The Week in Radical Leftism, 11/09/2018


Welcome back, everyone! How about that Blue Wave? Midterms went mostly as expected, as President Trump lost far fewer seats than Bubba or Barry-O, partially thanks to The Radical Left firing up the Conservative base with their attempted railroading of Brett Kavanaugh a few weeks back. Good job! We’ll start off this week’s post with two suggestions from Flopping Aces Commenter Kitt:

11/2 – Democrats Latest Election Complaint: Trump Is Making Me Fat!

This reminds me of that joke about a husband’s famous last words:

Wife: “Do these jeans make me look fat?”
Husband: “No, sweetie. You big, fat arse makes you look fat!”

11/2 – This Battered Women’s Shelter Is Being Investigated For Turning Away A Drunk, Injured Man

The equally idiotic and disgusting results of when being near the bottom of the Leftist victimhood hierarchy trumps common sense

11/2 –Why eating your greens can give you the blues: Vegetarians are more miserable, have lower self-esteem and enjoy parties less than meat-eaters, scientists claim

This is one of those times there are so many great remarks I could drop my brain’s overloaded, so I have no comment to add

11/3 – DEMOCRAT STAFFER/Anti-Hate Intern arrested for painting “Die Jew Rats” and “Hitler” on NYC synagogue after Pittsburgh mass murder

It’s clearly President Trump’s fault that The Radical Left that controls The Democratic Party has become comfortable in showing what disgusting, hateful human beings they truly are

11/4 – WATCH: SNL Comedian Mocks Veteran Who Lost An Eye To An IED Blast In Afghanistan

Today’s edition of “WTF is wrong with these people?!?” – Part I
To their credit, this got blasted from The Left as well, with one notable exception that the article cites

11/4 – Disabled Vet Can’t Vote After NBC Sets Up Camera In Handicapped Parking Space, Refuses To Move

Today’s edition of “WTF is wrong with these people?!?” – Part II

11/5 – Pro Wrestling Explains Why Trump Wins Every Battle With The Media

This article in The Federalist is absolute genius, and the wrestling fans here will especially like this one. Here’s a taste:

Likewise, today’s anti-Trump media can’t get over as heel for conservatives because smarmy, sneaky little preeners don’t strike fear in anyone’s heart. Bluster as they might, the media aren’t terrifying monster heels like King Kong Bundy or Brock Lesnar. Rather, they come across as sniveling little mid-card weasels like the Genius. They may score the occasional, instantly forgettable count-out win on “Saturday Night Main Event.” But they’re never going to headline against Trump at Wrestlemania.

And yes, I actually remember watching that match between Hulk Hogan and The Genius when it was on TV.

Fun fact! When Little Bob was born and the nurse handed him to my first words to him were some advice on how to adapt to the suddenly very different environment than the one he had known his entire life: “You may like it. You may not like it. But learn to love it because it’s the best thing going. WHOOOO!” Obviously I said it in a much quieter voice than Ric Flair would use.

11/6 – Democrats’ Midterm Closing Argument: Trump Is Hitler, and Republicans Fear-Monger

Orange Man Bad!

11/7 – Gary Hart and an Outbreak of Fake News

Gary Hart in 2020? Sure, why not? The article shows that Hart certainly has the delusions of grandeur to qualify him, and a writer of Maureen Dowd’s caliber is ready to be his Kingmaker. OK, Gary, to make it official, repeat after me: “Orange man bad! Punch a Nazi in the face!”

11/8 – Look For Democrats To Blow Their Meager Success By Being Jerks

The incomparable Kurt Schlichter drops some truth as only he can:

We won more seats in the Senate, meaning Cocaine Mitch’s expanded cartel is going to be pushing even more conservative judges into our lib-infested courts. It was pretty great. Beto crashed his party’s $70 million car into Ted Cruz and skateboarded away from the wreck. Rick Scott scraped out a narrow win and will now have six years on the national stage where people around the country will wonder “Wasn’t he the lead singer for Midnight Oil?”

11/8 – Will CNN, Which Has Repeatedly Defended/Justified Antifa Violence and Refused to Call Antifa Mobs “Mobs,” “Claim Any Responsbility” for the Attempted Home Invasion on Tucker Carlson’s Family, as They Demanded of Trump and the Not-a-Bomb Mailer?

