Facebook goes Racebook

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Racism rears it ugly head on Facebook. Youtube stars Diamond and Silk, two black women supporters of Donald Trump, have been deemed “Unsafe” for the Facebook community:

NEW YORK — The YouTube sensations known as Diamond and Silk, former Democrats who left the party to support President Donald Trump, called on the Trump administration to probe social media giants over allegations of singling out certain political viewpoints.

The outspoken pro-Trump duo made the call two days after they took to their Facebook page on Friday to say that they were informed by Facebook that the Internet giant deemed their content and videos to be “unsafe to the community.”

Diamond and Silk allege their reach on Facebook has been minimized and that a large number of their followers on the platform no longer receive notifications for new posts.

Facebook did not immediately return a Breitbart News request for comment on the issue.

Like other Internet giants, Facebook is a private company and users are subject to the platform’s content policies. Diamond and Silk, however, alleged that they are being singed out due to their pro-Trump views.


Seems discrimination is fair game against conservative black women who forget their place and wander off the plantation. Two black women who threaten no one are deemed “unsafe”?

It’s outright racism.

You could imagine the outrage had FB done this to two liberal black women.

Where’s Jesse? Where’s Al? Where are the rest of the race pimps?

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I’m sure you meant race pimps.

I wondering what it is about free speech the left fears so viscerally? Why are they so afraid of someone hearing an alternative point of view? Perhaps they need a new ideology since they KNOW theirs is so inferior to others that it would be disastrous for others to hear other points of view.

Or, did they do it because they don’t want no black folks stirring up the other black folks and luring them off the liberal plantation? Kind of like Democrats keeping guns out of the hands of blacks; dangerous to arm them (even with information) until they can be fully pacified and reined in on the liberal plantation. The left relies on ignorance for a shield.

Lol OOOohh Zuke the puke you have abused the wrong pair of DT supporters. He is so desperate to have the internet regulated by the government, so he has a shield to further censor by liberal interpretation of a regulation.
From a Californian Democrat
The bill is titled “SB1424 Internet: social media: false information: strategic plan.”
It targets social media based in California. But as you read the bill, you see it appears to define social media as any Internet blog, website, or communication.

Richard Pan Introduces SB-1424 To Stop Online Dissent

For all the woe this banning is going to cause Facebook, what did they gain?
Diamond And Silk were not as influential among either black or women voters as to make this move by Facebook.
The facts:
Hillary had an 80-point advantage among blacks over Trump.
(88% to 8%).
Obama’s 87-point edge four years ago (93% to 6%).
In 2008, Obama had a 91-point advantage among blacks.
So, over 3 elections blacks fell only 11 points.

Then women:
Women supported Clinton over Trump by 54% to 42%.
About the same as the Democratic advantage among women in 2012 (55% Obama vs. 44% Romney)
and 2008 (56% Obama vs. 43% McCain).

In other words, Hillary was no Obama.

Facebook is cutting off its nose to spite its face.

@Nanny G: Liberals fear all conservative message because it makes sense. There are facts to back it up and if ignorant liberal supporters start figuring out how to put two and two together, liberalism is going to lose support even faster than it is.

In other words, the truth is dangerous to the left and it must be snuffed out wherever it can be found.

And so a bunch of mindless little zombies addicted to Tide Pods and condoms demands all privately owned guns be Consfiscated while whining about the clear backpacks JUST PIPE DOWN YOU SPOILED LITTLE SNOT BUCKETS

Facebook is reconsidering classifying videos produced by Diamond and Silk, two of President Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters, as “unsafe to the community.”

A Facebook spokesperson said: “We have communicated directly with Diamond And Silk about this issue. The message they received last week was inaccurate and not reflective of the way we communicate with our community and the people who run Pages on our platform. We have provided them with more information about our policies and the tools that are applicable to their Page and look forward to the opportunity to speak with them.”

(This might be bogus since Diamond & Silk claim Facebook has NOT written to them since banning them for being “unsafe to the community.” No change in Facebook’s decision has been made as of now.)

Diamond and Silk were paid Trump campaign consultants in 2016. As the now deleted U.S. Commerce Department Twitter post accompanying the linked article shows, their connection with the Trump administration seems to have still existed as of August 7, 2017. The business and brand the expansion of which the U.S. Commerce Department was discussing with them seems to have been their Facebook political platform.

