The pieces fall into place. All the Russian dossier roads lead right to Hillary Clinton

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Last night another shoe dropped in the Russian “collusion” mystery which largely completed the puzzle of the dossier.

We learned of the massive financial tie between Alexander Downer and the Clinton’s:

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer and former President Clinton jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding in February 2006 that spread out the grant money over four years for a project to provide screening and drug treatment to AIDS patients in Asia.

Sounds very nice on its face, but it was mishandled.

The materials Smith is giving the FBI focus on a 2006 memorandum of understanding between the Australian government and the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI). Smith claims the foundation received a “$25M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception” as a result of actions by Bill Clinton and Downer, who was then Australia’s minister of foreign affairs.

Also included in the Smith materials are evidence he believes shows “corrupt October 2006 backdating of false tender advertisements purporting to advertise the availability of a $15 million contract to provide HIV/AIDS services in Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Australian government after an agreement was already in place to pay the Clinton Foundation and/or associates.”

A third complaint concerns what Smith describes as “the $10 million financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception between April 1, 2008, and Sept. 25, 2008, at Washington, D.C., New York, New York, and Canberra Australia involving an MOU between the Australian government, the “Clinton Climate Initiative,” and the purported “Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Inc.”

You’ll remember that Downer is the person who tipped off his government about his meeting with George Papadopoulos in a London bar in 2016 that democrats, who used to claim that the Russian dossier was everything, now assert that the meeting between these two was the spark for the Russian investigation. Oddly, the FBI did not disclose any of it.

Downer, now Australia’s ambassador to London, provided the account of a conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2016 that became the official reason the FBI opened the Russia counterintelligence probe.

But lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier.

This disclosure completes what The Hill reporter Alison Spann called the “four pillars” supporting the Russian dossier

Christopher Steele: Paid by the Clinton campaign and the DNC and who paid Kremlin operatives for the dirt on Trump

(Steele shopped the dossier to numerous journalists in the summer of 2016 after calling his buddies in the Kremlin for dirt on Trump. He ever went to Russia for the information)

Michael Isikoff: Wrote the Yahoo article based on the information fed to him be Steele.

Sid Blumenthal: Fed information to Christopher Steele via the Bruce Ohr at the obama State Department.

Alexander Downer: Now tied directly to the Clinton’s

It is also very curious that Downer just happened to sit next to Papadopoulos at the very same London bar and strike up a conversation about Hillary’s emails. What are the odds?

All of the information in the dossier ties directly to the Clinton’s. The circle closes. One has to wonder- were the Russians even involved at all?

Let’s add one more part- the Clinton’s bought Andrew McCabe and compromised him earlier.

You have to say this about the Clinton’s – they invest well.

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The Clintons are so dirty. Look at all of the Obama people who had to be involved with the Clintons to make all of this happen. The old thing about following the money makes sense here. Something this big must go very deep into DOJ, FBI, DOS and likely the CIA as well as the Obama gang. Trump is going to look like a Boy Scout when this is over.

So when do we get to stop paying for Hillarys vendetta?

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Then the Clinton’s bought Bill a box of rubbers and pocketed the rest.

Reports that Hillary is tied to every aspect of this massive lie is not surprising in the least and should have been assumed. If Mueller actually has any integrity, as is the widely circulated rumor, he would admit defeat and close his little shop of rumors.

Australian taxpayer shovelled at least A$88 million into the Clinton Foundation

“[Australian Prime Minister] Gillard also donated A$300 million [US$234 million] of our [Australian] money to the Clinton-affiliated Global Partnership for Education. Lo and behold, [after exiting politics] she became Chairman in 2014 and has been ­actively promoting Clinton as president ever since — in a campaign video last December [2015] slamming Trump,..”

Gillard was part of the Australian Labor party that supplied helpers to the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign for US President and Bernie just got fined $14,000 for that illegal act.

One has to wonder– were the Russians even involved at all?

