Welcome back! Busy week between catching a nasty bug at the start and CPAC at the end, so this will be a relatively light post. Let’s see what our crazy Lefty pals have been up to this week!
2/22 – Islamic State bride from Alabama wants US taxpayers to pay for her therapy if she comes home
Although not cited in the post, this Jihadi Jane actually was born in Hackensack, NJ! If that name sounds familiar you might remember it from the Billy Joel classic, Moving Out (Anthony’s Song). You know, the part about a house in Hackensack… is that all you get for your money. Fun bit of trivia here, Hackensack is the home town of a lady I dated around a decade ago. She told me that the reason that she dumped me was for not sharing her views on Global Warming. Must be something in the water that radicalizes them and leaves them susceptible to these death cults…
2/23 – Leftists and reality
This is another piece that’s a lot longer than what I usually link. It’s well worth your read, and the comparisons to Orwell’s 1984 are dead on.
2/24 – Venezuela is Burning, Useful Idiots Don’t Care
How dare Capitalist based societies try to save Socialists from their own stupidity!
2/25 – The Left’s Rage Against ‘MAGA’
Another great piece from The Other McCain. And I know I keep saying this, but this subject needs a post of my own. We just need more hours in the day…
2/26 – Harry Reid: I Didn’t Mean It When I Said Bush Was The Worst President Ever
Just once I would love to see on of these interviews go something along the line of, “Given how much you hated prominent Republicans like both Bushes, McCain, and Romney, how many years do you think it will be before you pretend that you weren’t a complete scumbag toward President Trump?”
2/26 – Sweeney Agonistes: Tommy Robinson Turns the Tables on the BBC
This is a thing of beauty – scroll down to the link’s comments if you want to get to the video itself
2/27 – Transgender Athletes Who Compete Against Women Are Cheats
I’m just waiting for the day that under-performing young male athletes figure out the easy road to taking college scholarships from young women. I would fully support this, not because I would approve, but because things need to get much worse before they start to penetrate the thick skulls of The Radical Left
2/28 – Jonah Goldberg, Steve Hayes Team Up for New ‘Trump-Skeptical’ Media Company
This sums it up better than anything I could say…
Trump enjoys 90% approval ratings among the GOP base. 95% of media outlets are Trump-skeptic or Trump-haters. What the hell is the market for this? https://t.co/Dn17L5wvWc— Chris Barron (@ChrisRBarron) February 28, 2019
I’m so glad that I left New Jersey and no longer have to deal with a constant flow of insane, corrupt Democrats!
No archives this week – have a great weekend!
People always ask how genocide can take place, be it the Holocaust, the Genocide in Armenia, Darfur, Rwanda, without the world stopping it.
Millions of women, & children are starving to death in Venezuela and some are still shilling for the dictator.
This is how it happens!
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) February 25, 2019
— Razor (@hale_razor) February 25, 2019
You mean the way HRC so graciously accepted her loss? https://t.co/a5jZeZTc3x
— LincolnHillsFrau (@bayareahausfrau) February 24, 2019
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Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
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Jonah Goldberg, Steve Hayes Team Up for New ‘Trump-Skeptical’ Media Company
In search of a sugar daddy that has cash to burn, they can put an ad in the lonely hearts column.
NR might not miss them as the door hits them in the back side.
Doesnt missy Jihad know you can never go home so
Bob say hello to Levin for me, tell him my favorite part of his show is “get off my phone you idiot!”
BB—-It’s been a tough week for Trump and those blinded by his Bullshit.
Saw Bob Seger and SBB last Sat night OUTSTANDING
@Richard Wheeler: Guess I will have to tune in to the Sunday BS shows to see what the heck you are blathering on about.
The super star witness Cohen says he has no proof of Trump Russia.
Lil Kim says there must be some misunderstanding after Trump broke his date with him.
The markets are up.
Did you get contact high at the concert? Long flowing hair no more huh but if you close your eyes, you dont see the oxygen tanks the greats of our age drag onto stage. Some still hang on playing in the Indian casinos of the north 3 dog night is now a one dog dude. The beach boy. Like guitar man, Just looking for another place to play. Our old favorites can be great fun to go see, the once thongs thrown on stage…now support hose and depends.
