More Greatness From AOC…25,000 Jobs Lost In NYC

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Amazon will not build a new headquarters in New York City, a stunning reversal to an ambitious plan that would have brought an estimated 25,000 jobs to the city.

The online retailer faced fierce opposition from some New York politicians who were unhappy with the nearly $3 billion in tax incentives Amazon was promised. Along with thousands of jobs, the Seattle company had planned spend $2.5 billion building its new offices.

…It was a serious blow to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, who lobbied intensely to land the campus within city limits.

Guess who wanted these jobs to come to NYC?

Minorities appear to be the biggest backers of the deal. Roughly 70% of black voters and 81% of Latinos support the project, the poll found. White people were more evenly split on the issue, with 51% in favor to 40% opposed.

Guess those Brooklyn hipsters didn’t need those jobs eh AOC?

Can’t make this stuff up.

And one more time


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I feel sorry for the jobs lost for the people of NY. Guess he should have pow-wowed with DT and got the deal sealed, Who to grease, mob connections for union builders who would have put a bug in the correct politicians ear ect….
Positive AOC had nothing to do with the failure, she has her own issues no need to drag Nazi Barbie into it.

True commies promise the “people” the world, then take care of themselves instead.
Note this quote:

“If we were willing to give away away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest $3 billion in our district ourselves if we want to. We could hire more teachers, we can fix our subways, we can put a lot of people to work for that money if we wanted to,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Instead that $3billion will be frittered away on these lefty pols themselves.
The people will still have potholes, filthy subways, horrible teachers and more.
I was surprised AOC insisted her luxury apartment in the Navy Yard section of DC be kept at the same rent as the previous amount instead of a newer, higher rent MOST landlords insist on.
And, she won! Instead of $15,000 a month she will only pay about $7,000 a month!

@Nan G: It is money that was based on future tax revenue now there will be none.
A subsidy is a pigs term for less taxation, no development no tax money. Evers nearly blew the Foxcon deal here in southern Wisconsin, a deal that would only give the tax advantages IF the jobs were actually produced.

The Big Apple has way too many worms in its core

aoc’s district is a short distance from where the hq woulda been, so all the morons who voted for her have her to thank for their continued lives of squalidness (trust me). to quote our author above, bwahahahahahahah1!!

is aoc gay??????????????

@MOS#8541: @AOC is a gay icon Held a few campaign events at gay clubs in Queens, NY. For NYC queers she has been an on the map for a while now. And for Jackson Heights queers, she was on the map even before she won, I dont think she is gay but really want the votes. Unmarried at 29 ranks her in the old maid territory, childless much like those destroying the EU.

Complete a**hole.

@DrJohn: assholes have a use, she is a giant swollen infected hemorrhoid.
Good reading on the poison bill they want Trunp to sign

And weasle McConnell is in on it.

@MOS#8541: I wondered if she was gay, also.
Turns out she refers to a man as her “partner.”
Not photos of them or him tho.
I wonder is he/she merely “identifies” as male?
Rumor is he is Riley Roberts.
She met him when at college.
Riley Roberts was with Alexandria’s mom, brother when she was sworn into Congress in January 2019.

@Nan G: @AOC decided to put her boyfriend on staff – drawing a salary on the taxpayer’s dime. Nice to see her adapting to the swamp so quickly.

kind of shows ignorance to misuse the nickname of Klaus Barbie…

Nikolaus “Klaus” Barbie was an SS and Gestapo functionary during the Nazi era. He was known as the “Butcher of Lyon” for having personally tortured French prisoners of the Gestapo while stationed in Lyon, France

please do not diminish the evil of Klaus by implying the ditz is the new barbie..

why not start a new clean meme (idea in french)…

call her a Bratz girl instead…

[by the way, babette is no good either, read about babbette gross… ]

@Nan G: Instead that $3billion will be frittered away on these lefty pols themselves.
The people will still have potholes, filthy subways, horrible teachers and more.

actually NOT… it wasnt a cash deal, there is no 3 billion to spend… they were all about tax abatements and such to make it ok to build the huge property.. and other similar things..

its NOT like they were going to take 3 billion from column A and write a check…they said come here, and you can avoid paying taxes as we can make lots more tax money on 30,000 employees who will travel, work, buy stuff, buy more stuff at home, invest… etc..

now… you cant use an abatement or those kinds of things as a way to improve the trains, they already own the property, and its not a cash item..

so its even MORE stupid than you thought!!

oh and the biggie for shutting it down whas the irish teamster with the white hair the teamster non working unions are now screaming at..

maybe they shoudl quit the union and go out and get a job with amazon..

@Artfldgr: I think Nan knows, but progressives do not understand how it works, future possible tax revenues generated. Without a thought in their head how tax generated would be higher, dont even raise taxes but get more as property values go up, new businesses to support the project pop up (grocery, gas, fast food)generating more tax. ect ect. Progressives and others are born ignorant but progressive work hard at staying stupid.
Barbie is a reference to pop off her head look inside…find nothing but the loops for her hair.
Nazi is her party Socialist democrat, you get to vote for tax enslavement, commies just get it with out the voting effort.

AOC- job killer. Her Communist Manifesto For The 21st Century
(“Green New Deal”) will do for the rest of the country what she helped do for NYC.

If you need to blame somebody… Maybe Donald Trump shouldn’t have launched all of those personal attacks against Jeff Bezos and his company.

