Sunday Funnies

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It should be noted that the same hollywood celeberties that blabber the most about Global Warming/Climate Change(Leonardo DiCaprio)who is a big supporter of eco-wacko groups like the NRDC,GREENPEACE,EDF,FREIND OF THE EARTH,SIERRA CLUB Etc live in big fancy homes dly all over the world in their leer and gulfstream jets((John Travolta as a 707)big yachts(Like DiCaprio who borrowed one)and also DiCaprio flew from paris to New York and back to paris again in his private jet to ecsept a award from some eco-wacko group and movie director James Cameron(Aavtar)said we need to live with less but still has more and none of his homes have any solar pannels likewise with Redford who opposes drilling for oil and frcking while narrating ads for United Airlines and sells land to developers around his sundance area while doing ads for the Wilderness Society lets ad Laurie David as well into the eco-hypotcrite fringe

Ben Garrison is good, but I don’t know who carries him.
Seems he’s an independent.
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I just read that those Standing Rock protesters are looking for gasoline money so they can go to Kansas yeah Fossil Fuels they protest againsts fossil fuels now they want money to buy fossil fuels(Gasoline,Diesel)so they can travel to kansas(Where Dorthy,toto and Aunte Em came from)so WHY DONT THEY JUST WALK THERE damn bunch of hypotcrites

The Birds of a Feather one a Blithering of idiots like we have seen at Standing Rock marching around protesting against fracking we see blithering of iidots on Earthday(April 22nd)we see a blithering of idiots on various campuses wanting their safe space(playpen)we see blithering of idiots in the various eco-wacko groups we see a blithering of idiots in Hollywood and most of all we wee a blithering of idiots amongst the little liberal snowflakes

Maxine Waters is nuttier then a warehouse hull of fruitcakes and more nutty then a 100 acher almond grove madder then a march hare and mad hatter