@kitt: Seger at 73 was as good as he was at 43. Agree not so with all bands out there still. Three dog night and BB examples
Springsteen great–Petty was OUTSTANDING. Jackson Browne and Rod Stewart as good as ever Best band not in Hall–Bad Company
BB Why is dt such a puss when it comes to dealing with MURDEROUS thugs and such a bad ass dealing with our allies like Macron and Trudeau?
For the record I blasted BHO for not taking out Assad.
@Richard Wheeler: Some really are, he looks much better than most, the reviews are top notch. Doesnt seem he burned out with the partying as many did.
Trudeau and Macron….really are you serious. Macron is pleading for calm, wants to china up the french internet. He cant even run his own country, dont expect a re-election of Trudeau the costumed fool of Canada.
Dont expect Trump to cow to those crashing and burning. Lil Rocket Man is learning
For the record I blasted BHO for not taking out Assad. Sure another ME country like Libya we needed that, sometimes Richie…..guess he didnt have the gold reserves and a good beach to Europe.
@kitt: Didn’t get to see Levin, but I did get to say hi to Chris Plante. I’ll be writing up a CPAC recap in the next few days
@Brother Bob: Will look forward to it.
@Richard Wheeler: Trump is playing a long game with Kim – I agree on the bad optics but, well, nothing else has worked. It could have been worse – he could have handed Kim a pallet of cash for an unverifiable deal, right?
I’m also curious if your thoughts on Biden running as a centrist have changed after he let himself get browbeaten by a failed politician member of the Gaystapo?
And glad to hear that BS put on a great show – not all aging artists do. The final show that Sabbath did was awful, while Rush was still great when they hung it up. I’ve never been a huge Judas Priest fan and was surprised at how much I enjoyed their show last year. Megadeth always gives a solid B+ performance – never better, never worse. And as much as I love Slayer, the last show I saw them at was hands down the worst effort I saw from them. Still a damned good show, but I’m glad they’re choosing to go out on top
@Richard Wheeler:
“Give credit where it is due: President Trump walked away from a bad deal with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi. He refused to end all U.S. sanctions in exchange for the closure of a single North Korean nuclear facility.
From the far, FAR left wing L A Times.
Why don’t you make a list of all the advances made by Obama with the NORKs? Oh, that’s right, there were none.
Don’t discount that Kimmie is looking at what happened to Gaddafi; give up your weapons and you’re dead. Residual effect of the disaster that was the Obama administration.
We have beds available at GITMO.
I am reminded of a rally Hillary had when she was running for President in which she stated she was going to raise taxes on the middle class, for which the crowd roared in approval. It was used as an example of proof Hillary would raise taxes, but I had a totally different view of it. I think is was a misstatement of Hillary’s (she’s not going to ADMIT she was going to raise taxes on the middle class… that would be a little surprise) but what struck me was how the crowd was paying so little attention to what she was saying and was just cheering the drone of her voice. Liberals don’t listen to the details or expect facts; they just want their brains to be massaged with declarations of “the opposition is evil and you can have free stuff”.
Does anyone have an idea of why whenever a socialist government collapses and people are in need, it is only capitalist nations that have enough money to come to their aid? Anyone?
THINK, liberals! If you succeed at passing all your gun control measures, who will be able to throw down on those who dare to express an opinion different from yours?
So where are the supporters of socialized medicine complaining about the resources spent on saving he life of someone that no longer can serve the collective?
I realize it sounds hyperbolic to say so, but the left seems to go to extra effort to prove it time and time again; without lies, liberals cannot make a point that their point of view is better than anyone else’s.
This is liberals telling women their place is in the kitchen, not on the field of athletic competition.
Why don’t they revive “Air America”?
Isn’t Democrats putting anti-Semites or other racists in office sort of along the lines of “dog bites man” nowadays?
@Richard Wheeler:
So says the liberal media. Reality shows a different picture.
@Brother Bob:
That is considered brilliant by the he saved the world sheeps.
@Brother Bob: You really are a heavy metal fan.
