Resting Judgement Face

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So apparently this had liberals talking in the Twitterverse:

Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court was the most contentious nomination process in decades, and it provoked fierce, lengthy debates across the United States. However, there was one group of people expected to keep quiet about it, and that would be the justices already sitting on the bench. For the most part, they did keep their opinions to themselves, but Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s face during Kavanaugh’s swearing-in ceremony did leave many onlookers attempting to decode what, exactly, she was thinking.

Sitting between other members of the Supreme Court, Ginsburg appeared to slightly glower during the ceremony, including during Kavanaugh’s speech. People on Twitter were quick to attempt interpreting her expression.

Many said that the Supreme Court justice reflected how women were feeling in light of Kavanaugh’s successful nomination. “RBG is every democratic women in Americaright now,” wrote writer Molly Jong Fast.

Some even suggested that they almost felt bad for the justice. “Poor RBG having deal with this belligerent misogynist,” wrote organizer Amy Siskind.

Though it’s not clear whether Ginsburg intended to send any specific message with her expression during Kavanaugh’s swearing-in ceremony, the people of Twitter seemed eager to find a conduit for their own thoughts and emotions. “RBG’s expression at Kavanaugh’s swearing in says it all,” wrote one user.

Indeed, screen shots and photographs of her posture while attending the ceremony rapidly circulated across social media. “The disgust on RBG’s face is me,” wrote lawyer Aditi Juneja.

Oh, ye self-deluded Kavanaugh-haters grasping for a lifeline.

Here’s how she looked at Kavanaugh’s ceremony:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is as happy as a clam. I mean, look at his face!

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts was spotted with a smile that traveled from one ear to the other.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy shows pride in what his protégé has accomplished.

And, lastly, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked completely nauseous and absolutely devastated being forced to sit through the final confirmation ceremony of a Constitutionalist judge nominated by President Donald Trump.

Take a look:

See some of the Tweets by feminists and progressives.

The only problem with this (as the above link points out)?  RBG is old.  She’s 85.  She always looks like this.  That’s her resting face.

Not to burst their celebratory bubble, but this “What am I doing here?” face is typical of Ginsburg, even when among fellow lefties. Have they forgotten the woman fell asleep at one point during Barack Obama’s SOTU address? The photo below of her posing with several feminists at the Sundance Film Festival doesn’t exactly scream, “happy to be here, folks.”

The truth of the matter means little to feminists, however, who view Ginsburg’s seemingly dazed expression, according to Bustle, as a “small catharsis for those who didn’t think that he should have been confirmed.”

Here she is enjoying a high-intensity workout:



RBG could stand for “resting B**ch Gaze- but I will not call her the “B” word.  Maybe “Boofing”?  J/K.   I’ll be good.  She does have more facial expressions than this selection of cherry-picked photos.  And she and Scalia were good friends and respected colleagues.

But now the feminists grasping at straws in the Twitterverse have me curious….What was passing through her thoughts at Kavanaugh’s White House ceremony….?

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Word, you are a bubble burster; who leaves the emotion-reading pontificators of the Leftist blabosphere looking like kids who just lost their favorite balloon.
Yes, RBG and Scalia (the best wit and most conservative SJ) were best friends, and they socialized and vacationed together. Maybe the airheads of the Leftist propaganda sphere will forgive RBG if she doesn’t participate in the collective neurosi of Trump haters.
RBG is a Leftist, but bases her leanings on logic instead of emotion. This is a rare commodity on the Left these days and one of the reasons the discourse is so ugly.

Some even suggested that they almost felt bad for the justice. “Poor RBG having deal with this belligerent misogynist,” wrote organizer Amy Siskind.

It’s kind of pitiful when liberals begin to believe their own hateful rhetoric and schemes of personal destruction.

And, lastly, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked completely nauseous and absolutely devastated being forced to sit through the final confirmation ceremony of a Constitutionalist judge nominated by President Donald Trump.

Maybe she’s just constipated.

That look, on those not 85 years old with a collapsing skeletal structure, is the look you have when you thought you were on the verge of destroying a Constitutional process and you get your ass kicked.

belligerent misogynist? who came up with that? amassing how the liberals claim to be experts in every and all fields of science, social settings, and media. asshole degrees are available via the mail for a few dollars. PhDs take a little longer and require a formidable wreath of knowledge for a dissertation defense.

How would you expect her to react to Trump’s self-serving, bullshit partisan monologue? No prior American president has ever so used and abused the occasion of a new Supreme Court Justice’s swearing in, or made it an occasion to blatantly lie to the American people, and then be rewarded with applause.

