The Week in Radical Leftism, 12/14/2018

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Greetings Mr and Mrs America and all of our ships at sea! Another week closer to Christmas and the New Year, and another week of insanity from The Radical Left. First we go back in time and jump into The Wayback Machine to land in the previous week:

12/5 – Miss Universe Favorite Is a Man

Exactly what it sounds like. Another case of The Radical Left wanting to control or ruin anything good in the world. Be sure to watch the accompanying video.

12/5 – Seattle Antifa Threatens Independent Journalist. Police Defend Antifa.

Friendly advice for all of the cowards in The Profession Formerly Known As Journalism: Instead of shrieking about a President who has the audacity to call you on your BS, you should band together and call out your side’s Brown Shirts. This is only going to get worse.

12/7 – Obama Admin. Illegally OK’d $310 Million In Free Legal Advice To Illegal Aliens

We can add this to the lengthy list of scandals in the most ironically “Scandal-free” presidency

12/8 – Federal Judge: Hillary’s Private Email Server ‘one of the gravest modern offenses’ To Transparency

It boggles the mind that half of this country was ready to elect a president who had committed treason. Then you remember that we were one rigged primary away from that same half of the country voting to turn the US into Venezuela.


By this rationale, isn’t there a stronger case for Hillary claiming to not be a felon or Obama claiming to be qualified for any kind of leadership job?

12/8 – Making school lunches great again? Chocolate milk, biscuits and meatball sandwiches are back on the menu for students as Trump relaxes Michelle Obama’s healthy lunch regulations

After last week’s archive piece, I’m happy to see this stupidity from the last administration finally getting reversed.

12/9 – Breaking News: Heisman Trophy Winner Once Used ‘Queers’ as a Slur on Twitter 

Of course, some member of the Gaystapo took the time to trawl back five years into the feed of a 20 year old to try to ruin his  life. Sadly, Murray posted on Twitter the apology that some agent/coach/friend fed to him. How cool would it have been if he had just responded, “F*** off you Commie Bastards!” And of course, The Babylon Bee weighed in as they do so well with Heisman Winner Proves If You Work Hard And Believe In Yourself, You Too Can Have Journalists Try To Ruin Your Life By Combing Through Your Old Tweets

12/9 – Nick Cannon Exposes Hollywood’s Hypocrisy on Kevin Hart

But before Murray, on Friday Kevin Hart was dis-invited from hosting the Oscars for tweets that the Gaystapo found offensive. The tweets were old, Hart had previously addressed them, and here’s a great story about Hollywood’s hypocrisy getting called out.


Congratulations to the Yellow Vesters! You know that you’ve struck fear into the heart of The Radical Left when they claim that the Russians are behind your movement!


I really hope that this leads to a movement of users who download the app and en masse accuse all of their local Imams of anti-Islamic sin of homosexuality. And any Google executives working in Indonesia.

12/12 – Sports Illustrated Chooses Christine Blasey Ford To Present Award To Sexual Assault Survivor

Yep, even when the NPCs at Sports Illustrated do something good they find a way to do it wrong

12/13 – Don’t Underestimate Dumb Voters’ Appetite For Idiot Leftist Politicians

You might have seen a few of the “Don’t misunderestimate Gulag Barbie” posts buzzing around this past week. Schlichter addresses the threat while giving it the mockery it so richly deserves…

We need to take these hacks head-on, both for ourselves and our kids. Don’t think for a moment that the millennial generation is not stupid enough to embrace the agents of their own servitude. The first generation to fail to surpass the success of the previous one is perfectly capable of eagerly voting to make their own lives worse in the name of…whatever it is that motivates these fools. Probably kale and feelings.

Both deserve laughter, but it’s a mistake to laugh them off. It’s a mistake our country might not recover from.

12/14 – So Much ‘Ahoy’

RIP, Weekly Standard, the flagship publication of the Vichy Conservatives.

No archives this week, but one quick note on the tweet roundup. I’m embarrassed to admit that even with my sick mind it took a minute for the last tweet at the end to hit me.

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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@Brother Bob: If I have offended someone my day is already complete 😉
At least you didnt melt, its to cold outside.
I intend to partake in some toxic femininity today, chocolate chip cookies, not the nasty recipe on the chips bag.

12/5 – Miss Universe Favorite Is a Man

It’s IN THE TITLE!!! MISS Universe! The left wants us to know they control our lives. Of course, feminists don’t like pageants anyway, so they won’t be upset.

