
If you didn’t believe that, you just take another yawn.

@Richard Wheeler:

Rant on They were elected to serve by their constituents

Oh, yeah, so let’s look at Omar’s constituents. More people (especially Somalians) from her district have gone to the Middle East to join ISIS. So we know who is voting for radicalized Ilhan, don’t we?


I have to keep it simple for you, Wheeler. Otherwise it goes right over your head.

@Randy: Glad to hear it—Laughter., like music, is a wonderful thing
We certainly can’t all be as smart as you think you are.

Talk about laughter—Trump hugging the flag with his shit -eating grin—hilarious—Thanks Greg.

“hace tom” ?? that is over my head–code?

@Nathan Blue: I assume you and Nancy mean a glass of water Dem over any Repub—she pulled a huge upset in the primary over a long running highly respected incumbent.

Hard to change people’s minds in politics—-shouldn’t even be attempted at FA—simply a place to exchange opinions on occasion. Not 24/7 as some here do.

I believe DT is doing damage to the GOP—After he’s gone what will the Party become?

This whole who is a bigger racist meme has gotten ridiculous—-people know in their own hearts and minds if they are racists—no one needs to remind them.

@Richard Wheeler: Omar could very well be deported for IRS, campaign finance and immigration fraud. She married her brother to keep his gay ass here, then filed income taxes with another man. She, like the others, are scum.

The REAL idiots are those who have been chanting, “IMPEACH!! COLLUSION!!! IMPEACH!!” and who simply accepted the fact that all the “MOUNTAIN” of evidence all you liberals SWORE existed suddenly disappeared into thin air when Mueller’s report was released. Then, even BIGGER idiots just pretend it never happened and ignore any questions about it.

And, 12 days after our consulate was sacked and 4 Americans killed in Benghazi, your beloved Omar was celebrating “Allah Akbar”. Boy, you can pick em. As long as they hate America, huh?

@Nathan Blue: I assume you and Nancy mean a glass of water Dem over any Repub—she pulled a huge upset in the primary over a long running highly respected incumbent.

The incumbent didn’t even campaign assuming, as liberals do, that he was entitled to perpetual office. No, Nancy meant the idiot Sandy.


Really? I would have thought you did, since social media manipulation on Facebook by Putin’s St Petersburg troll farm helped put your favorite incompetent jackass in the White House.

Ha. Now, THAT’S a good one. Didn’t you hear? A judge forced Mueller and his team to admit they didn’t have any evidence of Russian troll farms; they just thought it was a good idea to ASSUME they existed.

Just a bunch of made up crap… just like all your OTHER accusations.

Illegal immigration increased enormously after Trump was elected.

No, wrong, false. After Trump’s election, illegal immigration DROPPED precipitously due to all his pledges of enforcing immigration law. Not until liberal judges began blocking every effort to secure the border and the left was advertising their loopholes and how to evade law enforcement, in concert with blocking every attempt to stop illegal immigration blocked by Democrats, the left organizing huge caravans of illegal immigrants, all while Democrats denied there even WAS a crisis, that immigration exploded.

@Randy: Don’t ask him to answer ANY questions. They frighten him. However, by not answering, just as the 4 Stooges’ refusal to answer confirms they support al Qaeda and ANTIFA, so do Rich and Greg support ANTIFA trying to fire bomb an ICE detention center (by a useful idiot citing AOC’s rhetoric) and the US flag desecrated and replaced with the Mexican flag at another. All because, you know… Trump. Trump exists so it’s OK to hate America and denigrate it.

@Randy: I wonder what this Veteran of the Mogadishu battle would say knowing that a former USMC officer is defending a person who essentially dissed him and all the other brave AMERICANS who fought there? Fortunately, probably 99.99% of Vets would side with him and the rest who fought there over Omar.

@Deplorable Me:

All because, you know… Trump. Trump exists so it’s OK to hate America and denigrate it.

Rest assured, they’d be spouting the same crap regardless of which Republican would have beaten Hillary- Cruz, Rubio, even alleged media favorite Kasich. Just when you thought the left could have never gotten more unhinged than they were with GWB, along comes Trump.

