No, Trump is not a racist and he is right about the Hate America Squad

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Over the weekend Donald Trump tweeted some criticism of the Hate America “Squad.” It was immediately and deliberately delivered as fake news, even by Drudge

Get out of USA, Trump tells congresswomen!

The AP began the reported this way:

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

A ways down the actual words came out:

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” he tweeted.

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”

He added: “These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”

There is nothing racist about these words. As they always do, leftists use the accusation of racism as a bludgeon whenever it suits their needs. Pretty much every liberal media #fakenews outlet reported it falsely.

Those four women are despicable.

Omar is an anti-Semitic cancer in the House who likely married her brother and filed false tax returns and then lectures Americans about values.

Pressley thinks all blacks should be militant.

During a panel discussion at the Netroots Nation convention in Philadelphia, Rep. Ayanna Pressley took a shot at the CBC. “I don’t want to bring a chair to an old table. This is the time to shake the table. This is the time to redefine that table. Because if you’re going to come to this table, all of you who have aspirations of running for office,” the Massachusetts Democrat said on Saturday. “If you’re not prepared to come to that table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.”

Upon winning her election, Tlaib wrapped herself in a Palestinian flag

AOC is an idiot punching far above her weight class.

Lindsey Graham is right when he calls them Communists.

“We all know AOC and this crowd are a bunch of communists they hate Israel, they hate our own country. Calling guards along our border, Border Patrol agent concentration camp guards,”  Graham said.

Graham also called the agenda of Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrats “disgusting,” but said Trump should focus on the group’s unpopular policy ideas.

“I think they’re American citizens duly-elected running on an agenda that is disgusting, that the American people will reject,” Graham said. “Make them the face of the future of the Democratic Party.”

“You will destroy the Democratic Party,” the senator concluded.

All of their proposed policies, i.e. open borders, decriminalizing illegal entry, abolishing ICE, are meant to destroy this country as it is today. Sounds a lot like 1917. If you close your eyes, you can hear Vladimir Lenin.

Donald Trump is no racist. Trump nominated the first black female Marine Brigadier General. Trump renominated a lesbian activist to an anti-discrimination job. Trump nominated two openly gay men to be Ambassadors; one to Germany, the other to Nepal. Black and Hispanic unemployment have fallen under Trump, with Hispanic unemployment at a new low.

Trump was given the Ellis Island Award in 1986

The ELLIS ISLAND MEDALS OF HONOR are awarded annually to a group of distinguished American citizens who exemplify a life dedicated to community service. These are individuals who preserve and celebrate the history, traditions and values of their ancestry while exemplifying the values of the American way of life, and who are dedicated to creating a better world for us all.

Donald Trump is no racist and he is on target about those four America hating women.




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@Richard Wheeler:

I’m fine over here with the party of inclusion. the party that champions human rights and the protection of our environment.

The Party of inclusion? Really? When everything the Dems run on is pitting one race against the other, one ethnic group against another, how is that inclusive? Inclusivity, in modern terms, means that race and ethnicity no longer matter, as all are considered to be the same, and do not ever enter the discussion.

Champions human rights how? How do you champion human rights when you believe that a woman and her doctor has the right to terminate the life of a child up, and immediately after, birth?

Protection of our environment? Don’t you mean absolute control over every aspect of our lives? In California, your beloved Socialist state, you can no longer purchase a new home with natural gas appliances. They must be electric. Never mind that power plants are coal fired. The powers of the state are too stupid to understand that. Or does California plan on buying all its electricity from Texas? I doubt Texas has forgotten how your state tried to stiff it on millions of $$ in electricity debt in the past.

I will give you one thing; you have accepted your indoctrination well.

