Greetings Mr. and Mrs. America, and all of our ships at sea! As we unofficially hit summer’s midpoint I hope that everyone is having a fun and safe one. But of course, stupid never goes on vacation, so let’s jump right in and start with two from the previous week that missed our deadline:
7/11 – What would happen to Tesla without subsidies, tax breaks for electric car buyers?
Apparently Elon Musk doesn’t like it when you point out his company would be bankrupt without subsidies. No wonder he was so angry over the Paris agreement!
7/14 – Black Activists Criticize Gore for Comparing Climate Change Advocacy to Fight Against Slavery
Reminding us that Hillary and John Kerry aren’t the only nimrods we should be grateful lost their presidential elections!
7/15 – Phil Donahue: Trump era ‘darkest political moment’ in (American) history
Instapundit: “Wow, who knew the Civil War, Wilson cracking down on civil liberties during WWI, FDR’s Japanese internment camps, the Cold War, JFK’s assassination and Watergate were all pretty much small beans in comparison?”
7/16 – CNN Panelist Calls Out ‘Opposition Party’ Media, Stelter Plays Dumb
7/16 – Tired of Being Wrong, Climate Alarmists Move Doomsday to Next Century
At least when our side’s doomsday cultists end up being wrong they generally go away. Their cult leaders demand more money.
7/16 – Bernie’s wife blames FBI probe of her alleged bank fraud on…sexism.
Why not? Anyone dumb enough to still think that Socialism works is dumb enough to believe this.
7/17 – Patriots Coach Bill Belichick’s Military Shirt Annoying the Crap Out of Liberals
“Celebrate the end of Osama Bin Laden with this T-shirt.” As much as I dislike Belichick and the Patriots it’s hard not to like him here…
7/17 – Tapson: The Left’s Next Step – Redefining ‘Hate Speech’ as Violence
This needs to be a post of it’s own. As others have written, “My violence is speech but your speech is violence”
7/17 – DC Comics Reboots Snagglepuss as ‘Gay, Southern Gothic Playwright’
Destroying an iconic character on the altar of PC? Marvel must be proud – imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
7/18 – ‘Out’ Magazine to Readers: Drop Your Gay Conservative Friends
This weeks edition of “Your best bigotry comes from the Radical Left!”
7/18 – Linda Sarsour Says Jake Tapper Is A White Nationalist
Popcorn, please!
7/19 – Louisiana Democrats Purge Thomas Jefferson, the Man Who Acquired Louisiana
The Radical Left – making America dumber one Memory Hole at a time!
7/19 – Feminist Critic Trashes New Doctor Who For Not Being Black And Transgender
I shouldn’t be surprised when my ridiculously over the top jokes mocking Leftists come true two days later…
7/19 – Women’s March Accuses NRA Ad of Supporting Terrorism… Then Praises a Terrorist
Speaking of stupidity from Feminists…
7/20 – Gay Activist on Targeting Christians: We’re Going to Punish the Wicked’
I’m a bit disappointed. As I’ve said many times before, I support every gay couple’s right to marry in the mosque of their choice!
7/20 – Bill Nye Can’t Wait for ‘Climate Deniers’ to Die Off
Bill, Bill, Bill. As I’ve said about the many changes that Climatistas want us to make to our lives, why don’t you lead by example?
7/20 – Lena Dunham to Appear in Season Seven of ‘American Horror Story’
(Rude comment overload)
7/21 – Minnesota Schools Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners
And the public school system continues to advertise for the benefits of charter schools and homeschooling.
Have a great weekend everybody!
DNC: we will help you get better skills
Democrats: HOW DARE YOU IMPLY I AM ANYTHING BUT A SAINTLY VICTIM— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 20, 2017
Good to see the media take a break from saying Senator McCain wants to kill people long enough to praise him for standing up for Obama
— Sean Spicier (@sean_spicier) July 20, 2017
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Basically, the liberal ideology has failed so miserably that when some liberals hear statements they have NO response to or argument against, it makes them SO mad as to begin to erode their health. Well, that is THEIR problem, not mine.
Al Gore has a big ship on his shoulder the big block of wood on top of his neck Bill Nye the Mad Scienists guy what real serious scienists is going around wearing a dumb bow-tie anyway.ENVIROEMNTALISMS A SPREADING NEW AGE INSANITY CUASED BY A STRICT VEGAN DIET SNACKING ON ASSORTED NUTS AND WATCHING CRAP LIKE CAPTIAN PLANET & THE PLANETEERS AND WATCHING THE CRAPPY MOVIE AVATAR ALL 365 DAYS
I love those parody accounts: Sean Spicier and Sarah H. Sandiers.
The Sarah one reminded me how illegals are deporting themselves since Trump took office.
There have been thousands of “voters” who have insisted on taking themselves off the voter rolls since Trump announced his plan to investigate voter fraud.
Nearly 4,000 Colorado voters have canceled their voter registrations …. and that’s just one small population state!
Vermont had 372 requests to remove names from voter rolls in just the 1st hours after Trump’s request to that state.
It’s all part of what should be dubbed, “The Trump Effect.”
the stupidity of the left is never curable. they do not know the difference between rebellion and revolution-really big difference. the left is engaging in a Jacquerie type of rebellion pattered of 1358. the design is to restore the ancien regime hillary the slut lost but need to get her back in is the long and short of this movement
Libturd losers acting like libturd losers, not really anything of importance here!!
For NEXT week.
Do not miss this one:
Black Students Overrun College – Make Whites Pay ‘Slavery Reparations’ By Using Their Urine Against Them
Yes, White Students will not be allowed to go to the bathroom without a POV (Person of Color) escorting them!
How long before Evergreen College is a POV-only campus?