As always, Ace pulls no punches:

This is the network that screams “You’re threatening the media!” when people chant “CNN sucks!”

But when a violent domestic terrorist group that CNN has repeatedly supported threatens a journalist, busting through his door and chanting “We know where you sleep at night! We know how to fight!,” CNN’s response is… tepid.

Not hot, omnipresent, and crusading, as it was when they were oh-so-worried about a “device” which was not a bomb, determined to fix responsibility on their political opponents.

Enemy of the People.

The time is coming when the question “What will CNN say when we begin encouraging our own extremists to begin doing this to them?!” will not be a hypothetical one.

And that time is coming fast.


Yes, I know watching Conservatives being harassed by the The Radical Left on a college campus is barely a news item anymore, but it doesn’t mean that we should let these stories pass.

And from the archives, we continue with our Economics for Politicians series, Chapter Nine – Unintended Consequences – Bonus Section for Journalists!

Be sure to thank a Veteran this Sunday – Have a great weekend!

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Vegans have the Blues more often that’s that why PETA idiots a re never happy SNL THE WHOLE SHOW SUCKS NBC should be fined for setting up in a handicapped zone the Peacocks Shame Those idiots called Trump Hitler if this was true these nit-wits would be in a Concentration Camp and CNN i say Antifa is a mob of cowards who hide their faces with masks and bandanas

11/2 – Democrats Latest Election Complaint: Trump Is Making Me Fat!

Odd, since with as much complaining, whining, screaming at the sky and chanting those making the complaint do, I’m surprised they have time to eat at all. With a mouth full of hate, how can they put food in it?

11/2 – This Battered Women’s Shelter Is Being Investigated For Turning Away A Drunk, Injured Man

Maybe he identified as a battered woman at that time. I bet they didn’t use the proper pronoun when they turned him away, either. Shameful.

11/2 –Why eating your greens can give you the blues: Vegetarians are more miserable, have lower self-esteem and enjoy parties less than meat-eaters, scientists claim

Maybe they should have researched the question of does liberals become vegetarians or do vegetarians become liberals?

11/3 – DEMOCRAT STAFFER/Anti-Hate Intern arrested for painting “Die Jew Rats” and “Hitler” on NYC synagogue after Pittsburgh mass murder

Stern denouncements and self-assessments by Democrats to follow… maybe.

11/4 – WATCH: SNL Comedian Mocks Veteran Who Lost An Eye To An IED Blast In Afghanistan

I can’t stand watching the video, and almost as sickening as a “comedian” making fun of a wounded vet is this sniveling little snot thinking that insult was go funny, he could barely suppress his girly giggling to get the line out.

11/4 – Disabled Vet Can’t Vote After NBC Sets Up Camera In Handicapped Parking Space, Refuses To Move

Can it be argued WHO is more disabled, a wheelchair-bound vet or people who have to work for NBC?

11/5 – Pro Wrestling Explains Why Trump Wins Every Battle With The Media

Well, all that and Trump is right and the monolithic liberal media is wrong.

11/6 – Democrats’ Midterm Closing Argument: Trump Is Hitler, and Republicans Fear-Monger

All as they invent all the terrible reasons we should fear Trump and his administration. But, Republicans fear-monger.

11/7 – Gary Hart and an Outbreak of Fake News

Is this why the movie about Hart I have so little interest in I don’t remember the title is being advertised now?

11/8 – Look For Democrats To Blow Their Meager Success By Being Jerks

Which begs the question, are they bigger jerks when they win or when they lose? Too close to call.

11/8 – Will CNN, Which Has Repeatedly Defended/Justified Antifa Violence and Refused to Call Antifa Mobs “Mobs,” “Claim Any Responsbility” for the Attempted Home Invasion on Tucker Carlson’s Family, as They Demanded of Trump and the Not-a-Bomb Mailer?

To take the proper anti-ANTIFA, anti-political violence stand they would have to refute everything they’ve been promoting since 2016.