@MOS #8541:

belligerent misogynist? who came up with that?

Maybe they were referring to Keith Ellison, a woman beater the Democrats are protecting.

Someone slap Greg’s needle; it’s stuck again.

I kinda figure her disgust is that she could’ve retired under the obozo mistake and been replaced by another libturd. She wanted the first woman President to appoint another libturd woman to her seat so she could leave in glory. Now, she’s got to figure how to live until 2025…

Yeah-quote the daily beast as an authority.

How would you expect her to react to Trump’s self-serving, bullshit partisan monologue?

How about like a professional jurist? You know- not necessarily a smile, but at least paying attention.

Yah, I know- she doesn’t like Kavanaugh, and neither do you. I have the same advice for her as for you: it’s a done deal. Kavanaugh is the latest Associate Justice. Get over it.

Mitch McConnell Is Going to Kill the United States Senate

Ooooo, an op-ed article on one website. I’ll get right on changing my mind about McConnell based on that lone article.


How would you expect her to react to Trump’s self-serving, bullshit partisan monologue?

Apparently, she lacks the demeanor to be a jurist. Impeach her.

@Deplorable Me:

Someone slap Greg’s needle; it’s stuck again.

It’s stuck in reality, which is a groove that you are no longer familiar with.

Trump is a liar. He lied on national television, at a new Supreme Court Justice’s swearing in ceremony, in front of all the assembled Justices of the Supreme Court. It was an affront to the truth and an affront to them, directly in their faces. They all knew it, and Ginsberg’s expression showed that she knew it.

Kavanaugh WAS NOT proven to be innocent. No one proved any such thing.


Kavanaugh WAS NOT proven to be innocent. No one proved any such thing.

He was not proven guilty of anything therefore INNOCENT. All the mobs in DC cant change that.


It’s stuck in reality, which is a groove that you are no longer familiar with.

It’s stuck in a bizarre fantasy world where liars are honorable, violence is approved and normal and people who work and love this country are “deplorable”.

They all knew it, and Ginsberg’s expression showed that she knew it.

Ginsburg’s express shows she doesn’t even know where she is most of the time and probably needs her Depends changed.

Kavanaugh WAS NOT proven to be innocent. No one proved any such thing.

What was proved was 1) Feinstein should be expelled from the Senate, 2) Democrats prefer lies to anything factual, 3) Feinstein knew all along that there was never a shred of truth in Ford’s accusation and 4) Kavanaugh was completely innocent since a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty and there was never anything even CLOSE to proving an ounce of guilt upon him. All of this was proven beyond any possible rational doubt.

The right seems to have confused trials by jury with Senate confirmation hearings, which don’t arrive at verdicts of innocence or guilt. This isn’t surprising, since a false narrative was mounted and promoted to deliberately conflate the two entirely different things. There is no presumption of innocence involved, nor does a candidate walk into a hearing already entitled to the job.

Kavanaugh was not proven innocent. Trump’s statement is a lie. Every judge present, including Kavanaugh himself, knows there was no innocent or guilty verdict.

This is like saying Trump has been found not guilty of collusion. That would also be bullshit. Trump hasn’t stood trial for anything. Yet.


The right seems to have confused trials by jury with Senate confirmation hearings, which don’t arrive at verdicts of innocence or guilt.

No, YOU are who is confused. WITHOUT a trial by jury and a guilty verdict, the accused is INNOCENT. No matter how much hate-driven desire that someone is guilty drives their opinion, the person is innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Now, if you have some strong evidence (something stronger than “I don’t remember when or where, how I got there, how I got home, but he damn sure did it”) you can draw a definitive conclusion, but innocent until proven guilty is how the US justice system works. For instance, when Bill pays $850,000 to settle a sexual assault case, he’s probably guilty. When we SEE and HEAR Hillary lie under oath before Congress, she COMMITTED perjury.

NOTHING indicates ANY guilt borne by Kavanaugh and there is definitely nothing there that would support a criminal investigation and bringing charges.

Kavanaugh was not proven innocent. Trump’s statement is a lie.

See, this is why you keep lying about Trump lying. You just don’t like his facts, so you decide he is lying and this makes you feel better. You don’t PROVE people innocent; they ALREADY ARE. You PROVE them guilty. THEN, they are guilty. No trial, INNOCENT. Trial and conviction… GUILTY.

This is like saying Trump has been found not guilty of collusion. That would also be bullshit. Trump hasn’t stood trial for anything. Yet.