Bernie on CNN Trump on Fox—–Makes Schultz look the winner in this race.
Support of gay rights is centrist in 2019 Biden a centrist who can beat Bernie then Trump if he runs.
@Deplorable Me: Al Franken and Jeanaine Garafolo aren’t available to anchor the revival success story
@kitt: If Trump did it they’d hate it – he doesn’t benefit from their bigotry of setting lower standards for nonwhite presidents
@Richard Wheeler: I’m still wondering where you see Schultz’s path to victory, considering we all know the Dems learned their lesson from 2000 and will destroy him long before 2020.
Yes, keeping out of the country thousands of immigrants who like murdering gays and declaring that the rest of the world should follow is centrist.
Not being allowed to say Pence is a good person is radicalism and cowardice
@Brother Bob:
Biden, as well as anyone else, has to walk a tightrope until they get the nomination but to GET the nomination, they have to prove they are the MOST insanely socialistic, bigoted, hateful, spiteful, anti-American in the crowd. Afterwards, they can play moderate to appeal to the stuff between the coasts, but by then, what the hell do you believe?
Thing is (as the article above explains), liberals simply believe in liberalism and whatever they are told to believe is the truth is what they believe to be the truth.
@Deplorable Me: Actually it’s Trumpists tied to his unending lies–laughable.
BB Re Schultz—-with Bernie as Dem–too far left–and Trump as Repub–too far right and crazy to boot——Schultz comes right down the middle a sane centrist
@Deplorable Me: The big difference is that Trump will eviscerate Biden if he tries. I can already see the moment in the debate where Trumps says “You’re telling the American people you’ll be ready to stand up to Russia, ISIS, etc. when you can’t even stand up to a washed up actress”
The press will declare that as the point where Trump lost the debate and call for immediate impeachment (it’s not like they need a reason), but America will see it differently…
@Brother Bob: I think we should wait to see if either actually enter the race. Rape fantasies Bernie will go down in flames.
This is a big F’ing deal Biden wont be taking Don behind the school house gym.
The I can promise more free stuff than you can crowd better learn how to put some meat on the bones of the claptrap they are all just memes.
@Brother Bob: Would Trump reference Biden’s threat to whip his ass, walk up to him and say, “Well, here I am!”? I’d love to see that.
No matter who runs, the left’s only mantra will be that the endless investigations prove Trump’s guilt. There IS nothing else. And the left HATES all the references to socialism. Because it WORKS and it’s TRUE.
@Richard Wheeler: Actually, people who spent eight years blindly supporting a president whose very first act in office (taking an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and are now pointing fingers is laughable.
As for Schultz, where are getting this fantasy of him winning? We already went over how he has no electoral path to victory, which would require House Democrats to disobey Pelosi in their votes – in what universe does this happen?
And Trump already has a firm hold of the center. Economic growth, strong defense, not murdering infants, protecting our nation’s borders, appointing judges that use the Constitution in their decision making, etc. are all things that most Americans approve of. For some reason the radicals that have taken over the Democratic Party oppose all of these things. Schultz can’t peel off enough of the crazy Leftist vote, nor is he a desirable enough alternative to get the Normals to abandon their president
@Brother Bob: Trump has one major problem—The majority of voters can’t stomach him PERSONALLY. I know that doesn’t bother you and majority of white males–don’t think that’s enough–he’ll never get 40% of females-who are 52% of the vote or 30% of non whites.
EC Biden takes back Pa Mi Wi and Iowa to win.
If Biden doesn’t run and Bernie gets nom there is a path for Schultz down the middle.
@Richard Wheeler:
moronic, racist, bigot talk is what drives more normals to Trump sing it loud you racist sing it clear. NY and California will not decide the president.
As you are standing closest guess who gets it first, Cracker
@kitt: Simply the demographics as they exist-Kitt nothing racist about numbers–you disagree with any of them?
Donny is the racist according to his lawyer.and close confidante.
Latest laugh–“normal”s voting for Trump??? true oxymoron —
@Richard Wheeler: I rarely agree with you especially when you are posting ignorant racist BS, The convicted liar feeding all the dog whistle talking points given to him by Hillarys lawyer, you are just stupid enough to drink that kool-aid.
