What happened to the democrat party? What made you turn on America?



democrats somehow have collectively suffered brain damage. I can’t think of another reason for their bizarre insane actions and blanket hypocrisy. Donald Trump needs not ridicule them. He only needs to emphasize what they are doing to themselves. To wit:

2013: Adam Schiff wants more transparency at the FISA court.

When intelligence agencies want a wiretap, they have to make a case to one of the 11 judges of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance – or FISA – court. Since September 11, 2001, that data includes phone records and websites surfed by both foreigners and Americans.

Burbank Democrat Adam Schiff has introduced a measure that would make the court more transparent by requiring it to declassify its interpretation of law. He says the court makes some very important decisions, “some of them deep constitutional issues, and I think it would help inform the public debate and I think we can do it in a way that doesn’t compromise national  security.”

The bill has bipartisan support. A similar bill — backed by a progressive and a Tea Party supporter — has been introduced in the  Senate.

2019- More transparency in the FISA court would be dangerous

May 2019- Nancy Pelosi claims she never said there was not a crisis on the border:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) falsely claimed Wednesday that Democrats have “never” denied that there is a “crisis” on the U.S.-Mexico border — a statement directly contradicted by the words of multiple party leaders just months ago.

“Well, let me just say this. We have never not said that there was a crisis — there is a humanitarian crisis at the border, and some of it provoked by the actions taken by the administration,” Pelosi stated during her weekly press conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on Wednesday.

Pelosi- Three months ago:

“It’s important to note when the president declares this emergency, first of all, it’s not an emergency what’s happening at the border. It’s a humanitarian challenge to us. The president has tried to sell a bill of goods to the American people.”

2006; Joe Biden on the illegal alien invasion:

Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats — and some of you won’t like it — I voted for 700 miles of fence. But, let me tell you, we can build a fence 40 stories high — unless you change the dynamic in Mexico and — and you will not like this, and punish American employers who knowingly violate the law when, in fact, they hire illegals. Unless you do those two things, all the rest is window dressing.


“And let me tell you something folks, people are driving across that border with tons, tons, hear me, tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine to cocaine to heroin and it’s all coming up through corrupt Mexico,” Biden said.

Biden 2007:

Former Vice President and 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidate Joe Biden (D-DE) previously vowed to ban sanctuary cities across the United States that shield illegal aliens from deportation.

During a September 2007 Democrat presidential primary debate in New Hampshire at Dartmouth College, Biden said he would not support allowing local jurisdictions and states to ignore federal immigration law to help protect illegal aliens from deportation through sanctuary city policies.

The former Delaware senator even went as far as to criticize President George W. Bush’s administration for allowing sanctuary cities to operate in the U.S.

Biden 2014:

You know, the 11 million people living in the shadows, I believe they’re already American citizens. Teddy Roosevelt said it better, he said Americanism is not a question of birthplace or creed or a line of dissent. It’s a question of principles, idealism, and character. [Emphasis added]

These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans.

Biden 2019:

“I think that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for,” Biden said. “That’s why I think we need more clinics around the country.”

The former vice president added that we need to “tone down the rhetoric” against illegals and that worries over illegal immigration are meant to “create fear and concern” about “that other, the immigrant.”

Using YOUR money, of course.

Liberals: Donald Trump is a threat to the free press.

Macleans: Donald Trump is a threat to the press and to freedom of speech

When the president attacks credible news sources as “fake news” and calls them the “enemy of the American people,” he encourages his mob of mouth-frothing supplicants to insult, dismiss, and even threaten members of the press. When he attacks journalists who challenge him, he undermines trust in the fourth estate and threatens free speech—at least the speech of those who disagree with him (also known as a majority of Americans). The impulse to dismiss the press as biased and propagandistic is authoritarian at its core. The practice is chilling.

It matters very little whether Trump is attacking the press as part of a deliberate strategy to extend his authority, to distract from his failures, or because he’s a narcissistic ass who can’t help himself—or some combination of the three. The effect of his attacks are serious and dangerous. There are malign influences surrounding the president who are prepared to seize their moment regardless of his intent. There are disaffected and angry mobs who support the man and are prepared to harass his “enemies” and their own no matter what Trump intends. And even if the current occupant of the Oval Office turns out to be a minor infection of the body politic, he might clear the way for a much more dangerous pathogen to follow him.


