The National Security Agency’s effort to eavesdrop on communications between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides reportedly also captured private conversations involving U.S. lawmakers and members of American Jewish groups.
The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that the NSA’s monitoring of such exchanges raised fears that the Obama administration would be accused of spying on Congress, with one official calling it an “oh, s— moment”.
…The sweeping up of conversations between Israeli officials and U.S. lawmakers began in earnest earlier this year, ahead of a March visit to Capitol Hill by Netanyahu to speak out against the developing Iran nuclear deal, and continued through this past September, when the deadline for Congress to block the deal passed.
The Journal, citing U.S. officials, reported that Netanyahu’s office repeatedly attempted to learn details about changes in U.S. positions during the sensitive nuclear talks. Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., Ron Derner, was described as coaching unnamed Jewish- American groups to press members of Congress, especially Democrats, to oppose the deal.
A spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington described the U.S. claims as “total nonsense.”
The White House, reportedly wary of the political fallout if the spying on Netanyahu was to become public, allowed the NSA to determine what conversations should be disclosed to Obama administration officials and what should be kept secret. The Journal reported that the NSA removed the names of U.S. lawmakers from the intelligence reports it shared, and also redacted any criticism of the Obama administration.
Here we have Obama and pals using targeted surveillance to stifle debate about the pending Iranian deal.
According to the Journal, “stepped-up NSA eavesdropping revealed to the White House how Mr. Netanyahu and his advisers had leaked details of the U.S.-Iran negotiations—learned through Israeli spying operations—to undermine the talks; coordinated talking points with Jewish-American groups against the deal; and asked undecided lawmakers what it would take to win their votes, according to current and former officials familiar with the intercepts.”
…So, why was the White House still spying on Israel? The answer is that the administration wanted to know if Israel had uncovered secrets that Obama staffers were concealing from many if not all of its allies: First, the fact that the White House had entered negotiations with Iran over its nuclear weapons program; and later, after the talks became public, the details of the negotiations. The administration would argue, perhaps rightly, that the secrecy of negotiations and the details of the talks were matters of national security. Others would contend that the real purpose of keeping the talks secret was to silence its critics.
According to the Journal, the White House believed that spying on the Israeli prime minister and other officials, “could be valuable to counter Mr. Netanyahu’s campaign” against the Iran Deal. However, the Journal relates, officials “also recognized that asking for it was politically risky. So, wary of a paper trail stemming from a request, the White House let the NSA decide what to share and what to withhold, officials said. “We didn’t say, ‘Do it,’ ” a senior U.S. official said. “We didn’t say, ‘Don’t do it.’ ”
This story makes no sense. For starters, according to multiple sources in Congress and the intelligence community, the NSA never sent the White House any “intercepts” about how the Israeli government was coordinating its talking points with American-Jewish groups or suborning lawmakers, the latter of which would obviously be a very serious violation of criminal law.
…Legally, as the Journal story notes, intercepts recording communications between “foreign intelligence targets and members of Congress” are supposed to be destroyed. If Israeli officials were really coordinating “talking points with Jewish-American groups against the deal” and bribing US lawmakers to win their votes, the information would have gone to the FBI and Department of Justice, not the White House.
But of course, Israeli officials were neither “coordinating” nor were they bribing, because here’s the main point, which nearly everyone in Washington, especially in the pro-Israel community, understands: Even if Bibi and the rest of the government of Israel were craven enough, and wealthy enough, and delusional enough, to try to buy off all of Washington, they all know—and have known for decades—that the NSA is listening to their communications. If Ambassador Ron Dermer, say, were to dictate “talking points” or try to bribe lawmakers, especially those already opposed to the Iran deal, he would be knowingly setting up Americans, including Israel’s friends and allies, for criminal prosecution. The premise is absurd, including the idea that government officials in Jerusalem plan communications and lobbying strategies for American Jewish groups (although that would explain why they’ve been so tone-deaf recently).
In fact, according to multiple sources reached recently, no one in the American intelligence community was spying on U.S. citizens or our elected representatives, and forwarding their names to the White House; the White House just wanted them to believe this was happening. Why? The Journal story only coheres if these purported intercepts are understood as part of the White House’s aggressive campaign to spook possible opponents of the Iran deal.
In essence…stifling debate.
When the Justice Department began investigating possible leaks of classified information about North Korea in 2009, investigators did more than obtain telephone records of a working journalist suspected of receiving the secret material.
They used security badge access records to track the reporter’s comings and goings from the State Department, according to a newly obtained court affidavit. They traced the timing of his calls with a State Department security adviser suspected of sharing the classified report. They obtained a search warrant for the reporter’s personal e-mails.
The case of Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, the government adviser, and James Rosen, the chief Washington correspondent for Fox News, bears striking similarities to a sweeping leaks investigation disclosed last week in which federal investigators obtained records over two months of more than 20 telephone lines assigned to the Associated Press.
