If a white Republican Senator screamed at a black female Cabinet member like this…..

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One can only imagine the outrage. Just sayin’



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White supremacist, fascist, racist NAZI!

I’m sure he got a lot of high-fives for screaming at a white woman, especially since he used a false rumor as an excuse to do it. Cory Booger could not get an acting job in a B-movie, he is so unconvincing and transparent.

Thats hilarious! Too bad she is so polite and didnt say, you Lying sack of dog shit you use the DACA people as pawns in your power games, you filthy POS. Get to work you dogs and come up with an acceptable compromise you are wasting my time and they are running out of time, if you cant legislate go back to the sh*tholes you came from. Those dreamers you so care about will be deported using laws passed by the congress, laws only YOU and Little Dick can change.

This poor loser is just another libturd loser being a libturd loser. His butt hurt is terminal!!

Cory Booker is a nit-wit and sore loser him and his fellow Demac-Rats need a less in Humility and a big serving of crow

Cory completely forgot Obama telling Americans and the world that “we” all need to be more like the “Nordics.”
We need more “Scandinavians” here, according to him!
As part of his “leading from behind,” philosophy, Obama wished he could stand down and let these nordic countries lead the world!

Did he ever say anything vaguely equivalent about African or south-of-the-border countries?
Nope. Obama sent back million more illegals than Trump has done!

in a short while if you go to moonbatter, neoneocon, or even john jay ray blog. you will see the image i created that shows cory booker and the court scene from my cousing vinny..

I-dentical!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

That “if” might be a reasonable point if Trump and his ilk weren’t so openly hostile towards non-whites.

“If” the cow shit butter, you wouldn’t have to churn, would you?

@Ajay42302: You are so clueless.

Rand Paul, a doctor, made trips to Haiti to help the people and who was the biggest cash contributor to those trips? Donald Trump. All done when neither was running for president. The people there got free medical care courtesy of Paul and Trump.
If Trump is so racist why would he shell out large dollars to do this when no one was looking? No one named Clinton did this.

Get a clue racist.


Cherry picking history for fictitious examples of what might be construed as humanitarian acts from politically aspiring individuals falls short of exonerating them of racially divisive actions and white supremacist/Neo-Nazi/KKK sympathizing.

A clearer and more recent example might be of when Paul Ryan shoved his way into a soup kitchen and quickly donned an apron for a photo op. It’s just not truly representative nor does it speak for who these con men are.

@Ajay42302: Nothing fictitious except in your pea sized brain.
My post was largely about Trump and you have no response but to deflect to Paul. Typical.

Clueless is no way to go through life.
Racist your are,

what a f**king asshole, nothing but pure bullshit drama. no one has told you he is tied to MS13.

Racists like AJ see racism in Trump paying for operations for Haitians but glory in the Clinton’s stealing money meant for Haitian reconstruction.

No reason for concern. She probably has no recollection of what Senator Booker said at this point. No doubt someone could tell her what they think he meant to say.

@Greg: Perhaps she drank some of the same wine Hillary swills when SHE can never “recall” the things she says or does.

Neilsen was there to discuss border security, something the Democrats lied about in 1986, not reiterating the fact that Trump did not say what lyin’ Dick said he said. Booger just couldn’t resist putting on his little performance for the sake of all the racist-loving liberals.

Neilsen was there to respond honestly to questions put to her by the members of a Senate Oversight Committee. The purpose of the Committee is not to provide cover for the dishonesty of the Trump administration. Booker was not feigning anger. He was genuinely pissed off, and not afraid to demonstrate it or explain the reasons for it. Nor should Nielsen expect deference owing to her gender. She was there in an official capacity, not as a representative of the female sex.


My post was largely about Trump and you have no response but to deflect to Paul


Funny. This was about Cory Booker and his condescending attempt at a public humiliation of a white woman Cabinet member and a liberal fruitcake brings Trump into it.

So, uh, dr jerk, you referring to Mully as a ” liberal fruitcake “? Or is it that in the delusional, dishonest, and hyper-hypocritical world that you live, it just depends on political kowtowing?

But yeah, I guess I get your admitted thinking there. I mean, how dare the shear audacity of a black man and ” and his condescending attempt at a public humiliation of a white woman Cabinet member” regardless of course, of the circumstances.

But you did kinda once again utilize the dumbass playbook with the implication that Booker’s comments having no rationale of bring trump related, as if the discussion with Nielson had nothing to do with him. But I guess all you saw was black man not saying yes maam to white woman, an obvious blood boiler for you.


Neilsen was there to respond honestly to questions put to her by the members of a Senate Oversight Committee.

What are they overseeing? Durbin’s lies and how to get the most mileage out of them?

