As you no doubt know, Anderson Cooper held an interview with alleged Trump paramour Stormy Daniels. The questions he asked were prurient:
Stephanie Clifford: I realized exactly what I’d gotten myself into. And I was like, “Ugh, here we go.” (laugh) And I just felt like maybe– (laugh) it was sort of– I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone’s room alone and I just heard the voice in my head, “well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this.”
Anderson Cooper: And you had sex with him.
Stephanie Clifford: Yes.
Anderson Cooper: You were 27, he was 60. Were you physically attracted to him?
Stephanie Clifford: No.
Anderson Cooper: Not at all?
Stephanie Clifford: No.
Anderson Cooper: Did you want to have sex with him?
Stephanie Clifford: No. But I didn’t– I didn’t say no. I’m not a victim, I’m not—
Anderson Cooper: It was entirely consensual.
Stephanie Clifford: Oh, yes, yes.
Anderson Cooper: You work in an industry where condom use is– is an issue. Did– did he use a condom?
Stephanie Clifford: No.
Anderson Cooper: Did you ask him to?
Stephanie Clifford: No. I honestly didn’t say anything.
Anderson Cooper: After you had sex, what happened?
Prior to this interview, Cooper said that his interest wasn’t about the affair, it was about the payoff.
The interview was tawdry. It was unseemly. It was the stuff of Jerry Springer. Cooper is a liar. He was focused like a creepy priggy hawk on the details of the sex. It finally dawned on me why.
Anderson Cooper wishes that he was Stormy Daniels. One wonders if he was aroused for the entire interview.
This is NOT the analogue of the Clinton/Lewinsky affair. This did NOT take place in the Oval Office. Trump was a private citizen. Way back in 1998 the NY Times took a dim view of public humiliation for consensual adult affairs:
But that applied only when the affair involved a democrat President.
Daniels’ credibility subsequently came under attack from an usual venue- Morning Joe:
Just before that, Scarbororough was speaking about the 60 Minutes interview and Daniels’ motivation, noting: ‘We still don’t really know what Stormy Daniels wants and why she wants it other than a big payday.’
Turley jumped in at that point, saying: ‘You know, Anderson Cooper didn’t pursue those questions so we don’t know what will come out after this interview.’
He then joked: ‘Anderson felt about as comfortable as Alistair Cooke on Masterpiece Theater introducing Debbie Does Dallas to the audience. It was a very awkward interview and a lot wasn’t addressed.’
Scarborough then used the example of the man Daniels said had threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot back in 2011, asking why Cooper opted not to ask anything about his appearance or name or any single identifying factor that Daniels might be able to provide
‘Well there was a lot of lack of follow-up including on credibility,’ remarked Turley.
‘You know, you have Stormy Daniels saying I didn’t want my kids to find out about this and it sort of left you with, what, you had a career with dozens of porn movies and you were afraid your kid would find out you had a consensual relationship with the president.
‘Those types of disconnects weren’t followed up.’
And to Cooper’s and CNN’s shock conservative women were ready to brush it off as a plot to topple Trump.
Which of course it is.
We’ve got North Korea, China, Russia, Facebook, illegal aliens and the DNC, CNN and 60 Minutes have bet their futures on a worn out porn star and Mussolini wannabe child.
‘Spose Coop and 60 Minutes will be on this one soon?
Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate
A woman who claims to have been a classmate delivered some bizarre claims about President Barack Obama in an interview.
As Right Wing Watch first reported, Mia Marie Pope told right-wing preacher James David Manning that she believes that Obama was not only active within the gay community, but also a heavy cocaine user during his years in Hawaii.
“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in … He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”
When they do, give me a call.
P.S. Hey, did you ever
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
No condom, have sex with a porn actress is risky but no condom, seriously. her creditably just tanked.
cooper is just and aging queen-lies though his teeth.
Schiffhead actively sought nonexistent nude photos of Trump. One of the “adults” (in age anyway) at the March for Lives protest brought up Trump’s penis when asked on camera to define an assault weapon. A pattern seems to be emerging amongst male members of the left.