That question comes up frequently in connection with a lot of different things. They’re generally pretty good at covering their tracks, but you’d have to be an idiot to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Former Russian Spy Poisoned by Nerve Agent, British Police Say

Does anyone really wonder why Christopher Steele went into hiding? Do you really believe a former long-time MI6 agent, well respected in the intelligence community, whose private intelligence gathering company has since brought in over $20 million, turned the information he’d gathered on Trump over to the FBI for monetary gain—particularly considering the very real personal danger that could result? (He was, in fact, paid nothing by the FBI for doing so. There was no additional personal gain to be had.)


They’re generally pretty good at covering their tracks,

Yet every single whiny liberal crybaby had figured it out immediately, huh? The only people the Russians couldn’t fool are people that actually believe Hillary deleted 33,000 yoga emails.

Does anyone really wonder why Christopher Steele went into hiding?

A couple of things. The FBI is going to be looking for him for lying to them and Hillary could suicide him to shut him up.

None of this is about Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama, or anyone else on your political enemies list. It’s all about Donald Trump. And it has all moved far beyond the Steele document.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: and we are to believe that Steele worked pro bono, for free guy must have no bills doesnt eat ect. Foolish foolish Greg, he was paid by Hillary and Barrys payments to the law firm, just because the FBI didnt bonus him doesn’t mean he wasnt well paid to put his name on Hillarys dossier.

@kitt, #8:

It doesn’t matter who initially paid him to do the research. He took the job and did what he was contracted to do. He was then so disturbed by the information he collected that he felt compelled to pass it on to British and U.S. intelligence. I credit that sense of personal responsibility to the 22 years he spend in MI6. He’d already been paid. All he had to gain from that point forward was personal risk.

If the document was created by Clinton as a means of derailing Trump’s presidential run, how do you explain the fact that it didn’t become public until two months after the election? Did Hillary forget to circle a date on her calendar or something?

Or was the research initiated months ahead of the election with the intention of undermining a future Trump presidency—which no one thought had a snowball’s chance in hell of ever coming about to begin with?

Neither scenario makes a bit of sense. What DOES make sense is the straightforward explanation that Steele was hired to do routine opposition research, and was genuinely and seriously alarmed at what he discovered. He’d already been paid for the services he’d been contracted to do, but couldn’t in good conscience leave it at that. Because, if any of what he’d been told was true, the election was only the beginning of the danger.

@Greg: What danger? Do you know how long the document floated around, if it was paid for and simply opposition research why was it not used in a more timely manner by the purchasers? The FBI wouldn’t bonus Steele because there was no verification none zip zilch. Steele should have known to wary of Sid Vicious info, He didn’t take it to the FBI, McCain did. No second payday, not giving them anything they could use for the FISA court he got stiffed, but they used it anyway.
IMO The thing is drunken ramblings of a desperate damaged goods politic well past her time.

@kitt, #10:

What danger?

The potential danger of President who could be subject to blackmail or manipulation by a corrupt foreign government that’s absolutely masterful at exploiting any vulnerability. Failure to fully investigate such a possibility—which in Trump’s case is credible for a number of reasons—would be negligence of the highest order.

They wanted this guy to be elected. They worked to make that happen, and weren’t concerned about the ethics or legality of how they went about it. Highly placed people in his campaign had secret contacts with their agents or representatives. His own posture toward them has been very questionable. There’s been far too much denial with regard to their election meddling, and far too much indifference about their continuing activities with regard to the upcoming election. How can anyone ignore this?

@Greg: He was not a US citizen, I bet Putin has plenty on Hillary, but grease that dried up cankle with a bit of cash and anything is possible if she has power of any kind. Thats was the danger, letting her and Slick anywhere near the White House ever again We have been the next Haiti.
Is Mueller going to cough up the evidence to Putin? Or was he bluffing to keep his easy payday rolling?

Why does every financial transaction in any way involving the Clintons automatically serve as evidence of their depravity, while you have no interest whatsoever in the far more obscure and suspicious financial activities of Donald Trump and the Kushners?

For all anyone knows, the Russians may own these people. All that would take would be threatened exposure of some past infusion into one or more projects of laundered Russian money. How easily could that have been arranged? And nobody is supposed to check? Because it would be a violation of their privacy?


