The Week in Radical Leftism, 8/19/2017


Happy August everybody – let’s get straight to the stupid! For starters we jump back for some stories that missed last week’s deadline:

8/5 – Child miners aged four living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car: Awful human cost in squalid Congo cobalt mine that Michael Gove didn’t consider in his ‘clean’ energy crusade


8/11 – NYT Questions If Climate Change Is Worse Than Nuclear War

There is really nothing I can add to this

8/11 – New York Magazine Accuses Fox News Hosts of Racism for Having Blonde Hair

By this reasoning Hillary isn’t even good enough to be a racist, just a racist wanna-be

8/12 – Ellison Regrets Remark that Kim Jong-un ‘More Responsible’ Than Trump: ‘It’s Tailor-made for Somebody to Misuse’

“I regret providing such obvious proof that I’m an idiot”

8/12 – Laughing my Ossoff: Loser teaches Resistance how to win elections

Yes, I admit that the title alone was enough to include this story

8/13 – Amid 2020 buzz, Warren urges Democrats to reject centrist policies and move leftward

In the words of the great Michael Ledeen, “Faster, please.”

8/14 – NY Times Writer Rips Cruz For ‘Posturing.’ Cruz Takes Out Writer And The Times With One Withering Blast.

I’m not including much directly on Charlottesville or our president’s reaction since this has been such an oversaturated story. This is one of the better minor stories that you might have missed


Burning American flags, carrying fascist flags, rioting – I guess that opposition to violence didn’t last long, did it?

8/15 – Patricia Heaton Takes on CBS After Network Praises ‘Elimination’ of Downs Syndrome Babies

For as much as Leftists claim to oppose Nazis they certainly endorse quite a few of the old party’s policies


Inciting violent riots should have consequences.

Yes, we’ve reached the point where even Vox has higher journalistic standards than The Washington Post

8/16 – Black man’s house vandalized while he was away from home

For reasons that are unknown the media ignores story…

8/17 – Black Lives Matter Activists Float Criminalization of Confederate Imagery

In other news, White Supremacists call for criminalization of BLM imagery. Seriously, who has more recent experience with destroying predominantly black neighborhoods – the Klan or BLM?

8/17 – NY Times Editor Claims Incompetence Led Him to Libel Sarah Palin

Sorry Gov. Palin – you have no chance of disproving that defense!

8/18 – Will The Left Start Calling For New York To Be Renamed?

Bold prediction:
Leftists today: Don’y be ridiculous. You’re just trying to paint us as unreasonable – of course we would NEVER call for that!
Leftists tomorrow: Times change, now get on the right side of history, bigot. Why am I even acknowledging you when you suggest that there are two sides to this story – SHUT UP YOU NAZI!!!

And ICYMI, I provided a semi-roundup of last Saturday in Charlottesville’s clash between Democratic Socialists and the National Socialists German Workers’ Party.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

Image at the top of the post appears via Stilton’s Place

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The more the left fails, the worse they have to depict the opposition. It has become quite ridiculous.

The liberal rag THE NEW YORKER had a recent frontg cover of their latists rag trying to connect Trump and the KKK(Which was founded by demacrats)and the late Robbert Byrd was a Grand Lizard and with the solar eclpies coming on monday will the liberal eco-wackos blame Global Warming/Climate Change? these idiots blame everything on Climate Change/Global Warming

Well BB this is a never ending thread, there will always be sufficient fodder as the Left spins further into insanity.

This shameful act from my little corner of the country The liberal piece of it…
No wonder we call it Madcity.

Lol Bigot Bob, that should pretty much distract from another epic failure of a week and further exposure of incompetence and mental stability of Adolf Trump and his all white merry men.

Last decade it was the “Washington Redskins.”
Last year it was the “Washington blankity-blanks.”
This year it is the “Blankity-blank-blank Blankity-blanks.”

The Left NEVER stops fighting for more territory.
Next year it will be, “we used to have a game called ‘football.'”

@Ajay42302: Ben Carson not white. Nikki Haley not white. Son in laws grandfather a Holocaust survivor. Jewish daughter as well.

You have no clue which shows in every post.

I figure you probably don’t believe the Holocaust ever happened.

@Mully: Aside from , well, finding a few the right likes, or perhaps makes exceptions for, my poke at Bigot Bob’s howl-at-moon gibberish doesn’t mean all’ well or normal in this week of the rabid right.

