Sessions throws shade at whiny left coast liberals

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Liberals are the kind of the people who kill their parents and then cry for mercy because they’re orphans.

You will remember that it was Commufornia who declared that they would resist Trump.

You will remember that it was Commufornia who declared war on Trump and Federal law:

Law enforcement officials from Northern California said they will refuse to assist federal authorities in the upcoming sweeps that aim to capture more than 1,500 illegal immigrants, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Wednesday.

The paper, citing an anonymous source, reported about a planned operation to be conducted by the U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement agency. The report did not specify a date, but said it will be conducted in the near future.

Law enforcement officials told the paper they have not been notified as of Wednesday, but said they would not provide support.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf told reporters that police in her city will not assist ICE officials if the report on the raids is accurate.

Federal officials’ ability to work with local jurisdictions was curtailed on Jan. 1st, after a new California law – SB54 – came into effect that limited inter-agency cooperation. The law officially made California the first “sanctuary state.”

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf stated that she’d tip off illegals about any upcoming raids. As Daniel John Sobieski accurately observes, she should be prosecuted. Shaaf helped many criminals evade capture, including those convicted of sex crimes:

The Oakland mayor who warned illegal aliens of potential raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Northern California may have caused some criminal illegal aliens to evade deportation.
ICE officials told Fox News that several of the 800 illegal aliens who evaded capture in Northern California had been convicted of sex crimes, driving under the influence (DUI), and armed robbery.

One illegal alien from Mexico had been convicted of having sexual intercourse with a minor and DUI and had been deported from the U.S. once before in 2003, ICE officials said.

Officials say another who had escaped capture had a sodomy conviction dating back to 2012, and a DUI conviction from this year. That same person — a Mexican citizen — had been deported from the U.S. before in 2013.

A third illegal alien from Mexico who evaded ICE officials had been convicted of armed robbery and had been deported from the U.S. back in 2014 before he once again returned to the U.S. illegally, officials said.

That’s obstruction of justice. Schaaf’s actions have in the past had tragic consequences:

According to reports, a sanctuary city in California refused to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) while an illegal alien, Nery Israel Estrada-Margos, was in police custody after an incident on July 31.

ICE contacted the police department asking to notify the agency when Estrada-Margos was scheduled to be released, but the police released Estrada-Margos after he posted the required $30,000 bail on August 3. According to reports, the police department failed to notify ICE agents.

Just two weeks later, on August 18, Estrada-Margos turned himself in for allegedly beating his girlfriend to death after a heated argument. A Sonoma County jail is currently holding Estrada-Margos on charges of murder and domestic violence.

Lunacy Pelosi said it’s “unjust and cruel” to capture and deport illegal alien criminals:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Wednesday slammed as “unjust and cruel” a raid of illegal immigrants in California last week that netted hundreds of criminals, many with convictions for violent crimes — but which was partially thwarted by a Democratic mayor who tipped off the public to the crackdown.

The four-day raid in the San Francisco Bay Area led to the arrest of 232 illegal immigrants, 180 of whom Immigration and Customs Enforcement said “were either convicted criminals, had been issued a final order of removal and failed to depart the United States, or had been previously removed” from the country and had come back illegally.

The arrests included 115 who “had prior felony convictions for serious or violent offenses, such as child sex crimes, weapons charges and assault, or had past convictions for significant or multiple misdemeanors.”

But officials fumed after Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tweeted out a warning of the impending raid, a move which ICE Acting Director Tom Homan said led to as many as 800 illegal immigrants — many with criminal convictions — fleeing before they could be arrested.

Well, Sheriff Jeff Sessions decided that this protecting illegal alien criminals thing was, well, illegal, and is suing California.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a warning to California the same day he announced a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) over the state’s immigration policies.

“I understand that we have a wide variety of political opinions out there on immigration. But the law is in the books and its purposes are clear and just,” Sessions said during a speech to the California Peace Officers’ Association in Sacramento on Wednesday.

“There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is the supreme law of the land. I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg, to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. This matter has been settled,” he continued.

DOJ’s lawsuit against California aims to block three so-called sanctuary laws the state’s legislature passed last year.

In the 18-page complaint, filed late Tuesday, DOJ asks the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California to block the three laws, which it argues are designed to intentionally obstruct and discriminate against the enforcement of federal immigration law.

The same liberals who were so full of anti-government bravado suddenly turned into whimpering twits. Governor Moonbeam said the Feds were going to war against California:

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) blasted back at Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday after the Trump administration filed a lawsuit against his state’s immigration policies.

In a press conference at the state Capitol in Sacramento, just blocks from where Sessions announced the lawsuit at a meeting of the California Peace Officers’ Association, Brown said the attorney general was catering to a conservative base — and to President Trump.

“This is really unprecedented for the chief law enforcement officer of the United States to come out to California and act more like Fox News than a law enforcement officer. This is a political stunt,” Brown said. “We know the Trump administration is full of liars. They’ve pled guilty already to the special counsel.”

