Liberals exploit Las Vegas tragedy to bash Trump

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Stephen Paddock, a retired accountant who liked to gamble and is said to be worth $2 million, murdered 59 and wounded 527 in the worst mass murder in US history. The bodies were still warm when liberals took it upon themselves to politicize the situation, often in atrocious ways.

CBS lawyer Haly Geftman-Gold tweeted that she had no sympathy for the victims of the Vegas shooting as she perceived them all to be Republicans:


She was promptly fired by CBS. Then we get to the Trump bashing.

“I am Cassie” wants every Trump supporter dead

A teacher (!) prayed that “only Trumptards” died in Vegas.

Television writer Jen Statsky threw in her two bits:

A question for all those who have similar opinions- exactly what did Donald Trump have to do with current gun laws?

The answer, of course, is nothing. Trump is not a politician. He voted on no laws. He has never been part of the legislative process. The slaughter became the vehicle for demented left wingers to exploit to score cheap political points against Trump. That is truly despicable.

Then a number of high profile people found themselves intent on demonstrating their ignorance.

Noted firearms expert Hillary Clinton weighed in

She was put in her place by- wait for it- Glenn Kessler, of all people

Ben Shapiro also responded to Hillary

He then sought to educate people on silencers:

But Tom Arnold didn’t want to miss the Stupid Wagon either.

To which Shapiro fired back:

Nancy Pelosi, another one who never lets a good crisis go to waste, called for hearings on gun violence.

All well and good, but why now? There is a Vegas-level loss of life in Chicago every month. 762 people were killed in Chicago in 2016. I’ve said it before- liberals don’t really object to killings and deaths in dribs and drabs. They are bothered only when it happens all at once. That could lead one think that this is just playing  politics on their parts. The exploitation of a tragedy to bash Trump- who had NOTHING to do with any gun legislation- is disgusting and shameful.

Having said all that, I look forward to learning a lot more about what happened in Vegas than I know now. A retired accountant who spends his time gambling suddenly buying ammonium nitrate should have been a red flag, but it wasn’t. Did he buy massive amounts of ammunition suddenly? What if Paddocto k bought one of the automatic weapons obama and holder sold to Mexican drug cartels?

There is much to learn. We need facts before action is taken.

One ex-Marine did act promptly. He “stole” a truck to transport wounded to hospitals. Another off-duty police officer used his body to shield others.

Americans are at their best in times of crisis. Liberals are at their worst.

Update: I forgot this one




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They are bothered only when it happens all at once.

They are bothered when it doesn’t happen often enough. The left NEEDS these high-profile tragedies to exploit to pursue their gun control agenda. As stated, they do NOTHING to prevent this from happening every week in Chicago.

These tweets reveal perhaps the best argument AGAINST this being anything but a leftist terrorist attack. WHO do they all assume most of the victims to be? Hmmm?

Liberals and Liberal Dumb-O-Crats are calling for more gun control laws it looks like vultures are not the only opernunists so are the demacratic lowlifes who are lower then a snake in a wagon rut

I wonder if you keep up the narrative of 50% 0f the people being hateful Nazis and the Antifa are the good guys fighting facists, then assume everyone that enjoys country music is a Trump Supporting facist nazi. Do this day, after day, after day.

Liberals/Progressives can’t even create a law (other than total confiscation) that, fully enforced, would have prevented this massacre.
But, when there were mass murders during Obama, we learned that his DOJ did not bother to enforce many gun laws already on the books that MIGHT have prevented a few of those murders.

Liberals always like to find scapegoats t blame if their not blaming Global Warming/Climate Change on everything from ISIS to Burnt Toast then their blaming the NRA or Gun Makers like after Sandy Hook becuase liberals are too dumb to think without a remote in their hands and Chris Mathews yammering to them on the boob tube

Liberals love control. When they can’t get it, they love violence.

For decades I naively thought I was only hearing/meeting the extreme loons like the out-there right wingers.

