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Is #WalkAway to Democrats what Data’s Sleep Subroutine Was to The Borg?

*** Update – The hashtag on my initial tweet at the bottom had the wrong handle – #WalkWay auto completed in my haste to finish this post. Fixed now, but well played, Jack. Well played. ***

If you haven’t already heard about this, there is something very interesting happening in The Democratic Party. Democrats who have no interest in becoming Republicans, but are tired of the extremism that’s taken over the party are, well. walking away. PJ Media’s Debra Heine gives a great description of the movement that’s worth an entire read:

In 2016, the Democrat media complex ignored the massive grassroots movement that came out in support for Trump, dismissing his massive rallies and popularity online as somehow insignificant. Now they are dismissing the #WalkAway campaign as a propaganda movement. Once again, something genuine and significant is happening across the nation, and it’s getting ignored or ridiculed by media elites. It doesn’t matter. Like a snowball rolling downhill, the movement is getting bigger and bigger with each day and there’s nothing an elite can do to stop it.

In story after story, former Democrats — including a popular, Grammy-nominated musician — describe how they finally saw through the lies, smears, duplicity, and hypocrisy that infects today’s Democratic Party. And how they couldn’t help but notice the outrageous double standard in the way liberals and conservatives are treated. For people who remotely pay attention, the corrupt stench of the party is getting harder and harder to ignore.

How do you think that Democrats are reacting to this? With exactly the intelligence and maturity that one would expect, of course!

Democrats want you to think the #WalkAway campaign is a right-wing propaganda effort propped up by a legion of Russian bots, but don’t you believe it. Brandon Straka’s WalkAway Facebook group now has over 106,000 members — and anyone who takes the time to read their stories will quickly be disabused of the notion that bots could produce them.

For all that the media likes to talk about rifts within the Republican Party, the Democrats seem to be having even bigger problems. Despite their rabid hatred and defiance for President Trump and his agenda, it’s becoming impossible to ignore a growing economy, strong job growth numbers, and positive results of the tax cuts that are actually popular with the American people, while the Democrats’ platforms of abolishing our borders, siding with MS-13, etc. really are not. This would be a good time for Democrats to take a hard look at their beliefs and instead, they’ve decided to be nastier than ever toward the half of the country that they hate.

If you’re wondering how this ties to the title of this post for once I’m not going to make you wait until the end to find out. Two years ago I wrote a two-part series asking if Mayor of London Sadik Khan’s banning of swimsuit ads was the key to saving the United States from The Radical Left. Part 2 asked the question, Is The Left’s Biggest Strength Also the Key to How We Defeat Them? To step Into The Wayback Machine for explanation of the Borg reference:

An episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation had the crew of the Enterprise encounter a species known as The Borg. Unlike other aliens that Captain Picard and his crew had met, these humanoid but cybernetically altered beings had no interest in communicating with The Enterprise. For that matter, the only interest they had in studying the ship was for assimilating the human race into their species. By assimilating, they would attack each person with a painful injection of nanite probes that would transform them into one of these Borg monsters. Even worse, none of humanity’s weapons had more than a minimal effect on the Borg, while the adversary’s weapons would slice right through our own defenses. The Borg were of a single hive mindset, completely sure of the purity of their mission, incapable of reason, and merciless toward any who did not fit their notions of an appropriate existence – sort of like your average Leftist today.

When the Borg made their attack to assimilate humanity they took on the unusual tactic of first capturing, and assimilating, Captain Jean Luc Picard. The motivation seemed to be twofold: 1) Absorb the knowledge of the Captain of Starfleet’s flagship, and 2) use the Captain as a lead face to demoralize humanity in the battle. The capture would be the Borg’s downfall however, as Picard’s crew would raid the Borg ship and capture the assimilated Picard. This allowed them to hook him up to their cybernetic crew member, Mr. Data, as a back door into the Borg’s systems. Why wouldn’t the Borg simply disconnect Picard from their hive mind? As the Ship’s Doctor came to realize, the Borg could no more sever one of their drones from the collective mind than you or I could cut off our own foot. The finale of what many consider to be the best episodes of the series ended in somewhat of a screw, with Picard’s own consciousness breaking through the Borg reprogramming to tell Data to put the ship to sleep. Data proceeded to access a Borg subroutine that set off a regenerative cycle, and for reasons never adequately explained this triggered a system crash that caused the ship to explode. For all of their evolutionary superiority, apparently the Borg couldn’t find a better operating system to run their ships on than Windows Vista.

In that post I went on to explain that Leftists can be defeated simply by pushing their ideology onto them that they might strongly disagree with since they’re incapable of giving up their unearned moral superiority. But now #WalkAway has made me look at my original point again from a different angle. Back to my previous Borg post for a moment:

Remember the Star Trek story from earlier where Dr. Crusher pointed out that the Borg could no more cut off one of their own drones from the collective than you or I could cut off our own foot? In that same way, the Radical Left would rather get raped or killed than concede the unearned moral superiority that they believe they hold. They can never admit they are wrong, or even acknowledge the “inadvertent” harm that their policies might cause. If that sounds insane, look no further than Rotherdam, the New Years’ attacks in Cologne, the European press’ efforts to put a soft brush on recent terror activities, etc.

Here is where things get interesting. Because Leftist positions are based on emotion rather than facts, their opinions are impervious to logic. My Borg post showed how Conservatives can redirect our frustration over having them ignore facts when we debate them to weaponizing their policies against them. But I had not considered what would happen if people from their own ranks started questioning Democrats’ policies that were clearly hurting their own? We’ve already seen this to some degree with the Obama voting Democrats who went for President Trump in the swing states being dubbed “A Whitelash.” But now it’s becoming more vocal as the party has gone to such extremes as calling for the abolition of our borders and dubbing Gulag Barbie as the future of the Democratic Party. The Democrats continue on this path at their own risk, as while it’s unlikely to trigger defecting GOP support, at best it may lead to Dems staying home for the midterms, at worst a third party being formed in 2020 as a home for sane Democrats. I know that the chances of this are slim, and 3rd party efforts in the last few decades have been little more than speed bumps. But that doesn’t mean that they’re completely ineffective either – remember Ralph Nader’s impact on the 2000 election, particularly in the state of Florida?

Personally, I hope that the Democratic Party undergoes a long overdue reckoning and becomes at least somewhat normal again. While I’m a Conservative, I have no delusions of the Republicans being saints. Anyone care to remember how Dubya and Trent Lott managed that Permanent Majority 15 years ago? Yeah, I’d like to forget that too. But it did lead to The Tea Party rebirth of the GOP. Yes, The Tea Party is dead,  but it least we’ve kept the seeds of liberty alive in the Republican Party, however much the establishment wing has been fighting back. The other side is another story. What if The Left’s inability to accept responsibility for their own actions makes them incapable of having any other reaction to those who try to leave their plantation other than to angrily lash out, as they did with TheTea Party?

I sincerely hope that the Democratic Party returns to some semblance of sanity before the inevitable day when they come back into power. One thing is for sure – whatever Democratic Party we end up with when the smoke clears will be exactly the Democratic Party that this country deserves.

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