Democrats, You Missed a Huge Opportunity in President Trump’s Russia Speech

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Well Lefties, I have to hand it to you. While you always manage to disappoint, you have become completely predictable. Prior to the 2016 election, one of the reasons I held my nose to vote for a candidate who I disliked was knowing that there would be some kind of accountability with him that The Radical Left would never hold Hillary to. I won’t waste space elaborating on the Hillary comment – you’re either nodding in understanding or already cursing at your screen. We already know that there’s nothing that she can do that would be too heinous enough that every Democrat wouldn’t circle the wagons around her in a united defense.

I also knew that if I pulled the lever for that crass, egotistical, and overrated “Businessman” who’s greatest accomplishment seemed to be accumulating business failures like they were refrigerator magnets, if he truly crossed the line he would be held accountable by Democrats in perfect lockstep (of course!) and by enough Republicans. After nearly two years of hysterics from The Radical Left over every time our president so much as flicked a booger I thought that with President Trump’s terribly flubbed Russia speech, the clarification of the speech, the clarification of the clarification, and the clarification that burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp would be the event where both sides could unite in civil, intelligent dialogue. I got it half right!

On the right the Vichy Conservatives gave their predictable condemnations. but it also included more objective members of the right who are generally sympathetic with the president, among them Laura Ingraham and Newt. Again, I won’t go into detail – we all know why there are constructive reasons to criticize how our president handled himself. If you want to read some of the better arguments for either supporting or not being bothered by President Trump’s remarks, Angelo Codevilla made a good argument over at American Greatness. Sargon of Akkad gave us some overseas perspective in this video, and the always great Kurt Schlichter gave the best articulated support for our president.

Now, how about the other side? Given the rational maturity that we’ve seen from the Democrats over the last two years over horrific events such as losing a free election, tax cuts that succeed in spurring economic prosperity, or appointing justices who support The Constitution, why would we expect anything different this time? As Frontpage Mag’s Robert Spencer perfectly summarized:

Barack Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, who calls himself a “nonpartisan American” but who voted for Communist Party candidate Gus Hall for President in 1976, tweeted in all-out hysterical mode: “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) outdid even Brennan in hysteria, tweeting a call for a military coup: “Where are our military folks ? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!”

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, who once called the Muslim Brotherhood “largely secular,” said that the Trump/Putin press conference was “truly unbelievable. On the world’s stage, in front of the entire globe, the President of the United States essentially capitulated and seems intimidated by Vladimir Putin. So it was amazing and very, very disturbing.”

Less hysterically, but in the same vein, 2020 Presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) tweeted: “The whole world just watched as the President sided with Putin over U.S. Intelligence Agencies. There is no doubt that Putin has launched attacks on the very heart of our democracy, and by not standing up to him today, the President has invited him to do it again.”

And while I know damned well that anecdotes don’t equate research, my mostly left leaning Facebook feed showed the measured Leftist response spectrum of simply suggesting that our president had committed treason to suggesting that anyone who voted for the president who didn’t immediately submit to self-flaeggelation was equally complicit.

We’ve seen your side water down the word “racist” to mean “anyone who disagrees with me”, or the word “Nazi” to mean “I have never opened a (copulating) history book”. Do you really want to expand the list to include “Treason” to come to mean “I am incapable of opening a dictionary or reading a history book”? And let’s be honest, was there only two things that President Trump could have done that wouldn’t have had you howling bloody murder – either he and Putin would loudly proclaim that they COLLUDED!!! to steal the election from Hillary and start to sinisterly cackle like Mr. Silver & Mr. Krease in Karate Kid III (at the 5:20 mark), or President Trump was supposed to go Shawn Michaels on Marty Jannety through Brutus the Barber’s window. I hate to break this to you, but the chance of either one happening was zero.

So Lefties, here is one of those rare moments where I don’t laugh and mock you but offer something constructive. We can agree that there was no argument for the extreme argument of “Trump’s remarks were awesome!”. We can hopefully agree that there was an argument to be made that his remarks were no big deal.  And we can mostly agree that his remarks warranted criticism. Preferably constructive, given that he is the leader of our country. Unfortunately, the vast majority of you chose the route of hysterical shrieking.

