Why Trump will be re-elected and why democrats will get pounded in 2018



In case you were wondering, should he choose to run Donald Trump will be re-elected. Let’s look at the efforts by liberals and democrats that will lead to this.

Republicans are white supremacist Nazis.

In a recent column for The Guardian, former Democratic senator for Wisconsin Russ Feingold clarified what all this controversy about white supremacists and Confederate statues is really all about: Republicans are Nazis.

“The lesson from Charlottesville is not how dangerous the neo-Nazis are,” he writes. “It is the unmasking of the Republican party leadership. In the wake of last weekend’s horror and tragedy, let us finally, finally rip off the veneer that Trump’s affinity for white supremacy is distinct from the Republican agenda of voter suppression, renewed mass incarceration and the expulsion of immigrants.”

Maxine Waters: they’re all trying to kill me:

WASHINGTON – Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on Wednesday asked terror experts for answers on how to combat the rise of white nationalists, as she has been fielding death threats from extremists.

“What can we do to deal with the KKK, the white nationalists, the extremists, the alt-right?” Waters, who serves as ranking member of the House Committee on Financial Services, asked during a Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance hearing. “They’re on the internet, they’re Breitbart. If you look at the YouTube, you see how much they want to kill me and others. What can we do?”

Being white is bad news:

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Eves believes “Maine’s whiteness is bad news” according to remarks he delivered during a Maine People’s Alliance event this week.
According to Maine First Media and Big League Politics, the former Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives delivered the remarks while addressing a group of nearly one hundred activists and grassroots supporters Wednesday evening at the “Resistance Rising” forum event put on by the Maine People’s Alliance in Lewiston.

It’s great that Trump properties will be damaged by Irma

Trump comforted millions of white deplorables:

Hillary Clinton said President Donald Trump comforted “millions of white people” with his campaign during an interview airing Sunday on CBS.

“He was quite successful in referencing the nostalgia that would give hope, comfort, settle grievances, for millions of people who were upset about gains that were made by others,” Clinton said of Trump’s campaign.

“What you’re saying is millions of white people,” host Jane Pauley clarified.

“Millions of white people,” Clinton confirmed. “Yeah, millions of white people.”

Jennifer Lawrence: Hurricanes are Mother Nature punishing us for voting Trump:

“And we voted, and it was really startling,” Lawrence added. She then insinuated that the hurricanes were “Mother Nature’s rage and wrath” at America for Trump.

You know you’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard especially while promoting this movie, not to feel mother nature’s rage and wrath,” she stated.

You know, punishing all those Trump voters in Barbuda and Cuba.

Trump has a white supremacy agenda:

“This is one of the most cruel acts we’ve seen in the presidency in a long time….I’m afraid since Charlottesville and the talk about the white supremacists and putting them on the same level as protesters….[The pardon of Sheriff Joe] Arpaio and now this….Increasingly there is a sign out there that’s been hung up in the White House or outside the White House saying, if you’re not white, you’re not especially welcome.”
— CNN’s Senior Political Analyst David Gergen on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, September 5.   

GOP is racist and deserves extinction:

“Of all the actions Trump has taken, none has been as cruel, thoughtless or divisive as deporting hundreds of thousands of young people who’ve done nothing but go to school, work hard and present themselves to the government. The party of Lincoln has become the party of Charlottesville, Arpaio, DACA repeal and the Muslim ban. Embodying the very worst sentiments and driven by irrational anger, it deserves not defense but extinction.”
— Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin in September 4 online blog post “Ending DACA would be Trump’s most evil act.”

Trump is a sociopath:

“I did some homework and there’s nothing glib about this….‘How to Determine if Someone is a Sociopath.’ A person – a sociopath is a condition that prohibits people from adopting to ethical and behavioral standards of a community….They believe their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority and disregard others….They have trouble suppressing emotional responses like anger, impatience or annoyance. They do bizarre, risky, and outrageous things without assessing repercussions. They’re professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements and they get comfort with their lying….They’re manipulative….And it’s interesting so many of the traits of a sociopath that this man [Donald Trump] is displaying.”
— MSNBC analyst Donny Deutsch on Deadline: White House, August 23.

