An article from Breitbart today reported that a majority of democrats want illegal aliens to vote
A majority of Democrat voters now say that the 12 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States should be given the right to vote.
In a new poll by Rasmussen Reports, a majority of 54 percent of Democrats said illegal aliens in the U.S. should be given the right to vote so long as they pay taxes. Illegal aliens paying taxes ensures the identity theft of Americans.Likewise, 53 percent of self-described liberal voters said they too support giving the 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. the right to vote.
While the majority of Democrats support illegal aliens having the right to vote, the plan is very unpopular with American voters overall. Nearly 60 percent of voters said illegal aliens should not be given voting rights.
Already, as Breitbart California reported, the city of San Francisco will now allow non-citizens to vote in the area’s regional school board elections. Cities like Chicago, Illinois, and Cambridge, Massachusets also allow non-citizens to vote in regional elections.
Giving the illegal alien population the right to vote would almost ensure Democrat dominance in statewide and national elections, as foreign populations are vastly more likely to favor Democrats over Republicans.
Well, of course they favor democrats. Few bite the hand that subsidizes them.
Thing is, in which countries on Earth can illegal aliens vote?
Answer: None.
The mastermind behind most of the is George Soros, who ultimately seeks the end of the United States. I wrote about Soros eight years ago.
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”
That is an accurate quote. A refresher from the 60 Minutes interview with Soros:
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
Read the whole piece. It’s a good reminder of where the democrat party is headed. Soros, a sociopath, is the spine of the democrat party. He is all for open borders:
The phrase “American exceptionalism” is not part of his agenda. He wrote in 1998: “The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.”
“We need some global system of political decision-making. In short, we need a global society to support our global economy,” Mr. Soros wrote.
You’ll note that it’s always the billionaires (and democrats) who espouse that nonsense, as they will benefit personally from it. Soros is not alone in his quest for open borders. It’s true that democrats say they’re not for open borders, it’s just that they want any and all people to enter illegally and unfettered.
In part this is because Democrats believe that the furor over the children might be the silver bullet they’ve been seeking to decisively defeat Trump and help generate a blue wave at the polls in the midterm elections this fall. At this point, they have no incentive to solve any problems since the more grief at the border and the greater the volume of emotional images (even if some, such as the picture of a weeping child that was used on a Time magazine cover with a photo of Trump, has turned out to be misleading since that little Honduran girl was not separated from her mother), the more the issue is perceived as a Hurricane Katrina moment for the president.
This has created a race to the left on immigration among Democrats that will doom any hope of a deal on any of these issues. For example, former actress Cynthia Nixon, who is mounting a vocal and well-funded challenge to Andrew Cuomo’s effort to be reelected governor of New York, wasn’t content to merely match her opponent’s criticisms of Trump. She promised to give all illegal aliens access to driver’s licenses so as to make it harder for federal authorities to arrest them. Even worse, she is now demanding — to the applause of the hosts and the audience on The View, where she appeared — that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency be abolished altogether and not replaced by any other body to perform the function of apprehending illegals.
At this point, it is hard to see what this all amounts to other than an argument for open borders.
The first step in dismantling of the United States comes by calling for the abolishing of ICE. It’s difficult to overestimate the stupidity of such a move. Even Jeh Johnson thinks it is ill considered.
Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson pushed back against Democrats calling for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to be abolished in a Friday op-ed published in the Washington Post.
The op-ed, titled, “Abolishing ICE is not a serious policy proposal,” likened demands to abolish ICE to a hypothetical demand from those who wanted to end the Vietnam war by abolishing “the entire Defense Department.”
“Obviously, that would have completely compromised national security,” Johnson wrote, adding that ending the agency “would compromise public safety” as well.
“Calls to abolish ICE only serve to sow even greater division in the American public and in its political leadership, damaging any remaining prospect of bipartisan immigration reform,” wrote Johnson.
The proof that democrats want open borders is the denial by the NY Times that democrats want open borders.
