The left has become a bullying mob, utilizing the tools of violence and intimidation. Civility has been lost entirely. What they can’t secure rationally they attempt to seize in a hostile fashion. I can think of only one President who would have stood up to this mob intimidation that is now the hallmark of the left. Let’s share some of the examples.
This is what the U.S. Capitol was like today as I walked to the Senate floor for the vote on Judge Kavanaugh.
— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) October 5, 2018
.@LindseyGrahamSC to protestor yelling Kav should take polygraph: “we’ve humiliated this guy enough, and there seems to be no bottom for some of you.”
Protestor: “If he took a polygraph –”
Graham: “Why don’t we dunk him in the water and see if he floats?”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 4, 2018
Sen. Ted Cruz Describes The Mob That Surrounded And Chased Him And His Wife Out Of A Restaurant
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 6, 2018
Susan Collins has been a Profile in Courage despite left wing threats
Most will never know the full extent of the efforts to intimidate & threaten @SenatorCollins on the #Kavanaugh vote. I am not talking about political pressure or people screaming at her in an elevator. I am talking about vicious, vile & dangerous actions. She is legit.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 5, 2018
Watch as the left wing robots are programmed. This could be straight out of Jonestown.
Jason Selvig attempted to incite violence against Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends
Here’s an episode of the walking dead
Watch stupid children taunt a 71 year old man who also had a right t express himself.
Look at these tolerant, progressive protesters dancing around this lone, 71 year old Trump supporter – they eventually try and rip his signs up but are stopped by organizers.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 6, 2018
Rep. Gerald Nadler promises to impeach Kavanaugh if his confirmation cannot be stopped. Failing that, he’ll likely hire an assassin. (There was a time when that might have sounded hyperbolic, but no more)
Now watch the mindlessness of the left. Listen carefully. This is hysterical.
Here is a now deleted tweet from a Colbert show writer:
Not everyone was a bully
here’s Nancy Pelosi explaining the democrat playbook
And it continues
Amid Kavanaugh furor & threats to mbrs, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) tells Fox that his wife received a text with a video attachment showing a gruesome beheading. Someone has has also released the names of and addresses of his family members.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 7, 2018
And they put this idiot on Meet the Press Today
This is unacceptable. The problem conservatives face is that they do not resort to this outrageous behavior, but you have to wonder where the limit is.
The GOP has never treated a democrat nominee like this:
Let’s be clear: The GOP has never borked a Democratic nominee to the Supreme Court. Objections to Democratic nominees were made based on their judicial record, not upon wild, far-fetched accusations of personal misconduct, produced only when all other avenues failed.
There was no attempt whatsoever by the GOP to bork either Sonia Sotomayor or Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s first two picks for the top court. Both of those nominees sailed through with hardly a ripple.
When the Senate didn’t give Obama’s last Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a vote, it followed established Senate rules when it did so. It didn’t violate any rule or process for court nominations. The Republican senators certainly didn’t try any 11th-hour character assassination of Garland in an attempt to keep him off the Supreme Court.
But here’s the best video of all
If anyone wants to see the definition of winning…
I never thought I'd see the day where I'd praise Lindsey Graham, but holy cow!
— Mike (@Fuctupmind) October 6, 2018
By like I said, only Donald Trump would refuse to knuckle under to this horrible behavior that is now the norm for the left. Anything less would be the validation of the violence and intimidation as the gutless Lisa Murkowski has done.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Deplorable me: The Antifa that do not protest within the limits of the law should be arrested and held, no bond, then given trial and jail time if after trial they are found guilty.
Personal responsibility for actions.
Im sure you have caught the Hildebeast saying no civility.
@Kitt: Also, ANYONE arrested in a violent protest should be on a no-buy list for guns. Anyone proving themselves prone to violence and easily turned into a useful idiot should NOT be allowed to own a weapon.
@Deplorable me: Shame on you, shall not be infringed, period. Get to the range and make sure they dont get off a second shot. Cause we wont shoot first. Violent convicted felons should only have their rights infringed.
Those non violent felons should have 100% of their rights restored after serving full sentence and probation.
