Fights broke out the other day in Berkeley California between pro-Trump and anti-Trump protesters.
At least 21 people were arrested as Trump supporters and opponents clashed Saturday at a park in Berkeley, California, police said.
Eleven people were injured, with seven transported to the hospital in unknown condition, Berkeley Police spokesman Byron White told CNN.
“A large number of fights have occurred and numerous fireworks have been thrown in the crowds,” Berkeley police said in a statement. “There have also been numerous reports of pepper spray being used in the crowd.”
CNN affiliate KPIX reported that Trump supporters planned a “Patriot Day” rally at noon and counter-protesters showed up a few hours earlier.
The bottom line is Trump supporters got tired of being beaten up, tired of one way violence. Video of a woman being punched is being splashed all over the left wing news. The mainstream news was very sympathetic to her.
But there’s a lot more to the story.
(Sidebar: look at the crap Google gives you when you search for “woman assaulted at Trump rally” They give you virtually nothing about what you’re looking for and everything about what they want you to read.)
Rachel Casey, who was assaulted at a Trump rally, got no such sympathy.
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Donald Trump supporters were mobbed and assaulted by protesters on Thursday night after the candidate’s campaign rally in California.
The violence broke out after the event in San Jose wrapped up just before 8 p.m. local time (11 p.m. ET). Some Trump supporters were punched. One woman wearing a “Trump” jersey was cornered, spat on, and pelted with eggs and water bottles.
She asked for it, you see. She was “flipping off” anti-Trumpers and deserved it, as opposed to poor Louise Rosealma. She got punched in the face by Nathan Damigo, who CBS News immediately reported to be a “white Nationalist.” Louise is a porn actress who goes by a number of different names. Here is her Facebook posting prior to the conflict:
“Determined to bring back 100 Nazi scalps” What neither CBS nor anyone else in the left wing media reported was that sweet Louise was not some innocent bystander. In this image you can see her holding a bottle, presumably to aid help in her quest for 100 scalps.
And in this image she appears to be wearing what is called a “sap glove” ( a weighted glove). They’re illegal in California.
Louise wasn’t “asking for it” when she was throwing bottles and punching out Trump supporters with weighted gloves and looking for scalps. She wasn’t asking for it when she assaulted Damigo.
So where the hell were the Berkeley cops? They were sitting on their asses.
Which seems to be what California cops are told to do when conservatives are under attack.
Someone has opened a bag of idiots in California. There are also a bags of idiots open at CBS, NBC and ABC.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
snowflakes and idiots, do any of these people work except for getting paid to protest?
Berkerley is a blight in america a comminity of socalists scumbags and a totl eyesore everybody needs to totaly boycott this disgusting toxic waste dump in america this summer just drive right by this pigsty city of liberal snowflake scum
Note that, once again, the liberal media and the left in general, are encouraging violence. They do this by their biased coverage of the violence, the protection and defense of those who initiate it and the promotion of the false narratives leftist propaganda uses to incite the violence.
Of course, when conservatives fight back, this only provides further opportunities for reporting how poor, innocent snowflakes got beat up, for no reason, by some mean old Republicans.
However, the violence is going to increase and spread because the right is no longer going to take it and the left incites the violence for the propaganda value. That is the Obama legacy and the legacy of the New Democrat party.
Poor lil moldy locks had a backpack full of bottles to throw at the Trump crowd. There are more than just the news cameras these days recording things, the media can lie and find those idiots that will back up their lies but before they do, 100 videos are already uploaded to expose them. The sweet group this unwashed unshaven porn pig ran to represent , is selling concealable knives to slice up conservatives. Anything to shut down freedom of speech they dont like. They are the fascists and educated at our finest universities.
So, taking the scalp of Hitler supporters is bad?
The Third Army was a disgrace?
(No surprise there, as Gen Patton liberated a few extermination camps, even making the local officials visit the camps. One official and his wife committed suicide as a result.)
Hitler would have been proud of them
He should have scarred her face so she could have something to remember that day by for the rest of her life
In Auburn University, the police stopped all the protesters (from whichever side) and made them uncover their faces.
One female protester, all in Antifa black, carried a heavy metal bar, like a crowbar.
Once she realized she would be identifiable if she brained someone with her heavy bar, she dropped it.
In front of the police.
They told her to pick it up.
She wouldn’t be able to use it.
But she’d have to carry it.
@MOS #8541: Our poor little dreadlocked victim comes from a very wealthy area of Cali, she has so much to protest, dammit she wanted Malibu barbie and got a stinking pink corvette cause dad said 35 barbie dolls was enough, that evil done to her remains unresolved.
Lenin,Stalin and Mao would love these berkeley bolshevek pigs behaving like untamed beasts they all need to be deported from america to the amazon where they can live as the wild uncivilized monsters they are just as so long as the leave the indignoius tribes alone and are banned from the cities towns and villages