Here we are now. When Trump and others had their conspiracy theories, they were dismissed by the GOP.

The democrats’ insane Russia conspiracy theories have multiple gov’t agencies trying to prove them to take down the elected president.

THAT is liberalism today. They preach tolerance and act like Stalin.

Liberals have been recommending…. DEMANDING… we replace prayer with ideological government intervention.

There’s always plenty to unpack in your rancid pedudice screeds DJ and you again live up to your expected norm.

Aside from your insinuation that anyone not sucking Trump butt must be a liberal, your exoneration of Trump because he “isn’t a politician” is somewhat of a grasp even for someone like you. It’s even more amazing hearing such chicken crap after years of you blaming Obama (you know, the guy you threw such hissy fits over because he was such a liar?) for everything from the Bush economic crash and burn to the Iraq quagmire to about anything else that you could come up with, regardless of validity.

And yeah, Hillary diffinately qulifies as a liberal but precisely how did she exploit the situation or “bash Trump” with her jab at the NRA on gun silencers? It’s actually something reasonable to think about, doesn’t infringe on the Constitution, and actually has merit (and even offers somewhat of a compromise) in the argument of reducing such mass killings.

And as far exploiting a tragedy for political bashing, well, you again prove your ability in this very thread.




It’s actually something reasonable to think about,

Sure. For an idiot.

Now HERE’S something reasonable to think about… and answer.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?


@Deplorable Me: Now AJ deeply feelz that all these people that rejoice in the blood and mayhem are great folks. None have had their opinions shaped by the media and its limo politics, he would join Antifa but mom might not feed his cat, or his body type doesnt look good in skinny jeans.
How dare we point out the seething hate when they are totally mind controlled to think its all from the “others” the country western fans, those that actually hold jobs and can afford to go for a fun weekend. He can perfectly sympathize with the shooter as the people in the article have.


Now AJ deeply feelz that all these people that rejoice in the blood and mayhem are great folks.

How you interpreted that from me is as dishonest and delusional of that of your cloned cohorts. No where in my comment even implies that. Nor is it there that I sympathized with the shooter.

What is in your response is the usual solphmoric dishonesty that’s so prevalent at FA.

@Ajay42302: The comments in the article above are those that are perfectly posessed, mind controlled, you not mentioning that they are sick speaks volumes of you. The teacher praying that a certain political leaning died, she comes in contact with children, that should concern you as much as it does me. No you go off on the person that posted the article, as you feelz you can post reading between the lines so will I. Dont you need to clean your familars box?


You accused me of rejoicing in the slaughter which I did not. You claim I sympathized with the shooter when I did not. You make other childish comments of adhering to Antifa which is baseless.

Simply put, you’re just another bigoted liar.

@Ajay42302: oooo sticks and stones lil guy, try posting on the subject matter and not attacking the one that posts it. By the way who is that teacher praying to?

@kitt: Other than being just another obvious plant, why is it that you stray off topic with incoherent false accusation and 2nd grade level satire pop shots at me (obviously, much like Bill, to be no more than a distraction to me pointing out DJs flawed predudice) yet attempt to chastise me for going off topic?

I understand that for the FA ilk, the parameters of hypocrisy are, well, nonexistent, but it would seem you’d at least try to be a tad less obvious. If for nothing else, just for sport.


How you interpreted that from me is as dishonest and delusional of that of your cloned cohorts.

That’s really rich, coming from you. But, since now, all of a sudden, you have changed your attitude towards misrepresenting comments (not that kitt did), I KNOW you’ll want to FINALLY answer these questions:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

You accused me of rejoicing in the slaughter which I did not.

Yet you attack those who bring to light the slime that ARE rejoicing. So, then, do you denounce those who ARE rejoicing in the slaughter and using it for obscene political gain? OOOO!!! The list continues to grow!!

