The Week in Radical Leftism, 02/01/2019

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Welcome back, everyone! Quick post this week as it’s been a busy week – as always our Lefty pals leave no shortage of material that the hardest part of these posts is what to not include. Such as:

1/24 – Pronouns as Thoughtcrime

Oh FFS, 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a manual you idiots!

1/25 – New York Times Has a Story on Venezuela That Ignores Socialism

If only there were some explanation for what happened in Venezuela…

1/26 – Oregon Looking to be the First in Nation for State Wide Rent Control

Apparently Oregon politicians get their news and shape their ideas by what they read in The NY Times…

1/27 – Germany: Muslim migrant arrested for molesting girls on their way to school

I truly miss the days that stories like this were an event rather than as regular as weather reports

1/28 – Dads Dressing in Drag ‘For the Children’ Is Not Good Parenting

In other words, stop playing for YouTube hits and be a damned parent

1/28 – Not exactly another John Paul II: Pope Francis declares neutrality on Venezuela

I still miss the days when “Is the Pope Catholic?” was considered a joke

1/29 – The Rocky Horror Ideology Show

Interesting look at how the Trans community has driven Lesbians to Conservatives for support. As women are learning the hard way, the danger of identity politics is that eventually your allies run out of other people to hate

1/30 – Disney Is Holding A Pride Parade At One Of Its Theme Parks For The First Time Ever

This is one of those stories that’s both better and worse than the headline suggests. The worse part is that Disney has been slowly but surely cozying up to the LGBQWERTY community, whose end point is completely predictable. The good news is that this parade won’t be in the states – it will be in France. If I had money to burn I would buy every ticket to the park that day I possibly could and distribute them to France’s Muslim community.

1/31 – Virginia Governor Defends Infanticide Comments, Slams ‘Bad Faith’ Interpretations

How dare Republicans seize on a Democrat politician speaking honestly!


“Four legs good. Internet censorship better.”

ICYMI – I finally decided to weigh in on this story – Top Ten Disturbing Takeaways from the Covington Crucifiction

Thanks to everyone who contributed to last week’s comments while Family Bob took a brief vacation at Legoland Florida. The downside of visiting LL this time of year is that the water park is closed. The plus side is that it’s empty enough that waits for rides are almost unheard of. In our two days in the park Little Bob and I broke last year’s record of rocking the Ninjago ride seven times in two days by doing a dozen in two days this time. For those of you unfamiliar, as you go through the ride pairs of four seat swiveling chairs blow through while you fire virtual energy blasts at Lego skeletons, lizards, etc. On one trip with Little Bob we were the only two in our eight seat cohort. So I turned to him and paraphrased one of our military legends whose name eludes me and I can’t find online at the moment: “I have good news. We’ll be completely surrounded, which means we have our choice of which enemy to destroy first.”

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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disney was very anti-semitic and very homophobic. he would be rolling over in her grave. does one not grasp the timeline to selected government euthanasia of its citizens? if you do not read history. if you do not understand history. you will be amnesic to the future.

This one goes out to Governors everywhere that sign laws to murder infants

you bastids stink.

Welcome refugees and illegal immigrants, there is no where for you to live but come on to Oregon. Get your shots, there is a mysterious measles outbreak.

1/24 – Pronouns as Thoughtcrime

Just call them all “it”.

1/25 – New York Times Has a Story on Venezuela That Ignores Socialism

Kind of like cigarette companies used to ignore cancer?

1/26 – Oregon Looking to be the First in Nation for State Wide Rent Control

Sort of like the great minimum wage success. If they don’t figure out how to control ANTIFA in their cities, they’ll have plenty of low-cost rental properties.

1/27 – Germany: Muslim migrant arrested for molesting girls on their way to school

Hey, that’s just how they roll. You can’t criticize them for their religious beliefs, can you?

1/28 – Dads Dressing in Drag ‘For the Children’ Is Not Good Parenting

That’s about as cute as a parent buying heroin for an addicted child.

1/28 – Not exactly another John Paul II: Pope Francis declares neutrality on Venezuela

Maybe he should go down and bless their socialism. Maybe that will exorcise the evil oppression and failure out of and leave capitalism.

1/29 – The Rocky Horror Ideology Show

I can’t help but think that if people would keep their private lives private they would have a lot fewer problems. On the other hand, I enjoy watching the left’s identity groups tear each other apart. Because their beards are a cultural accouterment, my guess is Gillette will have no influence on them.

1/30 – Disney Is Holding A Pride Parade At One Of Its Theme Parks For The First Time Ever

Oh, well… France. I’m sure THEIR enormous Muslim immigrant population will just LOVE that.

1/31 – Virginia Governor Defends Infanticide Comments, Slams ‘Bad Faith’ Interpretations

Hey, he’ only supporting killing babies that are inconvenient to irresponsible people… not ALL of them.

@Brother Bob: Yes they were promptly deported did they ask for asylum?
Happy groundhogs day does it seem we do this every week?