Democrats will force Franken to resign, and here’s the plan behind it.



Another woman has come forward to accuse Al Franken of sexual harassment:

A former Democratic congressional aide said Al Franken tried to forcibly kiss her after a taping of his radio show in 2006, three years before he became a U.S. senator.

The aide, whose name POLITICO is withholding to protect her identity, said Franken (D-Minn.) pursued her after her boss had left the studio. She said she was gathering her belongings to follow her boss out of the room. When she turned around, Franken was in her face.

The former staffer ducked to avoid Franken’s lips. As she hastily left the room, she said, Franken told her: “It’s my right as an entertainer.”

“He was between me and the door and he was coming at me to kiss me. It was very quick and I think my brain had to work really hard to be like ‘Wait, what is happening?’ But I knew whatever was happening was not right and I ducked,” the aide said in an interview. “I was really startled by it and I just sort of booked it towards the door and he said, ‘It’s my right as an entertainer.’”

A chorus of Senate democrats has risen to demand that Franken resign, including

And of course, the ditzy Susan Collins of Maine (R). An announcement is scheduled for Thursday and the betting that Franken will resign, but don’t celebrate yet.

Nancy Pelosi at first defended John Conyers following the slew of allegations that poured out against him, but then she does a 180 and demands he resign. In case you hadn’t heard, Conyers suggested to one intern he harassed that she might go the way Chandra Levy:

If you think this is all happening out of the defense of women and their dignity and doing what’s right, you’d be wrong. This is all about taking down Trump. democrats are clearing the decks of baggage so they mount an attack on Moore first, and then climb the ladder to Trump. They are going to sacrifice as many of their tainted own- in safe districts, of course – to allow them to claim the moral authority to demand Trump resign over the claims against him. Of course, their history is sodden with tolerance of such matters, from Gerry Studds to Ted Kennedy to Bill Clinton. A rape accusation was not enough to force Bill Clinton to resign- Juanita Broaddrick never even got her day in court. There’s no way Donald Trump should resign either.

This is the plan. Bet on it.

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Trump is harassed for doing nothing more than explaining why and how people like Franken, Conyers, Weinstein, Rose and Laur do what they do.

NO ONE should resign on the basis of a mere accusation.

Lets see these liberal Demac-RATS eat each other up like with the Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat

Notice how Bill Clinton’s accusers NEVER went away, they have been there, stories consistent, for decades.
Donald Trump’s accusers came out of Dem, DNC staffers and faded back into the woodwork almost immediately.
What are they going to do?
Come back out again after being silent for over a year?
Who would believe them now?
And, a beauty queen who has put on pounds should be encouraged to lose the weight, get on the treadmill.
That’s not rape, nor is it sexual harassment.
Not back then and not today either.

Such an ugly implosion.
No time to sit and watch this country needs saving.
Wall, taxes, judges, regulations, returning land to he states control, shrink government ect.

@Nanny G:

What are they going to do?
Come back out again after being silent for over a year?

They will come back before the next election, and again during the 2020 campaign. They don’t want to over-use them, as they have charges of racism.

The Democrats will never be able to claim “moral authority” because their Progressive Ideology is grounded in Moral Relativism. The amoral and immoral aspects of all humanity are more prevalent where there is no moral anchor of any kind, and since the majority of Democrats now embrace Progressive Ideology fully, there will be so many cases of dubious morality of which they may be accused that the well of harassment innuendo will run dry before any water can be splashed with any authority on Trump.

This theory has merit. There will certainly be an attempt to tar Trump with sexual problems.

But I knew Franken was a goner when I saw the photo. This was cemented when the Huffington photos surfaced. Way too much ad fodder for Republicans.

@David Horning: All they really care about is political power and using moral lapses by the opposition as a weapon to achieve that power. Not only do they not see the moral discrepancies, they don’t care how their sexual indiscretions affect the lives of others. It’s all about gaining and maintaining power… and control.

It is the belief in their right to unbridled power that gives them the impression they can do whatever they want to others with impunity. The scope of what they want to do to others is unleashed by the amorality of progressivism.

Perhaps the worst part is, obviously, they know right from wrong but do what they do anyway.

I agree that Franken is history, and that there will be more attempts to tar Trump. I’m just saying the plan will fail. There is no “moral authority” for Democrats to claim, especially since the claims against Trump are without merit. The Moral Relativism of Progressive Ideology renders their position impotent (heh!).

@David Horning: Yet, they have the PERCEPTION of the moral authority because that is how their propaganda arm, the corrupt liberal media, presents it. The PERCEPTION is the effectiveness.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Agreed, but it is a perception that is fading. The MSM has overplayed its hand.

@David Horning: “Claims against Trump are without merit.” You gotta be kidding. Suppose you feel the same about Moore–he reminds me of Swaggert and Baker—suppose you thought they were falsely accused. How bout Ailes and Bolling?
Get em out along with Franken.

@rich wheeler: mer·it: the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

Accusations without the basis of truth are NOT meritorious. Even if they are exactly what you want to hear at that particular time, even if it feeds your hate, without truth they are not meritorious.

@rich wheeler: I’d agree, if it weren’t for the timing on Moore. This is typical “rape” character assassination that has served the corrupt libs for years.

Now your Party is eating itself for actually doing the things it falsely accuses others of doing.


And yeah, Moore is like Swaggert and Bakker…except that he’s not an evangelist…so yeah…Moore is nothing like those two… f*cking comparison.

But hey, Obama reminds me of Osama Bin Laden…now that you mention it. Hillary is just like Robert Mugabe, and Jon Stewart is just like Vladimir Lenin.

Are you insane?

You remind me of a white supremacist, now that you mention it.

And thanks for toeing the line you got from the media. Any original thoughts? You only help the Right when you speak.

@Nathan Blue: Moore not an evangelist?–you kidding -he’s a Bible toting, gay bashing, gun toting, teeny bopper chasing, horses ass evangelist and everyone knows it. He’ll be the best thing to happen for the Dems when he gets seated.

No matter how many woman Al Franken forced to kiss him, he still remained a frog.

@rich wheeler:
All of Trump’s accusers disappeared after the election. Political innuendo attacks.

@rich wheeler: Give us an example of his evangelism. Also of his gay-bashing. While you are at it, provide a conviction for being involved with under-age girls. Don’t become an AJ. We already have one of those and it’s useless.