None of this is about Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama, or anyone else on your political enemies list. It’s all about Donald Trump.

That’s how you would like it to be. However, without Hillary and Obama pulling the strings, it would not BE about Trump. It’s a political hit job, a seditious attempt to disrupt a legal administration.

He was then so disturbed by the information he collected that he felt compelled to pass it on to British and U.S. intelligence.

The information “collected” was false. Those who didn’t already know it was lies were satisfied with it’s potential enough not to want to waste time trying to verify it.

If the document was created by Clinton as a means of derailing Trump’s presidential run, how do you explain the fact that it didn’t become public until two months after the election?

Good point. You make the case that its sole purpose was to justify illegal surveillance on members of Trump’s campaign. Good work.

The potential danger of President who could be subject to blackmail or manipulation by a corrupt foreign government that’s absolutely masterful at exploiting any vulnerability.

That would be Hillary. She could be bought or she could be blackmailed. Whichever was cheaper.

They wanted this guy to be elected. They worked to make that happen, and weren’t concerned about the ethics or legality of how they went about it.

That is a very accurate of the Hillary campaign. To date, not one single shred of evidence has been uncovered making that description fit the Trump campaign. That is merely how you would LIKE it to have been. Fantasy.

Why does every financial transaction in any way involving the Clintons automatically serve as evidence of their depravity,

That simply appears to be the way they like to do business. But, it is the case. Why do you believe the absolute worst of Trump without any evidence to lead you to believe that?


Why does every financial transaction in any way involving the Clintons automatically serve as evidence of their depravity,

Thats the way the Clintons roll I know you havent perused Clinton Cash there is a documentary series running on television cause they cant fit all her Slick and his accomplices dirty works in only 1 show. It was only the stuff that could be documented but theres much much more suspected.
The Clintons say they are against something like deforestation, then someone greases them and suddenly old growth forests in the amazon are being strip harvested, Slick gets overpaid for a speech, or someone donates big bucks to the ol slush fund and poof one of their good pals gets very rich on some shady deal. How does a known pedophile get to take trips out of the States? take Slick and Hill for plane rides to pedophile island.

Why Mueller reportedly thinks Trump might have known about the Russia hacks in advance

There’s a 4-thread timeline chart. Details regarding each development noted are further down the page.

These were not random, unconnected events. They all relate to illegal Russian hacking and election meddling. They’re part of a pattern of activity by people closely connected with the Trump campaign that persisted over many months.

Everyone involved had to know, at the very least, that Wikileaks was poison. It had been established long before that Wikileaks was deliberately exposing large volumes of stolen classified information. Everyone had to know that their activities were damaging to the governments of the United States and a number of its allies. The relationship between Wikileaks and the Putin government had been public knowledge since April 2012, when they gave Julian Assange his own RT talk show. RT is Putin’s international propaganda outlet.

Everyone involved had to know that confidential DNC documents and emails in the possession of the Russians had been illegally obtained. They were secretly meeting with Russians who were promising them stolen material, which they hoped to use to their campaign’s advantage—knowing full well that this would not be offered in the first place if doing so wasn’t seen as being to the advantage of the Putin regime. How could anyone have thought this to somehow be OK?

Anyone who thinks Mueller’s investigation is some sort of random, politically motivated fishing expedition isn’t paying attention. Anyone who thinks the FBI shouldn’t have looked into this, or that the FISA judge shouldn’t have issued a surveillance warrant, is crazy.

@Greg: The hacking was never proven the FBI never had its hands on the servers. Hiring your own company to verify what you want them to verify does not fly. Its always been suspected they were leaked by someone in IT.(god rest his soul) Security was a big problem with the DNC , DWSs Pakastani IT experts.

@kitt, #17:

From The Hill, 08/14/2017 — Why the latest theory about the DNC not being hacked is probably wrong

It’s also worth noting that you don’t need to have physical possession of a server to do a forensic analysis of the data that’s been on them. The hardware itself generally isn’t the critical item.