“Apparently, today’s radicals are so dedicated to self-righteous know-nothingism that they couldn’t care less what they are fighting against.” Well, they don’t want to get to dedicated to opposing anything too specific; it could change on a moment’s notice, depending on what the handlers demand. I’m sure the administration at Dartmouth had a good laugh over Horowitz’s complaints. His complaints only confirms their efforts had the desired effect.

I’ll just bet there are “protests” ready to deploy in Times Square 24/7 for whatever issue the left wants to promote. All that is needed is to provide fresh signs and chants. The left protesting the firing of they guy that was once the biggest racist in the world (well, after Trump, of course) and was controlled by the Russians is pretty… strange.

11/2 –Why eating your greens can give you the blues: Vegetarians are more miserable, have lower self-esteem and enjoy parties less than meat-eaters, scientists claim
Ok so the dip for your carrot stick is based on sour cream, step away from the creamcheese n ham rollups and sweedish meatballs on a toothpick plate and stop telling people how gross what they are eating is, Being told to kiss someones arse every few seconds at the party might cause some depression.
This weeks selection goes out to Jimmy A who tried to nail the President at a news conference

I’m sure things look differently in your mirror house of constant gaslighting indoctrination (or, deep in the bowels of Trump’s ass), but if you pull your head to the light of day and scrape the feces from your eyes, (well, perhaps incrementally might be better as that sudden ray of reality might be a bit much), your assessment comes up short.

This Hanukkah election (because the gifts seem to keep coming to Dems daily) will end with Dems picking up 35-40 House seats, something not seen since 1974 when they picked up 49. Remember that “Red Wave” in 2014 when Rs picked up 30? Looks like Dems are getting at least 7 blue governor seats (remember the 2006 “Blue Wave where Ds grabbed 30 House seats and 6 governors?). Dems flipped 372 state legislative seats while taking total control of 7 states.

And Dems did this despite heavy gerrymandering and a new level of Democratic voter suppression and disenfranchisement laws plus during an economic upswing.

Do we really need to discuss how badly the stars were aligned against Dems running for Senate this cycle (I mean, I can but I just seem to get so long winded).

What’s more important about Tuesday’s results is it’s roll in 2020. Trump will no longer have a compliant lapdog House to abet his shenanigans (albeit Fox News seems to have openly admitted to be part of his campaign team). Previously GOP controlled states will lose their disenfranchisement abilities. That “stars alignment thing” now reverses against R senators (due to that 2014 red wave).

I have no idea how one measures the wave metaphor but no doubt about it, the tide has turned.

so the wore out streisand is getting fat and has written a new album of resistance . the good thing is that maybe by chance her ca home is in front of the fire in ca. payback would be soo sweet

On Rick Scott winning in FLA….
we’ll see.
The Broward County and Palm Beach County election workers are still manufacturing and finding boxes upon boxes of new, uncounted ballots.
Nearly 100% are for Dems.

UPDATE: FL Election Worker Chelsey Smith Accused Broward County Elections Staff of Filling in Ballots in 2016 Too

As to knowing if someone is vegan.
How can you know if a person is a vegan?
Because they f***in tell you!

@Nan G: And election officials in both counties are ignoring court orders. You know, because the Democrats are transparent and always want the truth.

News Flash some group of Eco-Wackos wanted to make it a crime to accedently smash a endangered bug on your windsheild this groud of green Eco-Nuts from the WILD EARTH GUARDIANS wanted nations as a illegal taking in violation of the ESA which just gose to show just how absurd these Eco-Wackos can get

@Brother Bob:

An actual coherent argument rather than the usual ad hominen diatribe with the help of your ankle biting side kicks! How refreshing!


Do we really need to discuss how badly the stars were aligned against Dems running for Senate this cycle (I mean, I can but I just seem to get so long winded).

Maybe the fact that their policies are garbage aligned against them? Even with a waterfall of outside $ Texas’s favorite Beto-male still couldn’t win. He did a great job of turning out Dems to vote, but did an even better job of turning out Republicans!

Okay, you want to focus on 1 race rather than the broader picture, even using that 1 race as a referendum rather than the outcome that “turned the tide”. Sure, why not?