“This is basically going to war against the state of California, the engine of the American economy. It’s not wise, it’s not right, and it will not stand,” Brown said.

Lunacy Pelosi blathered something about aggression:

Yeah you will.

Kamala Harris, democrat Senator from Communifornia,weighed in

Yeah it will.

This is all very entertaining, but Communifornia is going to lose:

Some analysts focused on the upholding of a federal government prerogative over immigration law. Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said: “The heart and soul of the Arizona statute has been struck down by the Supreme Court, consistent with previous Supreme Court opinions that basically say for better or for worse whether you like it or not immigration is a federal issue to be administered by the United States of America by the federal government and not by the states.”

Yeah- it’s the Constitution. Put that in your vaper and smoke it.

You really have to laugh when Governor Moonbeam talks about war. Who’s got all the guns?

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Hey, Nancy… those are “illegal” immigrant communities. As such, they are, to every single person, subject to deportation. By protecting the criminal illegal immigrant, you put the “nice” ones you pretend to care about at risk.

You really have to laugh when Governor Moonbeam talks about war.

Like Daffy duck, “Of course you know this means war”, how did it work out for the duck…every time.

Pelosi,Harris and Brown they sounds like some new age group of total idiots of course which they are its like The Evil Queen,Melificent and Gaffar but their more like the Hyenahs banned from the Pride Lands and kept out the the Lion Guard

One still has to ask. Why in the hell haven’t there been any arrests starting with the Mayor and the Governor who blatantly break our laws. Lip service from Sessions won’t mean diddly squat until people are prosecuted for these crimes! And they are crimes no matter what our wonderful loony lefties and worse RINOs think.

@joetote: Liberals are usually very careful. The only reason they study law or the Constitution is to find the ways to circumvent them. Therefore, before any legal action can be taken against them, all the factors need to be carefully considered.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: @Bill… Deplorable Me:
Both the governor and the Mayor of Oakland for starters have broken the law, pure and simple. Careful my ass! They know they won’t be prosecuted period so they will continue to stick it to us until called for their actions

No matter how ambiguous the laws can seem and in turn how they try to circumvent, the rule of law must be followed. Arrest the bastards now and for once take the fight to them instead of rolling over.

Put them on defense, make them waste the stat’;s taxpayer money as they fight what in the end has to be a losing cause if our laws still mean anything and let them answer to their constituents that is provided the people in these wacko states still have a brain left)

Liberals are the kind of the people who kill their parents and then cry for mercy because they’re orphans.
Well, to be fair, conservatives are the kind of people who will vote a town dry, and then move.


Both the governor and the Mayor of Oakland for starters have broken the law, pure and simple. Careful my ass!

Oh, no doubt about it. But, you only get to try it once and making the wrong charge or taking the wrong approach can cost them the decision and hand them a vital propaganda victory, which is all the left exists on anyway.

I hope Sessions understands that the supremacy clause only applies where the constitution gives jurisdiction to the feds. It does here, but not in all cases. When it doesn’t nullification is valid.

Moonbeam won’t need guns to go to war, he’ll just bitch-slap.

Beauregard is one lying little lawn gnome. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, speaking to local law enforcement officials yesterday in downtown Sacramento:

“California won’t let law enforcement officers like you and your people to transfer prisoners to ICE custody or even to communicate with ICE that you’re about to release them from your custody — people that ICE is looking for.”

The truth:

Senate Bill 54, often referred to as California’s sanctuary state law, says, in part, California law enforcement agencies shall not “transfer an individual to immigration authorities unless authorized by a judicial warrant or judicial probable cause determination.”

Notably, local law enforcement can cooperate with ICE when undocumented immigrants are convicted of about 800 serious misdemeanors and felonies, said Louis DeSipio, a political science professor at UC Irvine who studies immigration.

“ICE is also able to enter county jails to question immigrants,” DeSipio said in an email. “Transfers to ICE are authorized after conviction of 30 or so serious crimes. So, clearly, it allows for communication and transfers. State law does, however, seek to protect immigrants in jails for minor crimes and after conviction for those minor crimes.”

Does Sessions think California law enforcement officials don’t know perfectly well what a California law specifically affecting their own official activities actually says?

Maybe he should concentrate on something more useful for a while, like taking state-legal medical marijuana away from cancer patients, or stealing private property without having to prove the guilt of the person it’s being stolen from. He’s big on those activities, too.

Certainly glad I dont live in a state that has better protections for criminals than for citizen tax payers.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Fine Art

@Greg: ICE doesn’t use warrants; they use detainers. So, what California is doing, obviously, is simply trying to add an additional, unnecessary, laborious, time consuming step in the enforcement of immigration law. So, indeed, Sessions is totally accurate.

“ICE is also able to enter county jails to question immigrants,” DeSipio said in an email.

Well, unless the local authorities simply lets them go before ICE can get there… which they often do, even when ICE has asked them to be held until they get there. For instance, San Francisco released Lopez-Sanchez before ICE could get to him and he went on to kill Kate Steinle.