Booker was not feigning anger. He was genuinely pissed off

Perhaps he was. Genuinely pissed off that the Democrat party is such a conglomeration of losers without any policies the people want, so he has to put his racism and misogyny on display to appeal to his followers that love violent explosions in temper. That’s the sort of thing that appeals to racist useful idiots like the lying weasel AJ. You’re in good company.

The sh-t hole controversy falls into the ever-widening category of Daily Distractions. Then we have some news that might matter:

January 17, 2018 – Bannon Agrees to Cooperate With Mueller Inquiry

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, will be interviewed by investigators working for the special counsel in the Russia investigation instead of testifying before a grand jury, according to a person familiar with the matter, a sign that Mr. Bannon is cooperating with the inquiry.

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, had subpoenaed Mr. Bannon to appear before a grand jury this week. But Mr. Bannon has agreed to cooperate with Mr. Mueller’s investigation and will be interviewed in the less formal setting of the special counsel’s offices in downtown Washington.

It was not clear why Mr. Mueller subpoenaed Mr. Bannon and did not first ask him to sit for an interview, as Mr. Mueller had done with more than a dozen current and former White House officials who were questioned in recent months. Mr. Mueller could still call Mr. Bannon to appear before a grand jury after he meets with investigators.

Yesterday, Bannon declined to respond to questions in response to a House committee subpoena. But now he’s apparently going to cooperate with Mueller’s investigation. I’m not sure how that should be interpreted. Possibly Trump crossed the wrong guy.

@Greg: He didn’t say a damn thing worthwhile remembering!! Just a useless political sheet hemorrhage!!

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #20:

I’ll assume by how much this annoys you that Booker effectively made his point, though nothing has been revealed that thoughtful, observant people didn’t know already.

@Greg: Again, don’t get your hopes up.
HRC has a 90 per cent chance of winning. Did you fall for that one too? Imagine your feelings going into election night. Fun wasn’t it?
Still waiting for you to provide the statute and penalties for collusion.
Oh the DOW only went up 322 points today. Krugman says the market will never recover.
Thanks for the laughs.


The sh-t hole controversy falls into the ever-widening category of Daily Distractions.

One created by lying Democrats to distract from their worthlessness.

January 17, 2018 – Bannon Agrees to Cooperate With Mueller Inquiry

You’re setting yourself up for another big disappointment. Why wouldn’t he cooperate? Why didn’t Mueller ask him sooner? You people are pretty pitiful.

I’ll assume by how much this annoys you that Booker effectively made his point, though nothing has been revealed that thoughtful, observant people didn’t know already.

That’s true. He showed he’s a racist, misogynistic liberal with nothing to offer that wants to blame everyone else for the failure of the liberal agenda. And, true, this we already knew.

@Mully: Yes and just saw the results of a poll that said less than 20% want OOprah to run for president. So while all dumbocraps love her, they aren’t anxious for her to lose the election for them. Polling shows she would lose so you know it would be a blowout, considering polling showed that Killary would win. Guess they don’t think she would make a good pres.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #26:

Donald Trump is a racist, but I wouldn’t expect you to grasp that, despite evidence that stretches all the way back to the 1970s.

@Greg: Trump is NOT a racist; far from it, and the evidence goes back to the 70’s. He contributed money to minority causes, helped minorities, was praised BY minorities and, as President, is providing more help to minorities than any liberal ever has.

Accusations is all you liberals have. You don’t have better ideas, you don’t have a history of success and you don’t have the ability to be diverse. All you have is the hope you can gain enough traction with lies to try and replace reality with liberal fantasy.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #29:

Really? From the article linked above:

“In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.”

What do you attribute that to?

Or what about this crap?

Or any of the items cited in the New York Times op ed?

I tend to think things are often as they appear to be. I think people reveal themselves by word and deed. They also often lie to themselves.


What do you attribute that to?

How about the fact that, obviously, all the evidence indicated they were guilty. Was Trump the only person that made that mistake? Was he police, judge and jury? Hillary said blacks were “superpreditors”, but that doesn’t faze you. It appears your views on racism are very narrow, selective and have a political purpose, not a real objection.

Or what about this crap?

Crap indeed. If you think I am going to watch 47 minutes of ANYTHING you provide to boost your credibility, you have another think coming. Did you stop to think why that started with “they’ve” instead of the beginning where Trump specified SOME illegal immigrants sneaking across our southern border? Apparently, you believe the FBI is racist as well, because all of Trump’s position on the matter came from FBI criminal data. Yeah, you nailed it… CRAP.

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.

Not guilty.

Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

“Some guy” said. Nope.

In 1989, on NBC, Trump said: “I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that. I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.”

Almost the same thing Biden said about Obama, which you had no problem with. Neither do I.

He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.”

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Like the beginning of your little hit-clip above, you INTENTIONALLY (read: racist) leave out the context. He NEVER SAID “Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists”… NEVER. I posted above what he really said, and the difference is stark.

