democrats’ worst fears are coming true- UPDATED

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Nancy Pelosi called it the “worst bill in the history of Congress”  She said the bill will hurt little children like Tiny Tim.

Chuck Schumer was so pissed off that Republicans wouldn’t stop talking and listen to him insult them about it. He also suggested people will die as a result of its passage. Do they really believe that? No. Then what is the real fright?

Well, the tax reform bill passed and if this is any indication, it will be interesting.

AT&T announced that because of tax reform they will be giving a $1,000 bonus to 200,000 employees. And that’s not all.

AT&T was quick to respond to news of U.S. tax reform, announcing it would give some employees bonuses once the law is official.

The telecom giant said in a press release on Wednesday that it would give more than 200,000 U.S. union members a special bonus of $1,000. The company also increased its capital expenditures budget by $1 billion in the U.S.

“Congress, working closely with the President, took a monumental step to bring taxes paid by U.S. businesses in line with the rest of the industrialized world,” CEO Randall Stephenson said in a statement. “This tax reform will drive economic growth and create good-paying jobs. In fact, we will increase our U.S. investment and pay a special bonus to our U.S. employees.”

AT&T had previously said it would invest $1 billion in the U.S. if “competitive” tax reform legislation was passed, and has said that tax reform framework could increase demand for AT&T’s services. The new tax laws are expected to drop the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from the current 35 percent and includes other measures that Republicans say will spur businesses to invest domestically.

And Boeing jumped in with an announcement:

Shockingly, John King of CNN said this

CNN’s John King said on Wednesday that the Republican tax reform plan will give working families “damn good money.”

King was watching the House of Representatives on Wednesday vote on the passage of the tax reform legislation.

“Not one Democrat has voted for a bill that cuts taxes by $1.5 trillion,” King said.

“If you’re a working-class family, a lot of people say ‘oh it’s only $200, oh it’s only $300, if you’re a working-class family living paycheck to paycheck, $200, $300 is damn good money and you are grateful for it,” King said.

The truth is, this is what democrats were most fearful of- the nightmare scenario- the country being successful because of Donald Trump.

Oh yeah, did I mention that the economy is booming?



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You spew yet you never answer when questioned things that clearly make you uncomfortable. Such as Obama’s massive debt? You raise not a peep.

As for your Trump comment, no named sources again. Just good old anonymous. Yet you swallow hard.

Still hoping you get a clue for Christmas.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

@Satjay42302: Satjay42302 you sure are having problems keeping up with your name.

@Satjay42302: 42 Satjay42302 Since we have Trump suckers now, I guess you would say you were one of the Obama suckers for the 8 years he was in. And, of course, had Hillary won, you would have been a Hillary sucker for the next 4 years. Am I correct, so since you’re ‘temporarily’ out, who are you a sucker of?

@rich wheeler: What’s the big deal with tax returns? Do you think the IRA has been letting Trump get by with something that is illegal? Do you think any branch of government was bending over backward to give Trump any benefit of the doubt?

@Mully: 47

Or Obama’s college records or how he paid for it. Still waiting.

Obama has never paid for any college expenses. The US Gov paid for him at Occidental as a foreign student (as he is a citizen of Indonesia) No one paid for Columbia because he never attended a single class there and a Saudi Arabian official paid for his affirmative action attendance at Harvard Law School. ( payment was arranged by the CIA thru the Saudi guy.) Obama had to be allowed into Law school through affirmative action because he had no undergraduate degree. This is the same reason he no longer has a law license and it was determined he had lied about many aspects of his qualifications.

@SUNjay42302: 49 Sunjay42302, Hey Sunjay, does Rich know how many posts you have made yesterday and today? He’s in charge of making sure liberals don’t make too many posts a day as it would be unfair too us conservatives that are so vastly outnumbered. (in posts). You sure do have problems keeping up with your name.

@Redteam: Dont worry bout AJ he is just so excited about Krampus coming.


Even the deepest trump bowel dweller should momentarily concede their delusion state and understand those 3 realities.

While that may be true, I notice you can’t point out what the one fine detail that was changed just to allow Trump to make an extra 11 million. And how did they word that change so that only Trump and no one else, could get that 11 million. You made a lot of claims and backed up zero. But that shouldn’t surprise anyone about an Obama sucker, or is that Hillary Licker? I corrected your name again. One day you’re going to learn how to print your name correctly. You could use the Generic HoJay or WekJay. Or, we might even permit Obama Sucker.