Face it, the left is desperate to finish their coup and are grasping at straws. The Russia “collusion” meme has been a complete flop and has backfired tremendously because it exposed collusion between agents of Russia, the DNC, Team Hillary, and Team Obama. It also exposed gross abuses of power and lawbreaking by Team Obama. The charges of racism are unproven. The only ones claiming Trump is a racist is the left and they accuse everyone of being a racist who disagrees with them. The term “racist” should be re-defined as, “anyone disagreeing with left wing political views”. Thanks to the left, the term has lost its meaning and become a joke much to the detriment of real racism.
The left has lost credibility on this issue as well. Assuming IF true, unlike Bill, it happened well before he was POTUS. Unlike Bill, it was consensual and no accusations of rape have been made. Unlike Bill, it didn’t take place in the Oval Office thus demeaning it. Unlike Bill, there was no perjury involved. We were told adultery committed by POTUS (and Trump was a private citizen when this allegedly happened) is private business. Those are the rules the left established. Now, as usual, the left doesn’t want to play by their rules. Hypocritical, totalitarian little goobers aren’t they?
No no no no no we are supposed to be appalled shocked disgusted and not care that Trump is keeping his promises with very little pen and phone banana republic style, demand impeachment for his past ALLEGED tryst with a Porn actress. Oh me oh my what will we tell the children!? Never mind 60 mindless minutes put this filth on during prime time, where is the FCC? An openly gay man and a porn adulteress are going to advise us all on morals! Disney needs a princess that has had an abortion and Elsa should be openly lesbian. They got the ratings oh goody, but not the reaction they desired. Were the conservative outlets any better? Oh hell no playing cuts from the interview trying to make the case for Trump by pointing out Presidents often have had mistresses, not just one timers, well known to history. Can the kids find this out as adults like the rest of us ? Are the sex lives of the Presidents now going to be in American History classes? Lets start with Sally Fairfax kiddies. Oh never mind he didn’t even have a political party so cant be used to bolster our bias.
Or, as they call it in the industry… CNN’s and Stormy’s, “the money shot”.
@another vet:
The left has long since stopped worrying about credibility. All they care about is how bad an accusation would or could be if it WERE true. So, they make something up and get themselves all worked into a self-righteous frenzy knowing it isn’t true, but only how terrible it would be if it WERE true.
It was ironic that Anderson Cooper focused so much on the “tawdry” sex details.
Did he forget how he came out the same day he announced his “engagement” to some guy only to be completely devastated when that “fiance” was caught in Central Park, later that same day, deeply tonguing a stranger prior to disappearing into a men’s room with him?
If Cooper has an “open relationship” why disappear from CNN for a few days in tears?
If he didn’t have an “open relationship” why stay with a man who takes in stray cats?
And, above all, how dare he act prudish about the accusations of a p0rn actress about a billionaire?
On tomorrow’s program, Anderson reveals the results of Danny Williams’ paternity test!
@Deplorable Me:
Mass psychosis perhaps? These are the types who put the Lenin’s, Hitler’s, and Stalin’s into power.
@another vet: I think they’ve simply lost all hope of winning a fair election based on issues for which they offer better solutions ever again.
@Deplorable Me: Ever since Hillary purchased the DNC, the Democrat agenda has been labeled “To Serve Man”
@M0S #8541: Those were my thoughts too. No intelligent, wealthy man is going to have unprotected sex with anyone, especially a porn star. The risk of pregnancy & of course STDs. Passing a polygraph means nothing. And the whole magazine spanking? They piled on Trump because of the “fake” Time Magazine cover at Miralago right after the the election or was it before? Just another indicator of fraud. And lastly, people just don’t care. I would love to see Congress take a polygraph on their sex lives!
depending on the structure of the polygraph-anyone can pass it. I agree with you on liking to see Congress take a polygraph on their sex lives! or paul ryan and his strong relationship to the Mexican cartels.
Why did you only transcribe the first 5 mins of the segment? Why not the other 35 that focused on Stormy’s inconsistent statements and her lawyer’s dem past? the hush money that was paid?
This is a very dishonest article. No one who watched the segment thought it was tawdry. Anderson said he had edited out many, many tawdry details because they were not the focus. Please do better next time.