So, that is the end of the attention I pay to your “evidence”. Based on what you present that you base your belief system on, you have nothing, unless as I said, you want to also call the FBI racist for compiling, analyzing and publishing information about crimes. You and your petty, hateful, racist fantasies are not worth my time, and I am RETIRED!

Gee you’d think if Trump was so racist NBC would have never let him have a show on their network. People like Chuck Schumer would never have been so friendly as he was repeatedly asking for campaign cash. You’d think the Clinton’s would never have attended his wedding to Melania.
Trump would never have funded Rand Pauls trips to Haiti to provide medical care for the inhabitants.

It looks to me like the race card has a longer shelf life than nuclear waste.

@Muly: Well, of course, that was all before Trump handed liberals their asses in a paper bag. Now that people listen to him instead of them, liberals have deemed him “racist”… as they do any opposition they cannot argue with.

@Muly: Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient race card scroll but they hid the discovery as it proves there is no evolution involved in politics, it was rumored the smithsonian institute handed it over to the deep state, who leaked it to the MSM. The dig was financed by the DNC shortly before the 2008 campaign.

@Bill… Deplorable Me. #31:

How about the fact that, obviously, all the evidence indicated they were guilty.

Did you miss the part about Trump continuing to assert their guilt 10 years after DNA evidence had established that they weren’t the guilty parties? You don’t seem to take in information that runs contrary to what you want to be true. Much like Trump himself.

Crap indeed. If you think I am going to watch 47 minutes of ANYTHING you provide to boost your credibility…

I don’t think you’re going to. Such links are for the benefit of people sufficiently open minded to evaluate facts and make their own minds up. The link, by the way, is to a 47-minute, totally unedited Donald Trump speech, without a word of critical commentary or analysis.

“I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that. I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.”

Surely they must have an advantage, otherwise how could they achieve anything? I mean, the fact that they do so while being black is evidence, right? There’s Donald’s unspoken subtext. What else could his underlying premise be? He certainly hasn’t become convinced that they have an advantage because such a disproportionately high number of black people achieve outstanding levels of success, compared with other groups.

This from a guy who started out with an inherited business and at least one million inherited dollars in his pocket—most likely a lot more than that.

He NEVER SAID “Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists”… NEVER.

Who do you think he was talking about? A person would have to be thick as a brick not to understand what he was saying, and who is target audience was.


Did you miss the part about Trump continuing to assert their guilt 10 years after DNA evidence had established that they weren’t the guilty parties?

Doesn’t answer the question, to the surprise of no one.

The link, by the way, is to a 47-minute, totally unedited Donald Trump speech, without a word of critical commentary or analysis.

Except, as I said, it starts out with “they”, not “illegal immigrants”, who he was actually talking about. So, end of debate, settled science, bull shit.

Who do you think he was talking about?

You simply do NOT pay attention, do you? That is the source of your ignorance. He was talking about criminals that infiltrate the border along with all the illegal immigrants you liberals insist should be allowed, free, into this country. Further, he was backed up 100% by FBI data.

Doesn’t answer the question, to the surprise of no one.

The only question is why Trump was still proclaiming their guilt 10 years after DNA evidence had clearly established that they were not guilty of the crime they were accused of and imprisoned for.

You simply do NOT pay attention, do you?

If you were, you would know better.

@GregMaybe for the same reason some are proclaiming Trump guilty of colluding with the Russians despite their being NO evidence to support the accusation and AMPLE evidence showing the contrary. At least in the case of the thugs there was evidence indicating their guilt; all liberals have is a fantasy-based HOPE their accusations are true.

DICK Durbin tells a lie and look at what happens- it creates an international incident with Haiti and he made poor little Cory have a childish temper tantrum and fly off the deep end. James Woods gave Booker an excellent nickname- Mangina. Perhaps we should use that name to describe similar behaving people just like fake news. Mangina amply describes people like DICK Durbin and Jim Acosta. Come to think of it, the lefties who post here have demonstrated similar emotional outbursts.

You should have a contest to put names or action to that photo.

“You said I didn’t wash my hands, but I did. Your racism makes me cry!”

@Greg: Meh. You need Trump to be racist, so you’re going to distort any information to support your bias.

Just be careful, because the weapon of defaming others eventually burns it’s practitioners.

I think I’ll just call you Racist Greg from now on. New readers will assume you said something racist, so…you’re now a racist. I’m sure I could quote something you wrote, out of context, to support my claims… the way you do with Trump.

Anything else, Racist Greg?

@Nathan Blue: Yeah, you’re right, it’s Racist Greg from now on.

@RacistGreg: Racist Greg is a racist, but I wouldn’t expect you to grasp that,
Well, Racist Greg, it’s about time you changed your name to fit your politics. We’ll all celebrate with you.