Look, I get that you hate our president (and I’ll repeat as I have many times, I don’t like him as a person either). I get that you’re still bitter about the 2016 election. I won’t even go into the positive things that our president has accomplished that you oppose for partisan reasons. But when you have a free throw/empty netter/fat pitch over the middle where you can find common ground with the people who voted for this man that you despise, why would you choose a route that guarantees that nobody outside of your bubble will even hear, much less consider your ideas?

I know that this works both ways, but our side has embraced the #WalkAway movement. As I write this post the latest controversy has been from a your side condemning a reliable Leftist who simply suggested listening to a respected Conservative.

But all of this said, you have to give our president credit for one thing that may have already earned him a spot on Mount Rushmore – it only took 100 years, but Democrats have finally acknowledged that the Russians aren’t our best buddies.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The Democrats are traitors all those who vote in favor of abolishing ICE are all traitors to America and need to be voted out Time for that insolent jackass to be sent to the glue factory

Who was a treasonous traitor to America?
Trump or Obama? reporter John Lemire placed Trump in an impossible position. Noting that Putin denied meddling in the 2016 elections and the intelligence community insists that Russia meddled, he asked Trump, “Who do you believe?” [In front of Putin!]

If Trump had said that he believed his intelligence community and gave no credence to Putin’s denial, he would have humiliated Putin and destroyed any prospect of cooperative relations.

Trump tried to strike a balance. He spoke respectfully of both Putin’s denials and the US intelligence community’s accusation. It wasn’t a particularly coherent position. It was a clumsy attempt to preserve the agreements he and Putin reached during their meeting.

And it was blindingly obviously not treason.

OK, so it was NOT Trump.
What about Obama?
In Obama’s first summit with Putin in July 2009, Obama sat meekly as Putin delivered an hour-long lecture about how US-Russian relations had gone down the drain.
In succeeding years, Obama capitulated to Putin on anti-missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic,
on Ukraine,
Georgia and
Obama gave Putin free rein in Syria and
supported Russia’s alliance with Iran on its nuclear program and its efforts to save the Assad regime.
Obama permitted Russian entities linked to the Kremlin to purchase a quarter of American uranium.
And, Obama made no effort to end Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.

Where was the media during all of that???

What happened, what was said…oh they just chatted about the grand children that is all.

Brother Bob—-Very well done—you and Word remain the ONLY two reasoned Conservatives at F.A.
‘crass, egotistical overrated businessman.” ya think?

As the left continues their campaign of grasping at straws, they become ever more shrill as all the wailing, screaming at the sky, crowds of pussy hats and wanton violence doesn’t seem to be changing any minds.

@Deplorable Bill: You are clearly the “shrillest” commentator at FA–See my #4–very calm like Brother Bob.

In fact, we get examples of shrill, whiny liberals, to afraid to admit what they support frequently. They expect perfection out of Republicans, expect Republicans to carry out the liberal agenda, yet accept and support the corruption and failure of their own liberals.

@Deplorable Bill: They missed the opportunity because all they heard was Putin say he preferred DT to win, and gasping in horror of Putin mentioning Soros, Hillary and a treaty that would allow the newly minted bad Russians to come to American Justice, Oh no then we have to go before the court AGAIN and show we have no proof..egads.

@kitt: plz—Putin only allows questioning if we turn over US ambassador.
Did you hear what DT Actually said at Helsinki presser? Not what he changed it to in D.C.
Trumpeteers are getting worse. How can YOU Kitt buY into his BS? Conservatives like Brother Bob, and Word see the reality.
Don’t think I’ve ever been “shrill”–caustic.. questioning. no doubt

Sacha Baron Cohen Great satire

@kitt: Obama promised Putin to be at his beckon call, but the left thinks this is a demonstration of strength and diplomacy. Then, he gave them Crimea, or missile defense, Syria and let them play around in our elections.

That’s beck and call oh shrill one.
Obama Left the building long ago—-It’s DT’S game. For better or worse.

Nan Trump’s Helsinki statement “wasn’t a particularly coherent position.” It was absolutely coherent.