Less than a month before the U.S. presidential election, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued an unprecedented statement denouncing the then-Republican nominee. “[Donald] Trump has insulted and vilified the press and has made his opposition to the media a centerpiece of his campaign,” said the committee, a New York-based organization that promotes press freedom. “A Trump presidency would represent a threat to press freedom in the United States.”

With little more than two months before Trump takes the oath of office, the threat to the media—and the public’s right to know—is reality. However, President-elect Trump may find a thicket of laws and Supreme Court precedents limit his maneuvering—slight comfort for those working to protect a free press.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

Donald Trump, through his words and actions as a candidate for president of the United States, has consistently betrayed First Amendment values. On October 6, CPJ’s board of directors passed a resolution declaring Trump an unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ’s ability to advocate for press freedom around the world.

Since the beginning of his candidacy, Trump has insulted and vilified the press and has made his opposition to the media a centerpiece of his campaign. Trump has routinely labeled the press as “dishonest” and “scum” and singled out individual news organizations and journalists.

What has Trump done, other than hurt their feelings?

Nothing. In contrast, when it came to actually taking action against the press, obama makes Trump look like a rookie:

In 2009, for example, the Obama White House intentionally excluded Fox News’ Chris Wallace from participating in a round of interviews pertaining to the president’s push for healthcare reform. Later that same year, the administration officials tried to block Fox reporters from interviewing “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg. The White House initially lied about this, and many in the press went along with it. It wasn’t until 2011 that the public learned the truth of the Feinberg episode. An internal email dated Oct. 22, 2009, showed the White House director of broadcast media told Treasury officials specifically, “We’d prefer if you skip Fox please.”

The bigger point is that Feinberg was not the only administration official to have his network appearances limited by the White House.

The Obama White House communications director, Anita Dunn, said at the time, “We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”

That language about “legitimate news organizations” and “opponents” is only different from the things Trump says by degree, not by kind.

In 2010, the Obama administration renewed the bogus Bush-era subpoena against the New York Times’ James Risen in a prolonged attempt to determine whether the reporter was the recipient of leaked CIA information. In February 2011, federal investigators were revealed to have spied on Risen. Federal investigators pored over Risen’s credit reports and his personal bank records. The feds even tracked his phone logs and movements.

Later, in 2012, Fox was mysteriously excluded from a White House conference call pertaining to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Fox was also excluded from an all-network CIA briefing regarding the attacks.

In 2013, the Obama Justice Department labeled then-Fox News reporter James Rosen a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage Act of 1917. And all because the reporter used a State Department contractor as a source for a story. Rosen was also labeled a “flight risk.”

The Justice Department seized the records of at least five phone lines connected to Fox News. The federal law enforcement agency even seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents. The FBI also got a warrant to search Rosen’s emails from 2010.

In May 2013, the Associated Press revealed that the Justice Department had secretly collected two months’ worth of personal and work-related phone calls made by AP reporters and editors.

Federal officials secretly obtained records on incoming and outgoing calls made by specific AP journalists, as well as general news staff, the news group reported, potentially compromising many sources totally unrelated to the investigation. Federal investigators even collected data on calls made by AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery.

In 2014, the Obama administration set the record for denying the most Freedom of Information Act requests of any administration. It topped this feat in 2015.

But somehow, actually throttling, spying and jailing the free press was just fine when it was obama. And that new Mayor of San Francisco is no slouch when it comes to suppression of the press:

Oddly enough, many of the same journalists who have spent the last three years resisting the White House’s supposed war on the newsroom (which, incidentally, has landed them plush media profiles and lucrative book deals and speaking gigs) have not had a lot to say this week about San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s endorsement of her police department’s flagrant violations of freelancer Bryan Carmody’s First Amendment rights.

The New York Times reports this week:

When two San Francisco police officers knocked on Bryan Carmody’s door in April they politely requested that Mr. Carmody, a freelance videographer, reveal who had leaked a police report to him about themysterious death of the city’s public defender

“They were nice about it,” Mr. Carmody said. “Of course I said, ‘No, I’m not going to tell you guys.’” 

But when a dozen officers returned to his home on Friday, this time their guns were drawn and they came equipped with a search warrant, a sledgehammer and a battering ram.

