Colin Kaepernick has a soul mate in Megan Rapinoe. The two of them could be a pair. Rapinoe announced to the whole world that she would not be singing the national anthem at the games in protest of Donald Trump
Soccer star Megan Rapinoe has vowed to continue her national anthem protests while representing the US in next month’s Women’s World Cup — calling it a “good ‘F you’” to the Trump administration.
“I’ll probably never put my hand over my heart,” the 33-year-old national co-captain told Yahoo sports.“I’ll probably never sing the national anthem again.”
Rapinoe, who already sparked outrage by taking a knee during the anthem, does not hide her desire to shock while wearing the US team jersey during the tournament in France, starting in June.
“I feel like I’m a walking protest,” she told the site.
“I feel like it’s kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it.
Then here it comes
“Because I’m as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don’t get to tell me if I can be here or not.
I don’t recall Trump telling her whether she could be in the games or not.
“So it’s kind of a good ‘F you’ to any sort of inequality or bad sentiments that the [Trump] administration might have towards people who don’t look exactly like him.
“Which, God help us if we all looked like him. Scary. Really scary. Ahh, disturbing.”
She does kind of look like him. Anyway, Rapinoe told the whole world that she would not go to the White House if invited:
Team USA soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe is making it crystal clear … if the U.S. wins the World Cup, there’s NO WAY IN HELL she’s visiting Donald Trump at The White House.
“I’m not going to the f*cking White House,” the 33-year-old co-captain told Eight By Eight Magazine … “We’re not going to be invited.”
For a while she tried Kaepernicking, i.e. kneeling during the national anthem but the USSF informed her otherwise
As previously reported by The Daily Wire, Rapinoe began kneeling during the anthem in 2016. “I know what it means to look at the flag and not have it protect all of your liberties,” the athlete claimed at the time.
Rapinoe was forced to drop the kneeling act after the United States Soccer Federation responded with a policy requiring the national team to “stand respectfully.”
Make no mistake. This is not about Donald Trump. This is ALL about Megan Rapinoe, just as Kaepernick is all about Kaepernick. In fact, Rapinoe began kneeling as a protest in 2016– you know-before Trump was President.
I don’t give a damn about her sexuality. I don’t give a damn what she thinks about Trump. She represented the USA in this competition. It was team USA, not team Rapinoe. Donald Trump is not the flag. The flag is the country- the country that gave Rapinoe the opportunity to be the a**hole she’s become.
And she didn’t let me down following the game. Watch as the US flag is tossed to the ground to permit an unfettered photo op so the whole world would see it.
You @mPinoe play for Team USA, not team You. @USWNT
— Andrew Wilkow (@WilkowMajority) June 11, 2019
As does Kaepernick, she hates this country. As did Kaepernick, she brought herself right down to the low rent district she accused Trump of being. In so doing, wrecked the World Cup for a lot of people who didn’t deserve to see her trash her flag and her country.
One more time- let’s recall what she said:
Because I’m as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don’t get to tell me if I can be here or not. So it’s kind of a good ‘F you’ to any sort of inequality or bad sentiments that the [Trump] administration might have towards people who don’t look exactly like him. Which, God help us if we all looked like him. Scary. Really scary. Ahh, disturbing.”
For the record, Trump appointed the first black woman to be a Marine Brigadier General. He also appointed a lesbian activist for a Federal anti-discrimination job and an openly gay man as Ambassador to Germany. Thus on top of it all, Rapinoe is either ignorant or just full of crap.
This was always all about Rapinoe. Not Trump. Not anything else. I hope the whole world recognizes it.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Keep it up Megan maybe Nike will feature you to market their products so you can lose millions on dollars in shoe sales JUST DO IT
Sat in a waiting room where CNN was blaring.
If that’s her source of info, she’s ignorant and brainwashed into staying that way.
I had to go home and re-confirm the lies told in just under 1 hour on that so-called news channel.
You’re correct, Donald Trump’s entire career has been one of non-discrimination for being gay.
He hires women all the time.
He never asks who you’re sleeping with but rather how well can you do the job.
His (openly gay) Ambassador to Germany is being groomed to become a Vice Presidential candidate under a President Pence run.
(Won’t that blow their minds?!)
Pres Trump invited the Women’s soccer team to the WH whether they won or lost!
He also sent an all female delegation to cheer them on during some of their games.
But to watch CNN you’d never know any of this.
You’d think Pres Trump is a “Nazi” who’s throwing gays into concentration camps.
Fake news.
