Welcome back everybody, and since this will be our last TWIRL post before the holiday I hope that everyone has a safe and fun Thanksgiving! At the end of this post our trip to Brother Bob’s archives will give you the definitive guide to totally OWNING any Lefties at your Thanksgiving dinner table. And of course, Lefty insanity never takes a holiday, so here are our top stories:
11/10 – Dem Lawyers Are Now Openly Fighting To Count Votes By Non-Citizens In Florida Election
I think it was Ann Coulter (of whom I’m generally not a fan) made a great point back when Al Franken was busy stealing his election in MN. It was something along the lines of “If the GOP won’t even stand up to blatant voter fraud like this what’s the point of their existence?” Here’s hoping that now we have the right President to stand up and fight for rule of law.
11/11 – The First Culture War
A short but sad take on forgetting the sacrifices made in World War I
11/12 – Why Progressives Can’t Understand How the Corporate Tax Cut is Fueling Our Booming Economy
I still wonder how this magically became Obama’s economy when for the first year or so every lefty was rubbing their hands with glee over how the Trump tax cuts and tariffs were going to plunge us into the next Great Depression.
11/13 – Virginia Gives Away the Store to Amazon
The company will also receive a cash grant from Arlington of $23 million over 15 years based on the incremental growth of the existing local Transient Occupancy Tax, a tax on hotel rooms.
Raising taxes for a massive corporate giveaway – thank goodness that Amazon waited until after the elections to make this announcement about how our state and local Democrats were planning to shaft the taxpayers! I wonder if NY got a similar fleecing
11/14 –Ocasio-Cortez joins “climate change” protest outside of Pelosi’s office
Gulag Barbie perfectly sums up the difference between our two sides. When people from our side with whom they disagree speak, the Lefties do everything they can to scream us down & not allow our views to be heard. When The radicals who’ve taken over the Democratic Party speak we want to hand them a bullhorn!
11/15 – ‘Alarming’ Study Claiming Global Warming Heating Up Oceans Based on Math Error
Another apocalyptic warning from the doomsday cult of Climatology turn out to be a load of horse hockey? It must be another day ending in a “Y”!
11/16 – A Reliable Warning Sign of Craziness
I haven’t linked to the great “Other McCain” in a while. In this post he weighs in on the rise of Astrology among Feminists:
No, ma’am, it’s because straight men know that crazy women are trouble.
Why are you 28 and unmarried, Hannah Rose Ewens? Isn’t it a fact that you struggle with mental health problems? Isn’t your “bisexuality” merely a rationalization of your inability to get a boyfriend? And why, in addition to astrology, are you also dabbling in tarot readings? Well, I didn’t need to do a Zodiac chart to know these things about you, Ms. Ewens, I just spent a few minutes browsing your social media and it’s pretty obvious why heterosexual men avoid you. A quick scan of your Instagram account would be sufficient to convince any shrewd observer that you’re a kook.
And from the archives, we take a holiday break from our Economics for Politicians series to offer you Your One Stop Guide to DESTROYING your Democrat relatives at Thanksgiving! Even though it’s two years old it’s no less relevant today – my guide held up incredibly well!
In another Thanksgiving themed link from the archives, three years ago I raised the question of How Soon Until Alice’s Restaurant is Deemed Hate Speech?
And while you’re enjoying your dinner and time with your family, be sure to take a moment to remember the victims of the Pinedale Shopping Center turkey attack.
One last video before we go to the Tweet roundup – I’ll leave you with some of my favorite Thanksgiving music, from the greatest live album ever made. As Rick Danko said so well, Happy Thanksgiving!