@Greg: Ok wheres the Russian collution, Why hasnt congress brought up impeachment with Muellers report as a road map(har har har road map)The evidence should have been clearly laid out, no Russians no charges that had a thing to do with the election/ His team did manage to send important methods of investigation and classified to Russian lawyers who quickly got hacked what geniuses!
Weissmans theft of tax payer dollars he knew it was bogus the whole Russia thing a hoax, he was briefed on the fake dossier before he formed the odd squad of Democrat witch hunters.
Oh yes the team met with foreigners yes, were they messing in the election, or CIA and FBI assets used also to spy?
Mr Mueller did Weismann brief you as to the origins of the pee-pee pile of lies gathered for the DNC by a paid foreign spy?
Obstruction where? Comey lied to the president told him he was not under investigation. The investigation that was totally financed? The investigation that turned up nothing related to the election?
How long did they Have A FISA on Flynn? There was no unmasking they were spying on Flynn for a long time cause he didnt like Obama funding a terrorist country. Barry and his crew were out to get Flynn.


Champions human rights how? How do you champion human rights when you believe that a woman and her doctor has the right to terminate the life of a child up, and immediately after, birth?

Also the party that condones political violence to DENY the right of free speech to anyone that opposes them.

Isn’t it great how Democrats protect the environment in California by prohibiting the clearing of dead growth from forests? Such responsible protectors. I bet the Animas River feels REALLY “protected”.


Oh yes the team met with foreigners yes, were they messing in the election, or CIA and FBI assets used also to spy?

The CAMPAIGN didn’t meet with Russians; incoming staff members met with some Russians, which was totally appropriate and legal.


When everything the Dems run on is pitting one race against the other, one ethnic group against another, how is that inclusive?

You’re a racist.

@Deplorable Me:

Also the party that condones political violence to DENY the right of free speech to anyone that opposes them.

You’re a racist.


Obstruction where?

You’re a racist.


So you have an opinion. So does everyone else. That doesn’t make it true.

You’re a racist.

Dr. J, Curt, Word, and all the other conservatives here are racists. Same with Mata, Aye, and all the oldtimers who don’t post here anymore.

Damn. Being a demokrat is easy. It doesn’t require any rational thought process nor a single brain cell!

@another vet: Is this an opinion or a fact? The part about the brain cell! That means to use surgery to determine if it is fact, then we will not find any brain cells in a Democrat skull. AV, you need to draw pictures with crayons if you want them to understand your post.

@another vet:

Damn. Being a demokrat is easy. It doesn’t require any rational thought process nor a single brain cell!

All it takes is a commitment to stupidity.

Regardless of the outcome of Mueller’s testimony, Pelosi already has 6 pages of talking points ready

REVEALED: Pelosi’s 6-Page Memo to House Democrats on Goals and Talking Points for Mueller Testimony on Wednesday

Because, you know… truth.

@another vet:

You’re a racist.

Well, according to RW’s Party I have to be. I am a light skinned Christian from the South. Aren’t all light skinned Christians from the South racist according to the Democrats?

@retire05: Also according to a third of RW’s party, being cursed with light skin prohibits you from voicing an opinion if it concerns someone of darker skin. Don’t confuse that with racism, though.


Is this an opinion or a fact?

I am one of them now so my opinion is fact and I don’t need to provide any evidence. Don’t argue with me or you are a racist.

@Deplorable Me:

Regardless of the outcome of Mueller’s testimony, Pelosi already has 6 pages of talking points ready

As you said, all it takes is commitment to stupidity. Perhaps they can start to schedule one impeachment vote a week.


That makes you an even bigger racist than the other racists. And you being accused of that because of your religious beliefs is not a form of bigotry either.

@another vet: @another vet: I guess everyone has the limits of their tolerance level tested. Looks like your levels have been exceeded by the stupidity of the left.

Traditionally, all Near Eastern Arabs and Jews were considered “white” on US Census forms.
So, Rashid Tlaib is NOT a woman of color.
I wonder how she’s going to react to the new West Bank policy of preventing all Muslim residents there from leaving on day passes to work inside Israel?
The PLO has, in effect, turned West Bank into a slave state like East Germany or the USSR’s so-called Republics where people couldn’t leave either.
Who are free in the area?
Who are enslaved?
Who punishes liberated women as well as homosexual men?
Who allows both those groups to meet freely?