Hollyweird is chirping out, you know the stars that promote safe driving and responsible gun ownership in all the movies they make millions on. Thank goodness they have armed body guards, Kimmel just increased his security.
I dont consider this a personal attack, I just love the series like Orange is the new Black and others that shine favorable light to good old fashioned family values.

@Ajay42302: Gun silencers in this case would have likely caused more deaths and yes hilldabeast is a disgusting libturd with no hesitation at taking a shot at President Donald Trump. After all she thought she should win even though she called hard working Americans deplorable and told coal workers she wanted them out of work. Her butt hurt is likely worse than yours and see what an idiot you are!! Wanna have a discussion about saving American lives?? OK let’s start with border enforcement and late term abortion. You OK with reality??


Hillary hates the NRA but likes their money.

@Common Sense:

OK let’s start with border enforcement and late term abortion. You OK with reality??

Regardless that you’re obviously following the Bill’s playbook of distractions and even with the assumption that my response will be once again ignored and you’ll follow the Bill’s playbook that I didn’t answer, I’ll play along and answer.

I’m all for and an advocate for boarder enforcement and I’m also not only against late term abortions but against early term abortions as well, even In cases of incest and rape.

So if you would, please explain the relevance of your question along with when, where, or how I implied otherwise.

By the way for fear you didn’t catch it, you’re kinda like off topic.

@Ajay42302: I know what distracts you… from your incessant lying. Questions. Because then you have to scurry away, roach-like, to your coward’s lair.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Now, at one point, all these questions were ON topic, but you refused to answer them, out of cowardice. But I have, for your convenience, put them all in a central location, placed them on a handy document from which I can cut and paste them EVERY TIME YOU APPEAR UNTIL YOU ANSWER THEM.

You do realize that Clinton didn’t use the word in question, don’t you? The open microphone story is pure unadulterated horse manure, originally posted by a parody website called Land of the Free. They state on their About Us page that they post things having no basis in reality.

This reminds me of the response from the Thermians in the movie Galaxy Quest when they’re asked about Gilligan’s Island.

@Greg: Or the entire left continually citing Palin as making the “see Russia from my house” remark, right?

Hillary has a long history of racist remarks, reported by her staff and secret service detail. She has used the “N” word, as well as insulting Jews and Hispanics. Her worshiping at the feet of a Grand Kleagel doesn’t help her case, either. You can deny all you want, but racism runs deep withing Hillary and the left.

@Ajay42302: At the beginning of my response and the article was about out of bounds and ridiculous liberal responses especially by hilldabeast I did mention and stand by my comment that highlights her ignorance as well as indicate that if silencers where employed by this animal then more would have likely died. Totally on point and I feel accurate. I am enlightened to know your position on abortion and border enforcement and we are in agreement. My point for bringing up these two topics was to identify other avenues that could be taken to save American lives just as those needlessly lost in Las Vegas. Yes this would be a political compromise on both sides with benefits for all Americans. You can argue the merits of bump stocks and saving of American lives but so bet it and let’s proceed. You can NOT and I see your position on abortion, and can clearly argue how our most innocent of American lives would definitely be saved and in much larger numbers than the politics of bump stock and our 2nd Amendment infringement. Border wall will save lives and revenue which could be applied towards Americans. I appreciate you comeback and my comments are my own and NOT owned by, Bill, I believe you said.

I see where that Jabba the Hutt(Micheal Moore)is calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment i have a better idea why dont old Blubber Bottom do us all a nice big favor and move to canada we certianly would’nt miss him

@Common Sense:

To clarify 1 point, I never indorsed a boarder wall albeit I am all for boarder enforcement.

If you are going to bring other life saving policies into this argument, maybe we can touch on not sending the uninsured home to die.

