Donald Trump spoke at a rally in Ohio the other day.
President Trump called Democrats the “rule of the mob” at a “Make America Great Again” rally in Lebanon, Ohio, on Friday. Mr. Trump also met with supporters in the state.
Mr. Trump stumped for Rep. Steve Chabot, a Republican congressman who is facing a tough re-election challenge from Democrat Aftab Pureval. CBS News rates this race as “Edge Republican.” Mr. Trump brought Chabot to the stage during the rally. Mr. Trump also brought Republican Jim Renacci, who is running against Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, to the stage. The CBS News Battleground Tracker rates that race as “Lean Democrat.”
Mr. Trump touted the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday. Kavanaugh has become a favorite rally topic for Mr. Trump, as he explains how Democrats are “bad people” because of their opposition to his confirmation. The president also motivates voters by discussing how important his role is in choosing conservative judicial nominees.
“He’s done us a great service because we are more energized, as Republicans, than never before,” Mr. Trump said about Kavanaugh.
Mr. Trump also noted how his insults against Democrats are often unchallenged.
“I go around saying Democrats are the party of crime, and no one even challenges me,” he said. The president also ruminated on one of his guests at the White House this week, rapper Kanye West.
Here’s how the left wing media portrayed it.
Trump Praises Confederate General Robert E. Lee During Ohio Rally
Trump Praises Robert E. Lee
Trump praises Robert E. Lee during Ohio rally
Trump calls on blacks to ‘honor’ him with votes, then praises Confederate general Robert E. Lee
and this idiot from CNN:
Here are Trump’s comments tonight calling the leader of the Confederate army a “great general” multiple times
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) October 13, 2018
From the “If Trump says it’s blue then we say it’s green” Washington Post files:
Analysis | The truth about Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee: He wasn’t very good at his job
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) October 14, 2018
NBC tweeted this:
WATCH: President Trump says "Robert E. Lee was a great general" during Ohio rally, calling the Confederate leader "incredible."
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 13, 2018
Fake news. It took a two days for them to correct it.
CORRECTION: An earlier tweet misidentified the general President Trump described as "incredible" at a rally in Ohio. It was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, not Gen. Robert E. Lee. An attached video clip lacked the full context for Trump's remark. Here is the full clip.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 14, 2018
Here’s what Trump actually said:
Trump was praising Grant and the media twisted it to hell. As Trump suggested, Lee is considered to have been a brilliant tactician.
It’s bad enough that the left wing media coverage of Trump is about 100 negative. The Washington Post runs non-stop Trump hit pieces on Twitter every day, all day. The NY Times produces stories timed to maximize impact on Trump. None of them are reliably honest.
The fake news didn’t go unnoticed by Trump who tweeted:
“NBC News has totally and purposely changed the point and meaning of my story about General Robert E Lee and General Ulysses Grant. Was actually a shoutout to warrior Grant and the great state in which he was born,” he wrote on Twitter. “As usual, dishonest reporting. Even mainstream media embarrassed!”
The left wing media is determined to prove Trump right.
They are #FakeNews
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
We watched this live on which covers 100% of Trump’s stump speeches.
The MSM is there but they usually only do short bits of their reporters standing in between Trump and their cameras.
Anyway, we were watching and hubby says to me, how long before the fake media tries to make this look like Trump is praising Robert E Lee?
We agreed it would be in 1 or 2 days.
An interesting side note for me is how Trump, a teetotaler, looked at Ulysses Grant, a drunk, and saw his work product instead of his drinking.
Good for Trump.
I’m sure he’s got many social drinkers inside his Admin because he looks at the ability, not the social behavior.
Lincoln said give me several more Grants.
He and Trump would have gotten along well.
If the liberal media was just reporting the facts, they couldn’t have made such a “mistake”. Only when they translate Trump’s words into liberal-speak, hoping way too hard for what they WANT him to say, do they embarrass themselves so.
Steamed 60 minutes Leslie just retire please, as disgusting as the presser when the Pastor was at the White House. Is there any time the press can keep on subject, not ask the same question over and over and over?Like lil toddlers are we there yet, are we there yet. I cant imagine the pain of a loved one in a Turkish Prison, happy Trumps people got him home. ANOTHER WIN.
what did you expect from cocks”ker broadcasting. Lee was a prolific write and contrary to the fake media-everyone drank during that period of time. oh, yes even slaves got drunk on a regular basis. the fake media does not tell you of the alcohol abuse in schools, middle and high school and college but in all areas of employment. the media does not tell you that 42-48% of all OD’s are mixed with a benzo of one variety or another and 28% of OD’s are the asshole millennium adults.
Don’t want to be tagged as Fake News or as An Enemy of the People? All you’ve got to do is report the news the way Trump wants it reported.
An unintentionally revealing exchange on FOX and Friends
These people have absolutely no clue what news and journalism are supposed to be. They apparently believe both are supposed to be presidential tools for shaping public perception. That, evidently, has something to do with patriotism.
Wait… did a LIBERAL just write that about someone other than the corrupt, liberal media?
Listen to the woman in the video. Think about what she’s saying. She said it, not me.
@Deplorable Me:
#1, most so-called “journalists” of today have no idea what real and honest journalism is all about. They have learned only the Lippman theory.
And Greggie Gullible is appalled that any president would try to use the press to his advantage, or have issues with the press. Greggie seems to know little of history. I suggest he reference Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln (who jailed journalists), FDR (who denied information to any journalist who did not agree with him), JFK and Obama.
But then, Greggie Gullible is an idiot.
@retire05: And Wilson, who used the Espionage Act to silence 1st Amendment rights.