Keith Olbermann:

“Gorka resigns. So the Day isn’t a total loss. Now leave the country, @SebGorka, you Nazi fuck.”
— August 25 Tweet by former MSNBC host and current GQ commentator Keith Olbermann. 

“You and @Potus can go fuck yourselves, you racist Nazi fucks.”
— August 25 Tweet directed at Sheriff Joe Arpaio by former MSNBC host and current GQ commentator Keith Olbermann.

“The hurricane is going to do less damage to schools than you are, Motherfucker”
— August 26 Tweet by former MSNBC host and current GQ commentator Keith Olbermann in response to tweet from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos:  “Our prayers are with all those in the path of #HurricaneHarvey. @usedgov stands ready to assist impacted schools.” 

Fox News re-animated the Nazis

“I truly believe Fox News, as much as we blame them all the time, it’s not enough. They are the Jurassic Park that took the DNA of the Nazis and re-animated it. I absolutely believe that. I believe that without Fox News for years giving the kind of poison they give over their airwaves, putting it into people’s heads, and then the Internet I think, which, people say they’re radicalized on the Internet….Before if you were a neo-Nazi, unless you found somebody in town at the coffee shop, now you can find them on the Internet. And then the President gave permission to them. So, Fox News, the Internet, Donald Trump that’s the perfect storm.”
— Host Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, August 18. 

Let’s hope Betsy DeVos is sexually assaulted

SICK! Left-Wing Civil Rights Lawyer to Betsy DeVos: I’d Be Ok If You Were Sexually Assaulted

John Legend looks for fat actors to play Trump:

Musician John Legend has put out a casting call for “out of shape” white actors to play the roles of Trump supporters in an upcoming music video, alongside other white actors to play members of the alt-right.

TMZ reported today that John Legend, a liberal and often vocal defender of the Black Lives Matter movement, is creating a music video that needs several actors on a set that looks like a protest rally between Black Lives Matter supporters, and Trump supporters and the alt-right.

According to a listing on Casting Networks in L.A., the project needs eight men and women, between 30 to 65 years old to play Trump supporters. The listing calls for these actors to be “preferably out of shape” and includes a picture of real-life Trump supporters as a reference.

Southern Poverty Law Center: all conservative groups are hate groups:

In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the Family Research Council a “hate group” because of its orthodox position on homosexuality, and its occasionally incendiary defenses of that position.

In 2012, Floyd Corkins showed up at the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun.

I don’t mean to imply that these two things were connected. I’m telling you that they were connected. We know because the shooter told the FBI where he got the idea.

Conservatives have used this to try to discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups. But the sad truth is that if you criticize someone, there’s always some small chance that an unstable person will read your criticism and decide its subject needs killing. The shooting is still not the fault of the writer, but the fault of the shooter.

(Just in case it helps, I interrupt this column to point out that you should not shoot anyone I write about, or anyone I don’t write about, or anyone.)

Also, you don’t need to manufacture ersatz accountability in order to discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate group tally. You just need to tell people what’s on the list.

This is the same non-profit group that has millions stashed offshore:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is perhaps best known for its “hate map,” a collection of organizations the nonprofit deems “domestic hate groups” that lists mainstream conservative organizations alongside racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and is often referenced in the media. A gunman opened fire at the Washington, D.C., offices of the conservative Family Research Council in 2012 after seeing it listed as an “anti-gay” group on SPLC’s website.

The SPLC has turned into a fundraising powerhouse, recording more than $50 million in contributions and $328 million in net assets on its 2015 Form 990, the most recently available tax form from the nonprofit. SPLC’s Form 990-T, its business income tax return, from the same year shows that they have “financial interests” in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda. No information is available beyond the acknowledgment of the interests at the bottom of the form.

However, the Washington Free Beacon discovered forms from 2014 that shed light on some of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s transfers to foreign entities.

The SPLC’s Form 8865, a Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships, from 2014 shows that the nonprofit transferred hundreds of thousands to an account located in the Cayman Islands.

New York Magazine: all whites are racists:

Relics of the past should be preserved, for the sake of history, art, and future generations. But the current frenzy to demand removal of (and in some cases actually violently destroy) Confederate monuments, and even American monuments threatens to erase large swaths of American history — noble and deplorable alike.