Obama and pals attempted to silence conservative groups using the IRS. They targeted reporters over North Korea. They targeted Israel when it appeared, shockingly, that they would object to deal with Iran. Now we find out they used similar surveillance techniques to collect intel on members of the Trump team and then selectively leaked that information to the their media loyalists to delegitimize the Trump team.
Face it. Obama and pals weaponized the intelligence community to blackmail, smear and silence critics of the Administration.

See author page
Face it.
You lie!
That last paragraph sums up your ignorance and willingness to make stuff up.
What is it about this alt-right conservativism that results in brain rot.
Theres no doupts about Obamas dirty work his hands are in the cookie jar him and the DemacRAT party are underhanded and dastadly
Extra-legal activity is the way of all socialists. After all, what are they going to do to further their cause; tout all their successes and benefits to mankind? They HAVE to blackmail those who would expose the truth about them.
Do we have two different justice systems?
Do the donor class and high level politicians and their stooges, i.e. Lois Lerner, Hillary, and many others, have immunity from federal prosecution? We will find out by the end of 2017. The answer is probably a foregone conclusion, but I will never forget or let these sleaze bags sweep it under the rugs.
The left doesn’t see that their narrative flopped. No one believes the Trump-Russia B.S. because so many Breaking News and This Is The Smoking Gun events have flopped. Completely.
The Susan Rice story, on the other hand, makes people think they’ve been lied to as a distraction from the real crime.
This article has more evidence in it than a year of CNN bullshit about Russia.
you are truly an apostate
Liberals don’t mind being lied to, if liberals are lying to them. The truth has no value except when it serves a political purpose.
They celebrate conservatives being eavesdropped upon or attacked by the IRS and they understand their “leaders” lying to cover up their illegal acts. It would be far different, however, it that were turned upon them.
Face it; you’re an idiot.
But Trump’s has the Floppy ones like Curt, MedicalMalpractice, RedTeam and Billy -D ready and willing to swallow his tripe.
@PhillipMarlowe: Which fake scandal the dems russian connection?
Poor Dems… their one and only straw to grasp has blown up in their stupid faces.
But it hasn’t actually gone away, has it?
From FOX News: Think tank with ties to Putin reportedly had plans to sway election in Trump’s favor
From PBS: Russian think tank planned to influence the U.S. election, new documents reveal
From CNN: Sources: Russia tried to use Trump advisers to infiltrate campaign
From FOX News: France concerned over Russian interference in elections amid reports of hacking, fake news
And from The Hill, today: House intel panel invites former acting AG Sally Yates to testify
@PhillipMarlowe:It’s true the FA Trumpeteers are really in lock step behind their leader.
Only D.J. surprises me a little—those you mentioned plus Nan and Spewing Bile just love the guy’
Many here seem to have gone quiet rather than embarrass themselves–favorite bumper sticker–Vote Trump Nobody Needs To Know.
@Greg: You actually citing Fox news ….Bwahahahahaha
CNN fake news, PBS liberal trash, The hill, well didn’t you say the Reps were trying to shut her up???
There are well documented cases of the Obama admin trying to influence elections across the globe, so what, its what Super Powers do, Obama failed just failed at it.
I thought you folks took seriously everything that FOX News reported. What are you relying on now? Trump’s Twitter stream?
@Greg: Bwahahahahaha bless your heart. The new CEO will end a dissenting voice, however small it really was, to the socialist goose stepping media. Hint its all fake every bit of it from PBS to Fox.
There are loads of places to get news, the real stuff , no “a source on the inside says”… crap.
All the weirdos that years ago were called conspiracy nuts are being vindicated by revelations in wikileaks, Smart tvs spying on you in the den ect. you do have to sort through a ton of Obama under arrest in Japan for cocaine smuggling stuff, Ruth Gingsburg found dead a daily thing now.
It is too precious to see you cite Fox thanks for todays amusement.
@kitt: It’s all fake.
@Greg: “Reportedly”. Then everyone cites the same “reportedly”. Where’s the beef? You’ve been trying to develop that story for over 6 months; when will you find some substance? All that gets revealed is Obama’s abuse of intel services.
Trump administration still considering how to make it easier to sue the media, Priebus says…
…and, d-mn it, the media is making them look bad by telling people about it. Very poor planning. This is what happens when you don’t have blackshirts you can send out to smash up printing presses.
If he wanted to, he could hire them from the Democrats.
@PhillipMarlowe: There are still some sources that will report even if its news conservatives dont like. But for the most part its completely fake made up scat or propaganda.
So nice to hear from you when you are not name calling or bashing. lil hug and kudos
Would it be “a smear” to keep public comments a new Trump appointee has posted in the past available for public review, after an attempt has been made to purge and bury them?
Deleted Posts From HHS Assistant Secretary Yoest’s Website
So, we’ve got another fundamentalist, anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ rights crusader in a position to propagandize on the taxpayers’ dime. What were you saying about “weaponization?”
All of the screenshots are of posts that were recently purged from her website, Reasoned Audacity. (The Reasoned part isn’t actually applicable.) They forgot about the Wayback Machine archives and Google’s internet cache.