@another vet: Just watched Apollo 11—great show don’t miss it.

@Richard Wheeler: I believe JFK’s biggest contribution as POTUS was what he did with the space program. We really should put someone on Mars.

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump hugs the flag, bad.

Obama holds his hand together over his crotch during the National Anthem, good.

Got it. Was that simple enough for you, Stupid? I know I have to dumb things down for you.

@another vet: Watched tonight, his message to Congress in 61, calling for a landing by decade’s end–accomplished with only 5 months to spare–in that speech he actually described the mission.
Thought the formation of The Peace Corps a great achievement—of course his “ask not–‘ speech inspired countless young Americans—I joined The Marines the following year.
Those were heady times with our young charismatic leader and beautiful family inspiring a united country—His assassination in 63 and the loss of Bobby and MLK 68 changed us forever..

@Richard Wheeler: You are right Rich. It does not take much to be smarter than you. You just keep supporting those who support terrorists and criminals. That makes you very smart!

@Richard Wheeler: Actually, we watched it the first time in live action. Kennedy really stuck it to the Cuban fighters! Left them to die on the beaches and rot in prison.

@Richard Wheeler:

I assume you and Nancy mean a glass of water Dem over any Repub—she pulled a huge upset in the primary over a long running highly respected incumbent.

I was only quoting Nancy, Rich. She, the Speaker of the House, said that AOC’s win was a given and “a glass of water” could have won. How you take that is up to you. The point is she is not yet an accomplished politician who should be shouting about how to change the country.

I believe DT is doing damage to the GOP—After he’s gone what will the Party become?

Many asked “When Obama is gone, what will the Democrat Party become.”

The answer? Fractured, powerless, and politically confused.

As for the GOP, the Dems have been trying to say they are “irrelevant” and finished for a long time. That’s just partisan blathering, and also tyrannical thinking. Your party is not going to take over the country. It’s not the only party, and it never will be. That’s how democracy works.

When Trump is gone, the GOP will still be in a better position and structure than the current Dem Party, so the Dems should stop repeating the lie that the GOP is gone and dead and blah blah blah and start fixing their own broken party. Plenty of work to do there.

@Richard Wheeler: @Greg: Yeah, it’s true. AOC and the rest of the Squat Squad are becoming the face of the Democrat party, and that ain’t helping your chances.

@Richard Wheeler: We watched it on PPV a while back; wish I had known it would be shown for free.

Impressive what CNN can accomplish when they drop the ideological filters and report facts. No doubt this doc was made before the NYT and WaPo thought of turning the Space Program into a social justice battlefield.

@Deplorable Me, #162:

Ha. Now, THAT’S a good one. Didn’t you hear?

Do you get information from any sources that don’t haul loads of total horse manure?

Anyone who hasn’t yet grasped that the fact-based conclusions of our own intelligence community are indicative of a serious and ongoing threat to our nation can’t be playing with a full deck.

Donald Trump, wittingly or unwittingly, is part of that threat. He’s the “domestic” part of “threats foreign and domestic”. “Wittingly or unwittingly” is what determines if it is actually treason.

The Lawfare report is presenting actual established facts, which are true whether you believe them or not. This is what the Russians actually did. That a lot of Americans can’t or won’t believe the facts is what allowed the attack to work, and what allows it to keep on working. They become part of the mechanism when they fail to recognize it for what it is.

@Greg: Actually, that was part of the Flynn prosecution. If you actually read the Mueller report, they actually say there is not collusion with the Russians. You, Greg, should have been a movie star with your imagination. That famous movie, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” You would have fit right in. Obama presented more of a threat to this country with his cosy relationship with the Russians and his approval of the uranium deal as well as his trying to buy off the Iranians.

@Randy, #174:

Actually, that was part of the Flynn prosecution. If you actually read the Mueller report, they actually say there is not collusion with the Russians.

That IS NOT what the report says. That is only what Trump has repeatedly told you it says.

I doubt you understood what Ken Kesey was saying. You may not know who he was.


Do you get information from any sources that don’t haul loads of total horse manure?

Do you? No, you don’t. Just more partisan rhetoric and biased opinions, no cogent arguments ever made.