The arts are certainly not immune to the hysteria. In response to a theater in Tennessee cancelling a showing of Gone With the Wind, because of its “insensitivity,” New York Magazine’s Vulture published a piece calling the film, “a cinematic monument to the Confederacy.” However, Angelica Jade Bastien, the essayist, argued that the film should in fact be preserved. Why? “When watching Gone With the Windwhite audiences today who are willing to examine their racist failings must also examine how they specifically propagate the mythology that upholds white supremacy,” she reasoned.

Being white is an original sin:

White privilege is now a part of the Ontario school curriculum. It is taught in teacher training, and is a routine part of anti-bias education. The idea is that white people benefit from unearned advantages based on race. Canada is depicted as a deeply racialized society where people are automatically advantaged, or disadvantaged, by their skin tone, race and (by extension) gender.

Trump supporters are traitors.

Trump voters are all racists.

And then there is Steven Colbert, the self-anointed arbiter of all things proper:

Colbert makes a lot of money spewing middle school locker room vulgarities which amuse his brain dead adolescent audiences.

So there in summary is the democrat platform for 2018 and 2020. It is dominated by two undercurrents:

Trump hate and identity politics.

Both are losers. People really dislike this kind of thing. It smears over 60 million Americans.  Liberals and democrats keep spitting it out to make themselves feel better. It offers nothing to make the lives of Americans better but they have nothing else to offer. The left is now the party of the a**hole Steven Colbert, who would have held a comfortable position in the Third Reich under Goebbels.

So pay no attention to polls showing you whatever it is the left wants you to believe. When you hear that there is no chance Trump could be re-elected, remember that there was no chance that Trump could win the Presidency either.


HuffPo: Respect President Obama’s Office, if not the Man

John Lewis on Obama: If You Don’t Respect the Man, Respect the Position

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Not nearly as much as Hillary and you VOTED for her and support her still. Trump didn’t sell any uranium to Russia, did he?

Neither did Clinton, in the real world.

In the real world, she didn’t have anything to say about approving or disapproving the deal—which, in the real world, didn’t include a license to export uranium anywhere outside North America. But don’t let such facts get in the way of a good smear.

It’s useless arguing with people who don’t care in the least about what’s really true or false. That indifference, more than any other single thing, defines Trump supporters. They don’t really care that he lies constantly, because he’s telling the lies they want to believe.

@Greg: Tell you what all of Trumps returns for a clear accounting of the billions of Haitian donations, there must be at least 1 hurricane proof school, a few dozen trained in construction? There were pals that got loads of cash http://freebeacon.com/politics/clintons-facilitated-donors-haiti-project-that-defrauded-u-s-out-of-millions/
There was no housing built
With a crooked government in Haiti it was the perfect situation for crooks to step in and “help”.

@kitt, #52:

It sounds to me as if the fraud was on the part of Claudio Osorio, who got himself a 12-year prison sentence for his troubles, and crooks in the Haitian government.

If you want to tar the Clintons through guilt by association, you’d best brace yourself if the same standard is applied to Donald Trump. Trump’s association with known organized crime figures goes back decades. He’s had recent associates in contact with Russian figures currently under investigation for money laundering.

Trump hasn’t been subjected to a hundredth part of the official scrutiny the Clintons have been under for years—so far.


But don’t let such facts get in the way of a good smear.

Oh… you mean like “Trump collusion”? Is there some pill you take to make you ignore actual evidence while getting the runs over imaginary accusations you whiny liberals have dreamed up?

As Secretary of State, Hillary signed off on the sale, then Billy got a $500K payday. Oh, but I’m SURE that’s just a coincidence, right?

Trump’s association with known organized crime figures goes back decades.

You mean like this?

@kitt: I’m sure the Clinton’s were cheering on Irma to smash some more impoverished islands where media coverage can be controlled. It probably means another $100 million gold mine, unless people are smart enough to remember their record in handling donations. Money, money, money.

@Greg: What about that accounting the crook that got only 40 million wheres the other 13 billion, where is the money? The total destruction total was 14 billion there should be at least 1/2 rebuilt a 1/3, a frigging outhouse ? Show me what the most qualified person to EVER run for president and her loving husband built in Haiti. Is it in her new book???

As Secretary of State, Hillary signed off on the sale, then Billy got a $500K payday.