Do you really want government more lists?
@kitt: I want people who prove themselves violent in nature and unable to conceive their own thoughts to be denied the opportunity to damage MY 2nd Amendment rights.
On another note, ALWAYS believe her.
@Deplorable Me: How are the no fly lists working out with those that have same names. Should they be denied rights without trial just like no fly?
Shall not be infringed…..
If the dems get power they could pop you on that list for posting conservative content or any other reason they dream up.
They don’t work out too well when political criteria is used to get one on such lists. I am talking about anti-social ACTIONS that forfeits certain rights, just as prison does for commission of crimes. “Shall not be infringed” does not apply to criminals in prison, does it? So should it not apply to violent political protesters. It’s based on violent ACTIONS, not political thoughts.
The problem with the lists the liberals wish to use is they are based on LIBERAL criteria, not laws or actions. In no way do I support any such thing.
@Deplorable Me: I just need to disgree with you our interpretation of infringed might differ.
@kitt: Shall not be infringed means not being taken away from law abiding citizens. It has always been the case in the United States that when you break the law, you give up certain rights.
My intention is to stop viewing riots and violent demonstrations merely as people with a point of view that got over-enthusiastic when they are, in fact, organized events with a political goal. Political violence needs to be stopped in its infancy and it is already pre-pubescent here. Denying such anarchists THEIR right to self defense IS self defense and they have EARNED it.
@Deplorable Me:
funny I missed that phrase especially the riot part.
I am the type of citizen that protects herself without adding danglies on the constitution.
@Deplorable me, #47:
You can’t find any such links, can you? That would be because there aren’t any to be found. And it isn’t because some vast Google conspiracy is hiding them all so no one can find them.
I do listen to the bullshit you’re listening to, for so long as I can stomach it. It includes dangerously high levels of propaganda. I don’t just recognize the lies; I recognize the propaganda techniques that are being used to sell them.
Do you like Orwellian? You probably don’t even recognize Orwellian, because it’s far too close to home. Here’s Trump’s ‘MAGA’ rally in Iowa yesterday, as streamed live on YouTube by FOX News. The dumb bastards don’t even realize their canned pre-rally auditorium music sounds like it was taken from the soundtrack of A Clockwork Orange. One applicable descriptive phrase would clueless beyond measure. They eventually get back to their much beloved “Lock her up!” chant. “Burn the Witch!” and “Hang ’em!” having apparently gone out of style with mindless mobs.
So, how about some links to those Kavanaugh “democrat mob violence” videos? Has nobody bothered to videotape the right’s hallucinations?
@kitt: If they are involved in a violent riot, destroying property and threatening people’s safety, it’s a crime… a VIOLENT crime. Violent criminals don’t DESERVE to be able to own weapons. How they act with those weapons jeopardizes the rights of ALL. What I am promoting here is no different from what happens after the commission of any other violent crime; I am simply tired of those committing political violence getting a pass because it is considered some sort of “expression”. It’s not… it’s VIOLENCE.
I CAN’T? Knock, knock… they are INCLUDED on this POST.
Now, google “ANTIFA violence”. Then, google “left wing violence”. Enjoy.
Or, what is your seeing-eye dog’s name?
@Deplorable me: We are not going to agree on this point I find the second amendment eloquent and simple to understand. The founders did not write except when, unless or until. I stand by no chiseling away at something granted to me by my creator that wasnt just for me but ALL MEN. Wo-men men- men, blackmen, brownmen, yellowmen.
Those that have no fear of the police, or jail are not going to have a problem with the idea of obtaining a gun illegally. Laws and regulations are only respected by decent people. Thats something liberals never get through their thick conkers.
@Deplorable me, #61:
Really? Are they invisible links? Or are you trying to weasel your way out of another corner by shifting both the meaning of “mob violence” and the context of “Kavanaugh hearings” in your Trump-addled brain?
Yep. Suddenly we’re talking about ANTIFA, which, no doubt, you equate with the Democratic Party and anyone who supports the Democratic Party, or sees through what the former GOP has now become.
