The Week in Radical Leftism, 01/25/2019

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Happy weekend everybody! Another week gone, another week of sane, rational dialogue from our Lefty friends! HAHAHAHA – I’m kidding, of course.

1/17 – Authoritarian Moonbats Go After Sunscreen

Because #Science

1/18 – Yet I’d be arrested if I p*ssed in the hallway (Censorship mine)

This is one of those posts that makes the list just for an awesome headline. It’s about people with gender mental disorders using public bathrooms

1/18 – Everyone Is Smart Except Trump

The American Spectator’s Dov Fisher is a bit overenthusiastic about our president, but raises some great points. Be sure to read the whole thing.

1/19 – Brian Stelter and His “Reliable Sources”

Why the people pretending to be journalists are the enemies of America – Part I

Paterico does a great job of ribbing Brian Stelter, and the irony sails clear over Stetler’s head

1/19 – Why mainstream media lacks credibility: BuzzFeed’s Trump Story Latest In Long List Of Russia Bombshells That Weren’t

Why the people pretending to be journalists are the enemies of America – Part II

1/20 – ‘MORE media lies’: Looks like there’s a whole lot MORE to story about Catholic students ‘harassing’ Native American protester

Why the people pretending to be journalists are the enemies of America – Part III

It’s amazing how blazingly fast the news cycle can be, even on weekends. Even though Dr. John already covered this, this will probably warrant a follow up post of its own. Here is what I believe is the original tweet thread that started the unmasking. I’ve got  a feeling that the fallout from this story is not going away any time soon.

1/20 – NYC Restaurants Slash Staff over $15 Minimum Wage

Even if we have a President who doesn’t need them, it’s obvious that some local politicians would still benefit from my “Economics for Politicians” series. Time to start posting the rest of them at the end of these updates.

1/21 – Call-Out Conservatives Join the Left’s Lynch Mob

What may be the worst part of the Covington story might be how quickly the Vichy Conservatives turned on people they pretend to call allies

1/22 – John Kerry, at Davos, calls on President Trump to ‘resign’

The world’s ugliest gold digger reminds us how lucky we got back in 2004 when we avoided making this chump our president

1/23 – Today’s Left Now Openly Aims To Make Christians Second-Class Citizens

The good news is that Christians’ enemies are no longer hiding and are showing who they are in public. The bad news is that said enemies feel that they are now powerful enough to not fear any repercussion for their anti-Christian bigotry.

1/23 – The “tippy top” plan for a “Green New Deal’s” same-old misanthropy

Oh Gulab Barbie, you pretty little idiot. Did nobody in your life ever teach you where a promise of “just the tip” always leads?

1/24 – Violence Against Women Update: MS-13 Members Beat Teenage Prostitute

For all of the talking heads and politicos in DC who think that border security doesn’t affect them, this happened in Silver Spring, MD. For those of you who aren’t local, Silver Spring is a suburb of DC


Maybe one of these days #RealSocialism will finally be tried

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Yes I got into the wayback machine to bring you this weeks selection dedicated to the MSM From 1958 ladies and toxic gentlemen the Cordettes

And out to the FBI

Yes the Epic times has been good reading this week.

To our favorite FA’ers Greg and Richard who wont admit the MSM lies to them

See you next week cause sanity is a matter of opinion and feelings.

drunk kerry-revoke his passport and list as a subversive foreign agent. so how many times did he shoot himself to get of Vietnam? is it two or three purple hearts?


To our favorite FA’ers Greg and Richard who wont admit the MSM lies to them

The world is full of lies and liars. The only path toward truth involves learning how to identify them for oneself. No one will ever do this with complete accuracy. If a person cannot admit when they’re wrong, they will never get there.

@MOS#8541: Except now the gunpowder is in his hair he tells Trump to resign, damn the fools in Davos will let any wank in the door, and CNBC will air it.

@Greg: So you are saying if we point it out you wont admit or learn from it?
Maybe not, I havent seen any full retractions from WAPO or any of them, they did admit the Native American wasnt all he was suppose to be cracked up to be.
Dont get to lonely out there. A poll from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist found that more Americans trust the White House than the media.

37 percent of those polled said they trust the Trump administration, compared to 30 percent for the media and 29 percent for Congress.
Bet they wont run that poll again any time soon.
You had a rough 10 days put on some headphones and chill on some nice smooth jazz, Chet Baker or Miles Davis


The only path toward truth involves learning how to identify them for oneself. No one will ever do this with complete accuracy.