No, she DID NOT, because that’s simply NOT how the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States process works. As has been explained here in detail at least half-a-dozen times, with links to supporting references.

The right’s Uranium One tale is complete, unmitigated BULLSHIT. There’s simply no good excuse for believing this sort of crap. Which isn’t to say there’s no explanation: Trump voters are willfully ignorant. They don’t want to know the truth. They want to believe what they wish. Facts are not relevant.


The chaps thing is seems to be an amusement of RT.

Actually it is, but as you probably know, it all started because our resident Vegan decided to join the Mercy for Animals organization. I’m not sure he understood what that meant when he suddenly found himself in a Rainbow flag waving parade with his MFA flag due to the fact that the founder of MFA was a assless chaps wearing flaming fag. I think after just a few of those parades, RW got tired of the assless chaps displays, so he started to renounce them. I’m just trying to help him keep his spirit up because he got so disappointed in the expectations of the Vegan group and their rainbow flag waving. I think RW will be a little more careful before joining groups in the future.


Facts are not relevant.

Especially the fact that Hillary sold the uranium. It was just an expectation of liberals.

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump disses Mac—Mac gets even–Dt understands

Mac gets even? You think he can ‘unsing’ his songs? How does a traitor become a ‘non-traitor’ after the fact? His being the ‘songbird’ is not nearly as repulsive an act as betraying his fellow POWs after he got into the Senate. That’s absolutely despicable to betray his fellow POWs.
You don’t need to carry his water, Rich. It’s not helping.

@Redteam: I see you amusing yourself, you only tease those you like. 😉


Could you imagine a Wretched Madcow going off on JFKs money coming from a gin running Mob family?

And about both JFK and Jackie Kennedy both seeing who could bed more partners each week.

@kitt: You’re correct. I think RW gets about as much satisfaction ribbing me as I do him. I admire him, especially in his younger years being inspired to become a Marine leader that led a platoon (or company) in Viet Nam. I volunteered for the Navy in my younger days because I loved the Navy uniform so much. I still fly the US flag every day. Can’t stand these crazies such as Kaepernick that have all the advantages this country can give anyone and still does not respect the country enough to stand up for the National Anthem.

@richard wheeler:

If Karma exists, and I think it does, Trump’s got a rude awakening coming to him.

all big talk, I don’t believe that you hope something bad happens to a sitting US President. A person that, playing by the rules, won the US Presidential election fair and square. I think you will ultimately stand with the US and the US president is a symbol of the US and it’s government.

@richard wheeler: Let’s see Obozo’s birth certificate. What’s he hiding? Let’s see his SS number. What’s he hiding? Let’s see his registration and graduation certificates from Columbia, what’s he hiding? Let’s see his completion of courses at Harvard Law. What’s he hiding? Let’s see his suspension of law license and the reason for it. What’s he hiding? Why weren’t you asking for these things while Obozo was president. Trump has no obligation at all to show his tax returns. Why should he, then he would have to spend the next two years defending why he deducted business meals on his expense report. We don’t need that BS. How many times have you demanded Obozo’s tax returns? Hillary’s ? Why don’t you post your tax returns?

@Redteam: I have the greatest respect for Mercy For Animals. Sorry you’re so anti-gay—never seen anyone in assless chaps–have you?
To call Mac a traitor is ridiculous especially coming from a former member of The Naval Service.
HRC and BHO have released years of tax returns–as did both Bush’s and Clinton—Trump ‘s hiding something–said he’d release them after audit–a lie.

BTW–Observed a deployment get together of Officers -E-6 2/4 USMC–Heading for get this–SOUTH KOREA—Mattis playing checkers–very impressive group of dedicated young men..warriors.

I wish nothing bad for the POTUS other than a resounding defeat in 2018 and 2020’ I respect your service in our great Navy

@Redteam: According to Before It’s News, Barack
Hussein Obama surrendered his law license in 2008 in order to dodge
charges that he lied on his bar . Lying seems quite a plausible reason.
For Trump to lose re-election the dems have to find a sane human to run.

@kitt: BHO voluntarily retired his law license–no need for it– certainly not suspended–no charges against him–to allude otherwise is a lie.
I think Trump will be challenged by his own Party–Dem candidate will emerge that should win fairly easily.

@Redteam, #58:

Especially the fact that Hillary sold the uranium. It was just an expectation of liberals.