As far as I am concerned I could care less about her. I have little interest in men’s soccer much less women’s. Football, rugby, Australian rules football, etc are a lot more fun-people actually SCORE. You can keep soccer.
I’m not a soccer fan but I was fully planning on watching the American team until…………………
Rapinoe made it all about Trump because, you know, she’s gay and then she bashes the flag of the very people who are paying her to play.
“Because I’m as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don’t get to tell me if I can be here or not. ”
Well, yeah, someone does, your coach. Perhaps someone should sit you down and force you to watch the films of the American hockey team when they defeated Russia in 1980 so you know how Team America acts. Because you damn sure didn’t act with grace.
@Nan G: Now Trump is bashing Fox—says they’re worse than CNN He just ENJOYS bad mouthing people–his shtick.
Great win for our American girls–not a soccer fan but obvious these girls are-incredible athletes===they dominated The Netherlands in the 2nd half. Trump should congratulate and invite em and they can go if they want—other champs like Golden State Warriors didn’t go——Free country –theIr choice–either way it does not define their great win. Loved their celebration..
@Richard Wheeler:
Does that apply to Trump? Doesn’t he have a free choice on whether he wants to invite a POS to the White House? One question, why did she wear the USA on her Jersey? Shouldn’t she have removed it if she wasn’t playing for the USA? So she only partially believes what she says, the part that will get her more attention. Why is she representing a country that does not stand for what she believes in? She’s certainly not protesting Trump as he wasn’t even elected when she went off the deep end. In fact Obozo was her president when she started it. This seems about as strange to me as if a man put on a USMC uniform and went to a far off country and when he got there said, I won’t do a damn thing for this flag I’m flying, this uniform I’m wearing, the freedoms I have in my country, I’m only doing this because I’m good at killing and the country has no choice but to let me come over here and tell them how much I don’t like my flag. Oh, and that I’m gay and I want everyone to know that. Yep, makes sense. If she wasn’t a publicity hound, she would have stayed home and watched it all on tv. And gee, now it’s all over and I didn’t even get to see one single play in even one game. Gee, I must have really missed seeing a phenom.
@Redteam: Of course he has choice. Looks like he won’t invite them
How you feeling–what’s new?
BTW—Best halftime of soccer I’ve ever seen—How bout Clemson destroying Bama—truly impressive.
Which part of EQUAL do these women want???
The Women’s World Cup brought in almost $73 million, of which the players got 13%.
The Men’s World Cup in South Africa made almost $4 billion, of which 9% went to the players.
The Men’s World Cup in Russia (just that short competition) generated over $6 billion in revenue, with the participating teams sharing $400 million, less than 7% of revenue.
Meanwhile, the Women’s World Cup is expected to earn $131 million for the full four-year cycle 2019-22 and dole out $30 million to the participating teams.
If the women were paid the same total as the men — $400 million — they would be making nearly four times more than they generate.
The men make 7% of their revenue.
The women apparently want 400% of theirs!
Rapinoe, humble as always, will settle for just a meager quadrupling of their prize money.
But $30 million quadrupled is $120 million.
That would be close to 100 percent of their revenue. ($130 million)
Again: The men only make 7%.
In US soccer 12 players make at least $1 million. Six of those players were men, and six were women.
Rapinoe is one of those women.
Does she share?
The women’s team is, in fact, athletically inferior to high school boys, which was proven in a recent scrimmage.
I guess it’s too bad the United States didn’t have a team to represent them.
I4 million people watched women’s win—men have never drawn 5 mill
Why?—Americans love WINNERS–women have won 4 World Cups -As does our POTUS-who preaches there are ONLY winners and losers—“I like winners” and pilots who aren’t captured. and tortured.
Most Americans don’t agree on that 2nd statement.
One of the reasons hockey is the only team sport I like to watch.
Funny how all these people screaming about fairness to women are the same ones who gave us a situation where biological males are setting records in women’s sports. Reactionary, emotionally unhinged nutjobs.
so how many years did she spend behind bars? time for her and the idiot colin f++k up to leave this great Country
@Richard Wheeler: I’ll agree-that Clemson win was beautiful-almost as beautiful as when my Buckeyes beat them in 2015.
@Bookdoc: It doesn’t happen to Bama often Notre Dame 5-2 lifetime but it’s been since 1980.
Buckeyes 4-2 with 4 in a row vs N.D.
College football still the best sport
This years Tigers as good as I’ve seen.3 way
@Richard Wheeler: Their quarterback is amazing-wish we had him. I think college ball is better because they are playing for their school, not just a paycheck or a new contract. I agree-best sport around.