Donald Trump, wittingly or unwittingly, is part of that threat. He’s the “domestic” part of “threats foreign and domestic”. “Wittingly or unwittingly” is what determines if it is actually treason.

Hahahaha…sure. I just think you candidate lost the election, and you’re lockstep with a cracked party in it’s desperate, and immoral, attempts to pretend the election didn’t happen. You’re already poised for defeat, because you know your party is working on a scam to pretend election interference in the 2020 election. You’re handlers are already coming up with the “proof” as we speak.


That IS NOT what the report says. That is only what Trump has repeatedly told you it says.

That IS SO what the report says. That is only what your party has repeatedly told you it says.


Anyone who hasn’t yet grasped that the fact-based conclusions of our own intelligence community are indicative of a serious and ongoing threat to our nation can’t be playing with a full deck.

Oh. When did that “fact-based intelligence community” find out that three of Putin’s associates were the sources for the information in Steele’s dossier? If they knew, why did they not tell Trump? If they didn’t, WHY didn’t they and why didn’t they work to verify the dossier before they used it to assault a sitting President? Not very convincing, Greg. Weak. Very weak.

One thing we know; the FBI accepted, unquestioned, the report from the “investigators” hand picked by the DNC to claim the Russians hacked their server. The FBI (part of the “fact-based intelligence community”?) was not ALLOWED to examine the server and they just accepted that, then took the DNC’s word for who “hacked” them. By the way, there is VERY GOOD evidence that Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the information and NO hacking occurred.

Speaking of facts, what happened to that “mountain” of FACTS all you Democrats said they had that PROVED beyond any doubt Trump colluded with Russians to manipulate the 2016 election? Will you EVER address that question, as you wrap yourself with a false cloak of “facts”?

All Trump threatens is the pursuit of socialism, the liberal agenda and establishment Republicans. He is exactly what this country needs at exactly this moment in time, which is why Democrats are frantically trying to destroy him. Instead, they are destroying themselves, which is great.

You DO know Nadler is a lying idiot, right? And CNN is nothing but a left wing propaganda organ? He was another one that had ALL THAT EVIDENCE that suddenly vanished the moment Mueller’s report was released. If they actually have evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, why did the House just shoot down impeachment proceedings?

You should stop, Greg. Really. Maybe, after years of rehabilitation, you could regain some credibility.

@Nathan Blue: Greg can not read. He only verbalizes his words to post on FA. He only posts what he hears.

@Greg: Right! They are all talk and no show.

@Deplorable Me:

My credibility among those who believe Donald Trump to be America’s Savior is of no concern to me whatsoever. I only hope my thoughts are given some small measure of consideration by those who are awake, observant, and who can make up their own minds without being told what to think.

@Greg: And then, as if by request, this pops up:

No Wonder Google Execs Cried When Hillary Lost – They Funded Crowdstrike – The ‘Experts’ Behind the Russian Hackers Story

Isn’t it odd how nervous, squirmy, evasive and obtuse Mueller and his team act when someone asks them for evidence? That doesn’t give you any clue or indication of how valid his “evidence” is?

Isn’t it odd how…

Not odd in the least. Trump’s echo box will ramp up efforts to defame and discredit all of his enemies and to assist with disinformation and distraction as Mueller’s day of testimony draws nearer, and as Trump’s legal delaying tactics begin to fail.

Mueller is an honorable American and a patriot. Exactly the sort of man Trump has repeatedly attempted to destroy to protect himself. I hope John McCain is watching.

@Greg: An honorable American and a Patriot—yes he is –A Marine Corps Officer awarded the Bronze Star for valor in combat RVN.
Donald “can’t remember which foot it was” has been anything but honorable in his business and personal dealings throughout his life.

Comments about Mac –disgusting but unfortunately typical of this man.


@Greg: @Richard Wheeler: Mueller is not a honorable man any longer. You continue to ignore his history. As FBI director, he left innocent men that he knew about in prison. He was part of the prosecution against Ted Stevens that was over turned by a Judge for illegal activity . He continued to harass the scientist from FT Derick for the anthrax case well after the man was declared innocent by his own investigators. He signed off on the Clinton uranium 1 deal. Like you Rich, you may have had honorable military years, but you left that honor well behind. I doubt you would recognize honor if you fell over it.