It seems that if in fact the policies were garbage as you say, Cruz would have been a shoe-in all along. If the policies were that bad, why did the giant Cruz suddenly become vulnerable to the nobody “Beto-male” to begin with? And why did it require an all out offense from the GOP and a presidential visit from what was once his arch-enemy?

Maybe Trump’s fear-mongering of those mob Honduras digging tunnels directly under our beds and out to murder us all didn’t energize a number of the radical and rabid racist that love him so? Doesn’t it kinda make you wonder why now all of a sudden that the election is over, that need to rush to our boarders with military against these rock throwing mobs has fizzled? Well, no, I suspect it doesn’t make YOU wonder.

Your arguments are always so elementary specious and inductive.

Perhaps that’s why you and/or DJ always turn it over to your seal fin-clapping trolls rather than have the balls to confront your throw-a-rock-and-run partisan dishonesty?

Hmmm… the usual ad hominen diatribe and ankle biting blather.

@Brother Bob: The moment AJ or any other bleeding heart liberal allows any of the illegal immigrant anywhere NEAR their homes will be an historic first. Cleaning up the open borders mess is everyone else’s job… not theirs.

The left wants to run O’Rook for PRESIDENT! Is their ignorance some kind of competition? What does he run on… his legislative accomplishments or the ability to win elections? He’ll need some new pandering nickname; that fake Hispanic name might not work nationally. How about a Beto/Alexandria ticket?

@Brother Bob:

You again side step and duck like an incoherent coward (and I notice your distracting rodeo-clown bill chimed in with something or another). Typical and expected.

How much $ was poured into Beto-Male’s campaign?

Yes, volumes of American people, via Act Blue, poured in record amounts of small $ donations which turned into mega $.

So in fairness, back at you with the same question (and no, I’m not talking to your default orking fin clappers), how much $ and political capital poured in for Cruz? And again, why would Cruz or the GOP go into such panic. Was it due to the cash infusion from Dems? And if you have a problem with individuals totaling huge $, how can you support unlimited SuperPac funding from corporations-the very funds that helped fend off those individual donations? Your very argument contradicts you. The political hack in you forbids you to make sense.

the MSM is focusing its energy now on Jim Acosta, who’s employer supports the Domestic Terrorists that went after Tucker Carlson and his family.

Uh, okay, what????????????? We’re talking “blue wave” and money against Cruz and the political fallout-or, lack of. So without the assistance of your robo-trolls, you argue some “well, whatever MSN is covering and Tucker and family and Jim Acusta and such.

But I understand your stratagem of not even wanting to stay focused because your arguments are so blatantly fraudulent, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out.

You again side step and duck like an incoherent coward (and I notice your distracting rodeo-clown bill chimed in with something or another). Typical and expected.

Yeah, Brother Bob. I’ve noticed that cowardly liars that REFUSE to answer questions put to their view and points nevertheless expect prompt and concise answers to theirs. Keep that in mind and DON’T cause the whiny crybabies distress again.

Unintended Consequences 101:
One of the companies in which I am an investor is doing well.
It builds robots for fast food restaurants.
We’ve seen the largest increase in orders from the locales with the largest increases in the minimum wage.
I love Fight for 15. It’s making this Capitalist wealthy! (wealthier)
Keep it up, libs! I love you long time!
(Other than that, stay away from me.)

Accosta and CNN who do not have a single show in the top 25 of cable ratings file suit because they are Hard Core Anti-Trump Porn?
see #5 citing a 1988 case for cause.
After that I was laughing too hard to continue with the complaint.
So CNN doubles down on porn


9. Defendant Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States. He is sued in his official capacity.

Look! CNN tricked themselves into admitting Trump is President of the United States! Doesn’t that violate their Liberal Journalistic Bias Standards?

@Deplorable Me: I just couldnt get past #5 if he gets his pass back Sarah should call on him as Larry or Mr. Flint.
#8 CNN reaches more
individuals than any other cable television news organization in the United States.
During torturous layovers at airports.
I guess this one goes ot to Larry Jimm Accosta Flint


#8 CNN reaches more
individuals than any other cable television news organization in the United States.

Don’t their ratings tell a different story? If one expects their suit to prevail, one should probably not perjure one’s self within the suit.

@Deplorable Me: The humor never stops