Republican politicians consider stupidity to be a valuable natural resource, worth even more than uranium.


No, she DID NOT, because that’s simply NOT how the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States process works. As has been explained here in detail at least half-a-dozen times, with links to supporting references.

You can “explain” Hillary’s corruption all you want, but the facts are otherwise. One, the State Department had been aware of the threat Russian control of uranium supplies would be to Europe and us. Next, Hillary IS one of the signatories on the CFISUS and, being aware of the memo describing the threats posed and Secretary of State, should have killed it. But, then, that would have been one expensive protection of national security, wouldn’t it? $500K… that’s tough for a corrupt money-whore to turn down.


Why should he, then he would have to spend the next two years defending why he deducted business meals on his expense report.

Hillary releases a return that shows she and Bill made a million dollar “charitable” donation to… themselves. Did the media report it? Was this an issue? No, because the media was waiting for Trump’s returns showing he’s rich so they can accuse him of being rich. There is NO REASON for Trump to release any more returns. He has submitted the required financial disclosures and that’s that.

@Richard Wheeler: I’m not even going to try weighing in on most of this thread, as my cohorts seem to have it well in hand =8^)
But to address two questions:

1) The Boss isn’t running for anything. Check his autobio, “Born to Run”. Very well written, and it shows that being a politician just isn’t in his mentality. Or if you’re ever in DC ping me & we can meet up for a beer and I’ll loan it to you!
2) Kaepernick isn’t getting signed by week 4, or any week. I wrote about this last week, and there’s one simple reason why he’s not playing. But don’t feel about being wrong about this prediction – I’m wrong on sports predictions all the time!

@Richard Wheeler:

Dem candidate will emerge that should win fairly easily.

I just hope its not another fast tracked community organizer from nowhere. All of the “leaders” of the party are well … uh you know.

@Richard Wheeler: Did he Dodge the draft like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden. What ever happened to that severe case of lung disease that struck Biden right after he got a draft notice?

@Richard Wheeler:

I think Trump will be challenged by his own Party–Dem candidate will emerge that should win fairly easily.

You do know that you presented the “best” you had to offer (one whom your beloved Obama deemed “the most qualified in history”) and Trump beat her. Now that your party has turned far, radical left, who do you think you have that has a better chance than Hillary? You liberals are going to delude yourselves into another 4 years of Trump… again.

@Richard Wheeler:

BHO voluntarily retired his law license–no need for it– certainly not suspended–no charges against him–

You don’t think lying about whether he had ever gone by a different name, Barry Soetoro, is significant? Apparently the Illinois Bar doesn’t agree. You don’t think lying about if he had ever gotten an undergraduate degree was important?. Claimed Columbia, Bar Assn disagrees. You don’t think using someone else’s Social Security number is enough to get suspended for? Way too many lies, easier to just surrender. Maybe one of two lies, but not when he had to defend every known claimed fact about him.

HRC and BHO have released years of tax returns

Let’s test that. How much income did Hillary show from selling Uranium from the US gov? When you can tell me which return she filed that shows that transaction, then we can start discussing some other tax returns.

@Richard Wheeler:

To call Mac a traitor is ridiculous especially coming from a former member of The Naval Service.

How can you pretend to deny the evidence? I’m sure you’ve heard his recordings, they’re all over you tube and many other sources. He used different back up for the different recordings. I’ve heard he’s considering a re-release but still under the Hanoi Songbird label. I have also said that I don’t know what kind of pressure he was under. Under the same circumstances, many might have become recording artists. However, there can be no logical excuse for him so consistently betraying several hundred fellow POWs that were left behind, mostly just to keep them from telling the truth about McCain.
The question about took or surrender law license. Here’s simulation of conversation. “Bar Assn:” Barack, er or uh, Barry, we’re sending you a notice tomorrow that your law license is being suspended. ” Barack, er or uh, Barry,: eh uh, well, I’m sending the license voluntarily to you tonight, so there won’t be a necessity for you sending me that notice tomorrow. Note, that I’m ‘voluntarily’ surrendering my law license” Bar Assn: Gotcha.


Republican politicians consider stupidity to be a valuable natural resource, worth even more than uranium.

So, you’re saying Hillary could have gotten more than she did for the uranium? She was selling the wrong product?