@SunJay42302: 49

Friday, Trump told a group of his wealthiest supporters at a $200,000 a plate dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort: “You all just got a lot richer” which if you look at the legislation, is very true.

You are totally full of sh!t. You can provide zero proof of any 200K a plate dinner at Mara Lago. No wonder no one believes these people that can’t even remember their name from one day to the next.

Rich, 8 posts today but 5 of them don’t count as they were only posted to assist HoJay in keeping his name straight. But I appreciate you doing that accounting. Incidentally, pretty sure Klapperdink didn’t get a start this week.


While that may be true (that “even the deepest trump bowel dweller should momentarily concede their delusion state and understand those 3 realities”), I notice you can’t point out what the one fine detail that was changed just to allow Trump to make an extra 11 million. And how did they word that change so that only Trump and no one else, could get that 11 million. You made a lot of claims and backed up zero.

Okay, so you agree that it’s true, or might be true, but you need for me to provide you info in order for you to deduce what you’ve already admitted to being true?

That’s almost like an admission that you play the Bill game, that you have no intentions of engaging in any type of constructive or honest argument but rather that you’ll simply deny the very facts that you admit you already know, or in other words, you’ll come back with something like “well, please answer the question” after reading my answer to your question. It’s a rather childish tactic you sock-puppets play but I do understand it’s all you have as your arguments have no standing on any level.

But to play along (just out of sport and hell, it’s Christmas), it’s estimated that trump will save about $11 million based on his assumed income by using what’s know as the “pass through” exemption (Business income that passes through to an individual from a pass-through entity and income attributable to a sole proprietorship will be taxed at individual tax rates less a deduction of up to 20% to bring the rate lower).

In reality,millionaire members in both chambers of Congress (and there are many), as trump acknowledged, “just got a lot richer”. Disturbingly, this exemption was one of the last provisions added in order to win over Sen Bob Corker of TN who is estimated to gain over $1 million from it. Once that provision was added, Corker agreed to sign it.

So with the understanding that you still don’t get it or you need to change the subject or swing to a different question or still don’t see the answer, there’s much in this law that most any non-millionaire should have problems with. Yeah, Hillary sucks and yeah, Obama is bad but that doesn’t mean that every thing the serial lying vagina grabbing racist conman does is good.

When Trump said he and his rich friends wouldn’t benefit, he lied. And he continues to repeat that lie.


That’s almost like an admission that you play the Bill game, that you have no intentions of engaging in any type of constructive or honest argument but rather that you’ll simply deny the very facts that you admit you already know, or in other words, you’ll come back with something like “well, please answer the question” after reading my answer to your question. It’s a rather childish tactic you sock-puppets play but I do understand it’s all you have as your arguments have no standing on any level.

How can one engage in an argument with some Obama-nog guzzler like you when all you offer is a drive-by lie which you are too gutlessly cowardly to either back up with a fact or admit what a partisan liar you are? A good start would be for you to answer these unanswered questions, which you repeatedly scurry away from:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?

Provide examples of anyone that “harass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.

How is calling Warren, who lied about being Native American, Pocahontas a slur?

Who has ever admitted that they’d vote for satan or Hitler or Kim Jong over a Demaocrat? Names and quotes, please.

@Ajay42302: I know tax breaks are beyond your grasp, Everyone benefits. Even if they would have not included the top tax brackets the rich win, we spend more. Attracting business investments and expansions with the 21% corporate tax benefits the poor that dont want to stay in poverty. When the unemployment rate gets lower cutting all entitlements to able bodied, change policies that encourage single parenthood. Shame used to keep many kids being born into poverty.

@Ajay42302: I’m curious. The Clintons left the White House dead broke. Their words. Now they are multimillionaires. Worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They have the Clinton foundation to pay for their travel and lodging expenses to boot.

So how did they go from dead broke to wealth beyond imagination without producing anything, creating anything or nothing to show for it? They are among the rich you hate so much. So you should have an answer.


So how did they go from dead broke to wealth beyond imagination without producing anything, creating anything or nothing to show for it? They are among the rich you hate so much. So you should have an answer.

Yeah. Right.


4 points on your comment.

1) Invoking the Clintons has nothing to do with this argument. It’s merely a silly distraction.

2) I don’t, as you say, hate the rich.

3) I don’t like the Clintons.

4) It’s hard to have a constructive debate with you if you fly off in different directions and make untrue statements.