@kitt: As a Trumpist you really don’t have a clue–talk about stupid—the guy lies constantly and you buy into it hook. line and sinker.
What I posted about the voting demographics is absolutely factual based on the 2016 election–you think it’s changed?–if so why/.
@Richard Wheeler:
You mean the guy going to jail for lying that, up until now, all the Democrats called a liar?
@Deplorable Me: That’s him alright. Trump’s best buddy till he couldn’t use him any more–just one of many Trompeteers going to jail.Who is next ya think?
@Richard Wheeler: Trump won 30 states, women out number men , in Aug 2018 Trump approval rating with blacks 36% per stupid polls Rasmussen. I dont think he will pull as well as Reagan for his second term, but dems better find someone better than who has jumped in so far.
You keep on believing the TV.
@Richard Wheeler: Could be McCabe. Or Comey. Or Hillary. Or Strzok. Maybe even Obama. One day the DOJ will start looking at the REAL criminals and they will fall like dominoes.
@Deplorable Me: Guess congress didnt hear about Cohens big book deal ‘I doubt he was offered $750,000,’ one publishing executive told DailyMail.com. ‘If he was, he was a fool not to take it.
‘Everything he wanted to say about Trump was positive,’ added another executive who discussed the deal with Cohen.
‘Even in our meeting he was glowing with praise for the president.’
Amazing changes in a year.
@kitt: C’mon Kitt–stop being foolish–only poll that mattered was 2016 election–if you ACTUALLY look at those results you’ll see my comments in #22 are correct.
If you keep listening to our liar in chief you’re on your own. Women do outnumber men and showed there disapproval of Trump by giving him under 40%–Blacks gave him about 14% White males gave DT over 60%—Those are verifiable facts.
To mention RR and DT in the same breath is farcical–What the hell happened to your common sense?lol
Cohen and Trump are both lying con men and certainly deserve each other.
@Richard Wheeler: The 2016 numbers that none showed DT ahead The ones that had the media saying 90 % chance of Hillary sitting in the oval office. I guess Bob wants your opinion so he can lay money on the next election, who ever you say will win he can bet against, at least in the primaries.
Plenty of jobs out there full time some with decent pay. Those not suited for college not stuck in part-time no benefits hell. Thats what middle America is seeing. Most dont have time to worry about parsing the Presidents every word cause its time to get to work, no time to sit around hoping for freebies and government low quality hand outs.
Remember, RW is the same left wing reactionary who made these comments on January 20, 2019:
Every comment he made was proven to be 100% CRAP. Phillips wasn’t a VN Vet. Phillips wasn’t 70+ years old. The kids weren’t expelled. The kids weren’t the aggressors as proven by hard evidence and an investigation by the institution that was supposed to expel them. He still keeps getting his “facts” from the same fake news sources he always uses and then comes here and regurgitates them ala Maxine Waters.
@another vet: I guess we were nuts now WaPo is trying to back peddle, crazy as loons, the archdiocese also walked back the apology, no one got expelled or even punished. Chief dances with beers in the Maytag will not be “educating” the students.
The struggle continues can we wear a red baseball cap without some triggered fascist attacking us? I know thats just insane.
I remember seeing LOTS of pictures of kids and adults wearing “Hope and Change” hats and shirts etc. but don’t seem to recall them being attacked. But that’s the mentality of people who have totalitarian views be they NAZI’s, fascists, or Communists. They’re all cut from the same mold.
And this part of the argument, “But the Left carefully nurtures, fosters, advocates, and even requires this sort of denial,” is proven on a daily basis.
@kitt: Negative–I’m speaking only of the final numbers–the only ones that counted—not predictions—understand?
AV There is plenty of denial espoused by Trumpeteers. Your smart enough to notice Trump’s lies—just Donald being Donald you say?—collateral damage perhaps? Curious what is your rationale/
@rich wheeler:Go dry your fascist tears, blow the bigot out of your nose and suck up your racist mindless repeating of your cable television.