Recent document show that Mueller knew that the documents used for the original FISA requests were false, yet he and his buddies you describe as “honorable” continued the illegal investigation. Is that honorable?

@Greg: You have not had a valid thought since you potato peeling days in the Army. You can not tell a fact from an opinion.


Like you, Rich you may have had honorable military years but you left that honor well behind.

That is why I call RW the “Manchurian candidate.” RW rails on Trump for “bone spurs” but when have you ever read him railing on Clinton for being a draft dodger? He voted for Clinton TWICE. What about John Kerry? While RW was hanging his a$$ out to get shot by the NVC, John Kerry was pumping up the anti-military radical left and trying to negotiate with the NVC (maybe not at the same time depending when RW was in-country). What about the dope smoking Obama who would have fled to Kenya had he been drafted? Yep, RW voted for him, TWICE. And who does RW admit to voting for in the last California presidential primary? None other than the Socialist Bernie Sander. Sanders out of at least 10 candidates on the 2016 California primary? Honor? RW can’t even spell it anymore.

No surprise; RW is a New York transplant to the failed state of California.

Mueller is a slug along with his hatchet man, Andrew Weissmann. Both belong in jail for what they did to innocent men.

I served honorably in V.N. So did Greg–so did Mueller—

Trump the flag hugger—-50 years late you phony patriot.


My credibility among those who believe Donald Trump to be America’s Savior is of no concern to me whatsoever. I only hope my thoughts are given some small measure of consideration by those who are awake, observant, and who can make up their own minds without being told what to think.

That’s the partisan talking point your handlers gave you, we know. “Trump supporters think Trump is America’s savior”. No they don’t. That was Obama’s supporters about Obama. Literally.

@Richard Wheeler:

I served honorably in V.N. So did Greg–so did Mueller—

You don’t know Greg, and he’s said a lot of things while just sounding like another liberal millennial as he reads his talking points from his bosses. He is “Michael” and “AJ” and “Ronald J Ward”. They all say the same thing, with the same emphasis. I don’t believe for a second Greg is a vet, much less a V.N. Vet.

An honestly? Greg is a liar. He’s a f*cking liar, and not here for discussion, just to propagandize.

As for you, thank you again for your service. We all know you are a real person sharing real thoughts, and it’s always appreciated.

Trump’s service: No Democrat President since Carter served in the military, and Clinton was the worst example of draft dodging there is, so I’m not sure how Trump’s lack of service really matters. Hillary Clinton didn’t serve. Sanders, Biden, none of the the current “old guard”, don’t have some controversy with the draft…yet they are running. Biden looks like a “draft dodger” too, and Sanders was a conscientious objector.

The only Dem candidate I like and support is Tulsi, and yes, she served. She’s also never getting close to the nomination due to these clowns. Here’s hoping for 2024. She could be part of the rebuilding of her very broken party.

There’s a point where the constant effort to hang Trump on something just because Dems hate him is actually distracting him from doing his job, and that makes the Dems look very, very bad to voters. The polls said Hillary was going to win the election, so the “polls” are irrelevant.

@Nathan Blue, #190:

That’s the partisan talking point your handlers gave you, we know.

You seem to know a lot of things that aren’t true, and to deny a lot of things that are.

That anyone on the forum would have “handlers” begins to cross over into delusional thinking. Unless, of course, you’re posting from Putin’s St. Petersburg troll farm, in which case you would be the one with handlers. Perhaps we should just give one another the benefit of the doubt and accept that regular Americans are divided in their opinions concerning Donald J Trump.

As for my military service, it was as has been reported. I claim no more than having gone when my orders came and having serving faithfully until my year in country was done. I’m thankful for having gotten through that with my mind and body fully intact, and feel no need to prove anything about it to anyone. You should be careful who you make such accusations about. You really don’t know who you might be wrongly insulting. Differing political views is no justification. Part of my utter contempt for Donald Trump has to do with his shameful treatment of John McCain. He crossed a line. The same is true with the bullshit about John Kerry. Not having served, he probably doesn’t even know he crossed it.

