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Democrats, You Missed a Huge Opportunity in President Trump’s Russia Speech

Well Lefties, I have to hand it to you. While you always manage to disappoint, you have become completely predictable. Prior to the 2016 election, one of the reasons I held my nose to vote for a candidate who I disliked was knowing that there would be some kind of accountability with him that The Radical Left would never hold Hillary to. I won’t waste space elaborating on the Hillary comment – you’re either nodding in understanding or already cursing at your screen. We already know that there’s nothing that she can do that would be too heinous enough that every Democrat wouldn’t circle the wagons around her in a united defense.

I also knew that if I pulled the lever for that crass, egotistical, and overrated “Businessman” who’s greatest accomplishment seemed to be accumulating business failures like they were refrigerator magnets, if he truly crossed the line he would be held accountable by Democrats in perfect lockstep (of course!) and by enough Republicans. After nearly two years of hysterics from The Radical Left over every time our president so much as flicked a booger I thought that with President Trump’s terribly flubbed Russia speech, the clarification of the speech, the clarification of the clarification, and the clarification that burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp would be the event where both sides could unite in civil, intelligent dialogue. I got it half right!

On the right the Vichy Conservatives gave their predictable condemnations. but it also included more objective members of the right who are generally sympathetic with the president, among them Laura Ingraham and Newt. Again, I won’t go into detail – we all know why there are constructive reasons to criticize how our president handled himself. If you want to read some of the better arguments for either supporting or not being bothered by President Trump’s remarks, Angelo Codevilla made a good argument over at American Greatness. Sargon of Akkad gave us some overseas perspective in this video, and the always great Kurt Schlichter gave the best articulated support for our president.

Now, how about the other side? Given the rational maturity that we’ve seen from the Democrats over the last two years over horrific events such as losing a free election, tax cuts that succeed in spurring economic prosperity, or appointing justices who support The Constitution, why would we expect anything different this time? As Frontpage Mag’s Robert Spencer perfectly summarized:

Barack Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, who calls himself a “nonpartisan American” but who voted for Communist Party candidate Gus Hall for President in 1976, tweeted in all-out hysterical mode: “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) outdid even Brennan in hysteria, tweeting a call for a military coup: “Where are our military folks ? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!”

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, who once called the Muslim Brotherhood “largely secular,” said that the Trump/Putin press conference was “truly unbelievable. On the world’s stage, in front of the entire globe, the President of the United States essentially capitulated and seems intimidated by Vladimir Putin. So it was amazing and very, very disturbing.”

Less hysterically, but in the same vein, 2020 Presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) tweeted: “The whole world just watched as the President sided with Putin over U.S. Intelligence Agencies. There is no doubt that Putin has launched attacks on the very heart of our democracy, and by not standing up to him today, the President has invited him to do it again.”

And while I know damned well that anecdotes don’t equate research, my mostly left leaning Facebook feed showed the measured Leftist response spectrum of simply suggesting that our president had committed treason to suggesting that anyone who voted for the president who didn’t immediately submit to self-flaeggelation was equally complicit.

We’ve seen your side water down the word “racist” to mean “anyone who disagrees with me”, or the word “Nazi” to mean “I have never opened a (copulating) history book”. Do you really want to expand the list to include “Treason” to come to mean “I am incapable of opening a dictionary or reading a history book”? And let’s be honest, was there only two things that President Trump could have done that wouldn’t have had you howling bloody murder – either he and Putin would loudly proclaim that they COLLUDED!!! to steal the election from Hillary and start to sinisterly cackle like Mr. Silver & Mr. Krease in Karate Kid III (at the 5:20 mark), or President Trump was supposed to go Shawn Michaels on Marty Jannety through Brutus the Barber’s window. I hate to break this to you, but the chance of either one happening was zero.

So Lefties, here is one of those rare moments where I don’t laugh and mock you but offer something constructive. We can agree that there was no argument for the extreme argument of “Trump’s remarks were awesome!”. We can hopefully agree that there was an argument to be made that his remarks were no big deal.  And we can mostly agree that his remarks warranted criticism. Preferably constructive, given that he is the leader of our country. Unfortunately, the vast majority of you chose the route of hysterical shrieking.

Look, I get that you hate our president (and I’ll repeat as I have many times, I don’t like him as a person either). I get that you’re still bitter about the 2016 election. I won’t even go into the positive things that our president has accomplished that you oppose for partisan reasons. But when you have a free throw/empty netter/fat pitch over the middle where you can find common ground with the people who voted for this man that you despise, why would you choose a route that guarantees that nobody outside of your bubble will even hear, much less consider your ideas?

I know that this works both ways, but our side has embraced the #WalkAway movement. As I write this post the latest controversy has been from a your side condemning a reliable Leftist who simply suggested listening to a respected Conservative.

But all of this said, you have to give our president credit for one thing that may have already earned him a spot on Mount Rushmore – it only took 100 years, but Democrats have finally acknowledged that the Russians aren’t our best buddies.

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