There is a lot of funny stuff going on right now with regard to the Ford-Kavanaugh brouhaha. Prior to going public with her accusations against Kavanaugh, Ford scrubbed her social media. Today we learn that her high school has wiped clean the yearbook from Ford’s attendance there.
But the thing that really caught my attention was a statement from Ford’s lawyer Debra Katz.
A California psychology professor who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school wants to cooperate with federal lawmakers considering the nomination, but doesn’t want to be part of a Washington “bloodletting,” her attorney said on “Good Morning America” Monday.
Christine Blasey Ford wants to speak to investigators about her allegations, but she is afraid of becoming the next Anita Hill, Ford’s attorney, Debra Katz, told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on “GMA.”
In other words, she wants Kavanaugh destroyed over an extremely vague and thin accusation but she doesn’t want to get hands dirty. She doesn’t want her reputation jeopardized while she eviscerates his.
She is a democrat donor (albeit not a major one) and she is virulently anti-Trump.
Her accusations are vague, to say the least.
Ford’s therapist’s notes are a clue:
Ford reported being attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society.”
“The notes don’t name Kavanaugh, and they say four boys were involved, not two. Ford told the Post this was the therapist’s error — there were four boys at the party, she said, but only two in the room,”
She didn’t name Kavanaugh’s name until it became a political asset.
Let’s recap.
Ford can’t remember the year, the month, the house, the town, whose house it was, how she got there, how she got home, why she went upstairs, why she told her therapist four males were involved, whose party it was, who else was at the party, and she told absolutely no one about it- NO ONE, until Brett Kavanaugh’s name came up in 2012 when it became politically useful for her. There is not another single female accuser and there are countless supporters who were actually his classmates. There were two alleged witnesses and both deny her account. Would you not expect such a traumatic event to be burned into one’s mind? Would you not expect someone to remember such an event in exquisite detail?
So now we’re to ruin Kavanaugh’s life over this crap and she doesn’t want to be part of the “bloodletting”? Pilate would be proud.
She could have gone to Grassley or the FBI. She didn’t. She went to Feinstein. Feinstein held this until after the close of the hearings. Like it was a plot – something that neither Kavanaugh nor the GOP could respond to properly. Kavanaugh was willing to testify in response today. democrats want it delayed until after the FBI investigates the alleged incident. Thing is, the FBI has already said it won’t be investigating. See how democrats work? Kavanaugh has been vetted six times by the FBI already.
I hope they rip her a new one. I hope they do to her what she’s trying to do to Kavanaugh.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
So, a woman who, as a young girl, was attacked and almost raped and suffered severe mental trauma, subsequently supported the wife of a known sexual predator? A wife that DEFENDED her husbands sexual assaults and attacked the accusers?
Uh-huh. OK.
Wiping out her SM accounts a pathetic attempt, her whole life is in public records. This little victim wanna be was only a drunken THOT.
False accusations must have consequences, serious consequences.
As usual the idiot Republicans fall prey to their own stupidity. Grassley should have announced that the Committee vote will be Thursday, period. If Ford wants to testify, the Committee will reconvene on Tuesday or Wednesday to hear it. Instead, they delay the vote, rewarding the bad behavour of the
democrats and giving an extra week for Ford to be coached before her testimony. Expect tears and fake shame in abundance.
@GL: Though I thoroughly and completely disbelieve Ford, there are numerous reasons to allow her to testify. Then, Kavanagh gets to say his piece, and it will be televised nationally. Even though the media will cheer the accuser and miscast his testimony, some of the untarnished truth will get out.
Plus, numerous gutless Republicans will vote against the nomination unless Ford is heard; then they have coverage to vote yes. The same goes for a few red-state Democrats.
BUT… Ford has yet to agree to appear.
Katz is not just any random lawyer.
Not only did Mrs Ford support Bill, then Hillary Clinton and their rapist/rapist-enabler ways, her lawyer, Debra Katz said this when that DEMOCRAT was accused of far more than Brett K:
“Paula Jones’ suit is very, very, very weak. She’s alleged one incident that took place in a hotel room that, by her own testimony, lasted 10 to 12 minutes. She suffered no repercussions in the workplace.”