I didn’t require one to get to the County Administration Building and my early voting location, which I just returned from. I voted at the earliest opportunity, to demonstrate my lost Democratic enthusiasm.
@Greg: Invisible? did you click on the links of the article you are posting to? Way up before comment #1 ugly screaming MOBS flooding the Capitol trying literally to claw into the Supreme Court building banging on the doors while howling for the cameras after breaking through police lines. Disrupting votes on congress and hearings yes angry mobs.
@kitt, #64:
Raised voices are not mob violence. People giving an elected official a piece of their minds is not mob violence. What do you not understand about the definition of the English word, violence?
The fact that a crowd of demonstrators happens to annoy the hell out of you doesn’t mean the crowd is a mob, or that the behavior you find annoying is violent. Hopping up and down and shouting in front of somebody who is waving around a sign you don’t like may be rude, but it’s not violence. It doesn’t matter how many times lying republican politicians worried about how voters are going to respond to their behavior claim that it is.
They think they can get away with this sort of crap because Donald Trump has effectively destroyed the difference between lies and truth. He has not done so, outside the context of his rally crowds and cult followers. A majority of Americans still remain fully aware that there is a difference between lies and the truth, and actually care about that difference. It’s part of the reason people are angry and energized. They’ll take that anger to the ballot box, just like I did.
Have you even READ the very article we are posting on? It is ABOUT the mob violence and it contains the videos. In addition, I showed you how to find scores of them under ANTIFA and “left wing violence”. Apparently, you lack the GUTS to see the reality.
Yes, I equate ANTIFA to the Democrat part because they are your Brownshirts. And, yes, anyone that supports Democrats and does not denounce ANTIFA supports ANTIFA. No, the GOP bears no resemblance to fascists; your beloved Democrats, promoting and executing violence due to their lack of any message that appeals to rational Americans.
@kitt: Greg is not fooling anyone. He asks for the proof that is already right in front of his face. Like other Democrats, while his party lies, he accuses everyone else of lying, while his party employs tactics of personal destruction, he accuses everyone else of personal attacks and while his party has embraced fascist tactics, he accuses everyone else of being fascists.
How about surrounding people and screaming at them? How about knocking their signs out of their hands? How about pounding on the Supreme Court doors? How about blocking entrances, exits and hallways in public buildings? How bout physically attacking people? How about shooting people? How about stabbing Republican candidates?
All Democrat, all sanctioned by the Democrat party.
Uh, right. How about going in somewhere for a full psychiatric work up, because nothing of the sort happened during the course of the Kavanaugh demonstrations. Maybe you can find someplace offering group discounts.
There’s really no point continuing this conversation. Have a good evening.
@Greg: During the actual hearings, there was only screaming from the gallery and women screaming at a Senator in an elevator. The others were trademark examples of other Democrat violence.
“Police arrived at White Plaza early Tuesday afternoon in response to a call from Stanford College Republicans (SCR) President John Rice-Cameron ’20, who alleged that Melinda Hernandez ’21 physically assaulted him at an SCR tabling event the group was holding in support of Brett Kavanaugh’s recent Supreme Court confirmation.”
I’m sure the humor in this will be lost on the brain dead Greggie Gullible. John Rice-Cameron, President of the Stanford College Republicans is Susan Rice’s son. Remember Susan Rice who went on not one but five TV shows in one day to tell us all the Benghazi attack was due to a video no one had ever seen?
@retire05: Hmm… so, apparently, some leftists don’t LIKE the tactic of “getting in their face”, even after some of them have destroyed personal property, when it is applied to them. So, they lash out and invade those “safe spaces” they feel they themselves deserve (but others don’t, I guess).
I hate to see litigation go wild, but I do support each and every instance of personal assault for the sake of politics prosecuted. Though personal civility should curtail this, it appears only legal action will discourage it.
@retire05: Its just a rebellious phase, you know how those teens can be. Wont be long he will buy those black skinny pants and be beating on cars, smashing the Starbucks and shutting down others free speech, something a democrat parent can be proud of as they post bail for them, you know join a mindless violent mob.