@rich wheeler: #9 yes Hillary commented on that handing over an US ambassador.
Ambassador @McFaul is a patriot who has spent his career standing up for America. To see the White House even hesitate to defend a diplomat is deeply troubling.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 19, 2018
Ambassador Stevens could not be reached for comment

I understand diplomatic immunity, but should the USA have our diplomats possibly doing illegal activities perhaps assisting the funneling cash illegally into a campaign funds of his former boss? As I said we need to at least look at the evidence, laws differ from country to country, but dont we have resources to advise our diplomats?

@kitt: Make no mistake, as Rich keeps making abundantly clear, they have no interest in national security or they would have never supported Obama and Hillary. Their only interest is loud, whiny bitching about supporting Hillary the Criminal and losing an election.

@rich wheeler:

Obama Left the building long ago—-It’s DT’S game. For better or worse.

What an odd statement for you to make, Wheeler, since for 8 years all Obama said was “but, but…..Bush” and you were totally mute about that.

But like all leftists, when you think your opponent is going to goal, you move the goal posts. Kinda like your whining because Trump didn’t serve in the military when you actually voted for a certified draft dodger. Hypocrite, thy name is Wheeler.

I’ve never supported HRC and I do have a problem with Clinton not serving—The fact that you Trumpeteers continue to bring up Obama to defend DT’S actions is the same as Obama supporters bringing up “W” Politics as usual—Trump screws up –you shift to Obama.

The more things change the more they remain the same.
I’m thinking about a sabbatical till the midterms–nothing can change until the Dems take The House and flakes like Nunez are removed from positions of power.

@retire05: Even stranger, liberals WORSHIP Obama, drool over him, want him to be President for life, yet he personally gave a message to Putin, when he thought no one could hear and there was no way to know, that he was willing to do whatever putin wanted. THIS is how sacred they hold our national security.

But, Trump is not as strong and tough as they think he should be (something they NEVER even expected of weak, anti-American Obama) and he’s a traitor.

It’s just infantile bitching.

#16 But Obama did this and Obama did that—-I rest my case.–stop whining.

Trump bashes our friends and fawns over Putin and Chairman little rocket man.
Seems DT’s got a thing for murderous dictators and doesn’t much care for nice guys like Macron and Trudeau.

@rich wheeler: When was the last time NK tested an ICBM? When you give your pathetic examples, we just come back with truly stupid shit that was done with full approval of democrat goose steppers. Have you overcome your bigotry yet, I bet not.
You spelled winning incorrectly.

@kitt: Apparently Rich can’t make a statement without lying profusely. The entire left can’t discuss Trump without lying for fear the truth will pass a compliment.
Meanwhile, they support the worst traitors, liars and criminals but claim, when caught, “that’s just the past.” Cowards.

@rich wheeler:

I’ve never supported HRC

That cognitive dissidence kicking in for you again, Wheeler? Where did I say you supported HRC? Oh, that’s right……….I didn’t.

and I do have a problem with Clinton not serving—

But while you continue to shout “Semper Fi” you still voted for Bill Clinton so it is obvious that his draft dodging was not that big an issue for you.

The fact that you Trumpeteers continue to bring up Obama to defend DT’S actions is the same as Obama supporters bringing up “W” Politics as usual—

I warned you lefties years ago that tactic would come back to bite you. You have no authority to complain when we point out what a totally useless waste of oxygen Obama was or how we now have to deal with his major screw-ups, mainly on foreign policy issues. Sending tons of money to Iran and kissing the Castro brothers rear ends was not the way to go. All of that has to now be repaired as we watch Trump demand the respect that America deserves and that the community organizer claimed he would bring to the table, and didn’t.

Trump screws up –you shift to Obama.

And you want to ignore the precarious positions the community organizer put us, as a nation, into. If ignorance is bliss, you are the most blissful person I know. Or you’re just flat out dishonest.

@retire05-re #15 -your cognitive dissonance and overblown ego lead you to a conclusion I am responding only to you?
You think Burriss and Kitt don’t get equal time?

RE Burriss #19 You say I’m lying profusely– BS– where? Meanwhile it’s you doing the whining and bitching.

Kitt Talk about goose stepping behind Trump- all that’s missing is RT–hope he’s alright.-


Where did I say you supported HRC?

