If you listen to liberals, you would think that Donald Trump was some kind of monster for his efforts to secure the border. Funny thing is, he sounds just like a democrat from not long ago. He sounds very much like Barack Obama. Let’s fire up the Wayback Machine and see:
What liberals use to say about illegal aliens
The obama regime did on occasion separate families and considered it as a policy of deterrence. That was origin of the concept.
And listen to a gaggle of democrats speaking about illegal immigration.
At some point over the last decade, liberals became completely invested in illegal aliens and stopped caring about Americans. The feckless Nancy Pelosi has been reduced to defending MS 13.
And some people wonder why we assert that liberalism is a mental illness.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The liberals only want to Abolish ICE and Open Our Borders as well as disarm all law abiding America as part of the NWO and the CFR and their sinister plans for America
The MSM has tried to shove all this down the memory oubliette, oh but they did it in a most respectful and kind heated manner. Arming terrorists and drug cartels in Central America with Assault rifles greatly improved the lives of the people there.
What evil is this?
Well, here’s a bulletin: Liberal politicians lie and liberal voters expect and accept being lied to. Anyone that presented a liberal with the fact that Obama originally opposed the concept of “gay marriage” probably received the response I did that that was just something Obama said to get elected and no one believed that’s what he really believed. The same was true of “you can keep your doctor”. If the proper ends are pursued, being lied to is a small price to pay.
Liberals never understand that LIARS lie and one can never tell when a liar is telling the truth or not.
Promising to follow and enforce immigration law, the sworn duty of every elected official, was merely a means to an end: getting elected by appealing to those who want their security and the laws followed. However, we ALL know they will do only what benefits them politically.
@kitt: Jenny will tell you that is just a cost of doing (illegal immigrant) business.
@Deplorable Me: Cut Jenny a break she is a result of California public school programming and predatory big pharma.
Trump has reverted to the “catch and release” policy that he was constantly beating the Obama administration over the head about. As predicted, zero tolerance, 100 percent prosecution wasn’t working out so well.
@Greg: Activist Judges made sure of that. No extension of 20 days, a revision of this timeline just to much for them to consider. The fate of those children are on their heads any blood on their hands. Turning every single one we did not have accommodations for would be best, the ol boot.
Sorry the Judges say America is closed no room at the inn, for any reason.
The “activist judges” are actively upholding existing laws. That’s what they’re supposed to do. Trump’s policies deported some parents without first reuniting them with their children. We don’t know how to get them back together. This outcome makes no sense to me. It’s the result of an ill-conceived policy and a half-made plan.
@Greg: Every day 1000 people are found perhaps the judges should consider that.
You have flopped on there is no law, legally requesting extension, begging to protect the children from smugglers. Your resistance is evil. I am liking the trend https://townhall.com/columnists/joyoverbeck/2018/07/11/how-the-walkaway-campaign-is-drowning-the-blue-wave-democrats-n2499243?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=
Normal people not accepting the insanity anymore.
When if ever will the crazy liberals like Greggie (I’m back buddy) ever understand one basic tenet? Judges do not have the right to enact or make law or create rights! The do not have the right to change the law! Worse, the rat ass lazy bastards in Congress (RINOs included) should have been forced by the courts to do their own dirty work rather than to have judges illegally make law!
BTW: Precedent doesn’t mean crap. just because a “court” decided something does not mean it should be upheld if it was an incorrect or illegal action in the first place. Basic governmant 101 kids
Upholding existing law my ass! The law of the land is clear. Enter illegally is a criminal offense.