It’s going to be an educational visit to Israel, Rashid.

@another vet:

That makes you an even bigger racist than the other racists. And you being accused of that because of your religious beliefs is not a form of bigotry either.

I know. I love when [some] people tell me I am a bigot/racist because I can’t possible understand what the oppression of slavery was all about. Never mind that stories of the Trail of Tears are prominent in my family; we lost our land, we lost our freedom by putting us on government land and were not allowed to leave, our language and culture was outlawed, our women were sterilized. We, who were born on this land, were not considered citizens (until 1924) and were not allowed to vote fully until 1957. And the Buffalo Soldiers did their best to wipe us out.

What do I know about oppression?

Judicial Watch files ethics complaint against Omar… because Pelosi won’t do anything.

Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint Against Ilhan Omar Over Potential Immigration, Marriage, Tax and Student Loan Fraud

@Randy: Every now and then you just have to mock them. They don’t respect anyone else. Hell, they don’t even respect themselves half the time that’s why they have to lie so much and always have double standards for the other person, ones they can’t even uphold.

@retire05: You are a conservative therefore you aren’t really of Native American decent just like Ben Carson and Candace Owens really aren’t black.

@another vet, #265:

Every now and then you just have to mock them.

There’s nothing quite like a good mocking. Especially when it’s set to music.

(With apologies to Lindsey Graham.)

@another vet: You’ve gone overboard AV—-calling everyone a racist??–why? Have I called Mata, AyeChi, Curt, DJ racists? Why are you calling en racists?

FA squad having another big day 17 posts back and forth LOL

Tulsi tells me she is now polling in 6th place—can she make it a horse race? GIDDYAP

@Richard Wheeler:

Are you going to answer my questions in #251, Wheeler? Or are you going to do your usual tactic of ignoring them?

Only a California idiot who thinks he knows what horseman say only from the movies would say “giddyap.” What is gidd-yap?

Moore mocking. (*chuckle* We made a little pun.)

as pointed out by Nathan

Racism is a belief that one’s race is inherently superior to another’s race.
Everyone can answer that for themselves KISS

@Richard Wheeler: The left has redefined it to If you dont like it, leave, thats racism now or anything else they can twist to their disturbed, self projecting definitions.
The article title is correct Trump is not a racist.

@Greg: @kitt: @retire05:

*yawns*..OMG, the trolls (not you Rich) are still blathering on with nothing left to say? They’re posting youtube vids now?

You know you’ve lost the argument, and you’re not a V.N. Vet but rather a paid partisan troll, when you have to post funny political vids.

I’d post the ones showing Dems on election night, but that’s too easy…


Starving dogs have a hard time digesting anything other than garbage, so a good meal is lost on them…

@Richard Wheeler:

You’ve gone overboard AV—-calling everyone a racist??–why? Have I called Mata, AyeChi, Curt, DJ racists? Why are you calling en racists?

Ha ha. I was mocking you and the rest of the SJW’s and race baiters who see racism everywhere. You’ve implied multiple times that conservatives who post here are racists. They are/were conservatives who post here are they not? Perhaps you should be more specific and tell us exactly who the racists are then.

Do you still defend Omar for her comments about this country? Do you believe they were anti-American? Who do you side with about Mogadishu- her or SGM Lamb? In your mind, is SGM Lamb a racist for calling her out? Time for the Captain to take a stand.

@another vet:

Time for the Captain to take a stand.

He’s been on his knees to his left wing masters for so long, you may have to get him help to get off of them.

Remember the saying “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees”? That doesn’t apply to our resident Manchurian candidate. Any honor he exhibited in the Marines dissipated a long time ago.

Tulsi 2020 Lets get a Vet–Major at that in the WH—Send ol bone spurs back to his Country Clubs.

AV “implied” means nothing kinda like assumed—thought you guys were all about facts—read my #271

@retire05: If you are at the guy’s proposed age and a vet…and spouting things that sound like fresh young pajama boy graduate speak that toe the Dem party line…

…there’s something wrong.

