Welcome back everybody – busy week so let’s get straight to the crazy!
8/4 – Wasserman Schultz blames probe into arrested IT staffer on racial and ethnic bias
The Party of the Racial Victimhood Industry – Part I
8/5 – ‘Professional Cuddling’ a Growing Industry Because…Trump!
I am absolutely shocked and surprised by this. Not that it happened, but that it wasn’t passed down as a mandate during the Obama administration
8/5 – GOP Ad: Democrats Will Destroy Health Care Even More with Single-Payer
Translate: “Don’t vote for those Democrats who want to force single payer on us! Vote for the party who will slowly shepherd our health care system to single payer instead!”
8/6 – Pence Slams ‘Disgraceful’ New York Times Over ‘Fake News’ Article
Radical Leftists continue to fantasize that everyone is on board with their Coup D’ Etat fantasies. Yes, America is just waiting for President Trump to be primaried by the great… John Kasich!
8/6 – De Blasio’s lame ‘tax the rich’ fix for the subway
Sadly, the late, great Lemmy from Motorhead was unavailable for comment
8/6 – Healthy Feminism Still Exists. I Found It In An Auditorium In New York City.
Yes, seriously. Waiting for condemnation from the Radical Left in 3,2,1…
8/7 – THE RAPE AND MURDER OF KARINA VETRANOAnd the predictable response of the Racism-Industrial-Complex.
The Party of the Racial Victimhood Industry – Part II
8/7 – What’s It Like to See a Democracy Destroyed?
This is a a story about Venezuela. For commentary I’ll turn to William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove:
“It’s been a long time since Venezuela actually was a democracy, but, this is meant to be against Trump”
8/7 – Maxine Waters Won’t Rule Out All-Black Party
The party of Segregation strikes again!
8/7 – Media Ignore Potential for Democrat Nightmare in 2018
I don’t buy too much into these political speculation articles from either direction, but this one raised one interesting point that I’m surprised that nobody (myself included) has mentioned yet:
Typically, when a party is in power, its voters become complacent therefore less enthusiastic, and therefore less likely to vote in midterm elections. However, that isn’t happening this time. The special elections show that complacency isn’t setting in. Why not? Because of the media and the Democrats’ insane overreach.
There was no January honeymoon period where Trump’s approval was in the sixties and everyone gave him a chance. There was no top-down feeling from Democratic leaders that elections have consequences. There was no momentary spirit of this-is-what-the-people-want bipartisanship. Instead, there were apocalyptic, Democracy-is-over attacks. Mainstream media smearing. One obsolete Russia narrative after another. Bureaucrats leaking any scrap of classified information that might be damaging to Trump. Outrageous accusations on a daily basis.
Ironically (and unwisely), Democrats and the mainstream media are standing in the way of Republican complacency. Their anti-Trump overreach is counterproductive to their electoral goals. And, right now, it’s the glue holding together a Republican party that might have imploded without the unifying cause of defeating leftist nonsense.
8/8 – Do Democrats Resent Having to Make an Argument?
Great read, but it stops just short of the obvious root cause: Democrats resent the fact that opposing views are still allowed to exist
8/9 – Dem Rep Says Painting of Statue of Liberty in Hijab ‘Earned Spot on My Wall’
I don’t understand why anyone on the right would complain. This is a perfect representation of today’s Democrats and should be publicized!
8/9 – The endless, impossible search for just one conversation that doesn’t mention Trump
We talk about him on dates, in bars, at the therapist’s. When did we become so boring?
Become? And what do you mean “we”, Kemosabe? #NoDCIsn’tABubble Best line in the article:
But now: “My therapy sessions have become an MSNBC panel,” one Washington-based journalist tells us.
8/10 – ACLU Lawyer Refuses To Defend The First Amendment Because Milo Is ‘Reprehensible’
Not the entire ACLU mind you, just the nimrod who had no problem defending Bradley Manning
8/11 – Even lefty Seymour Hersh agrees that the Russian fable begin in the mind of Obama’s CIA director.
I know, I’m preaching to the choir. This is just another arrow for your quiver to use when you want to anger Leftists with facts
One last story – a bit long, but incredibly timely and worth your read. You get bonus points if you can scroll down quickly enough to not read when it was published until after you’re done reading.
Weekend Must-Read: Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist
As usual, we close out with a series of tweets. Thanks to Nanny G. for mentioning the Lena Dunham story in last week’s comments – instead of citing her story I give you Iowahawk’s take on it. And the last tweet today is from the previous week but it won the Internet for that day..