Then of course we have the closet Commie Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her free everything platform. She asserts that illegals and everyone else have a “right” to enter the country:
Socialist Democrat candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is taking her campaign for open borders even further to the political left, now saying that all border crossers and illegal aliens deserve a “right of passage” into the United States.Last week, Ocasio delivered an upset to establishment Democratic power player Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the district’s primary election, running on a platform that promises to abolish all immigration and border enforcement.
Now, in an interview with AJ+, owned by the Al Jazeera Media Network, Ocasio says that not only should the U.S. abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency — which is tasked with enforcing interior immigration laws — but that foreign nationals, border crossers, and illegal aliens are entitled to enter the U.S.
Just don’t forget- Soros is pulling her strings.
Without borders, there is no country. Without ICE, crime is free to enter. Allow illegals to vote and you cheapen what it means to be an American. You cheapen the value of citizenship.
You kill a nation.
Where is there a country on the planet without borders? In what country can an illegal alien vote?
In Mexico a foreigner cannot own land in any desirable area. Illegal aliens in Mexico cannot vote. In fact, you need a goddam photo ID to vote in Mexico.
Imagine that.
You know what else illegal aliens can’t do in Mexico?
Make demands.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Democrats want you to be afraid to go out of your house at night or any time
@kathy, #1:
Generally speaking, democrats aren’t the ones who are so paranoid they’re packing concealed firearms everywhere they go. Nor is it a democratic president who’s telling his followers they’re under siege by hoards of murdering, raping, drug-addicted undocumented aliens at every political rally. The man is constantly promoting anger and fear, which are used as a means to manipulate his base. This has also won him the support of the NRA, which is a tool of the firearm industry. The man is the focal point of a number of unholy alliances, all of which he uses to his political advantage.
Since democrats commit almost all violent crime, we need to protect ourselves
@Greg: Its the news that tells us we are in the midst of an invasion by some very undesirable criminals, the officer just shot in the head was shot by an illegal alien, its the news that is telling us that ICE is breaking up child trafficking gangs. If open borders is allowed then anyone unverified if they are wanted for murder, rape, pedophilia just cross the border and melt into our cities. Children kidnapped, or sold taken across our borders for sickos to make snuff films.
No more, we will have our wall.
@kathy: Dont let him troll you down a rabbit hole this is about open borders not gun control. He has nothing to say on the subject of open borders like Accosta had nothing to ask about Italy. About one in five inmates in federal prison are foreign-born, and more than 90 percent of those are in the United States illegally facts hurt him.
We are not against immigration, we are against invasion.
The Democrats want to disarm law abiding Americans open our borders all to benifit their corupt party the democrats its time to send the jackass to the Glue Factory one way
There already are democrat areas where people are afraid to go out
@kitt, #5:
Yes, I do have something to say: The Democratic Party DOES NOT advocate open borders. The claim that they do is a load of horse manure, which Trump cheerfully shovels at his endless political rallies to work up his audiences.
How long will it take some people to figure out that the man will say anything, true or not, if saying it works to his advantage? To Donald Trump, telling the truth has no intrinsic value.
@kathy, #7:
“Democrat” is a noun, not an adjective. (A public service announcement for those attempting to learn English as a second language.)
There are places where a wise person doesn’t go at night in every metropolitan area in the country. This is not a recent development. While prevailing local politics has nothing to do with it, the dramatically increased availability of firearms might. On average, more people are killed in the U.S. with firearms per day than are killed in the U.K. per year.
@Greg: If you dont fund the wall create sanctuary cities that intentionally protect illegal aliens that commit crimes(twisting the original intent) and calls to end ICE what else does that add up to?
We will have our wall we will have an end to chain migration end to immigration lottery, track visa holders ect ect ect.
