How did James Comey get past high school?



The more you learn, sometimes the less you respect someone and I have lost whatever little shred of respect I had for James Comey. I don’t know how he got past high school, let alone become the head of the FBI.

The man is an imbecile.

I touched on this once already, but it demands revisiting.

As of April 26, 2018, he still didn’t know who funded the dodgy dossier:

Baier: When did you learn that the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign had funded Christopher Steele’s work?

Comey: Yes, I still don’t know that for a fact.

Baier: What do you mean?

Comey: I’ve only seen it in the media. I never knew exactly which Democrats has funded – I knew it was funded first by Republicans –


Baier: But that’s not true.

Comey: I’m sorry?

Baier: That’s not true that the dossier that Christopher Steele worked on was funded by Republicans.

Comey: My understanding was his work started funded by – as oppo research funded by the Republicans.

Baier: So Free Beacon and – said that they had Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS on account of a retainer but they did not fund the Christopher Steele memo or the dossier. That was initiated by Democrats.

Comey: Ok, my understanding was the activity was begun that Steele was hired to look into was first funded by Republicans then picked up – the important thing was picked up by Democrats opposed to Donald Trump.

Baier: So it that why – did you tell President Obama that the dossier was – who it was funded by?

Comey: No, not to my recollection.

Baier: Did you want to know who it was funded by?

Comey: I wanted to know what I knew which was it was funded by people politically opposed to Donald Trump.

Baier: Ok.

Comey: Which particular opponents wasn’t that important to me.

Baier: But when did you – So you, still, to this day, don’t know that it was funded by the DNC or the (inaudible)?

Comey: I’ve read that in the media, but I don’t know for a fact and didn’t know, when I was at the FBI, which exact opponent of the president’s funded that.

How could he not know? More importantly, WHY doesn’t he know? When you sign off on a FISA warrant, aren’t you supposed to know pretty much everything to which you attest?

Oddly, on April 13, 2018, he sort of did know:

James Comey told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he did not tell President Trump the infamous Fusion GPS dossier was funded by the DNC because he didn’t view it as necessary.

“Did you tell him the Steele dossier had been financed by his political opponents?” Stephanopoulos asked the former FBI director in an interview set to air on Sunday night.

“No, I don’t even think I used the words ‘Steele Dossier,’” Comey responded. “I just talked about additional material.”

And here comes the bomb:

“Did he have a right to know that?” Stephanopoulos asked as a follow-up.

“That it had been financed by his political opponents? I don’t know the answer to that,” Comey conceded. “It wasn’t necessary for my goal, which was to alert him that we had this information.”

“It wasn’t necessary for my goal”

Stephanopoulos wasn’t about to ask him why he wouldn’t tell him it was funded by hillary and the DNC. It wasn’t Comey’s goal to be truthful with Trump.

Comey claimed he didn’t know Anthony Weiner was married to Huma Abedin:

Former FBI Director James Comey admitted to the Justice Department’s inspector general that he initially forgot that Anthony Weiner was married to Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, the IG said in a report on the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

In late 2016, the FBI realized that some of Clinton’s emails made their way onto Abedin’s laptop at home that she shared with her husband, Weiner.

Then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe thought that discovery was a “big deal,” in part because it may have showed how classified emails might have been sent to a private, non-government computer.

But Comey indicated it didn’t register with him why this news would be important.

“Comey said that he recalled first learning about the additional emails on the Weiner laptop at some point in early October 2016, although he said it was possible this could have occurred in late September 2016,” the IG report said.

“Comey told the OIG that this information ‘didn’t index’ with him, which he attributed to the way the information was presented to him and the fact that, ‘I don’t know that I knew that [Weiner] was married to Huma Abedin at the time,'” the report said.

The Director of the FBI didn’t know? How could he possibly not know that? Everyone else on Earth knew it.

Then he also forgot about the emails

The report said later that when McCabe reminded Comey about the Weiner computer, Comey “did not initially recall that he had been previously notified about the Weiner laptop.”

The report said it assessed whether the “Weiner laptop” was “deliberately placed on the back-burner… to protect Clinton,” but found none.

Comey didn’t want to know that Steele was unsure about the trash in the dossier.

Comey didn’t want to know about Steele leaking to the press.

Comey didn’t want to know that Steele had no actual sources of his own. He subcontracted sources in Russia, where he hadn’t been in 20 years, for the hearsay.

He told Trump the information in the dossier was “salacious and unverified”, but he didn’t tell Trump he signed off on a FISA warrant based on salacious and unverified information. He wanted Trump to know that he knew about the peeing prostitutes but didn’t want Trump to know hillary and the DNC paid for that garbage.

Which he says he didn’t know. And apparently had no interest in knowing. You know, like even a competent low level FBI agent would.

So with James Comey at the helm, the FBI could take an article from the National Enquirer, a video from The View and some lurid hearsay from Adam Schiff and get a FISA warrant to spy on any American for anything.

How the hell did James Comey get out of high school?

Sleep well, America.


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“It wasn’t necessary for my goal”

What was your goal Mr. Comey? Blackmail?
Where is your “Dossier” on Obama?
Did he not also steal an election from her highness?
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein allegedly threatened to subpoena call records and emails from the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee
What was your goal Mr Rosenstein?

Comey’s playing you, drjohn.
He knows.