@Nathan Blue: I assure you Nathan I have never toed any party line—I did not vote for HRC and I won’t vote for the majority of Dems running should they get nom.
My dislike for Trump does not carry over to the Repub Party–I would gladly have voted for Rubio or Kasich. I voted for Swartzenager for Gov.
As mentioned I’ve watched Fred and Donald since I was a kid. My dislike of the way they’ve done business, the way they treat people and the diss of MAC—Too much
I respect your input and will always give it studied consideration. I did as well with many fine Conservatives who have left FA.

@Richard Wheeler:

I did not vote for HRC

Instead, as you have admitted, you voted for Socialist Bernie Sanders when you, in fact, had many more options on the California Democratic presidential primary ballot in 2016. You chose to vote for the most far left candidate on your ballot.

As mentioned I’ve watched Fred and Donald since I was a kid.

And as a “kid” you think you had the intellect to determine the character of two people who you barely knew?

My dislike of the way they’ve done business, the way they treat people and the diss of MAC

Are you trying to tell us that you were privy to how Fred Trump conducted business, or that you personally observed how the Trump’s treated employees, friends, business associates?
John McCain served honorably, although there were fellow prisoners at the Hanoi Hilton who said he sang like a “Songbird” to the NVC. McCain built his whole career based on his military service thinking it would exonerate him from the things he did during his political career (dumping the wife that had fought for years for his release from captivity, for one, because he found a younger, richer trophy wife). Many, lost respect for him as he aged. including Sam Johnson who was a fellow prisoner at the Hanoi Hilton. So, if I have a right to dislike McCain, as others do, does Donald Trump not have the same right?

You base your dislike of Trump on facts you have never specified observed when you were a child and the fact that he is, in your mind, a draft dodger, yet you voted for one of the most infamous draft dodgers in our history, Bill Clinton, whose draft dodging was common knowledge when he ran for the Office of the Presidency.

Like McCain, your military service doesn’t exonerate you of your bias against Trump now for perceived wrongs of his father and his lack of worship of McCain and you use your service as a trump card.

You are a hypocrite.

@Richard Wheeler:

Lets get a Vet–Major at that in the WH

Funny, you didn’t want a Vet in the WH in 1992, 1996, or 2008. What changed your mind?

No one on the tickets in 2012 or 2016 wore the uniform. It’s highly unlikely anyone on the tickets in 2020 will have worn the uniform. Looking at demographics, 2020 will probably be the last election where a VN War era person will be on the tickets. After that, there really aren’t that many of us Vets out there after the VN Vets. Having a Veteran in the WH, either as POTUS or VP, will become a rare commodity after 2024.

” I assure you Nathan I have never toed any party line”

Not to speak for Nathan Blue, but I think he was referring to Greg, not you. At least that’s the way I took it. No one here is questioning you being a VN Vet. Greg has given at least two different accounts of what he did over there and at least two different accounts as to where he is from.


nstead, as you have admitted, you voted for Socialist Bernie Sanders when you, in fact, had many more options on the California Democratic presidential primary ballot in 2016. You chose to vote for the most far left candidate on your ballot.

You know, if I had voted for Hillary, I wouldn’t admit it either. A vote for Bernie is a vote for ANTIFA, who disrupted rallies in Bernie’s name and which he never denounced.

Clinton not only left the country to dodge the draft, but wrote he “loathed” the military. But, you know, that’s OK… liberal and all.

@another vet:

” I assure you Nathan I have never toed any party line”

Of course, calling Trump and all his supporters racist without any basis in fact or evidence just because that’s what all the other Democrats do is not “toeing the party line”.

@Deplorable Me: Your statement to AV in #281 is ridiculous but unfortunately par for the course for you—AV knows it’s erroneous.

My favorite bumper sticker “Vote Trump Nobody Needs to Know.” That’s exactly what happened.

@rich wheeler: To establish that it is “ridiculous” you would have to elaborate and specify, which is way too close to a “question” and will, therefore, never happen. Therefore, the veracity of my statements stand as they are, untarnished.

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