Nathan Phillips is a fraud and a liar

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Nathan Phillips is disgrace. He brings nothing but shame to Native Americans.

His account of the incident last Friday has several versions. Here is the WaPo version:

Phillips told the Washington Post Saturday that he had been singing an American Indian Movement song that serves as a ceremony to send the spirits home when he noticed that tensions started to escalate.

“It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial,’” Phillips told the paper. But after one of the teens wearing a MAGA hat stood in his way, he said, he continued to drum and sing.

“I felt like the spirit was talking through me,” Phillips said.

The video clearly shows that Phillips intentionally sought out the Covington kids. No one surrounded him right away. No one threatened him. No one shouted “build the wall.”

Phillips made no effort to go around the kids. He did get Nick Sandmann’s face on his own.

Here’s what Phillips told CNN:

“They were in the process of attacking these four black individuals,” Phillips said. “I was there and I was witnessing all of this … As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know? You see something that is wrong and you’re faced with that choice of right or wrong. ”

Phillips said some of the members of the Black Hebrew group were also acting up, “saying some harsh things” and that one member spit in the direction of the Catholic students. “So I put myself in between that, between a rock and hard place,” he said.

But then, the crowd of mostly male students turned their anger towards Phillips.

“There was that moment when I realized I’ve put myself between beast and prey,” Phillips said. “These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that.”

There is quite a gap between then Black Hebrew group and the kids. There was absolutely no sign that hostilities were about to erupt. Further, the Black Hebrew group was hurling racist and homophobic obscenities at the Covington kids. Among them:

“Look at all these Dirty A** Crackers with red hats”

“coon A** Ni*ger”



“dirty animals”

Phillips call the black group “old black individuals.” Do these guys look old?


Do you wonder why Phillips did not approach the Black Hebrew group who were screaming obscenities?


Phillips claimed to have a permit

“I take great offense to that term, ‘protester.’ We were not protesting anything,” Phillips said. “In fact, we were the only group with a permit to be there and we were marching for solidarity and for being indigenous people. We were there in prayer. We wanted to make a better America.”

He did not have a permit.

Phillips is a radical activist

Nathan Phillips, the Native American radical activist who confronted the MAGA hat-wearing Catholic teens at the March For Life, starred in a 2012 Skrillex video called “Make It Bun Dem,” in which Phillips does some spiritual warfare connected to a violent attack on a police officer. Phillips was identified as the star of the video in his speaker bio for Tribal Hemp & Cannabis Education and discussed the role in a 2017 interview.

He has a history of being attacked at convenient times.

Here he is protesting a Michigan pipeline in 2017


In an interview with Rolling Stone Phillips said this about the Covington kids:

But Phillips has not given up hope on the MAGA-hat-wearing youths: “I see a future though. I do see a future. I see a bright, beautiful future if we want it, if we’re willing to pray for it, it’s there for us. It’s ours to pass on to the next generation, but we got to be willing for it,” Phillips said.

As part of that bright future Phillips wants the kids expelled from school.

Perhaps worst of all, Phillips claimed to be a Vietnam vet.

Native American elder Nathan Phillips, in his own words


CNN: What really happened?

Phillips: They were there looking for trouble, looking for something. Everybody knows the right to life and (pro-choice), it’s been like this and they’re hateful to each other. And it’s because I’m a veteran — I’m a Vietnam veteran — that these two groups even have the right in this country to have protests, to have conflicting opinions. If they were doing that, they should’ve done that there and then when they come into public, that wasn’t the place for that. That was a public forum where we was at. We were still under the protection of our permit for the indigenous peoples rally.

He claimed to serve in Vietnam from 1972-1976. The last US troops left in 1973. Apparently this is what he did:

He is not a Vietnam veteran.

What Nathan Phillips is is a fraud, liar and a disgrace.


Exit question- see the woman jumping up and down at 25 seconds into the video?

Is she taunting Phillips? Is she being disrespectful? Why not? Because she’s not wearing a red hat.



Here are a couple of young people taunting an older man. Where was the outrage?


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Nathan Phillips is a fraud and a liar

Just the type of character the left loves to lionize.

NYT issued a correction… that THEY mistakenly identified Phillips as a Vietnam vet. THEY did, not that Phillips is a damnable liar that lies about everything he discusses. But, since his lies serve the liberal purpose, he’s OK in their book.

Phillips hasn’t done anything Mueller isn’t doing, though. Maybe that’s why it’s so easy for liberals to accept the lying.

The next day, Nathan Phillips and his group reportedly tried to disrupt a Catholic Mass in Northeast Washington.