Carmody claims he was restrained in handcuffs for nearly six hours as the authorities ransacked his home, seizing “laptops, phones and hard drives — including all the images and documents he had archived from his 29-year career as a reporter and cameraman,” the report adds.

And just when you think free speech is a good idea:

Trump’s Plan to Protect Free Speech on Campus Is a Bad Idea

Make up your minds, you idiot liberals.

Here’s Hollywood drama queen Jeff Daniels who’s overdosed on self-righteous pills since he’s now played Atticus Finch:

“I know these people; they’re good people,” Daniels continued. “And I think there are people in the Midwest, between the coasts, who don’t know anything about— who don’t care about this, who don’t have time for this, who have to make a decision now. You have to decide whether, like Atticus, you believe that there is still compassion, decency, civility, respect for others.”

“Your kids are looking up at you going, ‘But he lies,’” Daniels said, noting that people, particularly in the Midwest, might have had enough of Trump and are ready to move on.

“If the big gamble is to go all the way to November 2020, which I agree, and lose — it’s the end of democracy,” Daniels added.

Psst, hey Jeff. You’re not Atticus Finch. You’re an actor making believe. FYI.

Now they want open borders and want to drop the financial burden for millions of illegals on American citizens and their children.

Now they want murderers to vote.

Now they want to kill babies even after birth.

And late at night, Adam Schiff still dreams of getting his hands on those nude pictures of Donald Trump.

What happened to the democrat party? What caused them to take this wretched sharp left turn off the cliff? Why have they turned on America?

What caused them to lose their minds?




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dumb as a sea sponge

That’s as may be, but what’s the answer?

@Michael: Has voting the representatives dominant in your state made it better? Are the policies they have adopted proven to be effective if so where? Free college for illegal aliens do your children get that, cause its coming out of your wallet?
Do you think the parents should be able to opt out of sex education as taught by the state?

I don’t know where this is coming from. Based on your calling me a commie for disliking religion, I’d simply asked whether everyone who dislikes religion is a communist. Then you sent me links to articles about women’s sports and went on a rant about free college for illegal immigrants.

Listen: I’m sure that you see the connections and it all makes sense, but I can’t see how it all dovetails.

Do you think the parents should be able to opt out of sex education as taught by the state?

They can. They do.



Just guessing from the title of the link, this is probably about not being allowed to opt out from sex ed.

I’ve never worked in a district where parents couldn’t opt their kids out of sex ed. They should always be allowed to do so.

I think that all school should be optional. If the kids who don’t want to be there left, education would immediately become more effective.

@Michael: You would leave it up to the child if they didnt want to be in school?
Socialism is the gateway to communism, look at the socialist platform then look at the democrat platform.
Democrats are commies.

@kitt: Okay, I read it. What would you like me to say? Both sides have valid points. Parents should be able to opt out; gender-related bullying is, in fact, an issue.

What does this have to do with your calling me a commie?


You would leave it up to the child if they didnt want to be in school?

Yes. A kid who hates school destroys the learning experience for everyone.

Democrats are commies.

So now, in addition to people who don’t like religion being commies, all Democrats are commies. Who else?

@Michael: If the Xié fits wear it.

FOX News, May 23, 2019 — Jon Summers: Trump’s $2 trillion temper tantrum — President needs to put on big boy pants and get to work

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen President Trump have a temper tantrum. But Wednesday’s was one of epic proportions. Because it didn’t just play out in the Rose Garden where the cameras were, it started inside the White House where, just moments before, the president stormed out of a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. In doing so, Trump blew up a plan to put Americans to work by investing $2 trillion in America’s infrastructure including roads, bridges, and airports.

Remember the last time Trump walked out of a meeting with these same people? The government shut down, small businesses were hurt, and 800,000 federal workers went without pay for more than a month. And while it probably felt good at the time, Trump came out the biggest political loser because he wanted credit for shutting down the government.

So, here we are again. This time Trump has decided he is not going to work with Congressional Democrats unless they cease all investigations of him. In other words, only if they stop doing their constitutionally mandated job of conducting oversight. Unbelievable.

Clearly, he doesn’t realize that everything he has done so far — from stonewalling Congress to walking out of Wednesday’s meeting — only highlights that he’s hiding something. And whatever he is hiding must be really, really bad.