@Ajay42302: @Ajay42302:

) I don’t like the Clintons

Yes, you do. You constantly support and defend them, you have sung Hillary’s praises repeatedly and you worshiped Bubba. Why do you lie?


Okay, so you agree that it’s true,

Actually, no I didn’t. Your reading comp is about zip point sh!t.

you sock-puppets

You’re a ‘sock–puppet’ guy are you? I notice you couldn’t answer the question.

When Trump said he and his rich friends wouldn’t benefit,

And of course, he never said that. For someone that can’t remember his name from one day to the next, we don’t expect much of you, and that’s about what we get.

@Mully: You do know that Hillary got 150 million from the UraniumOne deal?


: 3) I don’t like the Clintons.

When we all stop laughing, I’ll ask: since you don’t ‘like’ them, is it just a sexual relationship?
Note: Today is TueJay, tomorrow WedJay, try to keep up.


4) It’s hard to have a constructive debate with you if you fly off in different directions and make untrue statements.

Said the Master.


When we all stop laughing, I’ll ask: since you don’t ‘like’ them, is it just a sexual relationship?

A drooling, worshiping, loving devotion, willing to lie for, is not the same as “liking”.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Quit Im not done laughing yet a good thing he wrote that when I have an empty bladder!

@Deplorable Bill:

and you worshiped Bubba. Why do you lie?

A person with no moral convictions or standards don’t know if it’s a lie or not.

@Ajay42302 #62
it’s estimated that trump will save about $11 million based on his assumed income by using what’s know as the “pass through” exemption…

In other words, they don’t know, they are just doing the ‘monkeys flinging poo’ thing to make Trump look bad, even if it’s pure speculation with no basis in fact.

…there’s much in this law that most any non-millionaire should have problems with.

Right out of the talking points template…except, as usual, the lefty diatribes tend to be hypocritical…

”Democrats trained their heaviest fire in attacking the just-passed federal tax reform on the measure’s corporate tax cuts, lambasting the idea as a massive giveaway to the rich.

But even as prominent Democrats such as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) trashed the idea, their extremely blue home states have been cutting corporate tax rates.”

“there is no legitimate reason why corporate tax reductions would be a good idea on the state level but a negative for the federal government…the main rationale motivating states – to increase competitiveness – also applies to the national government”

For even more hypocrisy from lefties claiming the current tax reform will end life on planet Earth (although, that seems to be their claim about anything conservatives propose – perhaps they never read about ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ in their younger days), I’m curious how they reconcile this:

”If you paid close attention to Hillary Clinton ten years ago when she was still in the Senate, she noted publicly that our corporate income tax system needed reform, and even Obama declared that he thought the corporate income tax rate should be lowered to around 25 percent.

So…tax reform and lower corporate taxes per se are not a bad thing, they are only a bad thing when conservatives propose them?

So, I wonder just how bad all of those ‘non-millionaires’ are going to get screwed under this terrible, awful, horrible, no-good, very bad tax plan

”we’ve shared data-driven analyses from three separate nonpartisan organizations: The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), which is an official Congressional scorekeeper, the Tax Foundation (which leans to the right), and the Tax Policy Center or TPC, (which leans to the left). In spite of the deceptive rhetoric flying around social media and the airwaves, all three outfits agreed that the GOP proposal would, on average, reduce the tax burdens of every income group in America. We’ve showcased the TPC findings because that group is typically home to Democrats’ preferred experts. Well, TPC is out with their fresh analysis of the finalized tax bill, and guess what? As we’ve been saying for weeks, it will slash taxes for the vast, vast majority of American taxpayers:

The average tax cut will be $1,600, according to TPC’s data…Let those numbers marinate for a moment. We’ve been caught in a blizzard of misinformation claiming that this bill hurts the middle class. But even the Republican-hostile Tax Policy Center couldn’t escape the empirical conclusion that 80 percent of all Americans will see their taxes reduced under the bill — and the “losers” are limited to just five percent (largely upper income filers from high-tax blue states). And no, the “one-percenter” rich do not disproportionately benefit from the cuts:”

Wow…the economy must be doing better than I thought. I wasn’t aware that over 80% of Americans were millionaires.

But, I guess reporting factual analysis wouldn’t fit the narrative. I think the reason Pelosi, et al think this bill is so terrible is that they are afraid their tame, brainwashed voting groups might just find out that the conservatives actually have a better plan that will benefit more people.

@Jay: Certainly, the guy that gives his salary to charity and donates millions to hurricane relief efforts is there to manipulate the system to save some money on taxes.

Liberal logic.