Pompous nuts tried to ban alcohol with prohibition, all it did was enable more alcohol everywhere
Those calling for the abolition of ICE are not in the Democratic Party mainstream. That some in fact are is a reaction to the Trump administration’s immigration policy. Most of the country had a highly unfavorable reaction to some of the immediate consequences of that ill-considered and unworkable policy. The unfavorable reaction crossed party lines.
Those calling for the abolition of ICE are probably all illegals who have terrible hatred of all America stands for
@kathy, #12:
Please give that claim some additional thought.
They aren’t fleeing to the United States from the violence and poverty of their own nations because they have a terrible hatred for all America stands for.
They are fleeing Latin America because of draconian anti abortion laws and anti birth control that are creating poverty, violence and instability
@Greg: #11 Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) not mainstream is she a fringe freak? From 6/25/18 A Democratic lawmaker on Monday introduced legislation to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) So fringe freaks in the house and senate.
Stop the attempts to hide the agenda, there are few we only watch MSLSD or CNN people any more. CNN looks more like the Obama cabinet than a news room.
All democrats are for lawlessness, violence, gang warfare, the list goes on and on
@kitt, #15:
No, Gillibrand isn’t exactly a mainstream Democrat. In the House, she voted against the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, opposed making New York driver’s licenses available to undocumented aliens, and supported legislation to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities.
Since becoming a member of the U.S. Senate, her position on immigration has become more liberal. She doesn’t believe ICE should be turned into a “deportation force.”
Those laws were in effect in the United states when we helped win 2 world wars, went to the moon. Taxation and entitlements and government corruption trap people in poverty and cause violence. Strong families built this country.
young women are being put in prison for having an abortion? a relative worked in a women’s ward at a hospital before roe, and it was full of horrific botched abortions
@kathy: The left has women on a merry go round every time a new conservative judge or new Republican President its Roe vs Wade, what the hell have women gained since that law? The dumb bunnies fall for it everytime freaking out long before anyone makes a single move.
No, Kathy. Democrats are the ones that demand everyone be disarmed and defenseless every time their policies result in tragic deaths of innocent people.
No, Democrats are the ones LYING about the crime inherent in the illegal immigrant wave. Murder in Mexico is up 27% and Democrats want to allow as much of that to flow freely into our neighborhoods.
THAT is a goddamn lie. Oh, few advocate openly for open borders, but what would you say is the effect of no immigration control, no border security, no ICE, no restrictions on non-citizens voting and openly advertising sanctuary in liberal run- cities? The Democrats are finding it harder and harder to get anything but the farthest leftists to support their far left agenda; they need ignorant illegal immigrants to keep in poverty, subsidize and dupe into voting for Democrats. Open borders is that last hope, regardless (as usual) of who is hurt, who dies or what irreparable damage is done to the country.
Unless and until the Democrat “mainstream” begins denouncing such dangerous and damaging ideas (like with political violence) they ARE the mainstream. You accused Trump of supporting the KKK because he only denounced them 4 times in one day; why don’t you demand your “mainstream” Democrats denounce the ideas you pretend…. uh, say you disagree with?
I don’t know if you got the memo, but Democrats make some wild ideological pivots when their reelection is in doubt. Like Obama being against gay “marriage” before he was for it, most Democrats will do and say ANYTHING for votes, no matter how much it hurts the nation, and abolishing ICE would definitely hurt the nation.
@kathy: By definition, every thief is a liberal, for they believe they have a much right to the possessions of those who worked for them as the owners, so they have a right to TAKE them. If one of the owners dies in the process, well, they deserved it.
Liberals have already clearly proven that they don’t care about public safety, they only care about political power. In fact, tragic deaths are useful to them, as they immorally, relentlessly and impersonally exploit them for political benefit.
turning america into a third world hellhole will never solve the problems of third world hellholes, something the dims don’t get
the Useless Nations the CFR the Democrats and others all part of the planned North American(SOVIET UNION)THATS WHY they want open borders and disarmed a American People
You real’y don’t know how stupid some people are until they write letters to the editor vote or take part in some dumb protest like the idiots in the picture above