Why else would the president go to such extreme lengths? If he has nothing to hide and truly wants to be “the most transparent president in history” as he claims, then let the sun shine in.

Make no mistake, Trump’s Herculean effort to conceal whatever he’s hiding is not only undermining the core of our democracy, with Wednesday’s tantrum it’s costing jobs and infrastructure. Specifically, the proposal Democrats had hoped to discuss includes $140 billion to fix roads and bridges, $115 billion to modernize America’s water and sewer systems, and $40 billion to improve our airports and make the airspace safer. And that is literally just the beginning.

You know what $2 trillion in infrastructure spending means? Jobs, millions of them. In fact, the infrastructure plan Democrats proposed last year with half the price tag, would have created 15 million jobs. Imagine doubling that number. Sadly, because of Trump’s temper tantrum imagining is all we can do…

Even during Watergate and Whitewater, which no one can say weren’t periods of serious partisan contention, constructive work continued to be done. Pelosi has openly stated on more than one occasion—to the annoyance of a number of her own party’s congressional members—that she has no appetite for impeachment proceedings. There’s genuine bipartisan interest in an infrastructure program. That could be taken advantage of, assuming constructive action is what is actually wanted.

@Greg: Pelosi and Schumer don’t want Trump to accomplish anything. Sadly, he played into their plot by calling off infrastructure but is HAS been proven that he cannot deal with lying, malevolent, duplicitous Democrats. Pelosi is trying to wrangle a herd of spoiled children that want impeachment for impeachment’s sake. She is fully aware of what such a stupid ploy with NO grounds for impeachment would mean; political disaster. So she strings them along while making baseless, unsupported and unsupportable accusations of “cover-up” when she can’t even describe what is being covered up.

Games, posturing, theatrics is all the Democrats are capable of. You cannot accept the fact that Trump is doing such a good job of repairing Obama’s damage that none of their candidates have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating him in a fair election. All you can do is cheer lies, demand more lies and spread their lies.

Sean Hannity is earning $36 million a year to fill people’s heads up with such nonsense.

Not to worry– our self proclaimed “extremely stable genius” has the controls.

@Greg: Hannity aside, you should pay attention to Spygate or you are going to be shocked when some of them get a perp walk.

He makes that much? Wow I cant stand to listen to him, he loves the sound of his own voice so much always interrupting his guests.

@Richard Wheeler:

Its happening…. declassification.

@kitt: Barr is DT’S new personal fixer–if not careful he’ll end up dining with Cohen.

Will the same level of cooperation be ordered in connection with the Mueller report itself and related investigations, or does that all remain locked down?

@Richard Wheeler: Bwahahahaha
Watch Hillarys fixers fall, Barrys fixers fall.
Do you understand what they tried to do, right into the transition and beyond?
There were even allied spy agencies involved.
Mueller found no Russian pattycake for anyone involved with Trump or his campaign, what is there for Trump to cover up?
With the IRS memo you know they went over his taxes since he was born. The fools in Congress cant legislate do you honestly think they can better investigate than the Weissman dream team?
You are smarter than that Marine.


@Greg: Hannity aside, you should pay attention to Spygate or you are going to be shocked when some of them get a perp walk.

Shocked and awed. Pelosi was the final straw; now Trump is going to declassify and release anything and everything to prove what a liar she, Schiff, Schumer, Green, Nadler, Warner and all the rest supporting the coup are.

No doubt Obama and Hillary will catch some flack in the process.

@Richard Wheeler:

: Barr is DT’S new personal fixer–if not careful he’ll end up dining with Cohen.

Is investigating and exposing REAL crimes being a “fixer”? For sure, the damage Democrats have done to our justice, law enforcement and IC systems needs to be FIXED.


Will the same level of cooperation be ordered in connection with the Mueller report itself and related investigations, or does that all remain locked down?

You mean like providing every single one of the 1.4 million documents requested or allowing everyone requested for questioning to fully cooperate? I’m sure that will remain the standard because there is NOTHING to hid. Only Democrats have things to hide and, thus, they object to declassifying the information that they had on Page and Papadopolis which would have shown no surveillance was warranted.

We here have known MOST of the facts for years. NOW the rest of the country is about to get an education on the duplicitous, seditious tendencies of the Democrats, from Obama down to their legion of little leakers in government.