@kitt: i just got the guestimate from the ny times.. that 3 billion in stuff was used to clobber $27 billion in tax revenue over the next 20 years

@kitt: Nazi is her party Socialist democrat

no, she is a democratic socialist..
NOT the same thing…

Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy. Democratic socialists hold that capitalism is inherently incompatible with what they hold to be the democratic values of liberty, equality and solidarity; and that these ideals can only be achieved through the realization of a socialist society. Democratic socialism can be supportive of either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism

now here is the funny part:
The term ‘democratic socialism’ is sometimes used synonymously with ‘socialism’, but the adjective ‘democratic’ is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which to some is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.

really? like most they have it wrong in a self serving way to save communism… but what was trostky?

Democratic Socialists of America
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is an organization of democratic socialist, social democratic and labor-oriented members in the United States.

The DSA has its roots in the Socialist Party of America (SPA), whose most prominent leaders included Eugene V. Debs, Norman Thomas and Michael Harrington.[2] In 1973, Harrington, the leader of a minority faction that had opposed the SPA’s rightward shift and transformation into the Social Democrats, USA (SDUSA) during the party’s 1972 national convention, formed the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC). The other faction that split following that convention was the Socialist Party USA (SPUSA), which remains an independent democratic socialist political party. The DSOC, in Harrington’s words “the remnant of a remnant”, soon became the largest democratic socialist group in the United States. In 1982, it merged with the New American Movement (NAM), a coalition of intellectuals with roots in the New Left movements of the 1960s and former members of socialist and communist parties of the Old Left, to form the DSA

and if that wasnt funny enough:
Conversely, head of the Democratic National Committee Tom Perez proclaimed her to be “the future of our party” whereas the Trotskyist International Committee of the Fourth International critiqued her and the DSA as being a “left” cover for the “right-wing Democratic Party”, particularly in regard to foreign policy

@Nan G:

Instead that $3billion will be frittered away on these lefty pols themselves.

The $3 billion DOESN’T EXIST. Those would have been tax incentives, $3 billion they would not collect in taxes in exchange for the jobs, tax revenues and economic activity it would provide for PEOPLE. Of course, morons like Occasional-Kotex don’t understand how wealth is generated; they think it is TAXED into existence.

New York has had a problem with businesses, jobs and citizens leaving because of their punishing taxation so they have been running a program to offer extensive tax incentives for businesses to set up there. Now I guess it is clear what that means; the growing strength of socialism will harass and persecute them for bring jobs and industry to their state. Well, good for Texas, I guess. Dallas was trying to get Amazon to come there when the decision to go with NY was made. The down side is MORE Yankees will move to Texas.


is aoc gay?

If by “gay” you mean a stupid as a rusty anvil, then yes. Yes she is.

@kitt: Who the hell would marry that horse-faced, braying bitch?

@kitt: Thanks, Kitt.
Yes, I knew, but I was trying to highlight that AOC didn’t know.
I quoted her then riffed off her thought.
She’s really dumb, nicknames notwithstanding.
I see that blondes are now telling AOC jokes.

@Nan G: Just the fact that she is 39, college educated and he best job she could land was slinging booze says volumes.

If you need to blame somebody… Maybe Donald Trump shouldn’t have launched all of those personal attacks against Jeff Bezos and his company.

Yes Im sure Trumps comments in a Democrat stronghold really damaged the man that landed a CIA computer contract but can keep his penis selfies secure. Sure sure uh huh.
His company’s Web-services business is building a ‘private cloud’ for the CIA to use for its data needs.”

@kitt: I thought she was just 29, too young to run for president.

May 31, 2019 — Ted Cruz And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Team Up To Ban Lawmakers From Lobbying

Proving that it’s always possible to find something worthwhile that opposites can agree on…

I believe the following to be a symptom of a problem, falling under the general heading of Foxes Guarding the Hen Houses. It’s the sort of troubling development that all of the distractions keep out of sight and out of mind. Any “swamp draining” has been entirely in the imagination.

In the executive branch, at least 187 political appointees of the Trump administration previously worked as federal lobbyists, ProPublica reported last year. And many of them were put into positions supervising the same industries for which they had once lobbied.

@Greg: AOC will restore her stupidly supremacy soon.

Stupidity is letting foxes guard the hen houses. It doesn’t seem the least bit stupid to me to think that something needs to be done about it.

@Greg: You, of course, refer to having Pelosi oversee House ethics, Nadler heading the Intel committee or those scumbag liberals Obama had in the DOJ. Yes, I agree.

I guess the topic is how dreadful it is that AOC somehow single-handedly cost NYC 25,000 jobs—though how she purportedly accomplished this feat is more than a little vague. Apparently seeing the connection relies upon a Trump supporter’s imagination.

I’m more impressed when a direct cause-and-effect relationship can be observed. For example:

June 1, 2019 — 2 maps show how every US state’s economy could be affected by Trump’s proposed Mexico tariffs

@Greg: Maybe you should look at the date this article was published.

I pray to God above that I am never so pathetically bereft of principle that I find myself defending a liberal socialist airhead anti-Semitic racist.

Just think, if Democrats were not so hatefully anti-American and would cooperate with sensible efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration, threatening Mexico with tariffs would not be necessary. As it is, Trump has to do whatever he can by himself to protect American lives.