This is this morning’s NY Times paper. Right there, at the top of fold is this title:
But hey, remember when Steve Scalise was shot by a “fervent” Bernie Sanders supporter? Did we see the headline
This was the headline instead
Congressman Steve Scalise Gravely Wounded in Alexandria Baseball Field Ambush
Check out this sentence from the above article:
Mr. Hodgkinson seemed to be a fervent opponent of Mr. Trump.
Then about 22 paragraphs in
Mr. Hodgkinson also appeared to have been a fervent fan of Senator Bernie Sanders,
Fervent seems to be a favorite adjective in the NY Times guide book.
The bias is painful and overt. I remember when we not allowed to blame Sanders for the Scalise shooting, but here the Times manages to tar Trump with the bomber’s efforts. And that bomber appears to be a complete lunatic.
But take heart, this is how you get more Trump.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Confession: I lived through WW@; I had 4 relatives fighting the Japs!
The NYT has been anti American for a century! They hired a KGB agent to be their star “reporter” 90 years ago. Walter Duranty!
If you read their “reporting” on WW@ (and I did on microfiche in the 50’s) the Japs were the good guys and the Jarheads were sadistic, cruel killers!
Like Time mag + the W Post, ownership has changed; but far left “reporting”(bigotry is more like it!) has not!
They waste Freedom of the Press too many trees and too much ink to continue to print these liberal leftists lie a day rag the New York Pravda(Times)and All the Bull that,s Fit to Print
I prefer to say: All the news that fits our Narrative.
called the “slime” all the news that is unfit to print
Well, that’s simply how left wing propaganda works. Kind of like taking Trump’s truism that “Fake News is the enemy of the people” and turning it into “the Media is the enemy of the people”. The liberal media is not in the information business but is in the opinion herding business.
Now investigators have questioned this “perp,” and guess what they’re doing…
They are looking for the partner he must have had.
They realize he could not have done many of the steps involved in this 12-part crime:
From the finding of all the right addresses, to the coordination in mailing so they (mostly) all arrived on the same day, to the equipment he needed, etc.
I wonder who this partner will be.
@Deplorable Me:
The Lippman philosophy of journalism.
A fervent backer of Trump HAS BEEN seized in a pipe bomb spree. That is an entirely factual statement, also known as REAL NEWS. There’s nothing “fake” about it.
The earlier NY Times article about the baseball game shooter said the following in the very first sentence:
That report was also entirely factual.
A fervent backer of Bernie SHOT people, based on Bernie’s accusations of Trump and Republicans. That is an entirely factual statement, also known as REAL NEWS. There’s nothing “fake” about it, yet as the story above emphasizes, the NYT DID NOT report it that way, while making sure to assign as much responsibility as possible to Trump for the guy sending fake bombs to liberals. THAT is the point, which you go all the way around the African Horn to miss… because it is so exemplary of liberal bias and lies.
No, it isn’t. He was reacting to the statements Bernie made falsely saying that people would die due to Republican actions. You notice the Sayoc story didn’t say he was merely “distraught” over Democrat’s constant and false attacks of Trump. No, it’s NOT the same reporting. BOTH representations are liberal bias and mostly lies.
It should be mentioned that the Unabomber had read AL GORES fake book EARTH IN THE BALANCE and this Discovery Channel Hostage incident had watched his fake film A INCONVENT TRUTH
Both stories are factual news reports. Nothing in either story is untrue. The “bias” you don’t like is called “truth”. The main thing you’re whining about is the text size with which the truth was stated.
How is it you’re so quick to attack factual reporting, while being totally oblivious to Trump’s incessant avalanche of lies? Just within the last few hours:
A thief? Really? What happened to all that “innocent until proven guilty” rhetoric? The “crime” Gillum was accused of involved misuse of a web-based email server—a charge which he was “proven innocent of” by way of an actual trial that found him innocent,. Then we have his acceptance of two play tickets from his brother, which he assumed had been obtained through entirely normal channels. Why would he have thought otherwise?
Shall we examine Donald Trump under the same powerful and unforgiving microscope? That would certainly be interesting.
Trump also keeps throwing gasoline on the fire he claims he’s trying to put out:
The FBI is presently examining another suspicious package directed to CNN that just turned up today.
October 29, 2018 — However the Midterms Go, the Republican Party Is Going to Get More Extreme
How much truth can you tolerate?
The bias is what is either illicitly added to one or illicitly deleted from the other. In fact, Bernie’s shooter reacted to SPECIFIC statements made by Bernie while the bomber could probably be reacting to LEFT WING attacks on Trump.
So, if the liberal media wished to pin the mailing of inoperable “bombs” to liberals on a person, then why wouldn’t they pin a shooting, with the distinct intent to KILL, which would have KILLED numerous other targets had some security not been on site by happenstance on a person? Bias, perhaps? Needing to promote a particular political point of view? An intentional attack on one person while shielding and protecting another? Hmmm? Perhaps?
Oh… don’t you remember? You liberals deleted it, as easily as one deletes 33,000 emails. Though, it must be noticed, we have a FEDERAL INVESTIGATION ongoing and, as you have attested, those INVESTIGATIONS do not arise in a vacuum, do they? Like that self-made rule as well?
This might cause you to contradict a liberal mainstay, but would you agree that IF the media was lying to the public, that WOULD be a serious problem? Ignoring what I call false and what you call false, could you not recognize some media lying to the public about our government with the intent of causing damage to the leadership would be a problem?