As for the entire gun issue, I might also ad that I’m an avid defender of the Constitution including the 2nd Admendment. However there are valid arguments as to what limit or what quantity or caliber of arsenal an individual should have. Yes, you have and should always have the right to bare arms. Rocket launchers that can take a jet out of the sky or an A-bomb or 2? Not so much. The conversation of common sense compromise for a reasonable distinction shouldn’t be silenced by the NRA and their paid so-called legislators for some conspiracy theory lunacy that “they’re coming after your guns”.

@Ajay42302: With respect to the border wall, I live in San Diego County and can assure you the wall makes a difference and should go further with all available tools to stop the constant influx of illegals into our country. It happens every night and you can visit any ER in San Diego Country any time of day and find a illegals receiving taxpayer funded health care. I noticed you singled out the NRA as the obstructionist to a real conversation surrounding gun control. The question arises about what really would make a difference and that conversation can only occur if the left will find a way to stop the nonsense of going after the NRA. What gun law would have prevented this mad mad from doing what he did?? Bad guys don’t obey the gun laws and you know it!!

Next, when do the uninsured get sent home to die unless you want to discuss the VA failures?? America has laws that say anyone who enters any ER must be treated so your comment is moot. If you want to talk about protecting taxpayer dollars then start with those in our country illegally, have a real discussion surrounding the intent of welfare as a step up and NOT a way of live, and finally realize that government managed care is the worst mode of health care in our nation both clinically as well as corruption. I have worked in private, public, and government systems and spent 40 years in the industry both clinically and in Sales and Marketing, I know what I’m talking about.

@Common Sense:

Several points there that I doubt we’d ever find common ground on but I’ll address them.

Using the 12 foot wall and 12 foot ladder rule, there will always be the need of boarder patrol and enforcement if you want to seriously stop the flow. And realistically, patrol and enforcement is your only logical answer. With today’s advanced monitoring technologies, that really shouldn’t be that hard.

Sorry but your “just go to the ER” falls way short of making my argument moot. Granted, you’ll get your flesh sewn, your bones set, and that baby delivered but that’s a far cry from getting a heart transplant, oncology treatments, or that $12000 pill needed to keep you alive.

This concept of the “left going after the NRA” was pretty much put to rest when the SCOTUS appointed Bush over Gore. That pretty much made the NRA untouchable and yes, I do hold them as the culprit of obstructing common sense gun regulation particularly on back ground checks. The GOP is at the mercy of their nod of yes or no to any gun legislation. I think you actually know this.

And I’ll agree that we will never stop mad and insane people from going postal. But that doesn’t mean we should not consider many of the rational proposals such as better defining a “business” vrs “personal” sales for online purchases, maybe a harder look at folks on the terrorist watch list, or how many rounds spent in how many seconds.

As far as a “real discussion on welfare”, how about starting with the banking industry, motel chains, food industry, foreign contractors, et al, actually setting up training seminars to teach their employees how to qualify for government assistance, using tax payers like me to subsidize their labor rather than paying them a livable wage?

@Ajay42302: I am in agreement with your last paragraph relevant to training. I would add that proof of legal status in our country MUST be part of this program. Welfare should also have some element of training and assumption of jobs available instead of making it a way of life. I don’t think we are far apart on this.

The left does go after the NRA just like a lot of the comments from the left today. You can’t deny this without acknowledgement of a lie. I have no issue with an honest discussion on gun control matters but it IS a slippery slope for certain.

I am for all types of border enforcement but I will still stand my ground on the need for a wall. Why do we have to do just one thing to prevent illegals from entering our country?? The cost of illegals in our country can not legitimately be minimized!! Voter ID should be implemented at a Federal Level to secure our sacred right to vote. It does NOT discriminate either!!

I would close by saying that given our diverse perspectives I am pleased to be able to dialogue on these difficult issues facing our nation.

@Common Sense:

You may have missed my argument on welfare. The “way of life” for welfare is now more of the corporate level rather than the workers. Corporate has utilized and maintained cheep labor by depending on government to subsidize their workers basic needs. In other words, more full time workers are receiving government assistance than ever before. Today’s GOP leaders appear to be rather content with that.