RT if you think Lena Dunham should only travel by trebuchet https://t.co/t78vjh7IDF
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 3, 2017
1) go in, eat
2) throw shit fit at 18% surcharge bc they assumed your gender / misgendered you#ProgTrap https://t.co/7GjPkwZFIQ— Best Hat (@ClarkHat) August 6, 2017
Well to be fair a lot of people were thrown into mass graves in nature https://t.co/5IQMvCgwl2
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 8, 2017
That's just a little bit more than the law will allow. https://t.co/vbdYEl8zSr
— Super 70s Sports (@Super70sSports) August 3, 2017
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
So, is this why the left is assaulting Jared Kushner… because of their Antisemitism?
The Democrat Party has been a conglomeration of diverse interest groups which the party leadership has been making promises to, often conflicting among themselves. Now, it appears some of these interest groups are become displeased with how much influence they actually wield and are trying to break off. First, it was women, and now Mad Maxine suggests blacks break off.
This has been the liberal state of mind, anyway. Each of these interest groups demand what is good for only them and cannot conceive having any consideration for the needs and wants of anyone else.
I couldn’t encourage this more.
More evidence of liberal sore losership. How do they demonstrate their hatred of a President that is not Hillary? Why, by showing how much they hate the United States of America which, coincidentally, is exactly what a vote for Hillary shows.
“The Statue of Liberty stands for #inclusion, #acceptance, and #freedom. The young woman who painted this is trying very hard to show people that she is an #American. If I took down her painting, I’d be telling the world her experiences don’t matter and she did something wrong. This is her country too, and she earned that spot on my wall.” And we all see every day how inclusive, accepting and free it is anywhere Muslims rule.
If Hillary becomes a preacher in a church, expect the collection plates to be the size of garbage can lids to be passed around every 15 minutes during her 2 hour sermons (which cost $300,000 each) and no one allowed to leave the sanctuary until they pay up. Because, it IS all about salvation.
Maxine Waters id nuts a total maniac and getting worst everyday She needs be taken to the mental ward and placed in a padded cell in a streight jacket
@Spurwing Plover:
james brown-waters and her banker husband embezzled millions out of low income housing in the useless ca. why is she not in jail with the whore dog billy, the slut hillary and the radicalized muslin terrorist -gay obama
@Spurwing Plover: Nah, she’s perfect as the face of today’s Democrats!
The Governor of Virginia acknowledges reality and says what needs to be said: Virginia governor to white nationalists: ‘Go home … shame on you’
As reported by BBC News: A reckoning in Charlottesville
Also from the BBC: ‘Very violence scenes’ as far-right marchers and protesters clash in Virginia
@Greg: I wonder why he did not implore the equally shameful Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA leave, so peace would be restored? Oh, that’s right… McAuliffe is an liberal that uses violence and intimidation as a weapon and he WANTED the left to intimidate others into silence.
The “protesters” (aka ANTIFA) touched off the violence. As usual.
You leftists celebrated your fascist violence. Enjoy the results.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #7:
The sort equivalency that suggests is total bullshit. People who protest racists and Nazis aren’t necessarily the other side of the same coin. They aren’t organizing themselves into bat-shit crazy armed militias, mumbling angrily about minority groups and taking back “their” country, and the eventual need to take down the federal government. They usually aren’t who you’re reading about in stories like this one:
Oklahoma man charged in anti-government bomb plot
@Spurwing Plover: Maxi needs her maxi stuffed in her mouth. All Black party? What would ‘she’ say if someone proposed an ‘all white’ party? You think she would say ‘racist’?
@Greg: So, you don’t believe in the right to peaceful protests? The white group got a permit of have a rally… they showed up ‘uanarmed’. then the fascists showed up, armed, determined to not allow them to have their permitted peaceful rally. The the Mayor told the police to stand by and not interfere until given the order to do so. They never were given the order to interfere. The mayor ‘clearly’ wanted the protest to become violent. He did all he could personally do to insure it. Who is at fault? Clearly the Dumbocrap mayor.
Hey dingbat, you don’t seem to realize which group it was that showed up armed. It was the black Latter Day Nazi’s, showed up armed and started the fighting. The police were told to not interfere. This was completely planned.
@Redteam, #11:
That isn’t true—as in, it’s complete bullshit, and you have no proof that it’s true, because it isn’t. Show me the photos you’ve found of phalanxes of counter-protesters formed up with painted shields (note the man in the center of the photo), or wearing body armor and camouflage fatigues and toting semi-automatic versions of military assault weapons.
I’m growing weary of this sort of dangerous idiocy, and of apologists pretending it’s something other than what anyone with a frickin’ brain can see that it is.
Militia providing protection to hate groups at Unite the Right in Charlottesville
There Is Only One Side to the Story of Charlottesville
Militia in Charlottesville
@Greg: None of those support your point. In one you say they are armed with assault weapons. There is clearly no weapons in the hands of the Americans.