The media will do their best to keep the information suppressed, but it WILL be exposed.

@Deplorable Me:

Trump is going to declassify and release anything and everything

While simultaneously directing those under him to ignore all subpoenas.


While simultaneously directing those under him to ignore all subpoenas.

True. What the Democrats are doing is illegitimate. The Mueller report showed there was no basis for the accusations of collusion or obstruction. The cover-up is the Democrats trying desperately to keep the facts surrounding the surveillance and investigations from becoming known. It appears that battle has been lost.

Democrats are abusing their power and do not deserve cooperation. That’s the conditions YOU have been supporting.

@Michael: They have already cooperated that investigation is over.
His private papers they have no business looking at none. As much as they should not be able without just cause get any citizens private papers.
There cannot be a criminal without a crime.

@Deplorable Me: @kitt:

Alan Dershowitz: Are investigations of Trump the new McCarthyism?

@retire05: The Obama hand picked head of CIA was a communist, and deployed soviet style smear campaign against the rival party of the sitting President and the next in line to the throne, to fundamentally transform the USA.
Comey a communist graduated with a Law Degree from Chicago University, which is a well known Communist agenda pushing University, again handpicked by the former President.
Obamas Parents were communists His father was very close friends with Frank Davis, the Head of the Communist Party USA in Hawaii. Davis, according to Obama, was his mentor during his high school years. Obama said in his first book that he would attend meetings where radicals would gather and socialist gatherings to hear certain speakers whenever possible.
Every appointee and anyone that they promoted in position need to be looked at
Joe was right.
We have a legal system that the President is trying to use to protect himself, promptly ignore the commie Banana republic Democrats and talking heads, let it play out.

@kitt:Commies everywhere– The whir of helicopters—McCarthy–O5 also a fan.
Our “extremely stable genius” —–Who talks like that about HIMSELF? LOL

Con Don “using the system to protect himself”–agree he’s using his handpicked fixer Barr to do just that.

Memorial Day—never forget those who served and died for our freedoms.
Semper Fi

@Deplorable Me, #71:

Shocked and awed. Pelosi was the final straw; now Trump is going to declassify and release anything and everything to prove what a liar she, Schiff, Schumer, Green, Nadler, Warner and all the rest supporting the coup are.

No he’s not. He’s going use his powers of office to selectively declassify anything and everything he believes can somehow be used to embarrass or damage his critics, while keeping all evidence and testimony concerning his own misconduct, malfeasance, and conflicts of interest locked down as tightly as possible.

The doctored Pelosi video currently making the rounds is a testament to the level of honesty that can be expected from these people. Giuliani was among those circulating it. He now defends it as “a caricature”.

@Richard Wheeler: Facts Marine, like it or not.
Barry didnt start it, he just put the pedal to the metal. The shame of it is that congress approved of his hand picked commies.
After all the sacrifice, they let them contaminate the highest positions in our law enforcement and IC departments.
If Barr is a fixer, good, someone has to clean out the infection the patient is dying.
Why would you be against an investigation into possible sedition or treason?
Gangrene is ulgy you dont just wrap it up so you dont see it, and not treat it.
You hate Trump that cool but he shouldnt lose his civil rights because the democrats did not like the findings of a 2 year very expensive investigation.


Giuliani was among those circulating it. He now defends it as “a caricature”.

Perfectly acceptable today, AOC was just joking when she said we only have 12 years to live even saying anyone who thought she was serious had the IQ of a sea sponge.
Hardly peddled it when he found out it was altered he deleted the tweet.
There is something wrong with the speaker, she cant control the anti-semites of her party. Peddles a cover-up conspiracy theory without saying what is being covered up.

From The Guardian, May 24, 2019 — Facebook refuses to delete fake Pelosi video spread by Trump supporters

The president’s personal lawyer, the former mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani, was among the Trump supporters who promoted the story. He tweeted – then deleted – a link to a copy of the video on Facebook with the caption: “What is wrong with Nancy Pelosi? Her speech pattern is bizarre.”

Despite the apparently malicious intent of the video’s creator, Facebook has said it will only downgrade its visibility in users’ newsfeeds and attach a link to a third-party fact checking site pointing out that the clip is misleading. As a result, although it is less likely to be seen by accident, the doctored video will continue to rack up views. Facebook only took the action following inquiries from the Washington Post, which first reported the story.