As you might guess, the U.S. Commerce Department is funded by taxpayer dollars. Think about that for a minute and see if any possible problem with such a relationship might occur to you. It certainly occurred to Facebook, which is unusually sensitive to the presence of misrepresented news and opinion Facebook accounts these days.

Ted Cruz predictably hopped on their removal from Facebook as an example of Facebook’s leftist political bias during the Zuckerberg testimony today. His confrontational and accusatory performance was a moment vaguely reminiscent of the McCarthy days.


Ted Cruz predictably hopped on their removal from Facebook as an example of Facebook’s leftist political bias during the Zuckerberg testimony today. It was a moment vaguely reminiscent of the McCarthy days.

Cruz grilled Zuck real good. Zuck didn’t seem to have too much to say about the almost 100% liberal bias he has on his people who approve content. I hope he can get through this without crying.

As you might guess, the U.S. Commerce Department is funded by taxpayer dollars. Think about that for a minute and see if any possible problem with such a relationship might occur to you.

Not nearly as much as the Obama administration giving Soros $9 million in State Department taxpayer funds to meddle in other nation’s politics. I guess the question is, in light of your acceptance of that, why would THIS bother YOU?

@Deplorable Me, #9:

Zuck didn’t seem to have too much to say about the almost 100% liberal bias he has on his people who approve content. I hope he can get through this without crying.

As Zuckerberg humorously commented following Cruz’s little performance, “That was pretty good.” He hasn’t struck me as being on the verge of tears at any point. He has repeatedly declined suggestions that might need a break from being questioned. He seems to be enjoying himself.

Not nearly as much as the Obama administration giving Soros $9 million in State Department taxpayer funds…

Total horseshit. Which, of course, hasn’t kept the story from being promoted by Fox News. Soros has contributed an estimated $32 billion of his personal fortune to his Open Societies Foundations over many decades. He’s given away four times more than he’s kept. He has no need of $9 million from the State Department.

The State Department has promoted similar causes—human rights, more democratic societies, etc. Until recently, the idea that such values are worth promoting around the globe has not been viewed as a partisan position.

@Greg: After they had already become famous, and their video showing Dems how to switch party before the various primaries, when the Trump campaign began including them on the Trump stump, THEN they became paid consultants.
They are not now.
So, only for a few months.
And how does that cause them to be “unsafe for the community?”
Over 1/2 of those who voted picked Trump, so, the “community, is Pro-Trump by half.

@Deplorable Me: Zuck didn’t seem to have too much to say about the almost 100% liberal bias he has on his people who approve content. I hope he can get through this without crying.

As long as no one mentions his booster seat that makes him look 4 inches taller, he should be able to keep control.


Soros has contributed an estimated $32 billion of his personal fortune to his Open Societies Foundations over many decades. He’s given away four times more than he’s kept. He has no need of $9 million from the State Department.

EXACTLY. Which is what makes it such a disgrace.

@Nanny G: But for liberals, who just gloss over Hillary and Obama signing off on 20% of our uranium going to the Russians or mega-wealthy Soros getting taxpayers to kick in $9 million to further his destructive agenda, this is a major scandal. It is nothing; it is common.

@Nanny G: Doesn’t he live in Hawaii? Damn, he looks like a freckled Casper. You’d think he’d get some sun screaming at the sky.

@Deplorable Me: @Nanny G: Doesn’t he live in Hawaii? Damn, he looks like a freckled Casper. You’d think he’d get some sun screaming at the sky.

Palo Alto CA.
So much sunscreen he looks like a Caspar the Friendly Ghost clone.

Facebook has contacted Diamond & Silk, the day after Zuckerberg’s second hearing.
He lied twice.
Both days of the hearings he falsely claimed this had ALREADY happened!

My issue is that Diamond & Silk are merely the poster women for all the banning and shadow banning of conservatives on Facebook yet, they may be the only ones whose issue is dealt with.
The issue is endemic, not just these two ladies.

There’s an algorithm that slows traffic for non-banned conservative pages at Facebook.
The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.
Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic.
Young Cons, Western Journalism, SarahPalin.com, Independent Journal Review, Right Wing News, and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.
Here are ten top conservative websites that have been censored by Facebook. (with charts that show traffic slowing to a trickle)

@Nanny G: Meanwhile, here is a list of all the left-leaning site that have been restricted or banned. Just about as extensive as the list of left wing groups the IRS targeted and harassed.