@Richard Wheeler:

Sorry you’re so anti-gay—never seen anyone in assless chaps–have you?

Who said I was ‘anti-gay’? Don’t know any gays, I don’t get out to Gayfornia very often. You’re saying those gay pride parades you were in for MFA didn’t include chaps guys? Geez, I guess you really were wasting your time.
See where PETA is now lobbying to outlaw eating hogs. Bowing to the muslims.

@Redteam: No gays? Sheltered life you lead RT—-do you know any Jews? How bout Mexicans or Asians?—Dems???

Re Mac—Unless you’ve spent a few years in a NVA prison camp you should hold your thoughts seaman.

RE BHO lies and unsub, rumors you continually post Should I be posting stories about Trump and his Russian hookers? same idea.

@Brother Bob: Look forward to enjoying that beer with you BB.
I’ ll read Born To Run
America land of 2nd chances–Kap made a mistake-think he’ll play again.

USC qb’s Darnold and Sears from San Clemente H.S–short walk from my home–fine young leaders–bodes poorly for my Fighting Irish.
Gotta love that Clemson program.

Semper Fi–keep up your good work

they are arson

@Richard Wheeler:

Re Mac—Unless you’ve spent a few years in a NVA prison camp you should hold your thoughts seaman.

So now you concede that he ‘collaborated’ with the enemy, you’re just saying he likely had a good reason for it. I think if you read back to my first ever comments about Songbird, I very likely said the same thing, that I couldn’t know what he was going through and that if I were there I might be a recording artist as well. But, we all know he made the recordings, it’s just a matter of admitting he was a collaborator. I actually have no problem with that, except to concede that it DOES NOT make him a war hero. His actions in covering up the fates of the POWs that were never released is what makes him a total and complete asshole. Well, that and he is a complete phony.

@Richard Wheeler:

do you know any Jews? How bout Mexicans or Asians?



Correction Dims? No not really.

RE BHO lies and unsub, rumors you continually post Should I be posting stories about Trump and his Russian hookers? same idea.

By all means, do as I do, print all the truths and ignore the lies. If you know something bad about Trump, you owe it to us. I hope you’re not going to tell any men that to grab a woman by the pu$$y is a bad thing (unless you’re gay, of course)
Surely you know, by now, that very little of what I’ve said about Obozo is a lie. His law license was suspended, he lied on the application, he is not a college grad, he may not be a law school grad (that’s still unknown) he may have only gotten an ‘affirmative action’ certificate. It is known, for a fact, that he is using someone’s Social Security no. (not his own) I have no problem with you repeating these truths. He was a foreign student at Occidental, but not a graduate. These facts are not in dispute.

@Richard Wheeler:

America land of 2nd chances–Kap made a mistake-think he’ll play again.

Made a mistake, eh? What ‘mistake’ did he make?

@Redteam: You got a lot of ‘may haves’ in there RT and you know your “facts” are hardly that. But if they are facts in your mind keep on believing..
Trump “may have” received golden showers from Russian prostitutes while in Moscow for Miss Universe Pageant.

Mac talks under torture–Do you truly believe that makes him a traitor? That’s sick.

Now Trump’s “buddy” Brady is supporting Kap.

With respect, I know you married young and I wouldn’t deign to comment on your methods of foreplay. However, having batched it for close to 50 years I can assure you “grabbing pussy” doesn’t work nearly as well as gently caressing them
Trump’s a pig. Actually that’s an insult to pigs.
Let’s just say he’s a classless bore.

@Richard Wheeler:

You got a lot of ‘may haves’ in there

Only one. And that deals with whether he actually got a law degree or just an affirmative action, certificate of attendance to Harvard.

Trump “may have” received golden showers from Russian prostitutes while in Moscow for Miss Universe Pageant.

At least that’s a male/female thing. Not in my bag of tricks, but I don’t care what anyone does in their hotel room.

Mac talks under torture–Do you truly believe that makes him a traitor? That’s sic

Careful there RW, don’t slip a cog on us. Don’t you know the Dim deal is that ‘torture doesn’t work’? I think if you check my statements above you’ll find I used the word ‘collaborator’ not traitor, though it seems as if most Dims consider them to be the same thing. My statement is that he was a collaborator with the enemy and was not a ‘war hero’. But it does now seem that you’ve at least heard his recordings and know that he actually was a collaborator. He gave aid and comfort to the enemy at the expense of other American servicemen. I know that, you know that, McCain knows that. That’s sufficient.