It seems the more Adolf Trump and team implodes, the more racist such as Bigot Bob want to blame the left, cry Obama, and even in this case, reach way down in the well for a grasp of Bernie.

@Ajay42302: Thanks for making point about you more clear.

@Mully: Aw, come on, Mully. Have you EVER detected AJ being interested in facts over left wing lies and cowardice?

@Brother Bob:

@Ajay42302: Just curious, but do you have any substance to back your charges?

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!! That is the FUNNIEST thing you’ve written yet!!

Ok, so now KFC is not going to be allowed to sell chicken anymore because they have been advertising it as southern fried chicken when it is actually from a yankee state. No, they can not sell southern chicken in the North either. So they’re screwed. Then of all things. Taco Bell employees are protesting Ronald McDonald, say he’s not ‘really’ a clown. That he’s an imposter. What’ll they think of next.

@Brother Bob: Charges of your racism? You’ve openly admitted to it. Selective memory? Playing the Bill game?

Regardless, my point was that while this freak show of a president thrives on incompetence and division, promotes police violence, profiteers instead of govern, takes dishonesty to unseen levels, pulls his own party down his racist and vulgar path, says that some neo-nazis and KKK members are “very good people”, hasn’t accomplished anything for the actual good of the people, snubbed and backstabbed the very people that helped him, you do your one trick pony show crying Obama and resurrecting failed candidates, as if that somehow exonerates your pro-Nazi hero.


@Brother Bob: Charges of your racism? You’ve openly admitted to it. Selective memory? Playing the Bill game?

There you go, gutless. Making your hollow accusations without any substantiations, essentially ADMITTING you are a lying, sniveling, cowardly spore.

Regardless, my point was that while this freak show of a president thrives on incompetence and division, promotes police violence,

Well, here is how the divisiveness works. First, some lying little liberal dweeb (oh, YOU know the type) creates a divisive position of Trump’s. You invent statements he “made”, misrepresent his statements by interpreting what “he really meant” and using fake, fabricated “news” reports to support your lie-based agenda. THEN you get your panties in a twist over what you WANTED him to say. Every one of the sins of Trump that YOU, for instance, harp on are all based on lies. Racism? Nope, none. Hates immigrants? No, you invented that. Misogyny? No, you have no evidence and took comments, twisted them, and made them say what you wanted to hear. Promoting violence? No, ALL the violence is a reaction to the leftist lies created above, which was done with the PURPOSE of inciting violence.

Now, I look forward to your stupid, inane, cowardly, sniveling, liberal reply because I just LOVE ripping you and your weak, silly, unsubstantiated accusations to shed. You are a punching bag… of excrement. And, tell Soros, when you are making out with his sphincter, I said “Go f**k your Nazi-sympathizing self.”

@Bill… Deplorable Me:
I didn’t bother reading your spewage but I’m sure Bigot Bob (the guy I actually responded to) has the capability to peck out his own response rather than rely on an insignificant resident troll like you to do it for him.

And then again, perhaps not?


I didn’t bother reading your spewage

“… because I am a sniveling little coward that cannot bear to have a single fact enter into my liberal, atrophied brain.”

rather than rely on an insignificant resident troll like you to do it for him.

You mentioned me in your sprint away from a response, so if you don’t want the horn, don’t mess with the bull, cowardly little worm.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: yes he posts under various names. I guess he thinks he fools someone. Ajay42302Andy42302Hojay42302Hayjay42302 that we know of and probably several that we don’t recognize. Asshole42302 is likely him also. He doesn’t have anything to say. He’s lost before he gets here. Probably that sphincter episode you mentioned.
He’s gonna have to re-incarnate himself and come back and try to fool us again. But that only lasts one or two posts before the real idiot shows up and reveals who he really is. So, just watch for a ‘new’ guy to show up, very soon. We all now know HoJay so he’ll be disappearing soon. bye HayJay

Family reunion picture?

yes that’s Hojay, 3rd row, 2nd from left

Oh yea, and if you keep that same last name 42302, you’ll be easy to recognize.

@Brother Bob: @Redteam:

Neither makes a lick of sense which I guess was, your intentions?

@Ajay42302: Huh? I didn’t have any problem understanding it.
You didn’t recognize yourself in the picture?

@Redteam: The shape of the hats match the shapes of their heads then, as now.