One version of the video, which remains live on a Facebook page entitled “Politics WatchDog”, has been viewed millions of times, attracting comments speculating on Pelosi’s health, supposed use of drugs, and other apparent ailments.

People are now carrying devices that access social media around in their pockets everywhere they go, and half of them can’t distinguish information from disinformation. This is how we lose our freedom.

@Greg: Oh no not face book, who cares, the internet is what it is, hell the online wikipedia is full of lies and misinformation, lies on cable its everywhere.
Buyer beware.
Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period – $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.
No wonder they want no budget.

@kitt: Facts 1. HRC never used the slur sand n—–s— it was a forwarded article in her e-mail;
2. The Giuliani circulated Pelosi video was doctored—-Giuliani/Barr–2 Trump fixers who may spend time with Cohen
Can’t confirm Con Don or Nancy but Rudy is truly certifiable.

Re–“commies everywhere”
—you do in fact sound a lot like Joe.

Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period – $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.

How much should we expect two years of domestic and international air travel for a high-ranking member of Congress and accompanying delegations to cost? $2 million isn’t a shocker.

If you want a shocker, consider that Donald Trump’s taxpayer-covered visits to Mar-a-Lago alone have run up an estimated tab of $64 million over approximately 2 years.

So where is Judicial Watch’s outrage over that?

@Richard Wheeler:

Eacts 1. HRC never used the slur sand n—–s— it was a forwarded article in her e-mail;

Fact thats exactly what I said
Fact he deleted the tweet when he found out, there is plenty of ammo without fake sh!t.
Fact NY thrived under Giuliani
Are you denying what Obama wrote in his book and what Comey said about himself or that Brennen also voted communist during the cold war, and approved the passports of the 911 terrorists?
You defending confirmed commies? I dont care if they are commies I dont want them in our government. If they tried a coup I want them to be good commies, dead.

@Greg: If you want a shocker, consider that Donald Trump’s taxpayer-covered visits to Mar-a-Lago alone have run up an estimated tab of $64 million over approximately 2 years.

So where is Judicial Watch’s outrage over that?
What outrage its just something they found out, it isnt like they let the Prez use his own plane. No one cared when Kennedy used the property.


No he’s not. He’s going use his powers of office to selectively declassify anything and everything he believes can somehow be used to embarrass or damage his critics, while keeping all evidence and testimony concerning his own misconduct, malfeasance, and conflicts of interest locked down as tightly as possible.

Maybe you should spend some time reading the articles posted here that have carefully described the exculpatory evidence withheld from the FISA judge and the knowledge that all the “evidence” gleaned from the dossier was opposition research provided by Hillary and which no one had bothered to try and verify.

That’s a long way of saying they LIED. Why lie? They all had so much evidence, piles of it, all proven and right at their fingertips, that showed Trump colluded with Russians; WHY LIE?

Because it is all based on lies, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Schiff, Nadler are all still lying and they have been hiding the protection that the truth could not be leaked out. Well, once it is declassified, it won’t be leaked; it will be REVEALED.

Instead of paying attention to facts, you continue to watch Pelosi, Brennan, Schiff and Nadler, your mouth agape, drooling and your eyes rolled back in your head as they lie their asses off, preparing for their next political gambit to divert attention from the exposure of facts. It will be devastating to them. The penalties should be harsh for the worst crime perpetrated against the American people in the history of America.

The doctored Pelosi video currently making the rounds is a testament to the level of honesty that can be expected from these people.

I haven’t seen any “doctored video” but it can’t be more bizarre than her slurred words due to either inebriation, drugs or faulty dentures, flailing her hands about, stammering and lying all the while. Yet, don’t act so outraged; MSNBC and CNN have done the same thing and tried to pass it off as “news”.

Instead of worrying about Pelosi, who won’t reveal HER tax returns, you should be worrying about the impending exposure of the MOUNTAIN of lies that has led to these investigations of Trump. Talk about a BOMBSHELL!!

If you want to see some mass distortion and lies, check this out. But, you probably lack the courage and honesty.

Pelosi is not worthy of a bus ticket back home, unless it is one-way and she stays there. She blows taxpayer money like it is crapped on the streets of San Francisco.