Why wasn’t it a concern when Republicans were being shot, beaten with bicycle locks or having poisons sent to them? Oh…. that’s right. That’s RIGHTEOUS liberal violence. It’s the GOOD kind.
Truth from them would be nothing but a pleasant surprise. You think they’ll start any time soon?
How was the weather ’round the Horn?
@Deplorable Me, #13:
Right. No “bias” there, I suppose. At least none that you’re even vaguely conscious of, which reveals a lot.
If you point a gun at someone’s head, it’s deliberate, violent intimidation and a crime—even if you don’t pull the trigger. If a Trump cult drone sends out mailbombs to the top names on The Leader’s enemy list, it’s an act of political terrorism, even if the damn things don’t detonate and kill people.
@Greg: Im sure the next headline will read Fervent Anti-Trump Nazi does mass shooting in a Temple.
Its not the main ingredient its the recipe. The inflammatory rhetoric.
The good news for EU
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not seek re-election in 2021
@Greg: I agree it’s terrorism; however, it is not representative of Trump any more than it represents body builders or strippers… or more than the would-be assassin did his shooting in the name of the Democrat party.
Um… you DIDN’T answer my question, did you? Yes or no.
The problem is the atmosphere that his rhetoric has created, and how it affects fringe elements already prone to violent acting out. He promotes anger toward his opponents to motivate his base, and has done from the start, seemingly unaware that there can be extremely dangerous unintended side effects. When this is pointed out, it only seems to interrupt the behavior very briefly.
“His rhetoric” has not created a damned thing. The rancor of the left was created by Trump defeating Hillary. Trump had already been called racist, misogynist, homophobic and fascist. The hatred of the left is built in to the left. It is their natural state.
Um… you DIDN’T answer my question, did you? Yes or no.
Your questions tend to be diversions or digressions away from central issues that you don’t want to deal with. This one can be distilled down to a tu quoque fallacy, which I have long since grown weary of.
“Ignoring what I call false and what you call false, could you not recognize some media lying to the public about our government with the intent of causing damage to the leadership would be a problem?”
What is diversionary about this? You took issue with Trump’s calling out of the “fake news” in the media, calling it a problem. I merely asked if the media WERE to lie to people, would that in fact BE a problem? You seem afraid to answer. It’s a simple question. I think it would be a bad thing. What about you?
If there’s anything “diversionary”, it is a constant reference to Trump calling out the media for being overwhelmingly negative, filing false reports and suppressing facts unflattering to liberals. Since I entertain your diversions, why not have the integrity to entertain mine?
It’s not the mainstream media’s fault that the truth about Trump is so negative. The GOP never vetted the guy. They totally ignored what was already common knowledge. The press didn’t suddenly turn on him. The press has been covering his b.s. for decades.
Changed to read correctly. No, the press never vetted Obama. Little was reported on his dealings with a convicted, and now prisoned good friend who helped him buy a home that he should, by all rationality, not have been able to afford.
I got to give it to David Axelrod; he created whole cloth out of fairy wings.
@retire05: Nor was his longtime association with an avowed racist preacher taken seriously by the left… because terrorism and racism does not deter them. They LIKE it.
Should I begin changing your statements “to read correctly”?
The GOP never vetted Trump. The moment the GOP leadership freaked out at the populace mob that had formed up behind Trump, they embraced him like a long absent lover and got busy sweeping every question and criticism about him under the carpet—even if it had come from their own. (Ted Cruz, anyone?) They have since doubled down and tripled down on their cover-up assistance, to the extent of attacking our nation’s intelligence community and law enforcement institutions, and demonizing our own mainstream media and press.
When this guy finally goes down—and go down he will, because he’s not only a transparent fraud, crook, and liar, but a totally incompetent leader as well—he’ll be taking much of the GOP with him. But it will be their own damn fault for having sold their souls to hang onto political power.
@Greg: Trump has led his life in the lime light, not some one term Dope smoking, coke snorting, acid dropping terrorist sympathizing Senator that voted present good with a teleprompter, nothing else. Weaponized the executive branch to try to push a dried up criminal incompetent into the White House. Spied on since 2015 they have not unearthed any evidence to back anything they fed the democrat media for game tickets and party invitations.
What is the democrat platform as there is but 1 week to decide. Oh I know “We hate Trump”, keep America sliding down into a third world banana republic.
Hard decision, Jobs or mobs, make MSLSD and CNN cry again I just dont know….
Nah, he was only a public figure for 35 years. Who knew ANYTHING about him? Heck, you liberals hadn’t even made it up yet… how could he be vetted? Obama, on the other hand, couldn’t even present his birth certificate. How did he even get a drivers license?
Hillary was vetted… and found to be a liar, corrupt and a criminal. Did that stop liberals from supporting her?
A period of time during which the right was apparently unconscious. Trump wasn’t exactly an unknown figure. The man has a lengthy history. Until he decided it was time for politics, most people didn’t pay him much attention.
@Greg: I wonder if you will ever marshal all your courage and strength and answer my simple question?
Perhaps you should stop asking phony questions that are nothing more than thinly disguised statements of your own opinions.
@Greg: My question is “phony”? How so? Does anyone else have a problem understanding my question?
You can answer it; I’m way over here and can’t hurt you. Don’t be afraid like Rich and AJ.
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