Truth is not subjective, Greggie. No matter how hard you try to make it so. And it is not based on your wittle feelings or emotions. Of course, so-called “journalists” of today appeal to feelings and emotions and bastardize the truth to meet that agenda. Walter School of Journalism prevails.

If a person cannot admit when they’re wrong, they will never get there

Well, you’ve made it quite clear here that you will never get there.

Perhaps that’s because you’re an idiot.

1/17 – Authoritarian Moonbats Go After Sunscreen

I would think the thick, heavy cloud of CO2 would be protecting us anyway.

1/18 – Yet I’d be arrested if I p*ssed in the hallway (Censorship mine)

The restaurant owner can just say they kicked her out because they thought she was a Republican.

1/18 – Everyone Is Smart Except Trump

Yeah, that’s why among them all they still stay two steps behind him at all times.

1/19 – Brian Stelter and His “Reliable Sources”

Could it possibly be that the left thinks we don’t KNOW they’re lying?

1/19 – Why mainstream media lacks credibility: BuzzFeed’s Trump Story Latest In Long List Of Russia Bombshells That Weren’t

I guess they don’t. Or simply don’t care. They can fool all of the liberals all of the time.

1/20 – ‘MORE media lies’: Looks like there’s a whole lot MORE to story about Catholic students ‘harassing’ Native American protester

Oh, it wasn’t just the media that jumped on this luscious story without thinking… was it, Greg?

1/20 – NYC Restaurants Slash Staff over $15 Minimum Wage

Gee, someone should have warned them.

1/21 – Call-Out Conservatives Join the Left’s Lynch Mob

Like Republican politicians, some of the conservative media is deathly afraid of the liberal media. They do wield outrageous power, but Trump SHOWED THEM that they can be effectively ignored and circumvented. Or, perhaps only Trump can do it.

1/22 – John Kerry, at Davos, calls on President Trump to ‘resign’

Oh, well if KERRY demands it, it must be heeded. Anyone that looks THAT much like Herman Munster can’t be wrong. It would be really funny if he was the only person to go down in history actually prosecuted for violating the Logan Act. Maybe he just wasn’t through thanking the Iranians for not killing our sailors they illegally took prisoner. He IS a credible guy, ain’t he?

1/23 – Today’s Left Now Openly Aims To Make Christians Second-Class Citizens

People who believe in something other than the State can’t be trusted. Except Muslims; don’t mess with them, they’ll kill ya.

1/23 – The “tippy top” plan for a “Green New Deal’s” same-old misanthropy

I can’t get enough of the wit and wisdom of Occasional-Kotex. She should have her own cable channel.

1/24 – Violence Against Women Update: MS-13 Members Beat Teenage Prostitute

Was she wearing a MAGA hat? It makes a difference in the level of outrage. Also, don’t call MS-13 animals. Ever.


I learned from the NYT that it’s not socialism that brought Venezuela down. It was mean old Trump’s mean old sanctions. No, really. So, let’s get US some of that socialism stuff! Sounds great!


The world is full of lies and liars.

Yes, the corrupt liberal media is everywhere.

If a person cannot admit when they’re wrong, they will never get there.

Hey, remember that time you admitted you were wrong about the Covington kids? Yeah… me neither.

@MOS#8541: He wouldn’t shoot himself-too much pain. I understand one of his Purple Hearts were from throwing a grenade into a pile of rice and some rice hit him in the ass. His fellow officers rigged the decorations to get rid of him as they did not trust him and the medals would send him home.

@Deplorable Me:

I can’t get enough of the wit and wisdom of Occasional-Kotex. She should have her own cable channel.

Dont forget REPENT YE CLIMATE SINNERS the end is near REPENT accept the IRS agent as your lord and savior, you have 12 years, we shall tax ye 70 % to save your miserable CO2 exhaling useless eaters. and 29 % to give you free stuff! You can be a 1%er! Does anyone have the number to rental finders?

@kitt: Except, once we pay for her single-payer health care, there’s no money left to extend the 12 year deadline. FIRE UP THE PRINTING PRESSES!

@Deplorable Me: Printing money kills trees, there is loads of money just sitting around with billionaires We will just take that money already printed, and the government so wise in its spending, they even call it investing, will buy everything run everything and give away everything see?

Republican party color is red, RED IS COMUNIST COLOR!!!!!!!!!!