The Democrats of yesteryear are certainly different than the demokrats of today. Look at their major proposals: the Green New Deal; abolishing the EC; open borders and allowing illegals to vote; stacking the Supreme Court, and gun confiscation. They all have one thing in common and that’s to give them more power and control over the rest of us. And if they get it, remember they’ve openly supported: infanticide, violence against those with opposing political views, and Stalinist police state tactics.

Not like Communists? Here is what the Reds have to say. Straight from the source. No spin. Read it for yourself. Anyone with basic comprehension and analytical capabilities can see the similarities.

Straight from the CPUSA. Sounds a lot like what we here from the dems:

Why does the CPUSA support Democratic Party candidates for the presidency instead of running their own candidates?

Not convinced? Read their constitution and see how it compares to what the dems have to offer and say.

CPUSA Constitution

It looks like their head honcho sees a way to get their agenda through via the dems:

A radical third party? I agree!

They considered Obama’s re-election “absolutely essential”.

The danger of a Romney election

Here is what they have to say today. It sounds a lot like what the dems have to say, doesn’t it?


@Deplorable Me, #87:

I haven’t seen any “doctored video” but it can’t be more bizarre than her slurred words due to either inebriation, drugs or faulty dentures, flailing her hands about, stammering and lying all the while.

Yes you have, Sherlock. That IS the doctored video, and the current occupant of the Oval Office himself reposted it on Twitter.

This is a perfect example of how some people don’t know propaganda when they encounter it, and are easily influenced by it. That deceptive video has now had well over a million views. It’s the sort of material that was distributed to targeted audiences on Facebook and other social media platforms to influence the 2016 election. There’s little doubt it will be done again in 2020 because it worked in 2016, and because little has actually been done to address the problem.

@another vet: The KKK and David Duke loved Trump and were excited about his victory—-does that make him a racist Jew hater??—well maybe–naw.
“stacking the Supreme Court”—Trump’s doing just that.

AV—-Let’s agree as a minimum that Trump is A crude, profane, serial liar—I did not vote for HRC

Don’t you agree our great country can do better?

Have a blessed Memorial weekend–thanks for your service RJW

Kitt How do you “vote Communist during the cold war”–for who?
Trump ducked fighting them in V.N–did that make him a sympathizer?
Like I said you do sound a lot like Joe
“God created alcohol so the Irish wouldn’t rule the world” Joe a great example

Greg—seems deplorable fooled by ridiculous doctored video–not surprising.

@Greg: He posted a Fox clip, moron. Edited to show she needs to hold up 3 fingers when saying 3 not 2 fingers she does stammer often.
You cant even find the video in question where they slowed it down a little.
Beware Greg is posting fake news.
She was wearing a green dress in the doctored video. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/enterthefray/la-ol-facebook-doctored-nancy-pelosi-video-20190524-story.html

@kitt, #91:

If your intention is to insult me, I believe you need to add a comma.

How does the fact that FOX News is also airing a doctored video make it any less deceptive? It simply widens the audience. Do you believe you’re watching an unaltered video? CNN has aired altered and unaltered side-by-side excerpts to demonstrate that.


You cant even find the video in question where they slowed it down a little.

When you look at Trump’s Twitter post, you’re looking at an altered video. There are spots where the audio and her lip movements aren’t quite synchronized. They’ve done this before.

@Greg: The video you have been so outraged with she is wearing a green dress, yes Fox is propaganda but you were mistaken the Fox clip is not the one circulating on face book. Fox strung together all her stammers in a short video then were very unkind noting the ladys age.
If you are going to say something bad about Trump you can be accurate.
Hahaha he released the Kraken and declassified.
game on.


Yes you have, Sherlock.

No I haven’t, shitstain. I get enough of Pelosi lying, stammering, lying, slurring, lying and flailing her arms on live television. I can’t stomach voluntarily watching additional videos. She is second to Hillary in vomit-inducing video presence.


Beware Greg is posting fake news.

THAT’S no news; he is frantic over Barr’s investigations and Trump declassifying to proof of the left’s lies. The deep states is about to be fully exposed, along with the names of the primary liars.

@Richard Wheeler:

The KKK and David Duke loved Trump and were excited about his victory—-does that make him a racist Jew hater??—well maybe–naw.