I’ve argued the voter ID gig for sometime and the ultimate goal of that is to disenfranchise certain classes of voters. Sure, you can give me the same old “ID needed to buy cigarettes” song and dance but that doesn’t account for the many many other obstacles enacted (many which I’ve listed here on many occasions) under the premise of voter ID along with illegal voting being pretty much a nonexistent problem. But this is a rather worn out argument.

It’s no secret that the NRA isn’t on the Dems Christmas card mailing list but what I’m saying is that they gained considerable clout with Al Gore’s defeat and it pretty much scared the crap out of Dems who sort of threw in the towel at that point. Hell, even Obama was one of your more gun friendlier presidents as he signed legislation allowing guns in national parks and then again on Amtrak trains. So I’d say Dems have been more walking on eggshells rather than this “going after” them as you suggest.


The conversation of common sense compromise for a reasonable distinction shouldn’t be silenced by the NRA and their paid so-called legislators for some conspiracy theory lunacy that “they’re coming after your guns”.

What sort of “compromise” has the NRA silenced, or is an answer to a simple question simply too much to hope for? As to the “conspiracy theory lunacy”, I provided for Greg, who was making that same phony point, a long list of actual confiscations, back-door policies to kill manufacturers and sellers and the documented statements of your illustrious leaders have made promoting bans and confiscations. If you have a lot of trouble finding it, I can provide you the entire list again, as well as these:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

If you are going to bring other life saving policies into this argument, maybe we can touch on not sending the uninsured home to die.

Oh, you mean like socialized medicine does? Euthanizing patients for beds or deciding who lives or dies based on their contribution to the collective?

Voter ID is just another in a long line of Democrat wedge issues. Photo ID hasn’t disenfranchised anyone; in fact, voter participation went UP in Texas. The left simply wants to keep grasping to the hope of using voter fraud to turn an election. At the rate you are going, voter fraud and violence is about all you have left.

It’s no secret that the NRA isn’t on the Dems Christmas card mailing list

The NRA supports anyone, Democrat or Republican, based on their support for the 2nd Amendment. It just so happens that everyone that wants to disarm the law abiding public are liberals.

@Ajay42302: I would say hour corporate welfare comment is driven partly by Obolacare. The unemployment figures are very skewed based upon a lot of factors including defining full time work as 30 hours. Also Obola created a lot of jobs by converting Defense contractors to full time DOD, my wife was one of those in the health care industry. It was a total scam to say look I created jobs. None the less we will agree to disagree about the idea that a Voter ID somehow disenfranchises anyone. I have never heard a good argument to support that claim but rather just the suggestion that this would happen. BTW illegal vote here in California and you can’t win that argument because of my own personal observation living here in San Diego County. They register to vote when California gives them a drivers license. The argument is 100% valid, if you disagree then why not allow it to be proven either true or false. Trump wanted to do this and the demoncraps shut him down, wonder why??

@Common Sense:

As a rule, if your arguments stand to scutany, it isn’t nessasary to inject childish retorts such as “Odumbo”, “democraps” or whatever similar name calling you use. If you notice, I refrain from using “repute’s” and such. But, I digress.

No, corporate welfare, particularly of which I argued, had no connection with The Affordable Care Act and how you arrived to that is unknown.

If you’ve never heard a good argument as to how voter ID and the many enacted laws under that premise disenfranchises voters, then I’m sure there’s nothing I could tell you and I’m sure that you never will.


As a rule, if your arguments stand to scutany, it isn’t nessasary to inject childish retorts such as “Odumbo”, “democraps” or whatever similar name calling you use. If you notice, I refrain from using “repute’s” and such.

Also, as a really hard and fast rule, if you have substantiation for your arguments (as opposed to petty, silly, sore-loser centric wild accusations), you are anxious to answer questions about the validity of those arguments. For instance:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?