UNLESS and UNTIL you bring him to trial and PROVE he colluded with the Russians, he IS innocent. By your “thinking” (and by the politics of this “investigation”) as long as they are investigating, he is guilty. If they never find anything against him, he is guilty because they haven’t investigated enough to clear him (which they will never do because finding the TRUTH is not the purpose). THAT perception is the goal of the investigation and you just wrote it out. But, the reality and the legal designation is quite different. “Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.” Sound familiar?

Completely and totally innocent.

@Deplorable Me: This is older than Kav do we remember title IX where young men attending college had due process removed? Yes Trump admin had to fix that little unconstitutional pile of seaming pile of marxist leftist BS too.

@kitt: I guess liberals DO get it. After all, Ellison is innocent despite proof and evidence until taken to trial (if any court in Minnesota dares indict him). Same goes for Menendez, Weinstein, Clinton, Teddy and any other LIBERAL that gets accused.

No, YOU are who is confused. WITHOUT a trial by jury and a guilty verdict, the accused is INNOCENT. No matter how much hate-driven desire that someone is guilty drives their opinion, the person is innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Trump asserted on national television that Kavanaugh was PROVEN to be innocent. Kavanaugh was not PROVEN to be any such thing. No matter how you try to spin it, Trump’s statement was a LIE. It wasn’t a misstatement. It was deliberate. Donald Trump is a goddamn LIAR. Lies are central to how he operates. They’re how he confuses minds and muddles issues, so he can creep around and manipulate situations to his own damn advantage. They’re part of how he “Kicks Ass, In Business And In Life.” They always have been. They’re essential to how he wins by cheating, and by not giving a damn about the damages he does.

If someone can’t figure something this obvious after hearing it with their own ears and seeing it with their own eyes, there’s got to be something seriously wrong with them.

An accused is “presumed” innocent unless and until proven guilty.
Since Mrs Ford has No Interest in taking her accusation further, Justice Kavanaugh is INNOCENT.
As to Ruth B-G, this photo essay proved one thing: she was not judging during the confirmation and symbolic swearing in, that’s just her normal face no matter what is going on around her.


Trump asserted on national television that Kavanaugh was PROVEN to be innocent. Kavanaugh was not PROVEN to be any such thing.

Yes. He was. He was PROVEN to be INNOCENT of the baseless, factless, salacious claims and accusations invented by the Democrat Party. You are simply going to have to figure out how you are going to live with that fact.

They’re how he confuses minds

The confused minds are those that think anyone ELSE besides liberals thinks that all that has to be done is an accusation made, and the political target of that accusation is instantly GUILTY. THOSE confused minds (of which yours is apparently one) thinks NO evidence is required to deem a person guilty, if political need proves it necessary. In addition, even evidence proving the accusers are lying does not support the accused innocence; all that is needed is a political purpose.

You can waaaa and stomp your feet all you want, but Kavanaugh doesn’t NEED to be proven innocent; he IS innocent unless YOU can prove otherwise. The fact you can’t PROVE him guilty (or, hell, even a suspect) PROVES HE IS INNOCENT.

Bullshit has been elevated to the level of truth, while truth tellers are the target of constant, moronic slander and attack—Donald Trump’s lasting gift to the nation he claims he’s “making great” again. That, too, is a malignant lie. The son-of-a-bitch is taking this nation’s heart apart, day by day, week by week, month by month, while pointing an accusing finger at everybody else to direct away the blame.

To hell with him him for that. And with his enablers, as well.

You think because repetition wins over the simple minded, it must work on everybody. You’ve already got the people it works on. The entire point now is to try to keep them in the corral. Everybody else sees through Trump’s crap, and the GOP’s shameless opportunism and total loss of values. We’re getting ready to pound you in the next two elections. The only weapons we need are truth and a ballot box.

Maybe you should respond with some additional comments about butts, whiny babies, and diapers. Or just repeat again that Kavanaugh has been PROVEN innocent, because Donnie Boy says so.


Bullshit has been elevated to the level of truth, while truth tellers are the target of constant, moronic slander and attack

Boy, you just nailed the DNC’s 2020 slogan. If your leaders ever told the truth, their tongues would burn off.

The son-of-a-bitch is taking this nation’s heart apart, day by day, week by week, month by month, while pointing an accusing finger at everybody else to direct away the blame.

Really. Funny how all the false accusations, mob violence, fraud and political attack comes from the leftward side. Were there any false accusations made at Kagan or Sotomayor? No, because Republicans don’t play that. Only Democrats lie as a way of doing business.

You know what’s funny? People like YOU losing their mind because they CAN’T TOUCH TRUMP!