“It was really upsetting,” a shrine security guard on duty during the Mass told CNA. “There were about twenty people trying to get in, we had to lock the doors and everything.”

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s video footage has one person saying the rally holds the Catholic Church “accountable” for the Covington boys and the “colonial violence that the Catholic Church reproduces every day.”

So, ALL Catholics are to blame for how GREAT the Covington Catholic School’s students acted.
OK, then.
This Indian is still an ass, full-time.

@Nan G: Perhaps Phillips feels his media protection gives him the right to invade random churches. Like ANTIFA, this nut will be ignored until he hurts someone. Then it will be because of “Trump’s hateful rhetoric”.

He chose this path, in the service he was trained in a field that can provide a good living.
So now can he go back to where he came from just go away mind his own business.
He wants to meet with the Covington kids for a teaching moment? Really um thanks but…. went AWOL twice, and was confined to the brig and kicked out of the Marines as an E1…but no thanks.

Nathan Phillips is a fraud and a liar.

Fortunately he holds no public office.

@Greg: Its too bad this woman does

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar TRASHES Covington Students With LIES While DEFENDING Black Hebrew Israelites

@Greg: No, he only holds liberal confidence and support.

DUMB should be added!
Spent 4 years in the Corps and thinks we had “Rangers”?!@#?$!

No wonder he was discharged E1@#$!%?&#

His IQ and Obama’s combined MAY reach 100!

@Deplorable Me: and great admiration

@an ol exJarhead:

His IQ and Obama’s combined MAY reach 100!

That sure would be a stretch.

From the Halls of Maytagzuma
To the Shores of Whirlpoolie
We will fix the nations coolant systems
In the Air on Land and Sea
First to fix with precious Freon
Just to keep our condensers clean
We are Proud to Claim the Title
Of HVAC Fixin’ Marines


He is 100% a fat ass lier. He was there to cause trouble. And he did. Those boys should not give him a platform to spread his hate and lies. Don’t invite that fake to your school to talk. To be truthful he give good hearted native Americans a bad name. Give spreading your lies Nathan they always come out.

@Patvann! Good seeing you here! Hope all is well.

“Even though I’m angry, I still have that forgiveness in my heart for those students.” —Nathan Phillips

Wow. Should be the other way around.

@Wordsmith: He forgives them for not reacting to his provocation and providing him with the big payday and media windfall he was looking for. He was counting big on that and they denied him. He has a big heart.

He keeps calling himself a “Vietnam times” veteran.

I’m going to go around calling myself a Vietnam times former fetus and schoolboy, ’67-’75.



So I am an actual vietnam veteran sister, special rights to me , special status to me, except I didnt go AWOL I wrote to my brother every week so I guess its all moot.

The title could have just said, “Phillips is a liberal”. Economy of words.

It seems he spent a lot of time in jail, while he was in the Corps…Thus the AWOL charges.
-He also claims he was “Honorably” discharged, but I’ll bet my Trident that he was coded RE-4/General Discharge.

@Wordsmith: All IS well!

I think I’ll hang out more often, rather than simply lurk about when you post the Sunday Funny’s.

@Patvann: Unable to adapt perhaps? General discharge at best.
BCD Bad Conduct Discharge often granted after time in the brig.

@Patvann: Welcome back! And by all means put your two cents into it. Still hanging your hat in the People’s Republic of Illinois?

@another vet:

Worse…I live in California, in the San Jose area.

@Patvann: For some reason I thought you lived in Illinois. It must have been someone else. Johngalt and I think Joe Cote lived here at one time but there was one other person who still did. Oh well, my sympathies to you as well!

Comments that Nathan Phillips has made on twitter before Jan. 18th show that he is backing the immigrants coming from Central and South America. This shows he purposefully advanced toward the Covington students wearing MAGA hats instead of toward the Black Hebrew Israelites that were shouting insults toward the students. It is a shame that the Native Americans still support him and do not see him as the activist and fame seeker he is. It is even more shameful that these boys have had to suffer for someone as selfish as Nathan Phillips.

You can find the twitter comments at Phil Kerpen 9:35 AM -24 Jan 2019 where Nathan Phillips tweets on October 31, 2018 “We need to unify with our relatives in South America…” Added info to previous remark.

Thank goodness the Catholic leader in Covington finally took back their condemnation of their own boys and apologized to them!

Now, as to Nathan (four Tooth) Phillips.
There are two places we KNOW he has not been:
The dentist.

@Nan G: He was lying through his tooth
Tooth? He cant handle the tooth! (both stolen)

This man is a disgusting disgrace. I stand behind the MAGA kids, as a FEMALE MINORITY at that.