And what had occurred?
While in the room Bill Clinton “unexpectedly reached over to (her), took her hand, and pulled her toward him, so that their bodies were close to each other.” She backed away, but he pursued, saying, ‘I love the way your hair flows down your back’ and ‘I love your curves. He then “put his hand on her leg, started sliding it toward her pelvic area, and bent down to attempt to kiss her on the neck, all without her consent.’ Jones claimed she said, “What are you doing?” and had to escape to a nearby sofa where she attempted to distract the governor by talking about his wife.
Clinton came close to her and “lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told (her) to ‘kiss it.'” Jones then attempted to leave but the governor said, “‘Well, I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do,’ and then pulled up his pants
(Here’s the THREAT)
said, ‘If you get in trouble for leaving work, have Dave call me immediately and I’ll take care of it.’ She left the room (the door of which was not locked), the governor ‘detained’ her momentarily, ‘looked sternly’ at her, and said, ‘You are smart. Let’s keep this between ourselves,'” according to court documents.
Mrs Katz seems to have cognitive dissonance regarding the actions of men, depending on political party rather than severity of the actions.
@Nan G:
If he still had an erection after she mentioned Hillary, she was in extreme danger; his little head was definitely doing the thinking.
How much more evidence do we need to prove that the left only cares about issues such as these when they serve a political purpose?
“Ford can’t remember the year, the month, the house, the town, whose house it was, how she got there, how she got home, why she went upstairs, why she told her therapist four males were involved, whose party it was, who else was at the party …”
According to Orrin Hatch, Kavanaugh says he was never at this party. But details about the party have not been released.
If that’s the case, good luck on Monday, Brett.
Even the yearbooks on ebay are disappearing.
I’ll bet that one of his defenders has a copy.
Worth it’s weight in gold, it is.
Put it up with a million dollar minimum bid, see who bites.
You only got one thing wrong. The R’s did not fall victim to their own stupidity, the fell victim, again, to their own cowardice. With the exception of Trump, Nunes, Jordan and a couple others, the rest could not produce a single spine between them. R Congressional leadership are never going to be mistaken as profiles in courage.
@kitt: Kitt and Nan—If you are typical Repub women your party is gonna take a beating in Nov.
You attack a woman without even giving her a hearing—I’d expect this from knuckle dragging male Repubs—-not from women.
Even Trump is treating her better than you two in #2 #6.
She’s had to leave her home and is receiving death threats—Let her testify.
@Nan G: @kitt: Notice how in liberal-think, presenting facts about someone who made unverifiable accusations from the protection of anonymity is somehow mistreating Ford. No, the liberal reality dictates that liberals get to level accusations against Republicans and conservatives without any fear of being questioned or having their motives examined.
“let her testify” She won’t. Liberal expectation of entitlement.
@Deplorable me: She’ll testify—she has that right.—and she’s paying a price already..If she’s lying it’ll get worse for her.
The fact that some women are beating her up before her testimony—that’s telling.
Even DT is treating her fairly—good political strategy on his part.
@Richard Wheeler: So how should Feinstein be treated?
Is it fair to convict Kavanagh on such flimsy accusations?
She has not only has the right to testify, she now has the RESPONSIBILITY to testify but she is looking for excuses to avoid it.
@Deplorable me: Seems awfully entitled trying to call all the shots. She is a professor, she tries to dictate to the congress of the USA?
She also must prove her claims, there are women who worked with the Judge and are lining up to support him as a decent person, they are not given much voice.
I thought the cupcakes to the reporters camping out at the family home was a nice touch. The Mrs. knows these people have an assignment, she doesnt take it personally. She knows her husband and most likely will not be sending her little girls to the school Ms Ford attended.
@kitt: She seems to want what Lois Lerner got; the opportunity to show up, make her statements and accusations and a self-defense, then take the 5th and avoid questions.
@Deplorable me: lol waterboard her tell us where your account from Obama is.