And he denounced them in far less time than it took you to denounce Antifa. Does that make you a communist? And BHO never denounced the CPUSA for advocating his re-election did he? Good to see that you still have a double standard.

“stacking the Supreme Court”—Trump’s doing just that.

Damn. Read the Constitution. POTUS picks SCOTUS nominees. Stacking SCOTUS is what FDR tried and failed to do.

Let’s agree as a minimum that Trump is a profane, serial liar

He’s definitely profane (I’d actually probably be worse than him dealing with elitists in DC as I have little tolerance for people who look down on the rest of us). Obama’s lying didn’t bother you. Glad to see you still have a double standard.

I did not vote for HRC

We’ll never know but you definitely stumped for her on regular basis on this site by trying to convince everyone that her election was inevitable and a vote for Trump would be useless. It was a campaign strategy of theirs that was outed in one of the Wikileak dumps.

Don’t you agree our great country can do better?

The country can always do better just like individuals can always do better. It is already far better off than it was under the previous failure but it’s still in a downward spiral.

Have a blessed Memorial weekend–thanks for your service RJW

Same to you. Let’s not forget what it’s for. Most seem to think it’s all about parties.

@Richard Wheeler:

Commies everywhere– The whir of helicopters—McCarthy–O5 also a fan.

Try reading the Venona Papers or Blacklisted By History. Ummm, seems McCarthy was more right than wrong. Did you know the rumor that McCarthy was an alcoholic was started by LBJ’s chief staffer? No, didn’t think you did. A fan? No, but I don’t like being lied to by those who want to change our form of government.

Perhaps you should read this: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/05/obama_appointees_in_the_communist_orbit.html

Con Don “using the system to protect himself”–agree he’s using his handpicked fixer Barr to do just that.

Ironic you should be using the name that Communist Warren Wilhelm, Jr. uses considering ole Warren himself now uses an alias. Never mind that ALL AGs are “handpicked” by the President who “handpicks” them. Guess you never objected to that……………until now. Get back to us when Barr calls himself Trumps “wingman” like Eric Holder said he was for Obama.

But then, I doubt you care if the upper echelon from the Obama administration committed what amounts to treason. If it benefits Democrats, so be it.

BTW, suburban women are returning to Trump. Now that should put your Hanes in a knot.


But then, I doubt you care if the upper echelon from the Obama administration committed what amounts to treason. If it benefits Democrats, so be it.

The ends (socialism) justifies the means… ANY means. That’s license to hypocrisy.

Beware Greg is posting fake news.

Nope. I’m pointing out the passing loads horse manure, in case anyone’s own nose isn’t working.

Let’s point out another: Democrats are engaging a witch hunt rather than tending to the business of the country.

In fact, the House has been busy with many bills and legislative actions since the Democratic Party majority was seated only a little over 4 months ago, and have actually passed most of them:

May 24, 2019 — Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

House Democrats are passing bills at a rapid pace, while Trump complains they’re “getting nothing done.”

House Democrats haven’t been squandering time. In addition to their investigations, they’ve been passing legislation at a rapid clip. In all, the House has taken up 51 bills, resolutions, and suspensions since January — 49 of which they’ve passed. This includes a slate of bills to attempt to end the longest government shutdown in history, the result of a protracted fight between Trump and Congress over border wall funding.

Ironically, over the past two weeks, the House has passed bills to address most of the issues Trump mentioned in his tweet. They recently passed a bill to lower prescription drug prices, and another one to protect preexisting conditions. The House also passed nine bills on veterans issues this week alone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi noted at her weekly press conference. On Thursday, Democrats tried to present Trump their infrastructure plan before he walked out of their meeting.

Fifty-one isn’t exactly a few, over only four months. Nor does the passage of 49 of them suggest they’re just spinning their wheels.

Want to discuss infrastructure? They were prepared to do so, and they weren’t the ones who stomped out and had a hissy fit in the Rose Garden after only 3 minutes.

@another vet: The AG is not supposed to be in the back pocket of the POTUS—Wrong with Holder –wrong with Barr.
Dt said he didn’t know who Duke was—he’s not THAT stupid.

O5–Never heard of Warren Wilhelm??
In addition to whatever else he might have been McCarthy was a bad drunk and died in pain.

You all accuse Obama of treason—–Bull Shit