The results of the election speak for themselves. You have been proven wrong over and over. They didnt require me to mark my ballot with what sex or color I was, your numbers are fantasy, rubbish unverifiable tripe.
98% chance of Hillary winning wheeeeeeeeee, where did they come up with that, what numbers?
It was My state that pushed the electoral numbers over the top bwahahahaha.
@another vet:
Remember, this is the guy who reminds us constantly about being a Marine, tells us he has a trophy wife and how he got “laid” in college by willing women but didn’t bother to check if the Mexicans he hired to work at his house were legal (it’s a violation of Federal law to hire illegals). He apparently didn’t check their I.D. What kind of idiot doesn’t check the I.D. of someone working at their home? Or what kind of Marine is willing to violate Federal law?
He does have the excuse that his far left, and rapidly failing state, California, gives driver’s licenses to illegals. There is that. But the bottom dollar is that RW is nothing more than a blowhard who suffers from extreme masculine toxicity.
@rich wheeler:
I believe it was Common Sense who asked you awhile ago to list the lies and I haven’t seen them so you’ll need to be more specific. I’ll give some examples of proven lies:
1. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.
2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
3. Obamacare will reduce insurance costs by $2,500 per year for families.
4. There are no taxes in Obamacare.
5. Benghazi was caused by a video.
5. ISIS is a JV team.
6. AQ has been decimated and defeated.
7. “Race relations improved on my watch.”
8. “The world became safer on my watch.”
9. “The country became less divided on my watch.”
10. My personal favorite- “There were no scandals on my watch.”
There were also at least three lies in your Jan. 20th post. I’m guessing they weren’t your lies originally and you were just repeating lies you heard on CNN or one of the other fake news sites, but they were lies nonetheless.
If you are comfortable with lies 1-10 above, then you being a hypocrite when you complain about others lying, be it PT or anyone else, just like you are when you complain about Cheney and Trump getting deferments but have no issue with people like Clinton and Biden who also received deferments.
It makes it easier for them to vote which is the main reason they want open borders.
Or supports a party that just put forth a 21st Century edition of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Oh well, none of the other former Marines I know do so I take comfort in that.
What a group Trumpeteers we got here. Classic—-you 3 deserve each other..I honestly don’t have time or desire to insult you all back. You got Trump for a while longer–enjoy it.
@Richard Wheeler
Classic in a sentence:
It’s a classic that won’t go out of style.
At least for another 6 years.
You are to easy, way, way to easy.
@Richard Wheeler.
What an Obamamite. The feeling is mutual. I listed ten Obama lies and you failed to list the Trump lies. If he lies so much, it should be an easy task. It was very easy for me to list the Obama lies and I left a lot of them out.
@kitt: “too easy”—twice I gave you the results of 2016 election—the breakdown has been published–you don’t believe facts why should I waste precious time with you? nuf said
@Richard Wheeler: Yes, let’s all vote for the guy who talked so much the enemy killed off a large part of Seal Team VI. Yes, you can always count on a former Marine to root for a guy who killed off our heroes.
I have been busy helping out mobilizing soldiers and have not had an opportunity to see that you still are ignorant.
@Richard Wheeler: Yup published from votes Richie the numbers are made up, same as the 97 % of scientists crap. Just because its in print or on the boobtube doesnt make it true. Eating eggs gives you high cholesterol was published, it sounds good so I believe that, its how they sold pig slop as diet milk, and still are! You are to easy did you ever for a second question where those numbers came from what type of sampling? Could the numbers be fudged to make a point? Its a cowfarts are causing global climate change argument.
You fall right into it, its a shame. When they ask sex and color on the ballots and then that data is entered into the numbers maybe they will have some meat on the bone.
The world isn’t flat, it isnt really perfectly round, the sun does not revolve around the earth consensus isnt science and sampling isnt either.
What if your voting data was only the females that comment here?
100% voted for Trump hows that for data?
How many times to I have to tell you I am not a Trumpeteer?
I am a Trumpette! I liked his speech at CPAC, it wasnt perfect cause he did the 2 hours off script and was joking with the audience a lot, that will be made hay out of for a bit, taken twisted and printed.