Keep in mind he never said he supported Hillary but he came here and repeatedly tried to discourage everyone from voting for Trump which is essentially the same thing given it was either him or her. He did it by citing the D +12 polls saying she was a shoo in for POTUS and by telling us that he was THE expert on Trump and that we shouldn’t believe the conservative promises he was making because he was really a Northeast liberal who was going to renege on them if elected. It turns out Trump has been rated by conservative groups as having an even more conservative first year than President Reagan (another one the left despised and went crazy over). That means he was either grossly wrong or he flat out lied to us.

@rich wheeler: That right unless you hate then I you are goose stepping, never admire his accomplishments in 2 years or Bigot Richie might smell you coming out of Walmart, as your husband drags you by the hair to force you to vote Republican. The limo Archie Bunkers have it all figured out. I sure hope they all keep talking like they do so more normal people get their fill.

@rich wheeler:

You think Burriss and Kitt don’t get equal time?

I’m sure that made their day, you giving them “equal” time.

Don’t think you have any credibility talking about the ego of someone else when you posted pictures of yourself in a muscle shirt, saggy body and all, and then bragged on your “trophy” wife.

Sorry, Wheeler, you’re nothing more than a pathetic joke.


You have no authority to complain when we point out what a totally useless waste of oxygen Obama was or how we now have to deal with his major screw-ups, mainly on foreign policy issues.

Obama merely BLAMED Bush for every issue he had to deal with. In this case, we are clearly showing how badly Obama acted while the left praised him, compared to the unreasonably high standard they want to hold Trump to. Expecting Trump to be always tough and strong (instead of the 95% level we are getting) is fine, except it was perfectly acceptable to them for Obama to be a spineless tool of Putin. So, the crybabies, like Rich, are wrong on all counts.

Trump’s approval is still rising and interest in Russia by voters is plummeting. The left’s big gun is a dud and they are too stupid to let it go.

Rich wants answers…. that’s rich, so to speak. Yeah, good luck with that, CS.

@retire05: STILL stalking me on facebook? You are truly pathetic. Even RT stopped. Actually the current pictures are pretty damn good. Tom Petty, Paul Simon, and Rod Stewart concerts.

Burriss Bash Obama all you like Your opinion is not shared by the majority of Americans. As for Trump–you gotta be a fool to drool over him like you do. He’ll never even get close to 50% approval.
You called me a liar and haven’t backed it up–You’ve proven yourself a coward once again.

Kitt #23 Wanna try that again?? Incoherent– bigot?? how so?

AV You really think DT a Conservative?? I’d like to hear if Word agrees.
Election eve I believe I had HRC 48-DT 44–Johnson 4-stein 3 pretty close T0 final HRC 48–DT 46-Indies 5

@rich wheeler:

@retire05: STILL stalking me on facebook? You are truly pathetic.

Hardly. The sight of your over-the-hill body in a muscle shirt just that once, as you try to impress someone, anyone, was enough for anyone. An I suggest you look up the definition of “stalking” since you are not all that smart. Visiting a Facebook page ONCE does not constitute “stalking” even by your insane California laws.

You are aware, are you not, that falsely accusing someone of a crime (staking) is in itself illegal and a crime?

You’re just a pathetic old man trying desperately to hang on to the days of your youth. A vegan hypocrite that had leather furniture. You vegans sure have some self-serving rules.

@retire05: Republicans should use Rich’s tactic; stop whining about Trump meeting Putin; that was two weeks ago. Stop investigating collusion; that was a year and a half ago. Stop whining and crying about old stuff.

Rich runs away from questions, then thinks others should answer his. That’s cute. No wonder he supports trash like Hillary, then tries to camouflage his support by claiming to have supported an animal lawyer. NOW Trump running from the draft and writing he “loathed” the military bothers him… he says. Liberals are pathetic.

Now that the facts (which we already knew, really) about the FISA requests are revealed, the fact that this “investigation” is and always was a political hit job, first intended to undercut Trump’s campaign, then to destroy his Presidency. It is really, even now, unbelievable that people are so stupid, biased, bitter and vindictive to continue to believe in it. But, there are. And they VOTE.

@rich wheeler: Ive bagged you for being a bigot before if you have memory issues not my problem. Sucking up stereo types seems to be your thing, keep in that bubble, travel abroad dont look or learn about your own country. Admire Macron & Trudeau take a side trip to Paris and see what Macron and his ilk have accomplished.