Now Trump’s “buddy” Brady is supporting Kap

That doesn’t enhance Brady’s charisma. And what was the mistake that Kap made? Perhaps being ‘anti-American’?

@Redteam: It’s true–getting caught with a dead female prostitute not as bad as getting caught with a live male.

You go on and on about Mac–are you continuing to call him a traitor–or not?

Don’t miss my last paragraph in #84 Thoughts?

UI?? no clue on that moniker Curt lol RW

@UI-?:Here is Dictionary.com definition of the word collaborator.

to cooperate, usually willingly, with an enemy nation, especially with an enemy occupying one’s country:
He collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.

So as of now, without him having been convicted of being a traitor, we know because of his recording that he was a collaborator with the enemy. You may define him as you choose. Your comment in last paragraph, I’ve never had a problem. Never had to ‘worry’ about it. All comes naturally. Never been a rich man is a world where every woman is doing all she can to get you to grab anything you want. I don’t think you have either.

I think Trump shows more class in every move he makes than any single move I’ve ever seen by Hillary or Bill. You do acknowledge that Bill is a genuine rapist, don’t you? Bill is also a pedophile, that has been known for years. But some people Dims just admire, whether they can read a teleprompter or not.

@Not UI: Glad we agree Mac is neither a traitor or a collaborator–since nothing he did WHILE BEING TORTURED was WILLINGLY–good.

Trump shows class YOU SAY You can’t be serious RT. Forget about Bill and HRC–The subject is DT.–CLASSLESS

@Richard Wheeler:


Now there you go again. Trying to have it both ways. Your side claims that torture doesn’t work. So then you can’t claim McCain did something because he was being tortured and at the same time claiming torture doesn’t work. The recordings he made are clear that his is an enemy collaborator, I’ll never agree that he’s not. I’ll also, always maintain that he is pond scum because he deserted his fellow POWs when they needed him the most. Basically, your super pile of dung.

Yea, I know you’d like to be able to forget about Bill and Hill. Bill a pardoned draft dodger, rapist, pedophile and Hill, a murderer (Vince and pals) Ambassador Stevens, and traitor (selling Uranium to a foreign enemy). Yeah, you’d like to forget all about them. I guess you’d like a few more just like them. Normal every day Dimocrat.

@Not UI: Notice you didn’t mention BHO– A good family man and a true class act,
Trump ‘s cheated on his wives and on those that have labored for him. He’s demeaned good men like Carson. Bad mouthed and demeaned supporters like Sessions. He’s a loudmouth classless bore.

@Richard Wheeler:

Notice you didn’t mention BHO– A good family man and a true class act,

Class act? I would really like to hear your definition of “class”.

I never thought telling his followers to rat out their friends who disagree with his policies and send their email addresses to the White House very classy. Nor was saying those who disagree with his immigration policies are “enemies” that “must be punished”. That is particularly classless. But, he outdoes even that.

When a doped up thug tried to take a policeman’s gun and kill him with it, getting himself killed in the act, Obama didn’t call for calm, reason and understanding, he encouraged the violence and invited the parents of the criminal, not the besieged cop, to the White House.

He also invited Al Sharpton into the People’s House, validating race-baiting and incitement of violence, and he invited the leaders of Black Lives Matter, who were actively calling for (and getting) cops killed. Is that what you call “classy”?

How about every time there was a tragedy, Obama getting before cameras and exploiting it for political gain, exploiting human misery with lies and misdirection. Yet, he never invited the parents of Kate Steinle to the White House, did he? I guess there was no classy way to exploit their tragedy for his own gain.

I suppose kicking 7 million (including myself) off the insurance they had and liked was an act of class? Lying about it extensively and repeatedly… classy? Is continuing to spread divisiveness after leaving office classy?

Yeah, Obama is the epitome of class… if one HAS no class.

How about donating one million of his own dollars to help the hurricane victims (as opposed to taking contributions, skimming most off the top, and applying about 10% to the victims, as the Clinton’s do)? Do you see any class in that class act?