You and Governor Airhead are blowing smoke, apparently from a deep toke on some really quality weed.

@kitt: That should be Obama’s official portrait instead of the one he had his favorite racist sub out.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Yes I thought the artist truly captured Obamas inner self, but if his official one means bushwacker….
Liberals do not like this painting

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

So, indeed, Sessions is totally accurate.

No he’s not. He’s deliberately misrepresenting what the California law does and does not do. California has decided not to require its state and local law enforcement personnel to become an extension of a Trump administration policy that a majority of its citizens take issue with.

State and local police are legally obliged to enforce state and local law—the laws established by the governments of their respective jurisdictions. They are not automatically bound to enforce federal law. Jeff Sessions cannot mandate that they help round people up for deportation. Maybe he can get some help from the Keebler elves.

@Greg: The beauty of total brain washing you are amazing. To obey and leap through hoops with or without command. What a perfect little mindless pawn, you dont even live there havent looked into the history of how a republican majority state was turned into a one party state. Its larges cities once tourist destinations have been transformed into 3rd world looking shitholes. There are liberals fleeing what their voting has created. Crap infrastucture due to neglect failing dams, rotted roads, progressive paradise, water shortages due to no planning, they live next to an ocean and have to take water over the mountains then ration it. Look at the high speed rail system, oh thats right 7 years for a trans continental with hand labor but Cali cant get a few hundred miles built voted on with a 9 billion dollar bond in 2008 now they hope 67 billion might get them phase1 by 2029 run by the State of Commifornia. The engine of what… stoopidity.

@kitt, #17:

Sessions is spreading a load of horse manure. The California law doesn’t do what he suggests it does.

@Greg: If they have a dangerous criminal why do they release them, bail for a non citizen? What sane bondsman would nip at that its all so bizzare. No one is asking the police to round them up just hold them and contact ice AFTER they were caught committing a crime.


No he’s not. He’s deliberately misrepresenting what the California law does and does not do.

Yes, he is. ICE does not draw up warrants for each of the thousands of criminal illegal immigrants they have to deport. That has never been the process and it never will be. It is a delaying tactic devised by liberals, what they do best.

California has decided not to require its state and local law enforcement personnel to become an extension of a Trump administration policy that a majority of its citizens take issue with.

That’s not what ICE is expecting. What they expect is for elected officials not act as criminal look-outs for illegal immigrants. It is California’s catch and release policies for dangerous criminal illegal immigrants that has brought all this about.

State and local police are legally obliged to enforce state and local law—the laws established by the governments of their respective jurisdictions.

Indeed. So, why are we seeing them release illegal immigrants caught drunk driving, sexually abusing children, selling drugs and illegally entering the country numerous times after deportation? Also, when they ARE in jail, NOT releasing them when ICE is on the way is not “enforcing federal law”. They are, in fact, doing NOTHING. Something else liberals excel at.

Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

I’m pretty sure providing sanctuary, warning them of impending ICE raids and providing free legal services to FIGHT deportation constitutes illegal harboring of illegal immigrants.

You also never explained how it is “idiotic” to enforce laws.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #20:

Yes, he is.

The facts don’t support your assertion. Endless repetition doesn’t make a thing true. Unless, perhaps, one is a FOX News regular.

ICE does not draw up warrants for each of the thousands of criminal illegal immigrants they have to deport.

Warrants generally are involved when people have committed serious crimes, regardless of their citizenship, or their documented or undocumented status.

California law enforcement authorities have no problem whatsoever cooperating with ICE when serious crimes are involved. What they decline to do is cooperate with a general round-up of undocumented residents. Sessions wants no such distinction. He will have to live with his disappointment.

Obama was wise to prioritize the removal of the most undesirable undocumented aliens, while putting the least emphasis on those who pose no threat, are productive members of their communities, or are good people who were brought here without ever having themselves made a conscious decision to violate our immigration laws. Given the millions who are here and the finite money and resources available, any other approach is just plain stupid.


The facts don’t support your assertion. Endless repetition doesn’t make a thing true. Unless, perhaps, one is a FOX News regular.

Yeah, I wish you would remember that.

Warrants generally are involved when people have committed serious crimes, regardless of their citizenship, or their documented or undocumented status.

They are already in jail for a crime. Being illegal immigrants, all ICE needs is their detainers. This demand they present a warrant every time they want to pick up a illegal immigrant is ridiculous.

California law enforcement authorities have no problem whatsoever cooperating with ICE when serious crimes are involved.

Really. Well, it so happens that is EXACTLY who they warned ICE was coming and allowed to escape. Over 80% were desperate criminals, so that argument, like so many others, simply goes up in the smoke and mirrors of California’s obstructive laws, which the KNOW will lose in the SCOTUS.

Obama was wise to prioritize the removal of the most undesirable undocumented aliens,

So, why didn’t California enact these illegal laws then? Oh… that’s right. It’s BAAAAAD when Trump enforces laws, right?