If we had a #wall, they could be home eating pie, Punkin'. https://t.co/r9jgvLu0IH
— Greg Cougar Mellenlibertarian (@NonLiberalPAer) November 13, 2018
Princess Leia screwed up governance of the galaxy within a generation of the victory of the Rebel Alliance https://t.co/qHmJfPBf6J
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 14, 2018
Imagine if NFL team was trailing 24-22 but in final seconds hits a 3 pt kick to win. Then AFTER game lawyers for losing team get a judge to order rules changed so that last second field goals are only 1 point
Well that’s how democrat lawyers plan to steal #Florida election 1/4
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 14, 2018
Funny how liberal-governed areas realize they need to provide incentives to businesses to draw them there, but won't consider lowering taxes and regulations as the main incentive to keep businesses in their areas and draw new ones. https://t.co/h3WykeEao1
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 13, 2018
That @KatTimpf had to leave because nobody came to her defense makes one thing clear: there are no men in Brooklyn https://t.co/fi1hNpgkJz
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) November 13, 2018
Sounds like Michelle had something in common with America after all. https://t.co/S4AmJSMpKq
— Greg Cougar Mellenlibertarian (@NonLiberalPAer) November 12, 2018
Democrats Lose Presidency: ANGRY VIOLENT MOBS
Democrats Win House of Reps: ANGRY VIOLENT MOBS
But don't worry: once they get all the levers of power, they'll be civilized, happy, and in no way put the boot of government on your neck and throw you in a gulag.
— Razor (@hale_razor) November 8, 2018
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Cross posted from <a href=”https://brother-bobs-blog.blogspot.com/2017/10/the-week-in-radical-leftism-1072017.html” target=”_blank”>Brother Bob’s Blog
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New age Eco-Wackos just proving their out of their minds from watching Al Bores and Leonardo DiCaprio’s fake movies or just their Propeganda films
A few years ago Arlo (he’s not dead from that disease he says he has, yet) Guthrie came to an open air arena in Utah and (among other things) sang Alice’s Restaurant.
He CHANGED many of the words, entire verses, in fact.
He said it was due to the fact that nowadays littering is considered wrong EVEN if it is a liberal doing it!
(Apparently he hasn’t seen the aftermaths of liberal protests with their piles of trash.)
@Greg: OK, that was damned funny!
@Nan G: Apparently Arlo didn’t see any of the Occupy Wall Street protests after they left. I walked by one morning and saw guys in HAZMAT suits cleaning up. Those bastards literally destroyed our parks,
This weeks selection goes out to the florida democrats…
What was funny was when another liberal mouthpiece came up and told the other lawyers they aren’t supposed to say that out loud.
The left is far better at rewriting history than learning anything from it.
The problem liberals have is they are envious of anyone that makes money. They merely loves them some taxes and getting ahold of the money other people have worked for.
Funny how these liberal-owned and liberal-supporting companies hate paying those taxes, ain’t it? I thought it was supposed to be patriotic to pay taxes and then pay some more. No?
The left has really picked themselves a special case in Ocasio-Cortez. She’s not going to be content to just go along with the Democrat agenda; she’s a special entitled case. Enjoy, dumbasses.
At least they actually fessed up to it this time instead of accusing those who CAN add (and don’t start with the total and work themselves backwards) of being fascists that hate the planet and science.
@kitt and Deplorable Me:
Missed you over tge weekend – glad you made it!
This is what we’ve come to. A president who retained a full-time bag man to pay off porn stars, hosting a foreign prince who ordered the murder and dismemberment of a journalist, in the peoples’ White House.
Tell me what Obama did that even came close. And those are only a couple of the more trivial items on Trump’s résumé .
@Greg: Benghazi, arming terrorists, funding terrorists, gun running to drug cartels oops that was 4, of many more that were not trivial.
Ben Rhodes was Obamas fixer and weaver of tales, Barry kept him very very busy.
@Brother Bob: Opening weekend, someone has to make sandwiches and chili, hot cocoa on demand.
@Brother Bob: Thanks. I went deer hunting in an area that is a reception black hole, between Colorado City and Robert Lee, Texas.
Stupid Saudis. If they wanted to dispose of a “journalist”, they should have dressed up like ISIS and beheaded him on video. Then the left wouldn’t say a word.
I would say running guns to murderous Mexican cartels, which has resulted in hundreds of deaths of Mexican and US innocent citizens, is worse than some Muslims killing another Muslim, something that is commonplace. In addition, he was a Muslim Brotherhood scumbag. Also worse is giving the largest supporter of terrorism $150 billion to support MORE terrorism and to develop weapons to follow through on their pledge to wipe Israel off the map. There’s more, but those should suffice.