My two closest surviving friends who served with me in Vietnam share my opinion about Donald Trump. It’s pretty damn low, and in my opinion that’s an earned estimation.

@Greg: Wow, must be children of the 60’s who imbibed in hallucinating drugs.

I wonder, if Mueller is so “honorable”, why did he conducted an investigation in which he hid exculpatory evidence, ignored evidence that cleared his suspects, edited evidence and simply made up accusations for which he had no evidence? I’m no professional investigator, but none of that sounds very honorable to me.

But, then again, I don’t support and defend people who routinely lie about and denigrate this country, lie about our law enforcement, tries to make anti-Semitism a part of our legislation and hides behind racism.

Of course, General Flynn was an honorable military man, but Mueller, working at the behest of liberals, attacked and destroyed him for the sin of speaking out against Obama’s stupid policies.

@Deplorable Me, #193:

I don’t believe Mueller actually did any such thing. I believe he conducted his investigation by the book and in an entirely professional manner. I think the only reason Trump wasn’t charged with obstruction of justice is because Department of Justice policy didn’t allow him to do so. Mueller believes the only constitutional remedy to high crimes and misdemeanors on the part of a sitting president to be the responsibility of Congress. His report clearly stated that this was the reason he rendered no prosecutorial judgement.

@Nathan Blue: Did you know Tulsi is my pick? My only donation so far.
Greg has been here a long time—never claiming to be anyone else—I believe him and find him a well spoken rep of the middle left of the DemocratIC Party
I think my support of Word hurt his Conservative cred here at FA-come back Word. I WON’T DO THE SAME TO YOU Nathan LOL


Wow, is right. But please take note of some similarities between Greggie Goebbles and RW.

One who claims to be a veteran to the Vietnamese war (one could question which side he was on) and warns Nathan to take care who he is insulting; the other who is so insecure that he sent his DD214 to one of the moderators of this web site, who he does not know and has never met, I assume simply to, in his mind, impress. Both have made the claim that their fellow veterans have the same opinion of Trump as they do.

Neither one of these chaps ever respond, or generally don’t respond to any of the questions posed to them. They don’t engage in rational debate or even engage in a conversation. They post opinion. Nothing more and nothing less and that opinion is jaded.

Conservatives, for decades, have remained silent as the slings and arrows of ridicule have been slung at them by the ever moving left progressives. I warms my heart that conservatives, at least some, are beginning to fight back.

Please note RW finds Greggie Goebbels to be “middle left.” So a Socialist, to RW, is “middle left.” Judas Priest, what would far left look like to RW?

@retire05: You’re a trip—you got us–Greg and I are one and the

Are you and Kitt the same?

How bout Randy and AV?

Get a life nasty

@Richard Wheeler: I did know that you and I agree on Tulsi.


You seem to know a lot of things that aren’t true, and to deny a lot of things that are.

Given most of your comments are plucked straight from the Leftist troll farm, and you’ve never denied it, gives us all pause. I know you are capable of outright lies. All of your views pivot to use the political fodder of the day…in this case, taking hollow umbrage about McCain.

You should be careful who you make such accusations about. You really don’t know who you might be wrongly insulting.

Spoken like a true troll. “You don’t know me…”

Yes I do.

@Nathan Blue: Glad to hear we agree on Tulsi An incredible young woman with true grit. I’d love to see her take on President Nasty. Believe she’d hold her own

For the record if I find Biden dodged service he will not get my support

@retire05: The telltale statement you see with the Left is “every one thinks this” or “all my friends agree with me” or “all the polls validate my bias”…

…it’s the one thing that comes up.

So what!?

Firstly, it’s simple confirmation bias. Secondly, who gives a damn about what “everyone else” thinks.

All my surviving friends from the war I was conscripted into (because I didn’t enlist) think…

That holds no authority.

It’s a weak crutch, for any person or party, to engineer the “everyone thinks this, so you’ll be an ostracized outsider if you don’t swallow the same sh*t” tactic.

But yeah, everyone else is a “Trumpeteer” because they are non-Left.