So, some people believe Trump is “a very stable genius” while James Comey is an imbecile. Interesting.

They also seem to believe Trump is truthful while his critics are all liars.

I guess people can draw their own conclusions about how much sense that makes.

Comey’s no imbecile. He’s a Progressive Ideology zealot that believes anyone that doesn’t share his worldview is an imbecile. Zealots all believe non-zealots are imbeciles. That’s what makes them ruthlessly successful and dangerous.

@Greg: Yes, we can, since Comey’s lies are well documented and his corruption is obvious to all but the most partisan leftists. (In truth, they know also but refuse to admit it.)

Drawing one’s own conclusions requires a capacity for independent thought and an ability to separate fact from falsehood. I don’t see much evidence of that among Trump supporters. They don’t seem to recognize that the man lies with every other breath. It isn’t an occasional thing; it’s his normal way of operating. I don’t know how missing something so painfully obvious is even possible.

“Drawing one’s own conclusions requires a capacity for independent thought and an ability to separate fact from falsehood. I don’t see much evidence of that among Trump supporters.”

We Trump supporters don’t see any evidence of that ability in any of your posts, either.

Perhaps the Progressive Ideology prism through which you view life distorts reality to such an extent that you are no longer able see truth.
Or perhaps you intentionally distort truth as an example of blind allegiance to your failed ideology.

Either way, your posts are without substance, essentially amounting to nothing more than blather. You’re embarrassing yourself, sir. It’s gone beyond being amusing.

Either way, your posts are without substance, essentially amounting to nothing more than blather. You’re embarrassing yourself, sir. It’s gone beyond being amusing.

Please feel free to stop reading them. It isn’t my intention to amuse.

@Greg: People reply to your posts because Trump supporters have this mission to assist those less fortunate to become better. By showing you the errors of your ways, we all hope some day you will acquire intelligence and the ability to reason. As you can see from the years of effort in trying to assist you, we are very persistent in trying to help even the least intelligent to become better.

@Greg:Greg can you tell us what lie Trump has told that has affected your life. You can keep your healthcare lie from Obama lie you will not be forced to join Obama lie affected my life and when the non insurance rates more than doubled I decided to have part of my tax refund ripped away from me rather than participate in the scheme that only hurt poor people by bloating the medicaid rolls. So share your story, show us on this doll where the bad Trump hurt you.
I hate to point out that many of the lies they attribute to the President have been proven to be the truth, I know they do not correct the record in your dark bleak corner of the world. The lie they wiretapped me, we indeed have shown he was spied on, both electronically and with a spy.
Here is a list please let us help you get over your delusion that Trump is a Russian operative out to destroy the country. 4.1 GDP growth just announced.
The same paper that buried the holocaust on back pages during WW2, You will see this is an opinion piece not real news.
I remember you saying that Facebook and Twitter were not censoring conservatives would you like to correct the record now…where did you hear they were not?

@Greg: It may not be your intention but I read your stuff for laughs. Libtard dogma is comic.

@kitt, #11:

Greg can you tell us what lie Trump has told that has affected your life.

I believe deliberately rendering the distinction between truth and lies irrelevant in American politics will bring about the end of our democratic system. The lives of all of us will be affected.

Truthfulness, honesty, honor, and integrity aren’t just empty words that only a sucker believes in. They’re what the American people have every right to expect and demand from their elected officials. None of them have ever been perfect, but absolute perfection isn’t required; what’s required is that genuine and persistent effort be made to be guided by such principles. Lying whenever it’s convenient to do so doesn’t meet the minimum standard.

@Greg: So you are saying nothing so far has damaged you , and you want Trump held to a higher standard than Democrat politicians. We say kiss our furry burro. We dont care, we like the results so far. We are clean out of give a Fs what the MSM , progressives, socialists and their ilk think or say. Get used to us not giving a F for every tempest in a teapot. The rage machine has us burnt out and they have become a tinkling cymbal.
4.1 GDP, manufacturing jobs returning, people being able to climb out of the welfare trap, Trumps magic wand, we like it. We are celebrating all the good news.

We’ll see where that 4.1 percent annual GDP growth rate is, once the beat-the-tariffs foreign buying spree is over and the tariffs themselves have kicked in.

“I believe deliberately rendering the distinction between truth and lies irrelevant in American politics will bring about the end of our democratic system. The lives of all of us will be affected.”

You should be THANKING Trump for finally exposing how the biased Media has been “rendering” the distinction between truth and lies “irrelevant” for the last few decades. American politics has been infested with Progressive propaganda and the ever-deceptive Political Correctness for so long that even Joseph Goebbels and George Orwell would have been impressed. The fact that Tump has pointed this out to the weak-minded sheep following the Leftist lies and lures should elevate him to a position of being one of America’s greatest Presidents, preserving the ideals of the Founders.
The only people demonizing Trump are the weakest of the sheeple or the vilest of the swamp denizen Deep State who are seeing the worldview of their failed ideology crumble once again in the face of truth and an uncompromising Reality. Which one are you?

@Greg: What the hell are you talking about? Foreign buying spree? 4.1 annual, that was a quarterly report it has already happened. The annual was 3.1 achieved last year better than any year of the last failure Prez. You must wait til the end of the 4th quarter to get the annual. The last longest sustained GDP over 3 % was in the Reagan admin then the world ended and millions died because of his tax cuts and deregulation.