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The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/14/2019

Welcome back everybody! As we get to the crazy let’s start with a few great stories that didn’t make last week’s cut:

6/5 – Rantz: ‘Antifa’ member arrested for trying to imprison Republican students in classroom

H/T Flopping Aces Commenter Spurwing Plover. It’s nice to see the rare story that involves Antifa and has a happy ending. Of course, this being the radical Left Coast I’m sure that the charges will end up being dropped or the sentence suspended.

6/6 – WATCH: Young girl causes PANDEMONIUM at city meeting when she says abortion is murder and compares it to slavery!

This may surprise everyone, but I’m actually not cool with this. For a 13 year old to be able to speak this well on a subject tells me that she’s been immersed in the subject for a few years. The Lefties are far worse about this than our side, but I’m really big on letting kids have a childhood. Use kids’ childhoods to teach them the basics of our country’s history and government when they’re kids but don’t even start on political issues until Middle School.

6/8 – BIG WIN! $11 Million Verdict for Gibson Bakery Against Oberlin College

Great news, but I’d feel better if we heard that some administrators get fired.

6/8 – Donor slams University of Alabama for ‘zealotry’ in returning his $21.5 million

H/T Flopping Aces commenter Kitt. Beautiful. It’s always good seeing the donor class being told to go (procreate) themselves.

6/9 – President Trump ‘Should Be in Jail,’ Says Progressive Journalist Now Under Arrest

Wow – three good news stories in a row! Can the streak continue?

6/9 – Democratic congresswoman mocks Bill Maher for not being aborted

That would be four!

6/10 – ‘Democracy Dies in Blackface’: WaPo kindly doing their part to help Ralph Northam weather the racist photo scandal storm

And the streak ends. As always, The Washington Post reminds us that if you’re going to be a bigot (or rapist), make damned sure that there’s a big (D) after your name.

6/10 – There’s Only One Group Which Is Shifting American Politics to the Radical Left: White Liberals, “America’s White Saviors”

Whenever I hear about how both sides have become more radicalized, I point out how in reality both have moved to the left. Conservatives (in general) have become more Leftist on issues like gay marriage, drug legalization, and prison sentencing reform. On the flip side, Democrats are in a race to make Karl Marx look like a Conservative. The best example I like to give is that the statement that “Anyone who has a d*** between his legs is a male” has gone from Settled Science (TM) to hate speech over the span of just a few short years.

6/11 – Democrats and Whores

Good read from The Other McCain. The “Small L” Libertarian in me thinks that we’d be better off as a society overall if things like marijuana use and prostitution were legal. That said, before we start trying to spread these across other states we need to take a hard look at the issues coming up in the states where they are. For example, I think it was Steven Crowder who made the best anti-pot argument in that if a driver is pulled over for possibly being under the influence of Weed, do we want to have police officers giving on the spot blood tests?

6/12 – San Ysidro High valedictorian calls out adults who didn’t help her succeed

Awesome. This young lady will go far in life. In the words of the immortal Enbraim Taim,”Always burn your bridges behind you. You never know who may be trying to follow.”

6/13 – Pelosi Upset That McConnell Keeps Killing Lunatic Fringe Progressive House Bills

Sadly, unlike Republicans spending years passing their fake Obamacare Repeal acts destined for defeat, what Pelosi is pushing is a wish list for how Democrats plan to punish America when the day comes that they retake the White House


This is an important one of using language to get under the skin of the people who despise us Normals. It’s always fun to point out how once again Democrats are on the wrong side of history.

From the archives, you get two this week. First I give you a simple and fun post on How To Quickly End An Argument With A Global Warming Zealot. Then half a year later I learned to my dismay that in the post had plagiarized the man who was literally my #1 inspiration to become a blogger. In the follow up post, Can We Start Questioning Global Warming? I came clean at the end, and thankfully in comment #16 I was forgiven – I still remember it making my day when my muse took the time to comment on something I wrote.

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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