12/5 – Seattle Antifa Threatens Independent Journalist. Police Defend Antifa.

The left will never call out ANTIFA until it turns on them. Political violence and terror is a leftist characteristic. As the Democrats lean further left, the more acceptable and necessary (as they see it) political violence is. It’s not ANTIFA that is ignorant of the history of fascism; it’s those who support or choose to ignore their fascist activity that are ignorant.

12/7 – Obama Admin. Illegally OK’d $310 Million In Free Legal Advice To Illegal Aliens

Using taxpayer money to train lawyers to protect people who illegally enter the country, break our laws and live off the subsidies provided by the taxpayers. I have to believe the left keeps an evil smirk on their faces all the while.

12/8 – Federal Judge: Hillary’s Private Email Server ‘one of the gravest modern offenses’ To Transparency

Can we get a gigantic, way past due, official federal “DUH” here? Aside from blind, ignorant liberals who DIDN’T know this?


I don’t think any candidate ever presented a more honest and accurate picture of himself and his agenda than Trump did.

12/8 – Making school lunches great again? Chocolate milk, biscuits and meatball sandwiches are back on the menu for students as Trump relaxes Michelle Obama’s healthy lunch regulations

Fat kids are not a factor of their school lunches. They are a factor of kids sitting on their assess and playing video games instead of going outside to play (dangerous in some areas), playing sports (disparaged and discouraged by some) and an aversion to any exertion of any kind.

12/9 – Breaking News: Heisman Trophy Winner Once Used ‘Queers’ as a Slur on Twitter

Well, think like liberals or else. Hey, let’s look in the past of celebrities and see if we can find any remarks disparaging religions or other values.

12/9 – Nick Cannon Exposes Hollywood’s Hypocrisy on Kevin Hart

But, of course pointing out hypocrisy to liberals is like trying to rake water.


I notice Macron took a page out of French history to deal with the protests; he surrendered. Maybe the Yellow Vests will let him have a Vichy government somewhere.


No wonder the left sucks up to Islam like it does. Aside from a concern to keep their heads atop their shoulders, Muslims are doing all the things the left wants to impose on citizens.

12/12 – Sports Illustrated Chooses Christine Blasey Ford To Present Award To Sexual Assault Survivor

Do they get to spin the arrow on the Random Perpetrator Selector together?

12/13 – Don’t Underestimate Dumb Voters’ Appetite For Idiot Leftist Politicians

Maybe when Obama, Biden or Ocasio-Cortez make idiotic statements, the left doubt their initial instinct to declare it stupid but instead assume the politicians are just so much smarter than THEY THEMSELVES are that they can’t comprehend the genius of it all. Indeed, the ultimate villain of it all is the corrupt liberal media. None of this would have a chance with a semi-autonomous media.

12/14 – So Much ‘Ahoy’

Say hello to Air America when you get to media hell.

@Brother Bob: She and Bill could be singing “Baby, It’s Cold (and dead) INSIDE”

@Deplorable Me: Just like that I offended both sides, I could finally unify the nation!

@Brother Bob:

‘Baby Just Go Outside’: Parody Song Emphasizes Consent

It boggles the mind that half of this country was ready to elect a president who had committed treason. Then you remember that we were one rigged primary away from that same half of the country voting to turn the US into Venezuela.

Too late. The country already did that in 2008 and 2012. Right now we are trying to take it back and turn it back into a constitutional republic as our Founders intended it to be. When there is a left wing deep state operating as openly and freely as it is, abusing power and breaking laws with impunity coupled with open voter fraud that benefited one party by throwing multiple elections, you have no constitutional republic.

@another vet: Throwing multiple elections, but gaining seats in the Senate. The senate are the ones that actually convict for impeachment, sounds like a sound plan. Would have been lost without Trump on the Stump.

@kitt: For sure but the fact remains the demokrats picked up multiple House seats with “late” and “found” votes. I’d like to see a statistician tell us what the odds are that in every case those votes would go at least 2-1 in favor of one party. Even though the R’s would have lost the House without “ballot harvesting” in California and other methods of fraud, the fact that demokrats did it in broad daylight and got away with it means they can do it again at the Senate and Presidential levels as well. Kind of reminds one of the “elections” in Cuba, China, USSR, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq etc.